Spicy (9 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: Spicy
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“Everything, okay,” he asks Callie, looking
her over.

I pull her into my side to give him the
message ‘she’s spoken for’ because the way he’s looking at her is that of a man
liking what he sees, although there is concern etched into his features.

“I’m fine. I wanted to thank you for coming
to my rescue last night.”

He shakes his head. “It was nothing. But
you’re welcome.”

“Here’s your keys.” I hand them over to him
wanting to get out of there and have Callie hidden away in the car. I should
have made her wear a potato sack, instead of letting her torture me in the
little, lacy sundress she has on her sexy curves.
, I’m losing it…and over a girl.

Ruben starts to laugh, which soon turns to
a scowl when he looks over to one of his waitresses who is now out of uniform.
She’s wearing tight jeans and a stretchy long-sleeved t-shirt that doesn’t
leave anything to the imagination; all her curves are on display and it’s clear
Ruben hasn’t missed any of them.

“I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” he
shouts over his shoulder to me; but I can tell that he is completely

“C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”

Leaving Kenza, I drape my arm around her
neck, kissing her softly on the top of her head. “Stay with me tonight.” I need
her with me. Instead of needing my own space, I want her in it with me. I hold
my breath, waiting for her answer. She’s damn well killing me.

“I want to stay with you,” she whispers,
“but, I’m afraid we’re moving too fast too quickly, you know?” She snuggles
into my side, caressing my back with her hand, which starts to wander into the
back of my jeans and shorts, over my naked ass waking another part of my body.

“You’re not going to stay?” I hope I’m
wrong because I want her with me. “We don’t have to have sex. We can just
cuddle all night.”

Stopping mid-step, she moves to stand in
front of me and resting her chin on my chest meets my eyes. “You want me to
stay that much, you’d go without having sex with me?” She asks, her lips give a
wry smile and I can tell she doesn’t believe me.

“Yes.” A one-word answer is all that’s
needed. I slide my fingers through the hair flowing down her back and

“Will you stop and get in the fucking car,”
Phoenix shouts hanging through the car’s window only to have Thalia grab his
junk by the sound of things. “Hey baby, you want more of that?”

I shake my head shutting them out again.

“I’ll stay. I was just a bit worried we
might be rushing into something you’re not ready for.”

“Honestly, you scare the shit outta me. But
you did something to me and I missed the fuck outta you. I’m not ready to let
you outta my sight, just yet.”

She takes my hand and tugs me toward the
car. “C’mon
, lover boy
. Let’s head

Chapter 13


It’s been a week since we were in Lexington
and Reece and I became…involved. Arriving home, he’d lived up to his words and
held me all night, although frustrating for us both I’d not instigated anything
between us. In a way I wanted to see whether or not he’d give in and literally
attack me. No doubt, he’d spent most of his time after dropping me back at my
place in the shower either with cold water or his fist!

That was the last time I’d seen him, and I
miss him. We’ve talked on the phone every day, but it isn’t the same. He’s been
working all hours at ‘The Dive’ and when he is free I’m in class. It’s hard to
say we have a relationship when we haven’t even seen each other since we became
involved. This fact alone makes me nervous, but other than camping at his
place, I don’t see how anything can change. We’re both too damn busy.

Sighing, I continue getting ready for work
in my lilac cotton dress that I have to wear in the bakery. I smile. I didn’t
think it would happen, but working in the same cake shop as Thalia is really
enjoyable. We don’t always have the same shifts, but when we do we have some
fun and so far I’ve been pretty good by not eating all the goods. They’re damn
tempting though especially the ones with chocolate, cream and strawberries.
Hmm, that gives me an idea for Reece. I bet he’d taste really good having that
concoction eaten and licked off him. Perhaps a shopping trip is in order.

Thinking about Reece and what I’m going to
be doing to him isn’t such a good idea while I’m rooting around for my other
pump and purse so I can leave for work, especially when I’m missing him like
crazy. But he’s going to have a houseguest tonight. My bag is all packed and
although I’m full of nerves about being rejected, I’m going to ‘girly up’ and
take that chance.

Donovan was here at the apartment not too
long ago and he said Reece was driving him insane because he can’t get time
with me. So he’d told me that he wouldn’t be at his apartment tonight because
he has something else to do, which means Reece and I will have it to ourselves.
I just hope Reece is excited to see me and doesn’t have other plans. In fact,
my heart misses a beat at what other plans he could have.

I know he’s a player – no correction
– was a player. The last night we’d spent together he’d promised to stay
true to me, and he’d looked sincere…but with all the young girls going into
‘The Dive’ every night, I’d be lying if I said I’m not worried. Perhaps, if
we’d been together this week then I’d have more confidence in myself and Reece.

Slipping my other pump on my foot, I grab
my purse, bag and keys before heading out for my long day ahead in the shop. I
only work one full day and today’s the day.

~ * ~

By three in the afternoon, I’m completely
exhausted. Being on my feet since ten in the morning has made it a very long
shift. We’re always busy, but today was worse than usual. I’m not sure why the
sudden influx of people. Neve is also working today and thinks there is an open
day for the history department, which seems odd, as I haven’t seen any
advertising for it. Usually when there is an open day at the college there are
fliers all over the place. But not today there was nothing but crowds; it just
seems so strange.

Tossing the cloth into the sink, I stand
back and check the counter tops out now that I’ve washed them down. They’re all
clean and I can finally take my break. I need ten minutes before I drop.

“Neve,” I shout and wait for her to
acknowledge me before saying, “Will you be okay if I take ten minutes?”

She waves over to me while pouring a
takeaway coffee for a customer.

Before she decides she needs help, I sneak
into the small break room. It isn’t much, a table with three chairs takes up
most of the space, but it’s peaceful and I can rest my poor feet.

Pulling out a chair and about to drop down
into it, I hear the door handle and watch as it turns, kind of in slow motion,
then my heart stops.


I don’t finish as he has me pinned against
the wall by his body while he sucks my tongue into his mouth. “I’ve fuckin’
missed you.” He kisses along my jaw. “I can’t go another minute without
touching you.” He kisses down my neck to my collarbone. “I need to be with
you…and you’re staying with me tonight…no arguing.
, Callie. We don’t need to do anything, although I hope we do.
I just need you with me – in my bed.” He starts opening the buttons on
the front of my dress.

“My bags already packed and in the car, and
I can’t believe Neve let you back here,” I tell him while I still have the
brain cells to think.

“I like the packed bag idea, and, as for
Neve, well, she was flirting with someone when I came in so I slipped back
here.” He starts to follow the opening buttons with his lips.

“Yeah,” I moan as he skims over my hard
nipples through my clothing with his hands.

“I fuckin’ love this dress.” He opens the
button to where they finish at my waist and pushes the gap open wide, which
bares my pink lacy bra encased breasts.

He lifts his head and looks at my chest
before flicking open the front catch on my bra, allowing my large breasts
freedom. Cussing, he rubs and pinches my nipples sending pulses of electricity
straight to my pussy, which is desperate for some attention.

Unable to voice my need, he has our mouths
locked together in a passionate frenzy. I moan into his mouth and can taste his
passion, which is driving me so friggin’ crazy. I can’t get enough of him.

He grabs hold of my ass with his hands and
raises me further up against the wall, still using his hips and lower stomach
to keep me in place and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth.

I need him inside me.

“Take me,” I moan as he continues to lavish
my breasts and nipples. Throwing my head back in passion, I yelp when my head
hits the wall.

“Jesus Christ, Callie. Are you trying to
knock yourself out?” He rubs the back of my head.

“Forget about my head. I want your mouth.”

“I’m all yours baby.” He feathers kisses
around my face as he lets my hand slip down the front of his jeans.

My finger rubs the tip. He grunts and
pushes against my hand. “Unzip your jeans and let your cock out. I want to ride
you. Now!”

The zipper goes down as his dick springs
free. I can’t get a proper hold on him though because of how he has me pinned
to the wall.

His hands make quick work of getting under
my dress and into my panties.

“Fuck, baby. You’re hot and wet…so…wet.” He
runs his finger between my lips, leaving liquid fire in his wake. He avoids my
clit, which I’m thankful for. I don’t want to come yet. Not until he’s inside

Whipping me around, my ass hits the table
as he lays me across it before yanking his t-shirt over his head.

Seeing him like this is so hot and watching
him work his cock while he stares into my eyes is making me squirm especially
with the friction of his balls rubbing against my pussy.

I’m so close. “Inside me.”

“Hell, yeah.” He rips my panties and pushes
home in one solid thrust, which would have sent me off the other side if he
hadn’t been holding my hips. “Ahhh… Don’t move.”

Struggling for breath, he leans over me and
sucks my nipples, alternatively, into his mouth while he slowly rotates his
hips against me, making me wetter.

“Touch yourself,” he says, groaning as I
tighten my internal muscles.

Standing between my legs with his cock
buried so deep inside me, he puts one hand on my lower back, his fingers
grazing my ass and his other hand on top of my pussy with his fingers spread
out, his thumb close to my clit.

“Callie, touch your nipples. I want to
watch you play while I fuck you.”

forgotten he likes to watch.

Trying to hide the fact that I’m embarrassed,
I reach up and take my nipples between my finger and thumb and start tugging
and rolling them as Reece pulls out, almost to the tip before sliding all the
way back inside.

“You feel good…so good…I’m not sure I’m
going to last.” He bites his lip watching my hands and watching his cock
sliding in and out of me. “You’re so
hot.” Tightening his grip on my pussy and back he starts to pound back and
forth, his balls slapping against my ass.


Then we hear someone in the hall, and just
like that I start to climax. My orgasm rips out of me, clamping around Reece’s
cock, not letting him withdraw as I use my feet to keep him against me while my
pussy spasms.


As I hear someone touch the door handle,
Reece starts coming inside me. I feel every jerk, every wet release as it hits
my walls. Even as he pants above me now he’s finished, I can still feel him
twitching inside me.

I can hear Neve talking to someone outside
the door, which has my eyes widening with shock. We carried on. I wouldn’t let
him stop when we heard movement out in the corridor. I moan, as Reece quickly
withdraws, zipping his jeans before he turns and bending down retrieves my
panties. Shoving them between my legs, he pulls me into a sitting position to
quickly fasten my bra and dress, before he uses my panties to clean between my

“They’re two small. I’ll run to the
restroom in a minute,” I whisper. “I can’t believe we’ve just done that. You
made me forget where we are.”

“Sorry,” he mumbles, unable to hide his

“Yeah, right.” I smack his ass and frown
when he covers his abs, tats and piercings. That’s one thing I’m going to be
doing again soon. Spending time familiarizing myself with his body and…art.

“Callie, you awake?” Neve asks, walking
into the room, but stopping when she spots Reece.

Realizing my panties are still in my hand,
I shove them into my pocket wondering how the hell I’m going to get
the chance to pop to my car to retrieve
the ones in my bag. Crap, I’m going to have to ask Reece to sneak them to me
before he leaves.

“Um, Neve. This is Reece…my…my…um.”

“Her boyfriend. And you’re Neve.” He shakes
her hand while I’m still trying to unglue my tongue from the roof of my mouth,
but I like that ‘boyfriend.’

“It’s nice to meet you Reece.” She gives
him an odd look then recognition hits her face. “You’re the drummer with

Reece looks at me, but answers Neve. “Yes,
I am.”

Clearing my throat, I take Reece’s hand and
move toward Neve, who blinks and walks back the way she came with us following.
It was starting to get a tad uncomfortable in there plus I sensed Neve was
about to go all fan girly on Reece, which would have pissed me off. I have a
jealous streak a mile wide, something I’ve yet to admit to him.

“I need to use the restroom,” I announce.
The truth is I have cum running down my legs, which isn’t exactly a pleasant
feeling, although it felt good when Reece shot it inside me. It also makes me
think that I should have waited to inform him I was on birth control instead of
blurting it out on our departure from each other last week. It basically was my
parting shot, which had left him stunned as I’d walked into my apartment and
shut the door. I’d half expected him to follow me, but he hadn’t and now he is
standing beside me with a huge, satisfied grin on his face.

Conscious that Neve is watching us, or
rather Reece, I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck giving him a hug, as
I whisper into his ear, “Go to my car and get me a pair of panties out of the
bag in the trunk then go round the side and pass them to me through the window
in the restroom.”

“I kinda like you without, baby,” he
replies into my neck. “But I don’t want you around anyone except for me when
you’re without.” He pats me on the ass as I unwrap myself from him.


“Oh, one minute.” I run back into the back
room and retrieve my keys from the front of my purse. “Here.”

He winks and walks out.

I meet Neve’s eyes, but don’t say anything
when I see the smirk on her face.

Blushing, I push into the restroom and
locking the door behind me, I rest my head against the door. Well, that was
embarrassing. Her actually catching us having sex would have been more so.

Quickly grabbing some paper towels and
wetting them, I wipe between my legs a few times before drying off just as I
see a shadow through the window. I quickly move to unlock it and make to grab
my panties that are dangling from Reece’s finger. “Will you stop messing, I
have to work,” I say, frustration clear in my voice when he moves his hand

“You need to get new panties for work,” he
growls, not looking happy.

“There is nothing wrong with the ones I
have,” I counter making another grab for them. “Reece, I’m getting pissed now.
I have a job to get back to so will you
pass me my panties?”

He passes them to me, but keeps hold of one
end. “There’s hardly anything to them. I don’t want anyone getting a look of
you in these.”

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