Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (24 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Aleco was enjoying his distress. Even though he respected Zyle as the leader of his people and the partner
of Accacia, he still hated him. That would never change. “You’re her husband. You tell me.”

Zyle gripped his sword at his side but didn’t draw it.

Aleco smiled at him. “You know what Accacia does when she is upset. She runs away. I suspect she is at the grounds of the Lorunien Tree. I can’t think of anywhere else she would go.”

“What transpired between you?”

Aleco pitied the man before him. It was evident that his trust for his life partner was failing by the second. He didn’t realize just how loyal Accacia was to him. He knew how much Accacia wanted him inside of her but she had stopped him before anything happened. And she wouldn’t leave her husband for him. He was beginning to think Zyle was an idiot. “You should have more faith in your partner, Zyle. She could have me whenever she wants but he hasn’t showed any interest. She belongs to you—trust her.”

Zyle clenched his fists at Aleco’s words. “I know Accacia won’t betray me—I don’t need you to tell me that. I was referring to what had upset her. You obviously did something to her. Clearly, I’m not the one responsible for her distress—you are always the culprit.”

Aleco walked away. “If she wishes for you to know she will tell you. I am not obliged to tell you anything.” He opened the door to his office and turned toward the king. “I will see you two at the meeting—if you can find your wife, that is.” He slammed the door behind him.

Zyle walked out of the doorway and ignored Natalia’s look of unease. Their words
had made her very uncomfortable. She pitied Accacia for dealing with them on a daily basis. Zyle sprinted toward the grounds of the Lorunien Tree and saw the sunrise in the distance as his feet propelled him through the forest. He admitted that the woodlands were beautiful and exquisite in its surroundings, but it dulled in comparison to Suaden. He couldn’t imagine living here.

He finally reached the base of the tree and saw Accacia sitting before it. Her arms were wrapped around her frame and her legs were crossed before her. Her hair had been pulled loose from her clip and cascaded around her shoulders and down her back. Zyle walked over to her and sat beside her. She didn’t look at him.


Zyle held up his hand. Accacia knew he was angry by the action alone. She had seen him become furious with rage but never had his anger been directed at her. She knew she had frightened him and she felt horrible for scaring him. She h
ad broken her word to him again. She hadn’t returned like she promised. “My patience is shrinking, Accacia. I have been very understanding since we arrived here and I acknowledge your pain and fear, but I am done with
.” Accacia felt her heart pound in her chest. She was frightened of his following words. “I understand that being around Aleco is hard. You didn’t leave him by choice—but by force. I understand that you still love him and always will. I can even accept you betraying me in the heat of the moment, but
is unacceptable.” Accacia closed her eyes and let him finish. She deserved every repercussion she received from him. He had been faithful and devoted to her always, and she had hurt him too many times. “You scared me, Accacia. You didn’t return to our quarters like you said, nor did you send me a notice telling me you were safe. And then you ran off alone in the forest, not bothering to tell me where you had gone. How frightened do you think I felt when I returned to Asylinth House to be berated by Aleco, saying I was incompetent because I didn’t know where my own wife was? Your behavior is unacceptable.” Zyle dropped his hand and looked away from her. “I told you that you needed to stop running from me and you agreed. I have never asked you for anything other than this. Please respect my wishes.”

cia said nothing for a moment. Then she moved in front of him and faced him. Zyle looked away, focusing on the trees in the distance. “You’re right, Zyle.” She grabbed his hands and kissed each one. He didn’t pull away like she thought he would. “I would apologize but I have already done that too many times. I have no excuse and I have been selfish since we came here. But that was the last time, Zyle—I promise.”

Zyle looked at her, studying her features. He didn’t know if he could believe her. He knew she was in pain for hurting him, not telling him where she had gone and breaking her word to him. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Accacia.”

Accacia closed her eyes at the insult. He had never said anything so cruel before. She felt like she was conversing with Aleco.

Zyle saw the hurt on her face. He grabbed her face and kissed her. “I misspoke, Accacia. That isn’t what I meant.” She opened her eyes at his words, relieved he hadn’t meant to be so harsh. “We are going to share a lifetime together and we will hurt each other. I don’t expect you to be perfect—but try to be better.”

Accacia nodded. “I will—I promise.”

Zyle ki
ssed her again. “I feel like I’m being selfish, Accacia. Whatever happened between you two last night obviously upset you immensely—enough to run away from me—your best friend. I hope you are alright.”

Accacia crawled into his chest. “No, I’m not, Zyle.”

Zyle held her in his arms. “Tell me.”

“I don’t know how you will react.”

Zyle sighed. He didn’t know how he would feel either—he had no idea what she was going to say. “Nor do I.”

Accacia laughed at his words. He was happy that he had lightened her mood. “I don’t know how to say this without just saying it.” Zyle nodded. “Aleco and Roxian are—together.” Accacia buried her face into his shoulder, hiding her features from view. “I caught them together when I went to speak with Aleco. I thought my heart fell from my chest.”

Zyle felt his heart stop. He hadn’t been expecting that at all. “

,” she said. “I was just as shocked as you are.”

“Does he know what she did to you? I couldn’t imagine him having a relationship with her if he knew.”

“No,” she said. “Not really. I didn’t have a chance to explain anything.”

“He moved on quickly. I hadn’t expected him to choose another partner so fast.”

“He didn’t. Roxian was the one who seduced him. He claims he doesn’t love her—it is only physical, but it makes me want to gag nonetheless. I know why Roxian is doing this—she is just trying to hurt me, Zyle.”

Zyle nodded. “I am certain you are right. And I’m sorry she succeeded, Accacia. I will remove her from the advisor panel. You won’t have to see her.”

“No,” she said. “Don’t do that. Aleco could have requested to meet only with me during delegations but he didn’t. I can’t let her win, Zyle. I already asked Aleco to stop seeing her but he wouldn’t.”

“You can’t make a demand like that, Accacia. He is free to do what he wishes.”

“I know,” she said. “Now I know exactly how he feels. I hate seeing him with her.”

Zyle didn’t know what to say. Whe
n Accacia expressed her jealousy toward Aleco’s personal affairs, he felt his own increase. He wished she didn’t care so much. “I know you do, Accacia. But you have to accept it. He has accepted your love for me. Aleco deserves the same from you.”

Accacia stared at her life partner. She couldn’t believe how understanding he w
as to the situation. She would never be so calm. She blatantly declared her love for Aleco and he patiently listened, putting Accacia’s well-being before his own. “I don’t deserve you, Zyle.”

Zyle grabbed her
hand and kissed it. “I beg to differ.” Zyle rose to his feet and dragged Accacia to a stand. “We have a meeting to attend,” he said. He grabbed the clip from her hair and pinned it up for her, pulling the strands from her neck. “We don’t have time to freshen up. Let’s get going.”


Accacia and Zyle reached Asylinth House and met with the other ambassadors, including Roxian. Accacia didn’t look at the woman or address her, and Zyle completely ignored her. He didn’t care who she spent her time with but he knew it was an obvious attempt to hurt Accacia. Zyle and Roxian would never be together but she couldn’t let it go. It was her life’s mission just to cause Accacia pain. Zyle would have dismissed her from the meeting if Accacia hadn’t forbidden it.

Laura caught
the transaction with a keen eye. She knew how to judge the body language of people she was engaged with. The ability was essential in a battle when you faced an opponent and had to anticipate their actions before they made them. Laura grabbed Accacia by the hand and pulled her aside. “Are you okay, dear?”

Accacia sighed as she looked into her aunt’s eyes. She was asked that on a daily basis and was growing tired of her answer. “No, I’m not
, Laura, but it doesn’t matter.”

“Did you wish to discuss it?”

“No,” she said. “Not now. It will have to wait for another time. Let’s get this meeting over with. I want to be gone from here as soon as possible.”

“As you wish, Lady Accacia,” she said.

They entered the study and took their seats, facing the desk. Aleco sat in the chair and faced them, locking his gaze with everyone but Roxian. He didn’t want to make Accacia feel uncomfortable by showing her any special affection. Accacia crossed her arms over her chest and Zyle had his hand resting on Accacia’s thigh. Aleco wanted to stab Zyle through the neck but dropped the fantasy and cleared his throat.

“Nolan and my men have gathered the number of carts we need for the penetration of Paso Robles. Citizens
of the Continent have joined our ranks and donated horses for the siege. They will be prepared for the final battle when we return. The guildsmen have manufactured as many swords as possible, utilizing our precious metal for the fight. Every man will have a worthy sword, razor sharp and strong, without any chance of breaking or dulling. We stand a great chance against the walls of Letumian.”

Zyle took his hand from Accacia’s thigh and leaned forward. “I appreciate your efforts to the
cause. I speak on behalf of my queen when I say that alleviates our anxiety significantly.” Aleco looked at Accacia and she smiled slightly. Aleco could see the exhaustion in her eyes and tired limbs. It was clear that she hadn’t slept all night, wanting to be alone at the base of the Lorunien Tree, alone in the dark, away from her husband and her former lover.

Accacia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I am relieved we are prepared for the battle but we are missing the biggest factor to our cause. Zyle has informed me that we need a Soul Relenter, an element on the Continent that can destroy the Soul Binder
s. It is the only material that is strong enough to sever the capsule and free the souls of our kin.”

“That is true,” Laura said from her position next to Roxian. “Without a Soul Relenter
, we have no possibility of success. Even if we somehow kill this king we will be unable to free the souls of our family. They will be stuck forever. They need to be destroyed—it must be done.”

Accacia turned to Aleco. “Do you know where we c
ould find a Soul Relenter?”

Aleco shook his head. “No, Your Highness. I didn’t even know what a Soul Relenter was until you mentioned it now. And I have no idea where to find
one. Drake may already have the material, hoarding it in his palace so no one could use it against him.” Aleco looked at the ambassadors before him. “Does anyone have any knowledge of this material and where to find it?”

“No, Father, I don’t,” Roxian said from the corner. Accacia felt her blood boil at the sound of her words. She kept
imagining Aleco lying on top of her, exploring her body with his lips. She forced the picture from her mind and cleared her thoughts. She couldn’t think about that now. She wondered if Aleco wondered the same thing about her and Zyle, but she realized he didn’t. He had to feel it every time she made love to her life partner. She knew that was worse than her imagination.

“Should we search for the Soul
Relenter before we strike?” Mikah asked from his seat. “Ensure that we have the weapon before we attack the king?”

Aleco shook his head. “I don’t know how long I can protect you in my borders. His moods are u
npredictable—he might march on my forest simply because I didn’t respond to his missive in a timely manner. We don’t have enough time to wait.”

Accacia felt her heart beat in her chest, thudding in her e
ars with every squeeze of the pumping muscle of her heart. She knew what she had to do but that made it no easier to speak of it. They didn’t know where Drake was hiding the Soul Binders and they didn’t know if Drake already possessed the Soul Relenters. There was only one way to find out without risking the lives of her subjects and her loved ones. “I suggest I return to Drake and his fortress. I can investigate the palace and the whereabouts of the Soul Binders and I can discreetly search for the Soul Relenters. I can also confiscate the Aqua Stone in his possession.”

Accacia could fee
l Zyle tense beside her, shocked by the option she was bringing to the table. She felt him look at her with a gaze of surprise mixed with horror. But it was nothing compared to Aleco’s countenance. His previous calm demeanor was replaced by a look of rage. His crystal blue eyes were pitch black and empty. The depth of his anger fell for miles into the abyss. Accacia tensed at the static in the room. It buzzed with unspoken disapproval.

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