Soul-Mates Forever (10 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Soul-Mates Forever
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We spend an hour on the phone, and I shared all my most recent events. He tells me he will come out next week while Tuck is in New York and help out however he can. I love my Markie. He rocks. He’s tells me he’s proud of me, and that I am one lucky Queen to have such a hottie living with me and giving me the most a-mazing orgasms. Ok, too much information overload. But what can I say? He’s like one of my best girl/guy friends.

By the time I get off the phone I freak out because I hadn’t taken the guys anything to drink. I feel horrible. I grab the pitcher of iced tea, cups and some cookies I had made earlier and run out the back door and around the house to find them sitting on a cooler, drinking beers.
Ok, I don’t feel so bad anymore.

Shane jumps up, gets a lawn chair from his truck bed and places it next to Tuck, patting the seat. I walk over, smiling, set the pitcher and cups down on the truck bed and sit. Tuck stands, grabs a beer out of the cooler, twists off the cap and hands it to me while leaning over for a kiss.
My man!

“Where ya been, my beauty? Been lonely out here with only my mate hanging around,” he smirks at Shane who punches him on his shoulder. I almost spew my beer out through my nose when I laugh.

“Marcus just called, sorry was talking to him for over an hour. He’s planning on heading here next week while you’re gone. Is that ok with you?” I look at him with a frown. I don’t want to rock any boats where our relationship is concerned and learned my lesson with making plans without including him. I’ve never had a relationship before and am learning the hard way. But I also don’t want another relationship with anyone else. He’s the sexy rocker for me.

He takes a big drawl of his beer, smiling around the bottle. “Ha, are you kidding? There’s no one I would feel safer to be with you than him, well, except for your girlfriends.” I punch his shoulder and smile. “Hey, I actually like Marcus. He’s ok.” He reaches down and rubs my cheek, tenderly. “He’s your friend. You never have to ask me if it’s ok for your friends to come stay with you, my beauty.”
Oh, my fucking God! I love him so much.
I crook my finger at him, and he leans down to me again. My mouth latches onto his, and I kiss the hell out of it. We start laughing when Shane starts clearing his throat and coughing, rather loudly.

We sit around, drinking for a while until Shane tells us he needs to get home to his girl. Tuck and I clean up outside and stand there, arms around each other’s waist and look at the progress on the front porch. “By tomorrow night, you’ll be able to enter through the front door again as we start working on the part around the side.” He kisses the top of my head, and we walk around the house hand in hand.

I gather up our dirty clothes and put some in our new washer. After adding the soap and turning it on, I feel arms around my waist. He turns me around and I squeal as he lifts me, placing me on the moving washer. The vibration giving my bottom and crotch such tingling sensations along with the deep kissing we’re doing.
Damn, I’m so fucking horny!
We continue our kissing when the washer cycle shifts and the noise level rises with the filling water causes us to start laughing.

He carries me upstairs and we shower together, you know to conserve water, and we get in bed. We are both so tired we don’t have the energy to do anything but kiss a little. I snuggle my behind into him, his arm wrapping around me, and his hand finds my butt cheek, squeezes it once and we both fall asleep.

I awake to warmth in between my thighs and feel his hand resting there. My head turns to him, and I find him sleeping soundly. I could lay here all morning and watch him. He’s so beautiful, hot and sexy. My heart starts racing, Shit! I can’t believe I’m so lucky.

I remove myself from his entanglement slowly so I don’t disturb him. He works so hard, and it’s only 5 a.m. so I want him to sleep as late as he can. I tiptoe to the bathroom, do my duties, pull my hair up into a ponytail and throw on some shorts and one of his t-shirts.
Ah, the smell of sexy, mmmm.
I head down to the kitchen and decide to make waffles and bacon to send my man off to work with a full tummy. He likes his coffee black and strong, so I make a pot and start my latte. Life is good.

Placing everything on the table, I almost dropped the plate of waffles when arms sneak around my waist, kisses raining on my neck, and I giggle helplessly. “Morning, sexy. You almost made me drop your breakfast, but keep going.” More giggles erupt. The kisses persist but hey, I’m not complaining. I pout when he releases me, grabs the plate of waffles and sets it on the table. He pulls out my chair and pushes me up to the table as I sit.
Such a gentleman.

“What did I do to get such an awesome treat this morning,” he says giving me his fuck hawt sexy smile. I giggle again. Oh, my God! What’s wrong with me?

I reach over and take his hand. His thumb instantly starts rubbing across my knuckles. “I just wanted you to go off to work with a full stomach. I know you’ve been working so hard at the shop and here. I wanted to do something special. And I can’t wait to see you in action tomorrow night at the bar. I was, um, rather inebriated last time so I didn’t really get to enjoy your performance.”

He leans across the table and kisses my nose. “You already do special things by just being here, loving me and letting me love you, my beauty.”
I just melted right here, will have to clean up the mess later

Chapter Nine

Lana, my friend from the Sweet Café, is picking me up to go to the bar tonight to hear my sexy rocker’s band play. We haven’t gotten to spend much time together so we decided tonight would be a great time to catch up. I chose to wear my faded blue jeans, pink quarter length sleeved sweater, low cut of course, and my matching pink high heels. My long hair is left down, just like my man loves it. He had to leave early to help his band set up, and I’m finishing my makeup, waiting for Lana, when the doorbell rings.

I run downstairs and look through the peep hole. Huh? Who the hell is that? I open the door a crack. “Yes?” A young man, maybe a little older than Tuck, dressed all in black, looks up at me and smiles.

“Hello, is Tucker Williams here? Colt Darndage is my name and we go way back. Haven’t seen him in a long time. I wanted to catch up.” He smiles again.

Opening the door all the way, I stick my hand out and instead of him shaking it, he brings it up to his mouth and kisses it. “Oh! Sorry. Tuck never mentioned you before.” I pry my hand away and cross my arm around my waist. I begin to close the door. “He’s not here right now. I’ll be sure and tell him you stopped by though.”

He bows and turns to leave. “You be sure and do that. I will enjoy visiting with him soon.” He walks down the porch step and heads to a black Mercedes.
Hmmm. That was so weird!

Lana shows up about twenty minutes later, and we head to the bar. We get in free, thanks to Shane, and go to the reserved booth in the corner. I’m not sure I like this booth after the bad memories from the last time I was here to watch him and then again when he got plastered. Oh! However, the night when I saw his band for the first time is the night my sexy rocker tucked me into bed and cuddled with me. Yeah, I said I didn’t cuddle back, but I really did. How could I not? I really need to tell him that.

The night was great! We had such a great time dancing and I only had two beers and two shots of Hot Damn all night. I wanted to be sober for my man. He and his band rocked the house. We had just sat down to cool off when he announced his last song.

“Thanks for coming out to party with us tonight!” He yells into the microphone. The women go crazy, whooping and hollering. “We’re gonna do something different tonight for the last song.” He pulls up a stool, sits down and someone brings out his guitar.
Wow, this is certainly different.
He looks straight at me while he adjusts his guitar. “This wonderful girl has come into my life,” he chuckles when the women in the crowd yells out their awwwww’s and noooooo’s. He looks around and chuckles again. “Yeah, sorry my friends.” He looks back at me, getting a serious look on his face. “But I’m in love. So I wrote this song for her. I hope you like it.” He begins strumming his guitar all the while looking into my eyes. He begins, and my hands fly to cover my face and the tears quickly form in my eyes. The rest of my well-built wall just came crashing down.


I know you’re scared, my beauty,

I can take away your fear,

But, I can’t get through the walls you’ve built,

They’re too strong to break,

Break down those walls for me,

I want to love you so much,

Break down those walls,

Let me show you the way,

I can give you what you need, please let me try,

Let me show you the love you desire,

Let me be the one, Let me be the one,

Break down those walls for me,

I want to love you so much,

Break down those walls,

Let me show you the way,

Try for me, my beauty,

Give me the chance to show you how much you mean to me,

Let go and let me in,

Let me be the one, Let me be the one


He stands, removes his guitar, setting it on the stool and jumps off the stage while I hop out of my seat and walk towards him. I can’t wait anymore and take off in a run, jump into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and my mouth locks with his instantly. Some of the crowd yells out their awwwww’s while some are crying. He carries me towards the door, our lips never parting, when I hear, “I’ll just talk to you tomorrow, girl. And I mean you’d better the hell call me!” Lana yells. He walks us straight to my car, our car, and buckles me in. We hold hands all the way home until he runs around the car to get me and lifts me up again and takes me to the front door. He pushes me against it as he fumbles for his keys. We both moan as our tongues do a wild dance together, and we can’t seem to get enough of each other.

Finally, he opens the door, slamming it and locking it behind him then he carries me directly to our room. I finally pull my hungry mouth away from his and look him in the eyes, such love and desire filling them. “Make love to me, my sexy rocker. Please, make love to me. I want you to be my first and my last. I need you, Tuck,” I plead.

We make quick work of helping each other to remove our clothes, kissing in between. He picks me up again, our mouths locking once more, and we fall onto the bed. He leans over me, puts his hands under my arms and moves me up so my head is on the pillow. So sweet. Then he lays half on me, kissing my mouth senseless and stroking my hair. “Are you sure, beauty? I will wait however long it takes. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for,” he whispers, looking deeply into my eyes. Such love, such caring. I’m so in love.

My mouth takes his. My hands fisting in his long soft hair, and my hips buck up, meeting his rock hard cock. My body rocks back and forth feeling his cock hardening more as it slides up and down my folds and almost entering me a few times. The moan that escapes me is muffled into his mouth, but it expresses the desire I’m feeling for my man. I can’t explain the way I’m feeling. My body is on fire. My heart feels like it could beat out of my chest, and my clit is throbbing for him. I’ve never, ever felt this free in my entire life.

Removing my mouth from his, I kiss up his face and nibble on his ear. His moan is loud in my ear as I lick and kiss his earlobe. “I’m more than sure, my sexy rocker. Please, please make love to me. You know I’m clean and I’ve been on the pill for years. Please, make me a woman tonight. Make me
woman. You have my heart, now take my soul.”

He kisses my forehead, my nose, my cheek, my chin and lands back on my mouth. His hand tenderly squeezes my breast then pinches a nipple. His mouth leaves mine and travels down my neck, my collarbone, and then he sucks my perk and hard nipple. My body bows and arches making my breast meet his amazing lips as he moves to my other one. He starts traveling south, down my stomach his kisses go, on each hip bone and then to the promiseland. His hand massages me. His finger slips inside, then two, stretching me more and preparing for his large cock. I used to think I’d be really nervous maybe even a little scared when I lost my virginity, but I’m not. Not. At. All. The only thing that may cause me a little nervousness is how huge he is.
How in the hell is that gonna fit in me and how badly will this hurt? I’ll take any pain. I’m ready and willing for it.

As his fingers work their magic, stretching me as his thumb begins to rub my needy clit. My bucking hips don’t throw off his rhythm at all and spots begin to form in my vision. He leans up to me, kissing the hell out of my mouth and moves to my ear. “No protection? Are you sure? I’ve… I’ve never had bare sex before, but I don’t want to take any chances with you.”

I’m panting heavily as I nod. “I’m sure. Please,” I beg. He smiles and tells me he will go slow and will try to be gentle. I’ve heard it can be painful when breaking through the barrier, but I don’t care, I want him inside me so badly. I need him inside me, now!

“Go fast, Tuck. I can take it, it will be over quicker,” I whisper biting my lower lip. He looks at me in concern, but I nod again. “Please.”

He kisses me, gently. “I love you, my beauty.”

Leaning back a bit his cock slams into my core. “Ungh!” God that burns, and I’m being majorly stretched! He goes still, brushing my damp hair from my forehead and asking if I’m ok. I can’t speak. The little bit of pain subsides quickly and to show him that I’m ok, my hips begin to move, causing his cock to go in and out slightly.
Shit, he’s freaking huge and all mine.

His cock moves deeper as he pushes into my wet pussy. I am being stretched to my limit but no way on this earth do I want him to stop.
God, that feels so fucking great! I’ve only imagined what this would feel like and now? I can’t even describe the wonderment of it!
We kiss hungrily as we move together, finding our sync. His thumb returns to my swollen clit and as he rubs my vision starts to blur, the fire within is reaching its peak. My hands smooth over his broad chest, my fingers pinching a nipple as they go, until my fingers are clenched into his soft locks behind his neck and tug. He must love that because that spurred him to move faster and faster, our bodies sweating and our breathing coming out in heavy pants.

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