Sorrow's Crown (18 page)

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Authors: Tom Piccirilli

Tags: #Mystery & Crime

BOOK: Sorrow's Crown
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People brushed shoulders with mine and continued talking without skipping a beat. Pompadours had sneaked back into style, and several white-haired gentlemen wore their hair up high and thick with sculpting mousse like Baptist televangelists. Conversations circulated around me, discussions ranging from stocks and politics to the latest sitcoms and sports statistics. The strata of the county could be noticed as clearly as striations in an emptied quarry. Nobody mentioned Teddy.

Time ran at a new pace as I waited for Shanks to join the party. Over an hour passed and I still felt wet from the rain. I circled back and Oscar and
were talking guns and duck hunting and had reached that point of being drunk when the world is a happy place and you love absolutely everybody in it. Before long they would settle into a friendship of sorts, maybe even before they passed out, but they needed to do so if they both intended to remain close to Anna. She could deal with the male rivalry, but not with petulance.

My grandmother finally caught my eye.

Years dropped to the floor around us like dead leaves, or bodies. I couldn't read anything in her features, and that frightened me. It seemed as if our lives unfurled for an instant until we were both the same age, eighteen or so, neither of us more secure or smarter than the other. I saw her in the photo again, side by side with Diane
had drawn her back into the dead past. When Anna spoke to him did she see a murderer, or a man she might have loved? Or a fate she had barely avoided? I tried to read her eyes but something kept shifting there.

Jocelyn appeared at my side and I backed out of the room with her gaze sutured to me. With Alice here I had a chance to check out the house in High Ridge, and see if Teddy actually was alive and hidden or snared inside, the way
had become trapped in the heart of
. I backed out another step and
turned now as well, and we made a pact of sorts. Again came the live pressure but no sense of a living presence, less intimidating than Oscar's aftershave.
quickly snapped back into himself this time, no longer unassuming and fading out of existence. He grew more substantial as the seconds flew by. Shanks would have called him, and seeing me must have proven to
that I wouldn't be letting go of this. A part of me reeled thinking that perhaps Anna had actually had an affair with him—and more than that, so much more than that, the idea that I might be his grandson. I looked into his eyes and took my time to dig deep, hunting through whatever it was he wanted to show me, and I saw that down in there, with all the rest of his coiled malice, rested the dormant, but still deadly, dragon.

~ * ~

A dark and thrashing animal, the night continued to squirm with wind and rain. I sat in the van praying that Anna knew what she was doing, and that I had at least a little more time to get
out of
. I still had the vague sense that somehow I was too slow and standing outside the rest of the world, watching everyone else cruising along. I needed to pick up my pace.

I drove down the slick private road and reached for the cell phone. I should have called Lowell after I left the hospital, but I'd been too worried. I hoped Brent could keep Shanks in line for a few more days.
would fail his psychological examination, and instead of going to jail he would be kept in
for the rest of his life, along with Christ only knew how many others Theodore
had left locked up to rot.

I coasted past the stone lions, out from beneath
' arcing name twisted in metal, and Nick
disengaged from the convulsing shadows. He stepped out into the open and walked toward the van. I stopped and he got in.

Even seated he kept himself crimped, low and tensed. Streams of water slithered across his face and ran down his badly trimmed beard, pooling in the seams of his black overcoat. He was soaked, but somehow didn't appear to actually be wet, as if only a moment of blotting with a handkerchief would have dried him completely. Someone so used to being out in the elements had a thousand ways of countering cold and rain, most importantly by ignoring them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

The wary edge in his shrewd, discerning eyes lifted a little. "Rummaging through their garbage, of course, what else? Figured there might be lots of good food going to waste. I was right."

It was only partly a joke. The odor of fresh shellfish and dill sauce flowed off him, and I could tell that
had served crab meat quiche for appetizers. Nick
gaping pockets were stuffed with crumbling bits of hors d'oeuvres. I would have offered to take him out to dinner if I wasn't so sure he'd turn me down.

"How do you know
?" I asked.

"I don't," he said. "Let's go."

We got moving again. The van handled well in the mud; all the sports cars were going to have trouble making it back to the highway later tonight. Nick rolled the window down just enough to let a nasty wind whistle come tearing across the front seat. It didn't bother him. Apparently nothing did. I kept seeing
come bursting into the restaurant covered in ice, capable of walking miles with the burning wire inside keeping him heated. What made such men? I'd stood in the rain for two minutes ringing the doorbell, complaining the whole time.

"You were in


"Tell me about it."


"I saw your brother."

"I know, I was watching you."

"You got past the gate?"

He huffed, the whistle underscoring his words as we swung up the looping back roads. "You forget that kids like to go tearing up the fields and the thickets behind the hospital? A lot of the fencing has been cut through or torn down, they go there to rip up the grounds with their trucks and get drunk and get laid. Bet you been back that way with a girlfriend or two yourself in your day. I didn't get too close, they've got three-man random patrols, but I saw you leaving. Is he making it?"

"So far."

"They won't bother him for a while, not until after they get him off the murder charge by considering him incompetent. A mental deficient. They won't touch him for a few months. Maybe longer. Then it will get bad." Nothing changed in his voice, but I heard his neck and shoulders crackle as he tightened. "Eventually Shanks will probably kill him. There's a lot of empty acreage on that property. A lot of bodies buried on it, too, I'd bet. Who the hell would ever care? Potter's Field isn't the only resting place for the destitute and schizophrenic."

always paid off Shanks?"

"Sure, Shanks has been there at least twenty years." The keening kept up with him, musical strains rising and falling, cold rushing my face and the rain starting to seep and run down the inside of the window. "Theodore
has got a lot of enemies, or thinks he does anyway. A lot of wives and bitter girlfriends, right? I'd think there are accountants who caused him some trouble along the way, too. A few pissed-off bastard sons. Some business partners? It makes sense. It isn't hard for lawyers to get a drinker committed for ten days. Or get somebody hooked up with cocaine. Or
them with prostitutes and paddles, living the good life for a while, then pull the whole magic rug out from under them. How about one of his wives or mistresses with post-partum depression. Once they go in for the ten days, they're in for good."

"Jesus Christ."

"A nice set-up if you want to vanish somebody."

Lowell had said the same thing. "Why were you in?" He simply shrugged.

"Shut that damn window, Nick. How did you get out?"

"I wasn't crazy, just had a period when I drank too much and didn't handle it well. Made me talk to myself. But I wasn't on
' shit list, or anybody else's for that matter. Not really. So they couldn't keep me in for long."

"But you dealt with Shanks."

"Oh, yes," Nick
said, and the honed blade of indignation slid into his tone. "I dealt with him."

The foothills of High Ridge came into view, rising levels falling back farther and higher into the mountainside. Only when I passed the statue of the lonely revolutionary war hero did I realize I'd been on auto-pilot and heading toward Alice Conway's home the whole time.

Nick reached for the CD player, checked
"Canon and Other Baroque Favorites," and gave a satisfied grunt. "Good taste in music. You really know how to use those hand controls well."

"It didn't take long."

"Yeah," he said. "You can get used to almost anything."

Alice Conway's brooding house showed through behind the thick line of oak and hickory, that same single foreboding yellow light shining in the darkness. The chipped and rutted driveway tossed gravel up against the grille. Caught in the heaving wind, those rotting leaves spun wildly against the porch. The rain gutters on the east side of the house had torn loose completely and lay on the lawn along with piles of crumbled wooden shingles.

"Why are we here?" he asked.

"I think Teddy
might still be alive and hiding inside."

"I never did buy that cutting the face off thing. There has to be a reason for it." He changed tracks on the CD until he came to Vivaldi's "Concerto in C major: Minuet.”“
is out of his mind, so it makes sense his kid might be, too. Okay, so you think the ME is in on it, too?"

"No, but he may have been duped, and the sheriff didn't ask many questions."

"No reason why he should, when you think about it. So who's the corpse then?"

"I have no idea. A friend he double-crossed. Somebody helping him out until things fell through."

"Doesn't sound like you really believe it."

“I don't."

"Well, you know how to play the string out anyway. Why here? This his girlfriend's house?"


We stepped up on the porch; the stairs creaked loudly beneath me but remained silent under Nick
. I thought I saw a blur of activity in the living room, like someone dropping back out of sight. Nick kept so low beside me that when I turned it took me a moment to spot him, hunkered below my shoulder. His coat snapped in the wind and he seemed at complete ease, as if nothing ever fell outside the reach of his own experiences.

I put my hand out to knock on the door, and he grabbed my wrist and held me in a rigid, impressive grip. Everybody was doing that to me lately and everybody was a hell of a lot stronger than me, too.

I said, "What?"

"You didn't hear that?"

"No, I didn't hear—"




It took a few seconds to focus past the rain pummeling the porch roof and the rustling of overgrown brush pressing hard against the railings. I stepped closer to the front door and heard a soft but anguished groaning. I thought of Alice Conway's look of desperation as she attempted to talk to Harries tonight, and could clearly see her being forced to choose sides: Teddy hiding in the house, arguing with her, Frost fighting and beating him, and Alice going to
to tell him that his son had escaped his influence and was still alive.

"I'll go around back," Nick said, reminding me how much like a cop he sometimes acted. I nodded at nothing—he'd already slipped away into the storm. I waited a minute but the groaning became louder, more intense, until I was sure Frost was killing Teddy this very moment. I tried the door and found it locked, but the wood of the jamb was so rotted that all I had to do was lean heavily on the knob and the door popped open. Splinters shot against my legs.

I stepped into the foyer and the harsh sharp stink of blood smacked me in the face like it had been hurled from a bucket. I moved toward the living room. Moonlight sporadically cut through the windows and sliced the house apart into the great black-and-white slats. Dark clouds frothed and the front rooms filled with silhouettes, curling black shapes, and gray murkiness.

Brian Frost lay in the center of the floor, tied to an overturned chair. Frost's face had been pulped, his teeth broken, and his nose so shattered that it leaned too far to the left and the right at the same time. Blood hung from his eyes and ears. He tried blinking at me but couldn't quite do it. It looked like I'd interrupted somebody from doing the same thing to Frost as had been done to the guy in the cemetery, except this time there'd been no shovel handy. I kneeled beside him and rested a hand on his chest as he gurgled his pain. Despite it all his breathing remained slow and regular.

I faded backward to the wall, listening for Nick and whoever had done this. A creak from a kitchen floorboard caused my ears to prick up. I sniffed, but didn't smell the hors
. It wasn't Nick. I hadn't heard a door or window open, so he might still be outside.

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