Soulmates (21 page)

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Authors: Mindy Kincade

Tags: #Young Adult Fantasy, Romance

BOOK: Soulmates
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“So, you just decided to go way for a few days?” Samantha said annoyed.

“Gosh, I’m sorry, Sam. I swear I didn’t mean to worry you,” Presley apologized.

“You're lucky that I came here first, Presley. When you missed school today, I really started to worry. I thought maybe something really bad happened to you! Like you had been murdered! I was ready to go to the police!” she shouted.

Just then Paulette entered the room. Samantha jumped slightly, startled by Paulette’s presence.
“Hi,” Paulette said nervously, looking down.

“Hey,” Samantha said as she studied her face as she tried to place her.

“I’m Paulette, a friend of Presley’s,” she finally said.

“Oh, a friend of Presley’s. Right. A friend who I have never met. Or heard of.” Samantha glanced back at Presley. “What’s going on?” she pressed.

“Yeah, okay, you see I just met Paulette myself, a few days ago. And uh, well

she had been sick,” Presley said.

“Sick?” questioned Samantha, her eyes squinted.

“Yeah, sick. It’s a crazy story, sad really. She had amnesia for most of her life.

Anyway she remembered who she was just recently and, well, we were both staying at the same hotel here in town and

“Wait. A hotel? You stayed in a hotel here in town?” Samantha interrupted.

“Yeah, I had to get away. You know, the whole Tyler thing, I needed to clear my head. Anyway, we met one morning and I just


felt sorry for her and I wanted to help her find her parents.” Presley hated lying to her best friend, but their secret was too dangerous.

“Amnesia?” Samantha repeated clearly not buying the story.

“Yeah, amnesia,” Presley repeated.

“Yeah, Okay Paulette. Is this the same Paulette that you were telling us about the other night in the barn?” Samantha asked confused.

“Yes, weird isn’t it? Trust me it’s such a long story, I’ll tell you more about it later. For now Paulette needs to rest. She has had a dreadful week.”

“Yeah, okay,” Samantha said as Presley led her out of her bedroom.

“I’ll call you later, Sam,” Presley said as she closed the door.

They waited until they heard the front door shut, and then they heard Samantha’s car start up. Presley sighed in relief.

“Okay, she’s gone,” Presley rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t prepared for that, not yet anyway!”

“Me either. At least we’ve had some practice now,” Paulette sighed.

“I guess so,” Presley said as she held out her hand. “Look, I’m shaking. I’ve never been good at lying.

Presley’s phone vibrated a few times, and then rang loudly. She went over to her bed to check who was calling.

“Tyler,” Presley panicked.

“How do you know?” asked Paulette.

Presley held the phone out for Paulette to see his name.

. Presley answered the phone trying to stay calm, “Hello. Yeah, I’m home. Okay. I’ll be here. Bye."

“What was that all about?" Paulette pried.

“Tyler wants to see me.”

“Is he coming over here?”

“Yes. In a while.” Presley took a pair of jeans and a plain blue fitted shirt out of her closet. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Presley walked down the hall to the bathroom. She was perplexed by a dull, aching feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Am I anxious to see Tyler? Am I nervous to see Tyler?” she asked herself out loud, as she tried to put words to this aching feeling. Then it hit her.

This feeling is painful, like misery. I’m sad. I’m disappointed. Ahh

I’m heartbroken. I feel broken. I miss Jesse
, she thought.

Presley finished her shower and went back into her bedroom where she found Paulette fast asleep on her bed. Presley sat down at her old vanity and began brushing her long wet hair. In the reflection of the mirror, she saw the bag that Jesse had given her. She grabbed the bag and then sat back down at the vanity. When she opened it she saw a bundle of wilting flowers. When Presley touched the flowers they began to change from black to grey. They were flowers from Porha and they were dying. They had been wrapped with a brown string and attached to the string was a small note.


It read:


Presley, remember that I will always love you. Have a wonderful life. I hope that I can find you again someday. Maybe in a different time-in another life.


Love always and forever,


The flowers had small bulbs instead of roots. She instinctively ran outside to plant them behind the house. She quickly grabbed a shovel that was near the back porch and dug several holes in the ground. She stood back once they were planted and watched as they flowers adjusted to their new environment. They gradually perked up, turning towards the sun. She went back into the house and into the kitchen.

Presley opened the aged oak cabinets to find them almost empty, as usual. She finally found half a bag of stale potato chips, some bacon and two tomatoes. She decided to make a couple of sandwiches and chips. She ate a few bites as she hurriedly ran up the stairs, anticipating that Tyler could show up at any minute. While she finished her makeup, she heard a knock at the front door. Tyler had arrived.



Chapter Fifteen

She quickly applied gloss to her lips and ran downstairs to answer the door. Tyler stood before her with a dozen red roses. She didn’t know whether to smile or slap him so she chose neither. Instead she gestured nonchalantly for him to come inside. At that time, Lisa stumbled down the stairs. Her hair looked as if it hadn’t been brushed in days. Dark circles and deep lines on her face aged her by twenty years or more. Embarrassed by her mother’s actions and appearance, Presley quickly moved into the living room where she sat on the couch, hoping her mother wouldn’t follow. Tyler sat beside her, the flowers still in his hands.

“Before you say anything let me talk first. Presley, I am so sorry. I wasn’t sure if I was a one woman type of guy, until now. I’ll admit that even when we were dating, I played the field. I did. I snuck around and partied a lot, and I did like all of the attention from the other girls. But the thought of losing you is driving me crazy. I’ve changed now. I think that you will like the new me a lot better. You have to forgive me. I’ll do anything. I was wrong. I’m so sorry,” he pleaded.

“You’ve changed?” she skeptically asked.

“Yes,” he answered confidently.

“In a matter of days, you’ve changed?” she asked again. “Is that even possible?”

“I have changed. I swear,” he said desperately.

Presley studied him for a moment. “That’s a hard thing to measure isn’t it, almost impossible,” she said hatefully.

“What do you mean


“What I mean is that you say you’ve changed. Those are your words, and you’ve never been true to your word which makes you a liar. So, are you lying?" she asked with piercing eyes.

“No, I’m not lying. I love you. I’ve changed. You can trust me,” he pleaded.

“So, you don’t lie anymore?” she asked.

“No, I won’t lie, not anymore,” he promised.

“How many girls?” Presley asked in a hateful tone.

“What?” he asked anxiously.

“I can tell that you are a little uneasy by the question. Let me ask it again, and this time I expect a fast response,” she demanded. “How many girls did you date when you were dating me?”

“You want a number? Okay, how about

a few,” he said cautiously.

Presley was unsatisfied with his answer. “So, let me get this straight,” she snipped, “While you were dating me, you also were dating ‘a few’ other girl

but you kept this a secret from me so that I wouldn’t date anyone else?”

“Yeah, but

“Yeah, but what? You don’t have to explain. I understand quite well. You led me to believe you were in love with me and that we were exclusive. You lied. Is that how you want to be known, as a liar and a cheater?” she asked firmly, as she tried to refrain from screaming.

“Look, I’ve had a few days to think this over,” he said confidently. “I don’t want to lose you. I mean maybe it takes something like this to make us stronger as a couple.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right. I can see how you cheating on me would make our relationship stronger,” she said disgusted. “You cheat on me then bring me flowers because I found out and then-what? I’m supposed to forgive you. Is this how it works? Do you honestly believe that this is love?”

“Look, all I can do is apologize and hope that you will accept it,” he handed her the flowers. She let them drop to the floor.

“Please, just think about it. You don’t have to decide now. Will you?” he asked.

“Will I what?” she questioned harshly.

“Think about it. Will you just think about it,” he begged.

“Okay, I’ll think about it,” she said doubtful of his apology. She wanted to tell him that it was over and that she never wanted to see him again. She was confused by her mixed emotions that she was feeling for both Tyler and Jesse. She now knew that Jesse was her one true love, her soulmate, but it was impossible to ever have him. In her confused state she didn’t realize that being alone was also an option.

Lisa staggered into the room. “Oh, hey Tyler,” she said as, she seductively ran her fingers through her hair trying to, unsuccessfully, make her appearance more pleasing.

“I’m good, Mrs. Dae. How are you?” he replied being overly polite, which repulsed Presley.

“I’ve been better, Tyler,” she sulked. “My boyfriend, Bob, and I got into a fight." She lit up a cigarette that she had been holding between her fingers. She began to cough violently. “I just told him that I ain’t gonna put up with his crap anymore,” she laughed and coughed simultaneously then took another drag off the cigarette.

Embarrassed by her mother, Presley stood up and began to walk out of the room. Tyler followed her.

“I think that you need to go now,” she said firmly.

“Okay. Nice to see you again, Mrs. Dae,” he said as he walked to the door. His focus returned to Presley, “Can I call you tomorrow?” he asked.

“Okay,” she said reluctantly. She watched him leave through the window.

“Isn’t he a sweet boy?” Lisa said as kindly as she could with her rough voice. “He’s better than Bob,” she said as if she were a teenager herself. Presley started to go upstairs, ignoring her mother.

“So, you don’t even care that Bob and I are fighting?” Lisa said loudly.

“Hey, Mom, I’ve been gone for days and you didn’t even notice. When you start caring about me, maybe I’ll start to care for you and what’s-his-name,” she said.

“Bob,” Lisa said abruptly.

“Ah, yes, Bob,” Presley mumbled to herself. Paulette began to rouse and she slowly opened her eyes. She smiled at Presley.

Presley smiled back. “I brought you up a sandwich,” she said. “And chips,” she added.

“Thank you, I’m starving,” she said gratefully.

“Sorry, it isn’t much. I haven’t been to the store in a while,” Presley said.

“Doesn’t your mother go to the store?” Paulette asked puzzled.

“Not really. I mean

sometimes, but mostly I go. My mom is, uh, I don’t know, irresponsible and neglectful. I fend for myself most of the time.” Despair came over Paulette’s face.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

Presley quickly changed the subject. She thought that if she could deflect the conversation, Paulette wouldn’t realize how much her mother’s actions, and lack of concern, had hurt her.

“How are we going to find your mom?” Presley asked.

“I don’t know,” answered Paulette. Presley sat on the edge of the bed, pondering multiple solutions.

“The phone book,” Presley said as she leaped from her bed.

Paulette followed her downstairs and into the kitchen. Presley took the phone book out of one of the kitchen drawers.

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