Sons and Lovers (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) (45 page)

BOOK: Sons and Lovers (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)
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None of these things, however, did she reveal to Paul. She was not the one to give herself away. There was a sense of mystery about her. She was so reserved, he felt she had much to reserve. Her history was open on the surface, but its inner meaning was hidden from everybody. It was exciting. And then sometimes he caught her looking at him from under her brows with an almost furtive, sullen scrutiny, which made him move quickly. Often she met his eyes. But then her own were, as it were, covered over, revealing nothing. She gave him a little, lenient smile. She was to him extraordinarily provocative, because of the knowledge she seemed to possess, and gathered fruit of experience he could not attain.
One day he picked up a copy of
Lettres de mon Moulin
from her work-bench.
“You read French, do you?” he cried.
Clara glanced round negligently. She was making an elastic stocking of heliotrope silk, turning the Spiral machine with slow, balanced regularity, occasionally bending down to see her work or to adjust the needles; then her magnificent neck, with its down and fine pencils of hair, shone white against the lavender, lustrous silk. She turned a few more rounds, and stopped.
“What did you say?” she asked, smiling sweetly.
Paul’s eyes glittered at her insolent indifference to him.
“I did not know you read French,” he said, very polite.
“Did you not?” she replied, with a faint, sarcastic smile.
“Rotten swank!” he said, but scarcely loud enough to be heard.
He shut his mouth angrily as he watched her. She seemed to scorn the work she mechanically produced; yet the hose she made were as nearly perfect as possible.
“You don’t like Spiral work,” he said.
“Oh, well, all work is work,” she answered, as if she knew all about it.
He marvelled at her coldness. He had to do everything hotly. She must be something special.
“What would you prefer to do?” he asked.
She laughed at him indulgently, as she said:
“There is so little likelihood of my ever being given a choice, that I haven’t wasted time considering.”
“Pah!” he said, contemptuous on his side now. “You only say that because you’re too proud to own up what you want and can’t get.”
“You know me very well,” she replied coldly.
“I know you think you’re terrific great shakes, and that you live under the eternal insult of working in a factory.”
He was very angry and very rude. She merely turned away from him in disdain. He walked whistling down the room, flirted and laughed with Hilda.
Later on he said to himself:
“What was I so impudent to Clara for?” He was rather annoyed with himself, at the same time glad. “Serve her right; she stinks with silent pride,” he said to himself angrily.
In the afternoon he came down. There was a certain weight on his heart which he wanted to remove. He thought to do it by offering her chocolates.
“Have one?” he said. “I bought a handful to sweeten me up.”
To his great relief, she accepted. He sat on the work-bench beside her machine, twisting a piece of silk round his finger. She loved him for his quick, unexpected movements, like a young animal. His feet swung as he pondered. The sweets lay strewn on the bench. She bent over her machine, grinding rhythmically, then stooping to see the stocking that hung beneath, pulled down by the weight. He watched the handsome crouching of her back, and the apron-strings curling on the floor.
“There is always about you,” he said, “a sort of waiting. Whatever I see you doing, you’re not really there: you are waiting—like Penelope when she did her weaving.”
He could not help a spurt of wickedness. “I’ll call you Penelope,” he said.
“Would it make any difference?” she said, carefully removing one of her needles.
“That doesn’t matter, so long as it pleases me. Here, I say, you seem to forget I’m your boss. It just occurs to me.”
“And what does that mean?” she asked coolly.
“It means I’ve got a right to boss you.”
“Is there anything you want to complain about?”
“Oh, I say, you needn’t be nasty,” he said angrily.
“I don’t know what you want,” she said, continuing her task.
“I want you to treat me nicely and respectfully.”
“Call you ‘sir,’ perhaps?” she asked quietly.
“Yes, call me ‘sir.’ I should love it.”
“Then I wish you would go upstairs, sir.”
His mouth closed, and a frown came on his face. He jumped suddenly down.
“You’re too blessed superior for anything,” he said.
And he went away to the other girls. He felt he was being angrier than he had any need to be. In fact, he doubted slightly that he was showing off But if he were, then he would. Clara heard him laughing, in a way she hated, with the girls down the next room.
When at evening he went through the department after the girls had gone, he saw his chocolates lying untouched in front of Clara’s machine. He left them. In the morning they were still there, and Clara was at work. Later on Minnie, a little brunette they called Pussy, called to him:
“Hey, haven’t you got a chocolate for anybody?”
“Sorry, Pussy,” he replied. “I meant to have offered them; then I went and forgot ’em.”
“I think you did,” she answered.
“I’ll bring you some this afternoon. You don’t want them after they’ve been lying about, do you?”
“Oh, I’m not particular,” smiled Pussy.
“Oh no,” he said. “They’ll be dusty.”
He went up to Clara’s bench.
“Sorry I left these things littering about,” he said.
She flushed scarlet. He gathered them together in his fist.
“They’ll be dirty now,” he said. “You should have taken them. I wonder why you didn’t. I meant to have told you I wanted you to.”
He flung them out of the window into the yard below. He just glanced at her. She winced from his eyes.
In the afternoon he brought another packet.
“Will you take some?” he said, offering them first to Clara. “These are fresh.”
She accepted one, and put it onto the bench.
“Oh, take several—for luck,” he said.
She took a couple more, and put them on the bench also. Then she turned in confusion to her work. He went on up the room.
“Here you are, Pussy,” he said. “Don’t be greedy!”
“Are they all for her?” cried the others, rushing up.
“Of course they’re not,” he said.
The girls clamoured round. Pussy drew back from her mates.
“Come out!” she cried. “I can have first pick, can’t I, Paul?”
“Be nice with ’em,” he said, and went away.
a dear,” the girls cried.
“Tenpence,” he answered.
He went past Clara without speaking. She felt the three chocolate creams would burn her if she touched them. It needed all her courage to slip them into the pocket of her apron.
The girls loved him and were afraid of him. He was so nice while he was nice, but if he were offended, so distant, treating them as if they scarcely existed, or not more than the bobbins of thread. And then, if they were impudent, he said quietly: “Do you mind going on with your work,” and stood and watched.
When he celebrated his twenty-third birthday, the house was in trouble. Arthur was just going to be married. His mother was not well. His father, getting an old man, and lame from his accidents, was given a paltry, poor job. Miriam was an eternal reproach. He felt he owed himself to her, yet could not give himself. The house, moreover, needed his support. He was pulled in all directions. He was not glad it was his birthday. It made him bitter.
He got to work at eight o’clock. Most of the clerks had not turned up. The girls were not due till 8.30. As he was changing his coat, he heard a voice behind him say:
“Paul, Paul, I want you.”
It was Fanny, the hunchback, standing at the top of her stairs, her face radiant with a secret. Paul looked at her in astonishment.
“I want you,” she said.
He stood, at a loss.
“Come on,” she coaxed. “Come before you begin on the letters.”
He went down the half-dozen steps into her dry, narrow, “finishing-off” room. Fanny walked before him: her black bodice was short—the waist was under her armpits—and her green-black cashmere skirt seemed very long, as she strode with big strides before the young man, himself so graceful. She went to her seat at the narrow end of the room, where the window opened on to chimney-pots. Paul watched her thin hands and her flat red wrists as she excitedly twitched her white apron, which was spread on the bench in front of her. She hesitated.
“You didn’t think we’d forgot you?” she asked, reproachful.
“Why?” he asked. He had forgotten his birthday himself.
“‘Why,’ he says! ‘Why!’ Why look here!” She pointed to the calendar, and he saw, surrounding the big black number “21,” hundreds of little crosses in black-lead.
“Oh, kisses for my birthday,” he laughed. “How did you know?”
“Yes, you want to know, don’t you?” Fanny mocked, hugely delighted. “There’s one from everybody—except Lady Clara—and two from some. But I shan’t tell you how many
“Oh, I know, you’re spooney,” he said.
“There you
mistaken!” she cried, indignant. “I could never be so soft.” Her voice was strong and contralto.
“You always pretend to be such a hard-hearted hussy,” he laughed. “And you know you’re as sentimental―”
“I’d rather be called sentimental than frozen meat,” Fanny blurted. Paul knew she referred to Clara, and he smiled.
“Do you say such nasty things about me?” he laughed.
“No, my duck,” the hunchback woman answered, lavishly tender. She was thirty-nine. “No, my duck, because you don’t think yourself a fine figure in marble and us nothing but dirt. I’m as good as you, aren’t I, Paul?” and the question delighted her.
“Why, we’re not better than one another, are we?” he replied.
“But I’m as good as you, aren’t I, Paul?” she persisted daringly.
“Of course you are. If it comes to goodness, you’re better.”
She was rather afraid of the situation. She might get hysterical.
“I thought I’d get here before the others—won’t they say I’m deep! Now shut your eyes―” she said.
“And open your mouth, and see what God sends you,” he continued, suiting action to words, and expecting a piece of chocolate. He heard the rustle of the apron, and a faint clink of metal. “I’m going to look,” he said.
He opened his eyes. Fanny, her long cheeks flushed, her blue eyes shining, was gazing at him. There was a little bundle of paint-tubes on the bench before him. He turned pale.
“No, Fanny,” he said quickly.
“From us all,” she answered hastily.
“No, but―”
“Are they the right sort?” she asked, rocking herself with delight.
“Jove! they’re the best in the catalogue.”
“But they’re the right sorts?” she cried.
“They’re off the little list I’d made to get when my ship came in.” He bit his lip.
Fanny was overcome with emotion. She must turn the conversation.
“They was all on thorns
to do it; they all paid their shares, all except the Queen of Sheba.”
The Queen of Sheba was Clara.
“And wouldn’t she join?” Paul asked.
“She didn’t get the chance; we never told her; we wasn’t going to have
show. We didn’t
her to join.”
Paul laughed at the woman. He was much moved. At last he must go. She was very close to him. Suddenly she flung her arms round his neck and kissed him vehemently.
“I can give you a kiss to-day,” she said apologetically. “You’ve looked so white, it’s made my heart ache.”
Paul kissed her, and left her. Her arms were so pitifully thin that his heart ached also.
That day he met Clara as he ran downstairs to wash his hands at dinner-time.
“You have stayed to dinner!” he exclaimed. It was unusual for her.
“Yes; and I seem to have dined on old surgical-appliance stock. I
go out now, or I shall feel stale india-rubber right through.”
She lingered. He instantly caught at her wish.
“You are going anywhere?” he asked.
They went together up to the Castle. Outdoors she dressed very plainly, down to ugliness; indoors she always looked nice. She walked with hesitating steps alongside Paul, bowing and turning away from him. Dowdy in dress, and drooping, she showed to great disadvantage. He could scarcely recognise her strong form, that seemed to slumber with power. She appeared almost insignificant, drowning her stature in her stoop, as she shrank from the public gaze.
The Castle grounds were very green and fresh. Climbing the precipitous ascent, he laughed and chattered, but she was silent, seeming to brood over something. There was scarcely time to go inside the squat, square building that crowns the bluff of rock. They leaned upon the wall where the cliff runs sheer down to the Park. Below them, in their holes in the sandstone, pigeons preened themselves and cooed softly. Away down upon the boulevard at the foot of the rock, tiny trees stood in their own pools of shadow, and tiny people went scurrying about in almost ludicrous importance.
“You feel as if you could scoop up the folk like tadpoles, and have a handful of them,” he said.
She laughed, answering:
“Yes; it is not necessary to get far off in order to see us proportionately. The trees are much more significant.”
“Bulk only,” he said.
She laughed cynically.
Away beyond the boulevard the thin stripes of the metals showed upon the railway-track, whose margin was crowded with little stacks of timber, beside which smoking toy engines fussed. Then the silver string of the canal lay at random among the black heaps. Beyond, the dwellings, very dense on the river flat, looked like black, poisonous herbage, in thick rows and crowded beds; stretching right away, broken now and then by taller plants, right to where the river glistened in a hieroglyph across the country. The steep scarp cliffs across the river looked puny. Great stretches of country darkened with trees and faintly brightened with corn-land, spread towards the haze, where the hills rose blue beyond grey.

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