STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series (38 page)

BOOK: STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series
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Friday morning, I woke up early to the sound of my ringing phone. I rolled over and groped for it on the bedside table before I finally felt it in my hand. I slid the answer bar without looking at the screen.

“Hello?” I mumbled.

“Kate, you didn’t call last night.” My mother greeted me sharply. “I was worried sick.”

“I’m sorry mom, I feel asleep really early.” I explained. “I’m fine, nothing’s happened.”

“Have you spoken with Dylan?” She continued. “Your father and Nathan are chomping at the bit to fly out there and shut his mouth. I must say it’s hard to get used to reading about your love life on the computer.”

“Then stop reading about my love life on the computer, Mom!” I said, exasperated. “I told you what happened between me and Dylan. I know that he’s telling all kinds of stories to the press, but you’ve just got to ignore it.”

People at the theater figured out that Dylan and I had broken up almost immediately. The gossip made its way into the papers on Wednesday evening; by Thursday morning Dylan had released a statement. He confirmed that the relationship was over and insisted that he’d ended things after becoming increasingly suspicious of my stalking claims. He insinuated that I was mentally disturbed and asked the public for privacy during his difficult time. His story made me sick, but I refused to dignify it with a response.

“That man is telling horrible lies about you Kate, I can’t just ignore it.” She told me. “I know that you won’t come home but I wish you’d at least quit the show.”

“I can’t do that Mom, it would be SO unprofessional. I made my bed when I got involved with Dylan. I have to lie in it now, I can’t break my contract.”

“Alright darling,” she sighed. “I’ve given up on trying to change your mind about anything. Do what you think is best, but don’t forget to call me later. I know that you think you’re safe now, but I’m still worried.”

“I’m safe and I’ll call you before tonight’s show.” I promised. I ended the call and stared at the phone, debating whether or not I should call Max. I’d stopped by Orlando’s on Thursday to apologize in person but he wasn’t at work.

‘I’m awake early,’ I thought. ‘I’ll get ready, do some shopping, and then stop by the restaurant again. If he’s not there today I’ll go to his apartment.’

I took my time in the shower, letting the hot water and steam relax my tense muscles. I was nervous about seeing Max but I knew that it was the right thing to do. When the water started to turn cold, I turned it off and wrapped myself in a towel. I moved to the walk-in closet and carefully studied my clothes. I decided on a pair of fitted jeans, and emerald sweater, and boots. The top was the exact shade of my returned ring and I hoped the color would make Max feel sentimental.

I spent thirty minutes on my makeup, even though I knew that Mica would only wipe it off once I got to work; I knew better than to do anything to my hair that she’d have to undo later so I wore it lose around my shoulders. I ate a quick bagel in the kitchen before setting off out the door.


I didn’t notice anything strange until I’d been on Fifth Avenue for almost an hour. I was browsing through Saks for a birthday gift for Mimi when I got the sudden chilling feeling that I was being watched. I moved through the store carefully and pulled my phone from my purse. I dialed Caleb’s number.

“Hi Kate, how are you?” He answered on the first ring.

“Caleb, I’m probably overreacting but I’m out shopping right now and I feel like I’m being watched.”

“Where are you?” He asked quickly.

“I’m at Saks. Oh wait a second Caleb, I was wrong.” I said as I spotted a small girl shyly approaching me with a pen; her mother grinned at me from a few feet behind her. “It was a shy fan,” I explained. “I’m sorry I bothered you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up the phone. “Hello,” I smiled at the little girl.

“Are you Kate Harper?” She asked bashfully.

“Yes I am.”

“I thought so,” she smiled. “My name is Kate too! I love your show; my mommy took me for my birthday.”

“I’m glad that you enjoyed it,” I told her. “Did you have something you wanted me to sign?”

She nodded and held out the pen and a small notebook. “My mommy could take a picture of us with her phone.” She suggested hopefully. I quickly agreed and posed with her while her mom took the picture.

“Thank you so much,” her mother told me. “She loves Broadway and I think she may be your biggest fan.”

I gave Kate a hug goodbye and then set off for the exit. I knew that I’d over reacted by calling Caleb, but my nerves were still shaky and I needed some fresh air. I stepped out onto the sidewalk and took a deep breath. I still had a few weeks to shop for Mimi so I decided to make the long walk to Orlando’s. It would be much faster to hail a cab, but I needed time to clear my head.

As I walked the sidewalks, I said a silent prayer of thanks that the paparazzi hadn’t found me. I ran through the breathing exercises I use to calm myself before an audition and finally started to feel better. I continued towards Orlando’s, watching people as they passed, and realized that New York City finally felt like home.

I was six blocks away from Orlando’s when it happened. I walked past an alleyway and felt a hard hit on the back of my head. I felt myself falling but was unconscious before I hit the ground.


“Kate… Kate!” A familiar voice shocked me awake. My whole body ached and I felt like my head had been split in half.

“Stop screaming,” I mumbled. “My head is killing me.” I opened my eyes and tried to sit up; I was overwhelmed with dizziness and fell back onto the concrete.

“Kate, just be still.” Max told me. “I’ve called the police and an ambulance is on its way. I got her off of you Kate, but I couldn’t hold her. I threw her to the side and tried to help you; she got away.”

“Did you recognize her?” I asked.

“Yes, you would have too if she hadn’t snuck up on you from behind.” He answered. “It was Serena, the girl who took me to the bar that night. I’m so sorry Kate. I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop her.”

“It’s okay,” I told him. “I was right… they’ll catch her now.” As I drifted back out of consciousness, I felt incredibly content.

The next time I came to I was in a hospital bed. I recognized the drab décor of New York Presbyterian immediately and once again felt thankful to be alive. Unlike the last time I woke up there, my room was filled with people. Janette, Mark, and Parker sat to my left side, Max was to my right.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Mark smiled.

Janette jumped to her feet. “How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get you? Somebody press that button and tell them she’s awake.”

“Janette calm down, I’m fine.” I told her. “My head hurts, but not nearly as much as it did when I woke up in the alley. Where’s Serena? Have they caught her?”

“They’re booking her now.” Janette assured me. “You were right this whole time Kate. I don’t know how I was ever friends with a person who could do something so terrible. I’m SO sorry that I brought her into your life.”

“It’s not your fault Janette, you didn’t know what she was capable of. I thought she was nice too, I even tried to help her for god’s sake.”

“It’s all over now, Kate.” Max promised me; he took my hand and gently squeezed it. “She won’t ever be able to hurt you again.”

“Have they found out how she got that article in my dressing room during the time she had an alibi?” I asked.

“We haven’t heard much from the police yet.” Janette explained. “Detective Ramos called to tell me that they’d arrested Serena at her apartment. He was on his way to the station to question her and he’s supposed to call us when he knows the full story.”

“Are you sure that you’re alright?” Mark asked softly. “I know your head has to be killing you. I pushed the call button after Janette barked the order; I’ll go see what’s keeping the nurse.”

“Parker and I will join you,” Janette announced quickly. She shot Parker a look and he stood. As they moved for the door, it swung open and a nurse entered the room.

“We’ll go get everyone some coffee,” Janette told me. She glanced from me to Max and I appreciated her effort to give us some time alone.

“Can I have coffee?” I asked the nurse.

“Sure, it’s not going to hurt you.” She answered sweetly. “The caffeine might help with your headache.”

“I’d love a cappuccino, no syrup.” I told Janette. Max announced that he’d like the same. My friends left the room and the nurse smiled again.

“I’m Marsha, I’ll be taking care of you today. Your doctor was called in on an emergency surgery, but he’ll come speak with you as soon as it’s over. You took quite a blow to the back of your head; nothing fractured but you had one heck of a concussion. I’m really happy to see that you’re awake.”

“I’m happy to be awake.” I told her. “My head does hurt pretty bad, especially behind my eyes.”

“That’s to be expected,” she told me as she checked my pupils with a small flashlight. “Have you ever had a concussion?” She asked.

“No, I haven’t.”

“Okay, then let me explain the rules. Until your pupils narrow when I shine the light, we can’t let you sleep for more than an hour at a time. Dr. Yen has already admitted you but if all goes well you can probably be out of here tomorrow. He’s left orders that you can have some pain medicine if you need it.”

“I need it.” I told her. “My whole body hurts.”

She nodded. “It looks like you hit the ground pretty hard. You’ve got some bad bruises on your right arm and leg but the medicine will help with that. I’ll be back in just a minute.”

Marsha left and Max and I were finally alone. He sat down on the bed next to me and took both of my hands in his. “How bad is the pain?” He asked.

“It’s bad,” I confessed. “But it’s worth it if it means Serena is behind bars. Max, how in the world did you find me? Were you on your way to the restaurant? I was on my way there to see you. I stopped by yesterday but you weren’t there.”

“I know,” he told me; his face turned bright red. “I saw you.”

“You were there and you hid from me?” I asked. I felt crushed.

“No Kate,” he replied slowly. He shifted nervously in his seat. “Please don’t be mad at me, but I was following you.”


Marsha returned to the room with an enormous needle.

“Here you go, sweetheart.” She said as she shot the medicine into my I.V. line. “This will help a lot. I’ll be in again in about fifteen minutes to make sure you’re doing alright.” Marsha shuffled out of the room; I swallowed the pills and turned back to Max.

“What do you mean you were following me?” I asked.

“That day we talked on the phone, I could tell that you had something planned. Then a few days later, I read that article in the Chronicle. I knew that the story was full of lies and I knew exactly why you dropped the security teams.”

“You knew I was trying to draw her out.”

He nodded. “I also knew that it would work. I didn’t want you to be completely unprotected so I started following you myself. I thought that I could keep you safe and maybe find the stalker before she tried anything else.”

“How long have you been following me?”

“Since the day after I read the article.” He confessed. “I took my vacation time at the restaurant, that’s why I wasn’t there yesterday. I’m sorry if you feel like I overstepped Kate, I just couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you.”

I stared at him with tears in my eyes. “You used up your vacation time to keep me safe? I can’t believe you did that for me. I didn’t deserve that Max… I’m so sorry.”

He held up a hand and interrupted me. “You did deserve it and you don’t have to apologize, Kate. I know that Serena manipulated the situation, taking me to the bar that night. And I’ve read what that bastard Matthews has been saying about you. I’m pretty sure you were manipulated too. I’m willing to leave the past in the past if you are.”

“And be… friends?” I asked, hoping he’d say no; he didn’t disappoint me.

“And be everything, Kate.” He said softly. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you these past couple of months. I was a fool for walking out of the bar like that without giving you a chance to explain.”

“And I was a fool for ever going to that bar in the first place.” I told him. “Let’s never make those mistakes again.” I pulled his head to mine and give him a soft kiss.

“I’m proud of the way you handled yourself, Kate.” Max told me. “It scared the shit out of me too, don’t get me wrong. But to see your determination to take care of yourself? It amazed me.”

“I can’t believe that you’ve been watching me for days… oh god, please don’t tell me that I did anything embarrassing in front of you.”

“No, I stayed a good distance away.” He explained. “I didn’t hear any of your phone calls or anything like that, I respected your privacy as much as possible.”

“Under any other circumstances I’d be pissed as hell that you were following me around.” I told him. “But right now, I’ve never been so thankful for anything.” We kissed again, but were interrupted when my friends returned.

“Alright you two, we’re back.” Janette announced as they stepped through the door. “Break it up.”

Max and I pulled apart and she handed us our coffee. I wasn’t sure if it was the medication or my reunion with Max, but I felt incredibly giddy.

“I want you all to know that I love you so, SO much,” I said, slightly slurring my words.

“Sounds like somebody got some narcotics.” Mark laughed.

“Yes she did,” Marsha said, bustling back into the room. “And it sounds like they’ve taken effect. Even though technically it is visiting hours, I’m going to ask some of you to leave. Kate needs to get some rest. There’s room for two of you to sleep in the room tonight, if you’d like. Since Kate has a concussion, it’s best if at least one person stays to keep an eye on her.”

“I’d like to stay.” Max said quickly. “If that’s alright with everyone.”

Janette looked at me and smiled. “That would be great, Max. I actually have a show tonight. I was going to cancel, but if you’re here…”

“Don’t cancel,” I insisted.

Max nodded. “Have a great show, I promise to call you with updates.”

I turned to Mark and Parker. “Would either of you like to stay?”

They shook their heads in unison. “We’ll give the two of you time to catch up.” Mark smiled. “We’ll come by first thing in the morning with something edible for breakfast.” He promised.

I hugged my friends goodbye and Max promised to call them if we received any news. Marsha scooted everyone out of the door and turned back to me from the hallway. “The police called to check on your condition. I said that you’re stable, but that you’re resting and won’t be available for questioning until tomorrow. They’ll probably show up soon anyway, but I did my best.”

“Thanks Marsha,” I told her. Talking to the cops was the last thing I felt like doing but I knew that it couldn’t be avoided.

“You’re welcome,” she replied. “I’ll be in to check your pupils again in half an hour. If you need me before then, just push the button.”

Marsha left the room; Max climbed in to bed with me, careful to avoid my I.V. line.

“I’m so tired.” I told him. “But Marsha’s made me afraid to go to sleep.”

“Close your eyes and rest, Kate.” He told me. “I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I laid my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes, and drifted into a soft sleep.

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