Stalemate (9 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Interracial romance, #Multicultural romance, #BW/WM, #billionaire romance

BOOK: Stalemate
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“Right now?” She laughed.

Bryce helped her from the bed. “I told you, there is a surprise.”

“Well, let’s close the balcony doors in case it rains again. We don’t need the hardwood floors ruined,” Isa said as he propelled her towards the door.

He rushed back to do as she asked before leading her down the hall to the master suite. She looked around the room and gasped. If she thought the bedroom she was in was huge. Bryce’s room was double the size and decorated in rich blue hues, cream, and red undertones. The rugs were thick under her feet and a massive fireplace was in the corner with an iron grate with intricate Celtic knot work and a huge chaise lounge chair beside it.

“Well shoot, Bryce, I didn’t see all this the first time I was in here,” she teased. “I guess we had more things on our minds.”

“We surely did,” he drawled.

“So, what’s the surprise?”

“It’s on the bed.” He led her over to it.

“I’ve heard that before.”

“You. Mind. Gutter.”

On the bed there was a pack of newborn diapers and a doll.

Isa looked at Bryce. “Well this isn’t lingerie.”

“I need help,” Bryce admitted. “I have never changed a diaper in my life.”

Isa sat on the bed. “Okay, sit next to me and do as I direct. With two babies, we’ll need all hands on deck.”

After a few mishaps, or what Isa would call tries and her laughter, Bryce got the diaper to actually stay on the doll, but it took a few more tries for it to look correct.

Bryce held up the doll with pride. “Now tell me that’s not an excellent diaper change.”

“It’s very nice, but if we have boys and their winkies feel the slightest breeze when we change them, you’ll get pee to the face,” Isa pointed out.

“Oh my God, you’re kidding,” Bryce said, aghast.

Isa laughed at his expression. “Yes, seriously.”

“I’ll practice more. We have some time,” he said. “Now let’s get you into bed.”

“Hmm, sounds wonderful,” Isa purred.

He shook his head and helped her under the blankets.  “To sleep.”

Bryce got into bed and she snuggled closed to him. She ran her hand down his thighs and cupped his sex gently as she nipped at his chin. Hearing his groan spurned her on even more.

“The thing with pregnancy, Bryce, is women can become very aroused and have lots of needs.” Isa stroked his hardening cock. “Don’t you want to help me with that, please?”

“Damn, Isa, hell yes,” Bryce whispered.

He cupped his hand around her neck and she lifted her lips to accept his kiss eagerly.  Isa slipped her hand into his pajama bottoms and took his length in her hand, loving the feel of the silky steel of his arousal.

“This is real,” Bryce said, looking down at her. “I promise you, there is no reason for you to think about running anymore or finding your place. You have me and this is home.”

“Oh, Bryce,” she whispered, and tears threatened to fall.

That was it, no more words were said. He kissed her with such passion yet care that she was stunned that the gentleness came from such a massive frame. The kiss became unrestrained until they were gasping and trying to take more yet give at the same time.

He cupped her breasts and moaned into her mouth. “Your body is so voluptuous. I just want to immerse myself in everything about you.”

Bryce seduced her with his kiss even though she was the one who’d started the seduction. Then he used his words to woo her even more. “I will spend the rest of our lives worshipping your body. Tell me you want me.”

“I want you, Bryce, so very much,” she whispered.

Being kissed and having her stomach rubbed was more arousing than Isa ever imagined. It was even better since it was the man who had her heart. Her heart leapt in joy with the thought that she loved Bryce, and even though he hadn’t said the words, she had no doubt he loved her too.

Standing next to the bed, he nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin of her neck until she trembled in his arms. He took the sleep shirt she wore up over her head and dropped it on the floor.  Isa pushed at his pajama bottoms until he took them off and kicked them away. Bryce trailed his lips down until he was on his knees before her. He kissed her belly and pressed his face against her skin until the twins responded with swift kicks. He laughed softly and Isa felt breathless. Her heart literally ached as she looked down at him. He smiled up at her and she ran her hand through his black hair, loving the moment they were sharing. Bryce kissed her breasts gently and licked each aroused tip. He pulled one nipple deep into his mouth and sucked it gently. Isa whimpered his name and held his head to her.

“I think I just tasted your milk.” His voice was raw with desire and amazement.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would do that,” Isa apologized, instantly mortified.

“Don’t be sorry, it—hell, arousing.”

Bryce did it again and groaned when it happened again. This time, Isa felt the pull, and while it was arousing, knowing that soon she would be feeding her babies filled her with elation as well. He stood and led her to the bed, making sure she was comfortable before he lay next to her. He groaned in pleasure as they kissed once more and he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. Isa felt him cup her pussy again and his fingers tenderly probed the tender flesh of her sex. Her hips jerked in response to the delicious circles he was making on her clit with his finger. Bryce dipped the digit inside her and teased her with the slow rhythm of his penetration.

“More,” Isa begged in frustration.

“Not this time, sweetheart,” Bryce said huskily.

He built up the desire slowly until she was almost crazy with need. She arched against the pillow as she gave into the sensations he created, and he caught her cry with his kiss as she came.  His voice was an aroused whisper when her release caused her essence to flow against his hand.

“Damn, I love watching your face when you come,” he said.

“I’ve never felt this way with anyone but you,” she said honestly.

“Let’s get you on your side, sweetheart. I have this need to be buried inside you.”

“I like the way you think.” Isa turned her head and kissed him sensuously.

She was on her right side and Bryce came up behind her and lifted her left leg over his thighs. He was taller than her by far and it was easy for him to position his cock at the entrance of her sex and slip into her with one smooth thrust. He began to move slowly, and she could feel the thick length of him glide between the aroused velvet lips of her pussy. Isa gasped as he ran his hand across her breasts and massaged them as their passion grew. She felt the dampness between her legs and, as he stroked her breasts, she released some of her first milk on his hand. That only seemed to fuel his need. Bryce groaned and moved faster, pumping feverishly within her.

“Come with me, please, Bryce,” she said urgently.

He turned her head towards him so he could kiss her hungrily. “I’m always with you, sweetheart. I love how you feel around my cock.”

His breath was harsh in her ear. His body moved at a frenzied pace, taking them both over the edge of reason. He called her name, an urgent, harsh cry, and when Isa let go, she felt his hot seed fill her depth.  Her orgasm left her drained and she felt deliciously contented listening to Bryce’s harsh breathing in her ear.

“I’ve never felt like this in my life.” Bryce heaved out a sigh. “I think my world tilted on its axis.”

“I think we made the kids mad. They keep stretching and kicking,” Isa said, amused. “I think you may need to rub my belly, they like that.”

“Or do you mean their mom does? You blame a lot of stuff on the kids, like the taco addiction.”

She looked up at him, trying to keep a straight face. “That’s a completely valid food love that our children have.”

Bryce rolled out of bed. “Uh-huh. One more surprise—a soak in the tub. Maybe the warm water will help them relax.”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” Isa said, and held out her hands. “Now you have to help me off the bed.”

Bryce did more than that. He ran the bath and got in with her. They soaked until the water went lukewarm and then dried off with thick towels. Back in bed, he held her and she recalled his promise to her. Maybe this time, she could take down her defenses and feel. Expecting the worse to happen was a very hard thing to do when cocooned in the arms of the man who promised to cherish her.

* * * *

sa lay on the examination table while Ben measured her stomach. Bryce was close by, encouraging her to drink the sickeningly sweet drink so they could perform a routine glucose test. From what she had read, being pregnant with twins give her a higher chance of developing gestational diabetes.  She watched her sugar intake carefully, but still, Ben wanted her to take the test. She grimaced and tried to hand the cold bottle to Bryce.

Bryce pushed her hand back towards her. “Yeah, no, he said drink it all.”

“You try drinking this stuff, its Godawful,” Isa grumbled.

“It certainly is,” Ben said cheerfully. “Bryce, if you want to have the pregnancy experience, I’m sure we can spare one just for you.”

Bryce grinned. “I’m sure I could manage it. How bad could it be?”

Isa chuckled to herself. She was extremely happy the tension between her doctor and Bryce was gone.  The last two appointments had been relaxed and they even found that they had a few things in common, including golf.

“Nurse, could you go grab the orange flavor for Mr. Forte here?” Ben asked.

The nurse smiled. “Sure thing.”

“While she’s gone, you are far enough along now that I think the little rascals can’t hide their gender,” Ben said as he wrote in her chart. “You’re at thirty-six weeks. That is exactly nine months. But you know that we call thirty-eight to forty weeks a full term birth and anything after that overdue. Right now, they are all developed, but it’s not uncommon for a baby’s lungs to be weak, especially when a woman is carrying twins.”

“Am I in danger of delivering early?” Isa asked.

“Twins like to be unexpected, and I can honestly tell you from right now, it could be any time,” Ben answered. “Their heads are turned down and I’d like to give you a pelvic exam to see how your cervix is doing.”

“I’ll be stepping out for that one,” Bryce said. “I’m still trying to steel myself for the live birth.”

“You’ll be seeing very little. Don’t you dare look down there when they are coming out,” Isa ordered.

“That’s the other thing.” Ben sat down on the stool and looked at them both. “I’m going to recommend you have a C-section.”

“Why?” Isa asked, alarmed, and Bryce took her hand.

“Some women just have very closed hips and usually, as the pregnancy progresses, they widen to accommodate the birthing process,” Ben explained. “Yours haven’t, and trying to push could cause undue stress on your body and on the children if birth stalls. I don’t want to have you go through an emergency C-section, and if you have more kids, it’ll be C-sections each time.”

Isa felt tears burn her eyes. “I feel so bad, like I failed at this.”

“Honey, no, it’s for your safety and for the twins.” Bryce kissed her hand as she swiped the tears from her face. “You are like the superwoman of pregnancy.”

“More than a few women feel this way,” Ben said in sympathy. “Isa, it’s like I tell them, in the old days, women died from pregnancy complications, and now we have the knowledge to save many more lives. It just happens, and it won’t dull the experience of being a mother.  Because when those kids come out screaming and we assure you they are safe and healthy, nothing else will matter.”

Isa nodded and took a shuddering breath. “Okay, I understand.”

Ben smiled. “We’re going to schedule you for a C-section for the fortieth week, and instead of coming here, you’ll be heading to the hospital.”

“I guess it’s exciting knowing the exact date of birth,” Isa admitted, and looked at Bryce. “With that said, and it’s so far along, let’s wait to be pleasantly surprised when they are born. What do you think?”

“I like that idea.” Bryce reached up and caressed her cheek.

The nurse popped her head in. “I have the glucose drink, orange flavor.”

“Bryce, how about you try that outside while I give her the exam and then we can draw blood,” Ben suggested. “We’ll step out so you can get under the blanket, then the nurse and I will come back in.”

Isa nodded. “Okey-dokey.”

When they left the room, she got out of her tights and undies before getting back on the exam table and under the sheet. Ben and his nurse came back in a minute later. After he put the gloves on, he proceeded with her exam. She breathed and tried to relax her muscles through the prodding, which was more than a bit uncomfortable. Ben moved and she sighed with relief when he snapped the gloves off and disposed of them.

“We need to put in her chart the chance she may not reach forty weeks and to alert the labor and delivery ward if she comes in early that she is a C-section,” Ben said to his nurse.

“Ben, what’s going on?” Isa asked.

“Your cervix has thinned out and you could go into labor anytime. If your water breaks, I need you to call me immediately and go to the hospital. We are going to transfer your charts over today. You get dressed, I’ll get Bryce in.”

“Oh wow,” Isa said, excited and afraid at the same time about the prospect of going into labor.

When Bryce came in, he had a grimace on his face and his hand on his stomach.

“Guess what?” Isa said as she slipped on her sneakers.

Bending was hard so she usually just chased it around with her toes until she could get her foot in. It was a delicate dance to get clothes, sock, or shoes on while pregnant.

“That stuff is disgusting, you win, honey,” Bryce said. “What am I guessing?”

“My cervix has thinned out and I could have these babies anytime.”

“What now?” Bryce looked at her with alarm in his eyes and his face was a not so great color of pale green.

He rushed over to the sink and she turned away to give him some modicum of privacy as he threw up the orange flavored death that was a glucose drink. That, and if she saw, she’d be right there with him. Isa tucked away the little nugget to tell the twins when they got older. The day their father threw up in panic at the thought of her going into labor.

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