Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (27 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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“Why?” Aleco asked. “She is your advisor
, isn’t she?”

Accacia crossed her arms o
ver her chest. “Put her somewhere else, Aleco.”

Aleco said nothing for a moment. “Okay. Roxian
, I will move you to the second cart.” Accacia sighed with relief. She thought Aleco would be more challenging than that. “And Zyle, you can be in the third wagon.”

?” she asked incredulously. “Are you trying to be funny?”

The group surrounding Accacia was silent. Zyle didn’t know what to say and Lau
ra had no idea what was happening. “Well, if I am, I’m not very good at it,” he said with a playful voice. Accacia stared at him with a look of anger but he ignored her look. “If you don’t have to travel with Roxian, then I don’t have to be stuck with Zyle. If I had known it was an option, I wouldn’t have even met Zyle to begin with. So, that sounds fair.”

“You are unbelievable,” she said as she shook her head.

“Yes, I’ve heard that before,” he said. “But in a different context.” Roxian chuckled at his words and Laura let a giggle escape her lips. Accacia stared at her aunt and bore her a look of anger. She knew Aleco was trying to lighten the mood and she was irritated that it was working.

“If you don’t move her
, then I’m not coming.”

Aleco clapped her on the back. “We’ll see you when we get back.”

“The current arrangements are acceptable,” Zyle said to Aleco before the Nature Priest walked away. “We’ll be fine.”

Aleco stared
at Accacia, waiting for her to say the same thing. Accacia looked at Roxian then turned away. She nodded her approval. Accacia vowed she would berate Aleco about this later. She knew Aleco would be expecting it.

The four of them piled into the cart and closed the door behind them. The only sunlight came from the back of the cart, which filtered through the partial opening. Accacia was relieved they h
ad adequate room to move around. She didn’t know what they were going to do on the way back, when the wagons were overflowing with rescued slaves. Accacia didn’t mind walking or running on their voyage back to the forest. The prisoners deserved to rest. Accacia looked out of the opening of the cart and saw Aleco checking that everyone was accounted for. He walked over to Penelope and Lydia, standing at the edge of the glade with Sadie, Vance, and the infant, Rhonian. Accacia watched and listened to their transaction.

Aleco pulled back his hood and embraced Lydia, kissing her on the cheek, and then he moved to Penelope. She wrapped her arm around him and held him for a moment with her child resting in her arm. Aleco
let her lay her head on his shoulder and he caressed her back. Accacia felt the jealousy course through her veins. She knew there was no sexual attraction between them but she was hurt by the gentleness he showed her. He had only been like that with her. Penelope kissed him on the cheek. “I love you,” she said to him.

Aleco smiled at her words. “I love you too, Penny.” He leaned over and kissed Rhonian on the head. “And you as well.”

“I have so much respect for what you’re doing, Aleco. Please return to us safe and sound so I can tell you how proud we are.”

Aleco’s face reddened in embarrassment. “I won’t let myself be killed so I can listen to your never-ending praise.

she said.

e looked down at Vance and Sadie. The little girl was holding her arms out to him, wanting him to lift her up. Aleco grabbed her from the ground and hoisted her to his chest. “Besides, I’m a godfather now. I have to return to my two children.” He kissed Sadie on the cheek and she kissed him back, missing his face and landing her embrace on his lips. He smiled at her. “I love you, Sadie. I’ll be home in a few weeks.”

“I’ll miss you though,” she said with a pout.

“I know,” he said. “I’ll miss you too. Look after your brother, okay?”

“But he’s older than me,” she said with a giggle. “He’s my

Aleco shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. You two will always look after each other—always.” Aleco set her down and picked up Vance. He sti
ll held his dagger in his hands. Aleco hardly ever saw him without it. “Keep practicing in the sword while I’m gone. I don’t want you to forget your training in my absence.”

Vance shook his head. “I won’t, Aleco. But can I come with you? I can be your backup.”

Aleco smiled. “I think I have plenty of that. When you are older, we’ll discuss it. I’ll miss you, Vance. Look after your sister, okay?”

Vance nodded. “If I have to,” he said with a disgusted face.

Aleco put him down. He said his final goodbye and walked away. Penelope handed Rhonian to Lydia and caught up with him before he approached the wagon. “You will be returning, won’t you?” she asked hesitantly.

Accacia suspected this conv
ersation was confidential so Penelope must not realize that their words could be heard with the door closed. Zyle and Laura were speaking to one another, saying what, she didn’t know. Accacia seemed to be the only one paying attention.

“Yes, if I survive,” he said. “I can’t make promises I don’t intend to keep.”

Penelope stared at him for a moment. “You will tell me when you decide, won’t you?”

Aleco nodded. “I promise, Penelope. I don’t want to be alone when it happens.” Penelope smiled at him but her eyes were full of despair. Accacia felt her heart ache at the transaction. She didn’t know what they were referring to but she knew it wasn’t good. “Besides, I have to wait until the children are adults. They need their godfather.”

“You need your family even when you are older, Aleco. Age doesn’t matter.” She kissed him on the cheek again. “Hurry back home,” she said as she walked away. Aleco watched her go for a moment before he pulled up his hood and spoke to the conductors of the wagon. He climbed into the back of the cart and sat beside Roxian, across from Accacia. He didn’t touch Roxian and kept his hands to himself. Zyle didn’t loosen his hold on Accacia, knowing how much she needed him for the journey.

looked at Accacia across him and saw her looking at him. Accacia couldn’t tell where his gaze was because it was hidden in the folds of his hood. It reminded her of their dinner with Father Giloth, when she had been staring at him and wondering if he was looking at her in return. Now that she knew him so well, she knew he was staring at her, just as he had been then. Aleco finally looked away and leaned his back against the wall, sighing loudly to himself.

The cart rocked forwards
as they headed towards the city of Paso Robles, a two day trip, three, if they stopped to rest. Accacia looked over at Roxian and caught her looking at her. Roxian smiled then looked away, trying to avoid a confrontation in their confined quarters. Accacia felt the exhaustion creep into her skin. She and Zyle hadn’t slept much the evening before and she blushed at the memory. She leaned her head against Zyle’s shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her, letting her relax against him. She found sleep after a few moments, despite the sudden shakes of the cart over the grass.

Zyle looked at Aleco and wondered why he hid
his face in a hood directly in front of his men. He thought the act was odd. “Why do you conceal your face, Aleco?”

Aleco pulled back his hood and r
evealed his features. His eyes were rimmed in red, as if he had been crying a moment before. Aleco didn’t seem ashamed of his feelings. “Please refer to me as Father Rhonian from now on—never as Aleco. Do you understand me?” Zyle nodded his head. The others agreed as well. “I hide my face from the world for many reasons, but there is one in particular. I look very similar to the King of the Continent, Drake Aleutian.”

“What are the odds of that?” Zyle asked.

“Very good,” he said. “Drake is my brother—my twin brother, actually.”

Zyle stared at him. “Why didn’t you mention this before?”

“It was none of your business—it still isn’t.”

“I’ll remember that when I stab you through the heart on accident,” Zyle said with anger in his voice. Accacia stirred at the distress of her life partner. She opened her eyes but didn’t move. “I think that is something you might want people to know.”

“It is critical that I wait until the last moment. The fiend doesn’t know I’m alive—it is very important that he doesn’t find out.”

“That is why the tree changed your name to Rhonian?” Laura asked with interest. “So you could keep your true iden
tity a secret from the Continent?”

Aleco nodded. “I am glad to see both beauty and intelligence run in the family.” Laura smile
d at his words. Aleco was happy that Accacia had a living relative. He liked her for that reason alone.

Zyle rolled his eyes,
annoyed that Aleco was trying to gain her approval. “And this doesn’t bother Accacia? Frighten her?”

,” Accacia said from his shoulder. Zyle flinched. He didn’t know she had awoken. “Their identical features are the only similarity they share—nothing more.”

Aleco shook his head. “Accacia knows everything about me. Don’t be offended that she doesn’t confide everything about me to you. She will keep my secrets as much as she will keep yours.”

“I’m not offended,” he said simply. “You’ve hidden things before.” He glanced at Roxian and looked back at Aleco. “I thought you might be doing it again.”

Roxian rolled her eyes at his words. Accacia sat up and looked at Zyle. “Enough of this,”
she said as she switched her gaze to Aleco. “Both of you,” she said firmly.

Accacia looked at Aleco and saw the red rim around his eyes. It was barely noticeable but she could still see it when she
stared. Aleco met her look then looked away. She knew he hated saying goodbye to his adopted children. It was obvious how much he loved them. Accacia wanted to question him about the conversation with Penelope but knew better than to ask when they were with company. She knew she would have to wait.

The next few hours passed in silence. Aleco informed them that they would rest in a few hours when night descended
, having a break from the confines of the carts, and would be allowed to leave the wagon for a short respite. They could stretch their legs outside the wagon and nap outside under the stars. Accacia couldn’t wait to get out the wagon. She wanted to stretch her legs and be free of the tension.

Finally the
cart stopped and they climbed out. The carts were hidden in a large clearing in the middle of the forest and they felt free from the eyes of unfriendly foes. Zyle helped Accacia from the cart and they walked away. Accacia stopped and waited for Aleco to emerge from the cart. He did a moment later with Roxian beside him. They were talking quietly to one another. “I need to speak with Aleco for a moment,” she said to Zyle.

Zyle sighed as he stared at her. They had just been with him for
the past few hours. He wanted to take her into the woods and find a secluded area for them to be alone in. “Let’s go,” he said as he walked towards Aleco.

Accacia grabbed his hand. “I meant talk to him alone.” She saw the annoyance in his eyes. She obviously wanted to discuss something private. “I’ll be right back.”

Zyle released his hand. “Hurry back,” he said as he walked away. “I brought some extra rope we can use.” Accacia shook her head and walked away. She walked up to Aleco and he looked at her, waiting for her to speak. Roxian didn’t move away.

“I want to speak with Aleco alone.” Accacia didn’t look at Roxian when she spoke.

Roxian sighed. “You can talk directly to me, Accacia. I’ve done nothing wrong. Aleco is unencumbered and you are married. How selfish can you be?”

Accacia felt her anger rise and Aleco sa
w the inferno blaze in her eyes. He knew she was furious. He intervened before Accacia could react. “Roxian, give us a moment. I’ll return to you shortly.”

Roxian stared at him. “Don’t keep me waiting,” she said as he
r hand slid down his arm. She walked away toward the wagon, out of ear shot. Accacia tried to breathe through the anger consuming her body. She couldn’t remember why she was even there.

“What is it?” asked her. “You’
re making both of our partners very angry.”

“Since when did she become your partner?”

“You know what I mean, Accacia. Don’t get angry. I already told you I don’t love her. Now what do you want?”

“I overheard you
r conversation with Penelope.”

“You mean you
on my conversation with Penelope.” Aleco crossed his arms over his chest. His hood still hid his face from view and she wished she could see his blue eyes. She could read his emotions easily when she looked into them. “What about it?”

“What were you referring to
, Aleco? Penelope wants to be there when

Aleco sighed at her words. He was silent for a moment before he spoke. “I don’t say this to hurt you, Accacia, so pleas
e don’t be offended. I know you care about me and I know that you love me, but my concerns are no longer your concerns. You shouldn’t waste your time worrying over me and I don’t want you to. What I was discussing with Penelope is none of your business. You wanted to move on Accacia—so do it.” Aleco turned away but Accacia grabbed him by the arm.

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