Spicy (11 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: Spicy
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“I’m not going to act as though I have no
idea what you’re talking about because I do. I don’t want you thinking about
her. I was a bastard and used her to get to you, which I shouldn’t have done,
but I did and it’s too late to change that. But I can assure you, I’ve not once
thought about her since. You are the only one who’s in my head.” He takes a
loose piece of my hair and puts it behind my ear. “But, feel free to use your
mouth on me anytime to make me forget everything.”

I pull away and hit him on the arm as he
laughs before grabbing me around the waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

He starts to walk to his bike, his hand
landing on my ass. Slowly he starts to slip it underneath my skirt, which is
barely covering my ass anyway. He grips the top of my thigh with his fingers
touching my pussy.

All I want to do is spread my legs and give
him better access, but my skirt is too damn tight and he’s holding me close. It
takes everything in me not to squirm against him. Not to create the right
friction to give me the climax that I’ve wanted since I walked into the bar
tonight. Who am I kidding? The climax I’ve wanted since I spied those
come-fuck-me shoes at the store.

He gently places me on his bike, and slides
his hands up my thighs before lifting my right one so I’m straddling his bike,
awkwardly, considering my skirt won’t budge. A problem he soon solves by
shoving it up around my waist – baring all.

“Callie,” he growls. “What is it with you
and no panties.”

Hearing the door at the club slam, he
quickly shoves my shirt under my ass and the helmet on my head before climbing
onto the front of the bike.

Sitting forward, I wrap my arms around his
waist, feeling his stomach muscles quiver when my hands slide over them. I
squeeze my thighs along his, but he ruins my seduction by grabbing my hands to
keep them on his stomach instead of letting them wander south.

He starts the bike and away we go.

Chapter 16


Cooking bacon in my kitchen with a spatula
in one hand and strong, black coffee in the other has my stomach growling in

Last night after arriving back at my
building, I dragged her from my bike and straight into the apartment. I had her
skirt off and my mouth on her within five seconds of walking through the door.
How the hell I managed to get us back without crashing the bike is anyone’s

Placing my coffee on the counter, I run my
hand over my head and down my face in exhaustion. Spending the night in bed
with the little wild cat has taken it out of me. Not that I’d ever admit that
to her or anyone. No way in hell. But hot damn, I don’t think I’ve ever spent
bedtime with anyone like that before or for as long. Jesus, I’m surprised my
dick hasn’t fallen off with overuse.

Covering my junk with my hand, I nearly
jump out of my skin when I catch Callie standing watching me. “Shit babe. How
long have you been standing there?”

She smirks. “Long enough to watch you
feeling up your junk.”

I laugh passing her a coffee. “I was making
sure it was still there after what you did to me last night.”

Narrowing her eyes she pinches my ass
before taking a sip of her coffee. “What I did to you, huh? What about what you
did to me with that ginormous thing? I think I’m going to need my pussy kissing

Chuckling, I put my coffee down before
removing hers from her hands. Taking her by the hips, I lift her up onto the
breakfast bar. She looks really cute wearing one of my t-shirts, and as I slip
my hands up inside the shirt, I discover she still hasn’t put any panties on.

“So, you going to just stare at me all day,
or are you going to kiss it better?”

“What is it with you and no panties? It’s
not really something I expect you to do…not that I’m complaining.”

Without waiting for an answer, I spread her
knees, pull her toward my waiting mouth and kiss her on her sore pussy, which
took a hammering during the night and I’m not exactly on the small side either.
Yeah, I’m an ass and like to brag, but hey, I’m a guy. We brag.

“God, you’re good at that,” she squeaks,
when I point my tongue and tickle her pussy. She tastes damn good, but we’re
not doing this.

Quickly standing up, I stay between her
legs and rest my hands on either side of her on the counter. “I’m not having
sex with you today.”

She blinks as though she didn’t really hear
me say what I did. “Um, why?”

I start to caress up and down her arms.
“I’ve never had a relationship before. Well, at least one that I’ve wanted to
last more than a week.” Shit, I can feel my cheeks flush. God, I might as well
get it all out. “I really don’t want to do anything to screw this up so I don’t
want a relationship based on sex.”

I quickly cover her mouth before she gets a
chance to speak. “The sex is great, in fact it’s better than great, it’s
awesome…but for the first time
in like…ever, I want more than sex, and I want that with you. I’ve gone a week
without being a dick.” She grins and her whole face lights up. I slide my
fingers through her golden strands and cup the back of her head. “I’m trying,
okay? So after breakfast we’re going to play mini golf.”

She rolls her eyes, gives me a quick kiss
before jumping down from the breakfast bar and coming into contact with my
erection. “You sure about no sex? Because your body is saying otherwise.”

“My body is a horny dick.”

I smack her ass and shoo her out of the
kitchen, “Go and get dressed, and for
please wear panties.”

She winks. “I’ll do better than that and
wear jeans and boots. Actually, I hope you’re not expecting anymore fuck-me
shoes because they’re going in the trash.”

“Well that will be a damn shame… Keep ‘em.
You can wear them in bed for me.”

She mumbles something under her breath as I
let out a whoosh of air. Watching her head back into the bedroom to get
dressed, I pray she really does wear jeans. The harder it is for me to get to
her, the easier it will be to keep my hands to myself. At least that’s what I’m
telling myself.

Now, all I have to do is figure out a way
to tell her Dal is coming to stay in a week. How the hell am I going to admit
this to her? I mean Dal was the reason I left the way I did during the summer.
I have a really bad feeling that this piece of news isn’t going to go down too
well. Although I’d love to have it out of the way, I think I’ll let it go for
now because I really do want to just spend the day with my girl without any arguments
and I have a feeling we’re going to have one when I finally tell her.

~ * ~

“You have got to be kidding me.” Callie
climbs off the back of the bike and keeps looking between the sign and me, back
and forth as though the words are going to suddenly change.

I grin, but can’t help wondering whether I
should have taken her to the more traditional mini golf at the other side of
town instead of here to ‘Sixty Nine.’ It’s not actually the words that are
causing her to silently question me; it’s the picture underneath. Yeah! It has
a naked man and woman in the sixty-nine position. I thought it would be more
fun, but now I’m questioning myself especially after saying we weren’t going to
have sex today.

“Well,” she clears her throat, “this is,
um, certainly going to be entertaining.” She finally locks her gaze on me. “Are
you sure you’re going to be able to keep your hands and, um, other body parts,
to yourself?” She glances down at my erection trying to burst through my

“I’m having second thoughts,” I grumble.

“I bet.” She snickers. “I can’t believe
you’d bring me to a place like this…so tacky.” She waves her hands around.

“Now babe, this place is really popular,
especially at night, but it seems pretty quiet right now.”

I pay the guy at the gate, who can’t seem
to hide his grin when he looks at Callie. He passes us the clubs and a couple
of golf balls, so I pull her inside the park.

It isn’t one of the bigger mini golf sites,
but it’s more fun and entertaining and yeah plenty of nights I’ve been here trying
to get into someone else’s panties, but that’s something I plan on keeping to

“C’mon, it starts over here.” I wrap my arm
around her waist and walk her over toward the ‘cum shooter.’

Hearing her gasp, I start laughing and move
away from her to place the ball on the white spot on the ground. About to take
the shot, I glance at Callie and realize she hasn’t moved. “Babe, you with me?”

“That’s kinda hot,” she replies staring at
the giant penis waiting to have our balls shooting through the head, hence the
title ‘cum shooter.’

Basically, you take the shot and have to
use enough strength to get the ball to shoot straight up a slight incline,
which goes around to the right and your ball is supposed to shoot out.

Taking a deep breath, I rearrange the dick
in my jeans before taking the shot, which keeps going…and shoots out the tip of
the large dick. I fist the sky and turn to look at Callie who is moving toward
the giant balls that the dick is sprouting from. Standing in front of them she
turns to me, grins and then runs her hand over them, trailing her fingers along
the dick as well. “Mmm…feels so good.” She licks her lips looking at my crotch.

God, the things this girl does to me.
Bringing her here was a really, really bad idea because all I can think about
is opening my jeans and letting her stroke me. My dick is leaking in
anticipation of her fingers. She’s going to kill me today.

Walking closer, she stands in front of me
and bends to place the ball on the start, only to have her ass rubbing against
my jeans. I growl and pull her into me, desperate to have no fabric between us.

She stands up, wiggles her hips before
turning, and saying, “You better move out the way, because I’m going to nail
this orgasm.” Then she licks her lips again.

Cussing under my breath, I move away and
watch her take the same shot as I did and she nails it. Jumping up and down,
she runs to me and throws herself into my arms, wrapping her legs around me and
smacking her lips on mine in a quick kiss.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever played
mini golf and gotten a point straight off the bat, kinda thing, you know? That
was so cool.” She climbs off me. “Where’s number two?”

I point in the general direction, and
before I can even slow her down, she shoots toward it. Stopping a few feet
away, she tosses her hair over her shoulder as she gives me a steaming, come
hither look and asks, “You coming.”

“Nearly,” I whimper, watching her sexy,
curvy ass disappear around the corner to the ‘masturbator.’ I can’t wait for
her reaction to this one.

Catching up to her, I wrap my arms around
her and whisper into her ear, “I want to watch you do that and soon.”

She shivers. “As long as you do it with me.
I want you to stand between my legs and watch me while I watch you jerking
off.” Shoving her ass into my dick, she pushes away from me, and mumbles, “Now
we have that out of the way. How the hell does this one work?”

I’m actually afraid to open my mouth incase
nothing comes out. I chuckle, because any more of this and I’m going to be coming
where I stand. I should have known that declaring no sex and bringing her here
would be one long and torturous afternoon.

I clear the restriction in my throat, close
my eyes and count to ten before opening them again to stare at Callie’s
backside as she bends over to take the shot, having figured the workings out.
She’s sexy as fuck. I turn back to the ‘masturbator,’ which has been designed
as a woman leaning back on one of her elbows with her head thrown back and her
fingers holding her pussy lips open, which is where the balls shoot out…like

“I like this game. Your turn.”

I’m not even sure I can walk, let alone
move enough to take a shot. And she knows it, standing there leaning on her
golf club, waiting and grinning.

Trying to clear my head of the vision of
Callie in that position, I walk over and take the shot as I feel her pinch me
on the ass.

Before I can retaliate she’s off to hunt
out number three when all I want to do is drag her back to my apartment and rip
the clothes from her body. I also know what she’s going to think when she sees
the next one, or rather what it’s going to remind her of. It’s titled

Rounding the corner she has a stunned
expression on her face. “We didn’t try that one or at least in that position. I
was on my hands and knees.”

“You serious?” She can’t possibly want to
try that. “Callie…do you mean, you want to be with both of us again, like
that?” I ask the thought that is making my brain crazy. I’m not sure I’d be
able to share her. Not like that.

She doesn’t answer and continues staring at
the scene of a woman lying spread out on a bed, her head hanging off the end
with a man standing, his legs open and his cock in her mouth, with another guy
kneeling between the woman’s thighs with his dick in her cunt. It’s one hell of
a sexy picture, one I’m hoping she doesn’t want to experience.

“It’s hot,” she whispers, “but, no. I don’t
want to be with both of you again. I like Donovan and I enjoyed being with you
both together, but I just want you.”

Yep, that was my heart dropping to my fuckin’ toes.

I clench my teeth and grab her hand before
pulling her toward the exit. “This was a bad idea.”

I’m beating myself up for bringing her here
with all the sexual pictures everywhere and fuck knows how she’d react if we stayed
and she saw the ‘gaygasm’ hole.

She has me ready to drop her jeans, bend
her over the bench beside the course before releasing my cock and fucking her
senseless, and it’s my own damn fault. What’s wrong with me wanting to torturer
us like this? I bet if I slip my fingers into her jeans she’d be wet.


“Okay. Stop right now.” She pulls up short,
which effectively brings me to a halt with the exit in site. “Oh, my,


Instead of blushing and turning away, which
I’d prefer, she walks toward the picture with the four men in various positions
of pleasuring the other. I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t make me squirm a
bit, and I don’t mean in a pleasure kinda way. I mean it would any straight
guy, but finding that my girl finds it hot is an eye opener.

The picture is of a guy standing with his
legs spread and his cock half buried in the mouth of another guy who is on his
knees with his arms wrapped around the standing guys hips. But it doesn’t stop
there because there is a third guy on his hands and knees behind the standing
guy with his mouth working the cock of the guy kneeling while a guy kneels
behind him with his cock in his ass. It’s definitely a piece of artwork that
you have to see to make heads or tails of it.

“Wow. I never imagined men did that. I mean
four guys. Holy fuck.” Now my girl blushes. “You know. I think you need to take
me somewhere private on your bike and strip us both out of our jeans so I can
ride you. Because after a combination of these,” she waves her arms around,
“and you, I’m wet as hell. I’m just surprised I’m not leaking through my

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