Soul-Bonded to the Alien (12 page)

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Authors: Serena Simpson

BOOK: Soul-Bonded to the Alien
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Switching to her other nipple he bit down, satisfaction flowing from him to her. She closed her eyes lost in the sensation of him burning against her.

She ran her hands down his back needing to touch him.

“Sunshine, this is all for you.”

“I want to touch you, Cal, to feel you burning me.”

“You say the sweetest things.”

‘“Not sweet, truth.”

The need to give back warred with her need to be greedy and accept all he was offering. She always kept part of herself locked away. This time she just wanted to experience being open with the male to whom she was committed for life.

He licked down the center of her chest making her feel cherished.


“Stay with me, Sunshine.”

He licked down the center of her breasts again his eyes meeting hers. They were no longer warm brown, they held a red tint of the fire that raged within. She could feel her blood begin to heat as she looked at him.

He lowered his head and began to lick her belly taking his time to place love bites all over her. The slower he went the more she writhed wanting him to get to her wet center.

“Paige, I love your body. You’re so beautiful and hot. Touching you is like touching fire.” He whispered to her as he moved downward, worshiping every inch of her.

He kissed the space above her clit, rubbing his cheek against her as she trembled in need.

“I have to taste you.” He reached out and licked her clit taking her taste deep inside of him. “So good, Sunshine.”

He sucked her clit into his mouth. Her body quivered as shards of pleasure pinged through her. He sucked hard, making her cry out.

“Not yet, Baby,” he murmured. “I’m just getting started.”

Taking his tongue, he plunged it inside. A groan of pleasure escaped him as she spilled on his tongue. He went deeper lapping her up. He inserted a finger as his tongue licked her.

She made high pitched sounds as she writhed under him. He inserted a second finger as she felt the pressure begin to build within her.

“Please,” she begged needing to feel the release take over her body.

“Not yet,” his voice was deep, scraping over her nerve endings driving her need higher.

He worked hard against her dragging his fingers against the wall of her vagina. She was squeezing against him trying to milk his fingers. The thought of his cock deep inside of her was almost his undoing.

Paige rocked her hips against his fingers, trying to take him deeper.

“I need…I want.”

“Tell me, Paige. Tell me what you need.”

“I want to come all over your hands. I need to feel your lips on me. Please, Cal. I need it.”

Taking her clit back in his mouth he sucked on it as she worked her hips even faster over his questing fingers. He squeezed in an additional finger, her body went taunt before spams shook her and a scream of pleasure left her mouth.

He crawled up her body with a masculine smile of satisfaction.

“What about you?” She stroked his arm.

“Tomorrow, Paige.”

Chapter Fourteen

Paige woke up snuggled in Cal’s arms. A wicked smile crossed her face before she reached down and ran her hand over his nipple. He moved against her as she did it again. The feel of it tickling the palm of her hand as it hardened made her ache. Everything about him made her ache. She shied away from the thought of his Matra as she stuck out her tongue to lick his hard nipple.

“You’re playing with fire, Sweetness.”

“Burn me.” She nipped at it with her teeth drawing a sharp intake of breath from him. Deciding he liked it, she did it again before licking his poor abused nipple with her tongue.

“What I’m going to do to you…” he growled.

“All I hear are words.”

He flipped her over on her back bringing his hands up to pinch her nipple that was already standing at attention.

His head lowered to catch it between his teeth when a knock came at the door.

“Uncle Cal, Aunt Paige, my mom said hurry or you will miss breakfast. My dad said payback.”

They could hear Vick running down the hallway.

“I don’t know who to blame more for this, Victor or Selma.”

“What does payback mean?” Paige sat up in the bed as Cal reluctantly pulled himself away.

“Could mean anything. When Selma and Victor first established their soul bond let’s just say my timing was awful. I seemed to know every time they wanted privacy. Although to be fair to me they seemed to want privacy all the time. Stop laughing.”

“Sorry, I could picture Victor thinking he was about to have a nice long umm rest with Selma only to have you barging in.”

He smiled. “That happened more than once. Of course he could also want payback for that sauce last night.”

Paige laughed harder. Family, the one thing she always wanted, was hers for the taking if she was strong enough.

“Well, let’s not keep them waiting in case it’s the sauce incident.”

He looked around the room then whispered in her ear, “We could always shower together. Who needs breakfast anyway?”

“It’s the most important meal of the day.” She jumped up, breathless. If she showered with him she was sure they’d miss dinner too.

She high-tailed it to the bathroom telling him to use his own shower and meet her in ten minutes. Taking the quickest shower of her life, it still took her twenty minutes to get ready. Cal had been back in ten, according to him a soft pink Paige was worth rushing to see.

They entered the dining room hand in hand. Paige dragged her feet trying to peek around the corner to see if Victor had a surprise volley waiting for her.

“Come in, Paige, if I did it when you were looking for it what fun would that be?”

“I won’t let my guard down.”

“Paige, we have years.” He smiled at her, “Wait for it.”

Shaking her head she sat at the table. “I can help clean or cook when I’m not looking for a job.”

“Why do you need a job?” Cal asked, his voice low and somber.

“How else am I going to pay for an apartment?”

“Why do you need an apartment?”

“I can’t keep living here, eventually my savings will dwindle to nothing.”

“Where will I be in all of this?”

“Well…I mean…I sort of thought we could live together. Maybe you don’t want to, but what if I get pregnant. Do you even want kids? Not that we have done anything to make children yet…” She could feel the heat racing up her neck to bloom on her cheeks and she fell silent.

“So you weren’t thinking of just leaving me.”

She shook her head vigorously.

“Paige, I know you feel better right now, but this isn’t over. You're not done fighting for your life, our lives. Looking for a job or working would take time away from what you need to be concentrating on, your talents.”

“What about money?”

“Are we soul bonded?”

“Uh huh.”

“Then what I have is yours right?”

“I guess so.”

“Believe me it is, but when you have a better mastery over your talents you will have a choice to either use your gift or find a job in accounting. I need you to let me support you, this way you will be at your strongest when the time comes.”

“He’s really coming back?”

“Unless we defeat him you will always be in danger.”

“Why does he want you, Cal?”

“Good question. Victor, the Sudir offered to let Paige live if she betrayed her soul bond and turned me over to him. Do you know why?”

Victor didn’t answer immediately, looking first at Cal then at Paige.

“It may be because you are next to rule if something happens to me.”

Cal shook his head looking at his brother. “Maybe, but why give up a power supply like Paige? I am sure the sun is the source of her energy, if she can harvest it…”

“She’ll be powerful,” Selma supplied the last looking at Paige.

“You keep saying that, but I don’t understand.”

“Forgive the males, they sometimes forget they have lived with this knowledge all their lives, we are just learning. We, the females who are compatible with the Arbrin and Matra, draw our power from specific places. The moon, the sun, the earth, the water, and the wind.”

“You think I am somehow connected to the sun?”

“We think the sun enhances your natural talent, it will allow you to do more than you think you are capable of doing. Of course we don’t know for sure, it’s simply speculation at this point.”

“What do you draw your power from, Selma?”

“The moon.”

Paige turned to look at Victor. “What do you draw your power from?”

“We’re not from here Paige, our power is internal. Although the moon does have sway over me and allows me to do the one thing I couldn’t do without it.”

“What’s that?”

“Power Selma.”


“Selma is strong, but when the moon is not visible she is using internal strength that can deplete quickly. With me, she can tap into her energy using greater power with a slower draw on her reserves because I always feel the moon no matter where the earth is in proximity to it.”

“Cal, what about you?” Paige turned to look at him. The expression on her face giving away the doubt she was feeling.

“I’m the sun, Paige. I can feel it anywhere; even now in the dead of winter it warms me. Still I don’t need it and have never thought of using it until I met you.”

She concentrated on her food, leaving the subjects of the sun and the moon for another time. How did she manage to become entangled with this family? Images of her lonely apartment flashed before her eyes. Thoughts of her sanity lingered. She followed the path that led to Cal to find him thinking about her. He was worried that she was being overwhelmed with information. She retreated, maybe he should worry. This was more than she bargained for when she agreed to soul bond. His warmth came out to wrap itself around her. Inhaling deeply, she acknowledged the truth, even if she knew all of this up front she would have gone through with it.

She entered into a soul bond with him because a large part of her didn’t want to give him up.

“So how do you plan to take care of me?”

“Grab your coat and boots, I will show you.”

She excused herself from the table and headed up the stairs.






“Victor, I’m not buying the excuse the Sudir wants me because of who I am.”

“Funny thing, Cal. That’s exactly why he wants you.”

“Then maybe you should tell me the rest of the reason.”

“Not yet little brother, go show your soul bond around. Enjoy this time while you have it.”

Cal walked out shaking his head; he would have to push Victor, but not yet. His brother was like a mountain when he didn’t want to budge. He went to his room to get a coat, sitting on his dresser was the ring his mother sent with him when his parents sent them to earth. The ring was a beautiful emerald, now it glowed with a power he never saw before. Picking it up, he slipped it into his pocket.

“Are you ready?” Paige asked as Cal walked down the steps.

“I am.”

They left the house walking quickly through the yard until they reached the street. She stopped looking around.

“Is it safe?”

“It’s safe for now. If he were around I would have picked up on it. If I didn’t our guardian snow woman would have warned us.”

“The snow woman is really a guardian?”

“Vick has some amazing talents for one so young. That snow woman is sensitive. Any hint of danger we will know about it. To answer your question, Paige, I want children with you when the time is right.”

“I want children, too.”

They walked down the street hand in hand until they came to a large store front with beautiful paintings on one side and majestic sculptures on the other.

“Cal, look at this! It’s magnificent.” In the window was a sculpture of a woman with her head turned up like she was bathing in the glow of the moon that hung over-head. “Is that Selma?”

“Yes. Do you like it?”

“I love it, it’s beautiful.”

“Victor refuses to let me sell it. It protects the store and scares the Sudir’s.”

“Why does it scare the Sudir?”

“Someone may have started the rumor that Selma has the ability to hide in her own likeness and she waits hoping to find a Sudir alone to take apart.”

She shook her head and followed him into the gallery.

The paintings were amazing and made her feel like she was actually there. The statues were so life-like she expected one to say hello at any moment.

“Who did all of these paintings and what statues did you do?”

“I did all of them and Victor did all the paintings.”

“How could he do so many? How could you?”

“We had years to work while we were in hiding.”

The gallery consisted of two floors. She stopped in the middle of the stairs.

“Why were you in hiding?”

“The earth was a very different place when we first arrived. We were all males and most of us younger than Vick. We wanted to go unnoticed, but the size of the males protecting us brought challenges. They took us to a place we could be safe without the threat of unwanted challenges.”

“How long have you been here, Cal?”

“Ask me again when you really want to know, Paige.” She nodded her head and continued upstairs, she really didn’t want to think he was any older than thirty although he already told her centuries.

The upstairs was even more breathtaking. She was amazed at the talent he and his brother displayed. It must take years to make something this amazing. She walked over to a sculpture that was covered up. Pulling off the sheet she saw herself, it was half done but it was definitely her.

She was beautiful, she blinked her eyes fast trying not to cry.

“I want you to see what I see every time I look at you, Paige.”

She gave him a watery smile and threw her arms around him. She felt her heart soften as he whispered in her ear, “Let’s go home.”

They walked out the gallery hand in hand starting back in the direction of their home.

“Cal, why do the Sudir’s want the mates of the Arbrin’s?”

“Remember how I told you they bombarded our planet and many of them stayed behind thinking they would be unharmed?”

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