Read Special Needs Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #transabled, #rough sex, #stalker, #sex, #medical, #sex hotel, #leg braces, #ink, #workplace affair, #tattoo, #deception, #Gay, #disability, #romance, #bdsm, #employee, #fetish, #role play, #alternative lifestyle, #goth, #devotee, #paraplegic, #boss, #sexual role play, #body image issues, #amputee, #medical fetish, #mm, #wheelchair, #scars, #piercing, #stalking, #first time, #financial trouble, #emo

Special Needs (25 page)

BOOK: Special Needs
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“You know, being naked is not obligatory. I think.” He winked at Ryan. It looked like he was not only a hunk, but also a mind reader.

“W--would you wait for me?” Ryan managed in the end, unsure whether he was feeling happy or defeated. “I would have to change.”

His caretaker shrugged. “Sure, let’s go. You wouldn’t wanna miss it.”



Even with Ryan struggling to get ready as fast as possible, it took a good fifteen minutes to go up to his room and change, but he was finally in his wetsuit pants and called out to Liam.

The other man entered the room in his birthday suit, apparently not finding it inappropriate to carry Ryan around with his cock dangling just beneath Ryan’s butt. Liam’s grip under Ryan’s knees and armpit was as firm as ever and just being so close to his hot body made Ryan imagine how it would be to lay next to him. That would be a dream come true. For now, and forever, all he had was Liam’s scent.
Oh God...

“Sorry you had to wait.”

“That’s all right. It’s not like the fun’s gonna end soon. We have the whole night and a huge full moon today.” Liam’s longish hair was loose and it dangled with his every move as he was carrying Ryan to the beach, which was unusually loud.

If Ryan didn’t know better, he’d think he was in the middle of a Hollywood movie about the perfect summer party. The pale moon looked magical over the picturesque beach, people were having fun in the water, splashing each other and screaming, someone seemed to be building a bonfire, and he was in the arms of his dream guy. He cuddled up closer, trying not to be imposing, but stole another sniff of Liam’s daily sweat.

“Are you cold?” He could sense Liam kicking off his flip flops before he proceeded down the beach and straight for the water.

“A bit.. but... you don’t have to take me over to the water... I don’t wanna spoil your fun. I’ll be okay just watching everyone.” Ryan fought back the idea of petting Liam’s neck. He'd never consciously do anything that could make Liam uncomfortable. His caretaker might be unusually chilled out about gay stuff and confident in his own sexuality, but there were limits Ryan didn't want to cross.

Liam slowed down and for a moment, he was completely silent. As far as Ryan knew, he even stopped breathing, but when Liam spoke, his voice was clear and serious. It was strange, Ryan never heard him sound quite like that. “You know, the day Stuart first came over, I really wanted to do that.”

“You did? Why?” Ryan looked up into his face, and the laughter and screams in the background faded as his focus shifted to Liam and Liam only. They were moving slowly, step by step and soon, the lukewarm water brushed against his skin.

“You were so happy about coming to the beach for the first time,” Liam said, looking up at the white moon, and Ryan couldn’t solve the mystery of his expression. “I took the food and wine so we could have fun, and I just wanted to see you smile when I carry you into the water for the first time.” His voice became quiet, but Ryan couldn’t hear nothing else, just Liam’s hypnotizing whisper and the humming waves that somehow made him shiver despite not being all that cold. “But in the end, Stuart took over our date.”

Ryan smiled at him as the water started to cover his stomach. He wished he could have all first times with Liam. But since he couldn’t, he had to appreciate the ones he got. “He wasn’t as strong as you, you know.” Ryan’s body was getting so hot, it was actually good to feel the waves washing over his skin. “When I was little, my aunt was so overprotective, she wouldn’t let me come to the beach. And then, I had the accident and couldn’t do it anymore. I really appreciate that you brought me here.” It didn’t even matter that Matt Powers was swimming around naked somewhere close. He couldn’t care less when he was in Liam’s arms. This was when he had to admit to himself that he had a crush of a lifetime. And despite all this, he still intended to sleep with someone else tomorrow. Life just wasn’t fair.

“You should have called him off for the day. That was my date,” Liam said stiffly, pushing his bottom lip out far enough that a part of his lip tattoo became visible.

Ryan swallowed, fighting the strange pang of guilt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have anyone for such a long time that I think I overreacted. I forgot lovers come and go, while friends are forever, right?” The gentle waves covered them up to their arms and Ryan enjoyed the amazing sense of weightlessness, combined with Liam’s soft touch. He was floating and Liam was his anchor.

Liam snorted, leaning his head against Ryan’s arm. “Yeah, that’s true. Especially with that guy.” Apparently he couldn’t get over his unreasonable anger at Stu.

“Oh don’t worry Liam. There’s enough of me to go around.” He pinched Liam’s nipple. The other man stared at him wide eyed.

“You little shit. I should drown you!”

“You wouldn’t. You’re a softie.” Ryan kept looking into his eyes, as happy as ever.

“Oh yeah?” Liam suddenly dropped his hands, no longer supporting Ryan’s body in the water.

Ryan screamed in panic, gripping at Liam’s strong arms as his legs slowly, but steadily, sank down. The wetsuit pants didn’t have metal bracing, but they still made his legs heavy and stiff.

“What did you do to your poor boss, Liam?” came a laugh from the side, but all Ryan could feel now was that he was body to body with Liam’s powerful frame. They were embracing. Yes, they, because Liam pressed him closer, hugging him against his chest and as bad as it was, it was hard not to react to the tickle of his body hair.

“He’s molesting me!” Ryan screamed out, but laughed, relief flowing through his body. “Don’t let me go,” he squealed, a lot quieter, because this was for Liam’s ears only. With him, Ryan wasn’t afraid of drowning. The feeling was strange. His feet were floating and even though his legs were heavy, thanks to the water, his whole body felt light.

“I won’t.” Liam smiled at him, gently holding him in place. “Do you trust me?”

Ryan nodded. “Yeah. You know too many embarrassing facts about me for me not to.”

“I could teach you to swim, you know.” Liam gently slid his hands up Ryans body to finally rest them under his armpits.

Adrenaline was pumping through Ryan like liquid fire. This moment brought together so many conflicting feelings. The cold water and the heat of Liam's touch. The dark night and the bright moon. The fear of drowning and the reassuring grip of strong hands.

“You could?” Ryan whispered, slowly sliding his hands down to Liam’s arms. He was getting goosebumps all over his body from staring into Liam’s face alone.

“Yes. I like your smile so much. You have no idea.” Liam was looking back at him, his eyes dark and gentle. The moon gave his golden skin an almost otherworldly glow.

“Aw. Making the cripple smile. Good deed for the day.” Ryan mocked him and slowly trailed his hands down Liam's arms. Liam was in such fantastic shape, with muscles that proved that his workouts were intense.

“It’s not like that, Ryan.” Liam’s large fingers squeezed his flesh, calloused thumbs tracing over Ryan’s erect nipples.

“I know. I’m just kidding.” Ryan decided to be more serious. He did his best not to get aroused by that touch and the cool water was his ally. “Okay... I think I’m sorta floating. Just grab my hands now.” He never thought this would be so exciting. His heart was pounding when he realized that his legs didn't matter. He could move around and change position by using his hands and upper body only. He could forget about what happened below his pelvis, and his chest slowly swelled with joy.

“Are you, like, hurting sometimes because of your accident?” Liam slowly turned Ryan to his back, still keeping his arms in a firm grip.

“Uhm...” Liam’s presence behind him sent shivers down Ryan’s spine. The fact that his caretaker was naked got his imagination running wild. What if Liam brushed his cock against Ryan’s ass by accident? “No. It’s good. Don’t worry.” It was only the scarred tissue being itchy or hypersensitive sometimes.

“Was that long ago?” Liam was slowly moving, helping him float closer to the surface.



It was amazing, Ryan could stay like this with Liam forever, but when a loud bang ripped through the air and the sky filled with colorful sparks, his back went tense and he started splashing around in panic. Heat exploded all over Ryan's legs, making the flashback of pain and terror all the more vivid. He swallowed some water, completely overwhelmed by the surrounding sensations. But then, he was pressed against a solid body, held close with warm, muscled arms as he curled up, cowering in the crook of Liam’s neck.

“Shh, it’s just the fireworks.”

Ryan tried to control his desperate breathing, but the irony of the situation still got to him. “Fuck. Fuck. I’m sorry,” he uttered, squeezing Liam as if being away from him could get Ryan back into the fireworks and make him hurt all over again. “I know.” He barely held back a sob.

“You all right?” Liam nudged Ryan’s ear with his nose, hugging him so tight it was almost uncomfortable.

“My accident, Liam. I stepped into a bunch of fireworks.” He took a deep breath, not wanting to seem like a wuss and cry. “I know these are fine... it’s just... you know... it surprised me.” He couldn’t fight off the tremble in his body.

“Oh.” Liam only acknowledged his words, gently rocking him in the water. It was so easy to try and regain composure while in his arms.

“It was horrible,” Ryan whispered by his neck, doing his best not to think about all he had to go through after he had seen the flames die. “I was recovering for months.”

“But you recovered and here you are.” Liam sighed, with his face partially buried in Ryan’s hair. “Still cool and on his own two feet... so to speak.”

“‘So to speak’,” Ryan mocked him, but didn't let go. The firework explosions seemed to end. Maybe they only had a couple with them?

“Hey, you know what I mean, silly.”

“I do. You wanna go and join Matt Powers’s naked ass by the bonfire?” Ryan smiled up at him. “Or, you know, that makeup artist girl looked pretty cute, huh?” His body was finally starting to relax again.

“If you want to, we can both join Matt Powers’s ass.” Liam turned around to face the shore.

“Thanks for everything tonight. You’re amazing,” Ryan said, as they started making their way back to the beach. Even from here, he could hear people laughing, dancing and drinking by the fire.

“Someone’s watching. Is that...?” Liam asked when they went onto the beach, dripping with water.

Ryan rolled his eyes, without even having to look towards the neighboring building. “Yeah, Roger. You think he wants to join in on the gay porn fun?”

“Nah, I think he’s praying for the sea to consume our sinful orgy.” Liam snorted as they got closer to the fire. Some men were actually making out, and since they had no other guests but the film crew, even Fay and Rodney were fraternizing with everyone by the fire.

“You can put me down on that blanket.” Ryan pointed to a free spot close to Matt Powers. He felt himself blushing already, and the heat in his face grew in proportion to the shrinking distance.

“Do you need me to get you a towel?” Liam gently lowered Ryan close to the fire.

“I’ve got it,” Ryan heard from the side and before Ryan looked up, he was covered by Matt Powers’s warm towel.

“Thanks, I’m being spoilt today.” Ryan winked at Liam.

“Sooo, what have you lovebirds been up to?” Matt shot Ryan a not-so-innocent smile. “Should I be worried about getting cum in my hair when I’m bathing here?”

“Oh, shut up.” Ryan snorted. He couldn’t believe Matt's naked body was merely inches away. “He’s my caretaker! Don’t make him uncomfortable.”

“What exactly does he take care of for you?” Matt smiled at them, sipping his beer.

“All of his needs,” Liam said bluntly.

Ryan felt his face getting hotter. “Liam! Don’t tease him. You know, helps me with shopping and around the house, cooks for me.”

“I bet your boyfriend just loves him.” Matt looked into the fire with a smirk.

“Uhm...” Ryan was at loss of words. “It’s not like that.” Having his favorite porn star so close, was getting him all kinds of nervous.

“Do you guys have an open relationship?”

Liam reached for a can of soda.

“N--no. I don’t think so. Why?” Ryan swallowed. He damn well knew why. What could he possibly say? He wasn’t a cheater, even if losing his virginity to Matt-fucking-Powers was a glorious perspective.

BOOK: Special Needs
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