Star Crossed (4 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Star Crossed
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“You’ll get used to it after a while.” He gave her a reassuring smile and put his hand back on the controls.

She wanted him to put his hand back on her knee. With a frown, she brushed that thought aside. “Get used to what? The feeling that you’re falling into nothingness?”

“For me it was the feeling of space closing in on me.” Krista snorted. “That too.”

“Let’s talk about something. It’ll take your mind off of the claustrophobia.”

“People are speculating that we originally came from your end of the galaxy, thousands of years ago. There are all sorts of theories floating around.”

“When the Prime Minister first found Earth, he was surprised you spoke our mother tongue, English. I did some checking and found in the archives a story about a group of people who left Rhenari to find a much quieter life. They no longer wanted technology. They boarded a ship and no one ever heard from them again.”

“Do you think they came to Earth?”

Stefan shrugged. “Anything’s possible. It would certainly explain the language similarities.”

A brilliant blue flash and suddenly they were among the stars again. Inwardly, she gave a sigh of relief.

“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

She raised her eyebrow. “Wanna bet?”

* * * * *

“Krista!” Mikayla yelled with a smile as she ran out the front door and engulfed her in a hug.

“I’ve missed you guys.” Returning the embrace, Krista gave a sigh of relief that they were finally on Daego.

Krista pulled away and smiled at her friend. She hadn’t changed much in the last year. Still as beautiful as ever, with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. Mikayla chose to keep her hair shoulder-length. The layered cut with curls framing her cheeks suited her face, as well as her sassy personality.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Mikayla said. “I can’t wait for you to see Hayden. He’s grown so much.”

“Hello, beautiful.” Stefan leaned over and kissed Mikayla on the cheek. “Where’s that no-good brother of mine?”

“Where else but in his study.” Mikayla waved her hand toward the house.

Krista’s eyes followed Stefan in an admiring fashion as he strolled through the front door. Someone could flip a coin on that man’s ass.

“It is nice, isn’t it?” Mikayla whispered.

“I was admiring the door.”

“I could see that. The mahogany door always inspires looks of admiration and lust.”

“Would you stop?” Krista tried to sound exasperated but she couldn’t hide her grin as she followed Mikayla through the entrance.

Walking into the beautiful home was like stepping back in time. Built of stone, the massive structure stood three stories high, with English Tudor-style windows and turquoise vines covering the front.

Mikayla had spent months looking through magazines and drawing sketches of antiques from memory. The woodworkers had done an excellent job reproducing Earth’s furniture.

To keep the Old World charm intact, anything high-tech was well hidden. The kitchen and Sidious’ study were the only exceptions.

Mikayla grabbed Krista’s bag and started up the large sweeping staircase that led to the second floor. “Let’s get your things unpacked and we can talk about what you’d like to do while you’re here.”

“If I know you, you’ve already got my schedule booked solid.” Mikayla chuckled. “Well, maybe a couple of things.”

* * * * *

Stefan knocked once before stepping into his brother’s study. He loved this room. A massive fireplace took up one wall beside the desk and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves covered the other wall and included artifacts from various places in the galaxy. Behind the desk a huge set of windows overlooked the grounds and the lake beyond—Stefan’s favorite view.

Sidious looked up from the computer and smiled. “You’re early. Did you have any problems?”

“Not a one.” Stefan shut the door behind him. “Have you spoken with Taron?”

“Earlier this morning.” Sidious studied Stefan before adding, “He gave me strict instructions that I’m to sit on you, if necessary, to keep you here.” Stefan rolled his eyes and walked over to the fireplace. He rested his forearm on the mantel and stared down at the fire burning within the grate. The warmth coming from those flames felt good, but all he could think about were all the things he needed to be doing, all the responsibilities he felt as though he was turning his back on. And all because they thought his life was at stake. When in the last twelve years had his life
been at stake?

Rebuilding the Senate had been a breeze compared to organizing the rebels and bringing down their previous dictator. He’d received more death threats from sympathizers that wanted a dictator back in control than any he’d gotten as a rebel leader. What was it about these incidents that made things different? What were his brother and Taron not telling him?

“You want to talk about it?” Sidious asked.

“Talk about what?”

“Whatever it is that’s bothering you.”

Stefan ran his hand through his hair, then turned to his brother with a sigh. He didn’t want to get into an argument with Sidious right now about keeping secrets, so he lied. “I’m just aggravated that we can’t seem to get a break in this investigation into the assassin.”

Sidious gave him a look that said he didn’t believe him, but Stefan knew he wouldn’t push. “You’ve been at it long enough. Let Taron handle things for a while.

Besides, I think you’ll find that once you step away from it, you can go back much clearer. You might even find something you overlooked.”

“Did Taron tell you he thinks I’m a target?”

“Yes.” Sidious nodded.

“And you agree with him?”

“There have been three senators assassinated. All three were involved in the rebellion, just like you. That’s a little too much of a coincidence for me. Taron was right to insist you come here.”

“He’s overstepping his bounds,” Stefan grumbled.

“He’s doing his job. A job you insisted he take, if I recall.”

“Taron is the only man I trust, other than you.”

“Then let the man continue to do what he does best—keep your ass out of trouble.” Stefan scrunched his face at Sidious and began to pace the room. If what they thought was true, he’d placed everyone here in danger. The mere idea that anything could happen to his family scared the hell out of him.

“Out with it, Stefan,” Sidious said with exasperation.

“I shouldn’t be here. You know it as well as I do.” Sidious’ eyes narrowed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“If I am a target, I’m only endangering everyone here. I think it would be best if I went somewhere else.”

Sidious threw the pen down on his desk and sighed. “We’ve always watched each other’s backs. That hasn’t changed, nor will it. No one knows of this estate so you’ll be much safer here than you would be somewhere off by yourself.” Stefan opened his mouth but Sidious held up a hand and stopped him. “I’m not arguing with you about this. I have the house under surveillance. I’ll have men following the women whenever they leave here without me. Everything is covered.”

“So that’s it then? Lord Marcone has put his foot down?” Stefan frowned as he turned back to the fireplace.

“If the situation were reversed you would do the same. And don’t try to tell me otherwise.”

Sidious was right. He would do exactly the same thing. But damn it! He didn’t have to like it. He hated feeling as though his life were no longer his.

“Fine. You win this round.”


Chapter Three

The satin sheets felt cool against her hot flesh as Stefan slowly pushed her back to lie on the
bed. His hands gently skimmed up the inside of her thigh, sending shocks of hot current to her
core. Her juices flowed, dampening the material beneath her. Trembling fingers gripped the
sheets at her side as he placed gentle kisses along the sensitive flesh just below her pussy on her
thigh. She squirmed, anxious for the feel of his hot mouth against her aching mound. If he didn’t
touch her soon, she’d die.

A candle flickered on the table, sending soft golden light across his flesh as he rose above her
and removed his clothes. His muscles bulged with every movement and she couldn’t take her
gaze off his beautiful form. He was perfect. Slowly, her gaze worked lower to his massive cock,
which stood proud and ready to invade her body. Her pussy clenched at his thick size, his long
length. Bringing her gaze back to his, she licked her lips brazenly, making him smile.

“Do you want a little of this, sunshine?” he asked as his hand stroked his length.

“I want all of it,” she whispered, amazed at her actions.

“All in due time,” he purred, then spread her legs wide with his hands.

His mouth lowered between her legs and she gasped as his hot tongue slowly slid along her
wet slit. It felt so good, so wild. She didn’t want him to stop. Gently, his fingers spread her lips
and blew against her engorged clit. Her hips bucked off the bed, trying to get closer to his touch.

With a moan, he tortured her clit with teasing circles, then moved lower to dip his tongue
deep into her channel. Her head moved from side to side as he fucked her with his mouth,
bringing her so close to release, then retreating only to begin again. He drove her crazy and
ignored her cries for more, continuing to tease her relentlessly as he licked his fill of her juices.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he sucked at her clit. Instantly, her body
spasmed out of control as her orgasm raced through her extremities. She smiled in complete
contentment as he rose above her and settled between her splayed thighs. Pushing them even

wider, he invaded her sopping pussy with his massive cock. She screamed, lifting her hips to meet
every breathtaking thrust.

“Oh, god. It feels so good,” she moaned, thrusting her breasts in the air. His palm cupped
one and squeezed, then pinched her nipple with his fingers. The slight pain only intensified her
pleasure—made her want more.

He pounded into her harder, each thrust going deeper. The tip of his shaft hit her womb and
she shuddered as sharp tingles of intense pleasure ripped through her. Every muscle in her body
tensed as her release began to work its way along her flesh. With a shrill scream her body erupted
into a blinding ball of sensation unlike anything she’d felt before. Her pussy pulsed around his
shaft as she ground her hips against him, trying to take his cock even deeper.

Krista awoke with a start and glanced at the curtains blowing in the light breeze, her body still reeling from the massive orgasm she’d experienced. It wasn’t the first time she’d dreamed of Stefan, but this dream had certainly been more intense. Her whole body tingled with sensation as her mind replayed the things he’d done. The way his hands had roamed her body with deliberate slowness and the feel of his tongue circling her clit made her whole body tense in need.

He’d not only brought her to orgasm with his mouth, but he’d fucked her to the point she’d screamed in pleasure. She could still feel him thrusting in and out of her.

If the man was half as good in real life as he was in her dream, she was in deep trouble. With a sigh, she brushed her hair back from her forehead. She needed a walk and a good strong drink.

Grabbing her blue satin robe and matching slippers, she headed to the massive garden toward the back of the house. It was a beautiful night. The jasmine was in bloom, filling the air with its musky scent. The rings of Metalon were bright blue and shone down on the small planet, lighting the garden path. Daego’s sky was so different from Earth’s. Instead of just stars, numerous planets could be seen filling the night sky.

She loved the view and could spend hours looking at it, but then most anything was preferable to the dreams she’d been having about Stefan. His hands and lips all

over her body, his thick cock thrusting into her over and over. She closed her eyes against the throbbing between her legs and continued around the path. She had to stop thinking about him.

All through dinner they’d bantered back and forth. More than once Sidious stepped in and chided, “Children, please.” Twice Krista had caught Mikayla watching them in interest. Krista had no doubt what was going through her friend’s mind. She was thinking of ways to get them together. Even Krista could feel the sexual tension between the two of them. She might not want to acknowledge it, but she could certainly feel it.

Rounding the corner toward the center fountain, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Standing with his back to her was Stefan. His hands were clasped behind his lower back, his legs spread wide like a captain at sea standing watch over his ship. The wind coming off the lake blew through his hair and sent his sensuous scent in her direction.

Maybe if she left quietly he would never even know she was there. Slowly, she spun around and started to head back toward the house.

“You don’t have to leave.”

His soft, deep voice shimmered along her flesh, and she turned to find him staring at her. His gray eyes darkened with the same passion that slammed through her body.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” She tightened the belt around her robe and crossed her arms over her hardening nipples.
It’s just the cool air that’s all, certainly
not his presence

“You didn’t. What are you doing out here so late?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

His eyes crinkled slightly when he grinned. Chewing on her lower lip, she watched as he moved closer.

“I couldn’t sleep,” he said.

“Neither could I.”

The soft touch of his fingers against her cheek sent her senses into an immediate tailspin. “It seems you antagonize me even in my dreams,” he whispered.

Putting on an indignant expression, she stepped away from his touch. “I don’t antagonize you.”

“Maybe antagonize is the wrong word. How about arouse me, turn me on?” He brought his body so close to hers she could feel the heat emanating off his skin. The wind blew, parting his blue shirt and exposing his muscled chest and abs. God, the man was a dream. A very dangerous, sensuous, untouchable dream.

“I can’t sta…stay here if you’re going to keep this up,” she stammered.

She continued walking backward until the back of her legs hit a smaller fountain.

The contact startled her, causing her to almost lose her balance. In reflex, she grabbed Stefan’s arm just as it snaked around her waist to steady her, pulling her against him.

Her breasts pressed into his chest and she sucked in a gulp of air in shock.

Her gaze flew to his and it took everything she had not to capture his mouth with hers. The remembered feel of his lips against hers had haunted her for months. Slowly his head lowered, and she was powerless to stop him. Deep down she wanted him to kiss her. This time there would be no audience, no one to interrupt them.

At first his kiss was gentle, questioning, as he nipped at her lips. She realized he was giving her the opportunity to back away if she wanted to, but she didn’t. She wanted to feel the silkiness of his tongue against hers, needed to feel it just like she needed the air she breathed.

Parting her lips, she allowed him access to deepen the kiss. He moaned deep in his throat and tightened his arms around her lower back. His palms slid up along her spine and into her hair, making her insides burn with liquid fire. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she moved her body closer. Their thighs pressed together and she could feel the rock-hard length of him poking her stomach. Even through their clothes she could tell he was huge.

“Oh! I’m so terribly sorry.”

The soft female voice startled them both and they broke apart quickly. Standing not three feet from them was Stefan’s mother, Kaylar. The fiery heat of a blush moved up Krista’s cheeks at the knowing grin on Kaylar’s face.

“Mother, what the hell are you doing here?” Stefan snapped.

Kaylar frowned at Stefan. “I was invited here by Mikayla, if I recall. I was too wound up from your father’s flying here to sleep, so I thought I would take a walk.” She smiled faintly at Krista. “I swear, I think Damon deliberately flies like a bat out of hell to aggravate me.”

Krista bit back a grin and turned a pointed look toward Stefan. “I know what you mean. Damon isn’t the only one who flies as though the demons of hell are on his tail.”

“What can I say,” Stefan said with a shrug. “I like the rush. I think that’s probably the only thing I inherited from my father, other than looks.”

“That’s not the only thing, Stefan,” Kaylar replied dryly, but didn’t elaborate. “I’ll leave you two alone and head back to the house. Damon should be finished securing the ship. Good night.”

“Good night, Mother.”

“Wait, Kaylar, I’ll head back with you.” Krista quickly took off after her, desperate to get away from Stefan before she let him kiss her again and they ended up going at it on the lawn.

“Krista,” Stefan hissed.

“Good night, Stefan,” she threw over her shoulder.

Stefan watched her go in aggravation. His throbbing cock demanded he take off after her, but his common sense overrode it. He would never force himself on her, but
, he wanted her. The feel of her in his arms was the closest to perfection he’d ever felt, and he wanted to feel it again. Over and over.

Damn his mother and her untimely interruption.

* * * * *

Krista stared at herself in the dressing room mirror. She’d hoped the afternoon of shopping with Mikayla would take her mind off the sexy senator. Unfortunately it hadn’t happened yet.

Pursing her lips, she contemplated her reflection. The blue of the outfit really brought out her eyes, but it was so different from what she usually wore. The pants were silk, loose at the waist and tapered at the ankle. The top had long sleeves that flared out above the wrist. It had straps that wrapped around and tied in a knot just below her rib cage, showing off a good portion of her stomach. She had a nice figure and the belly button ring she’d gotten years ago went perfectly with the outfit, but she wasn’t used to showing so much skin.

“That’s gorgeous,” Mikayla said from her position behind her.

“You don’t think it’s too…”

“Too what?”


“Slutty? Absolutely not. You look great.” She grinned at her through the mirror.

“Stefan will keel over when he sees you in this.”

“That’s a good thing only if he doesn’t get back up.”

“What?” Mikayla asked with a chuckle.

“The man is driving me nuts.”

“I can tell,” Mikayla snickered.

“I know that Stefan is a great guy. He’s always there for the people of Tilarus. He’s a great senator and has done wonders with the new government.”


Krista turned and looked at Mikayla with a sigh. “But you and I both know he’s only interested in one thing.”

Mikayla shrugged. “Give it to him.”

Krista’s mouth dropped open in shock.

“Krista, how long has it been since you’ve been with anyone?”

“A while.” She stared at Mikayla’s raised eyebrow and scowled. “You know I can’t have sex and not get emotionally involved. Stefan would rip my heart to shreds. You know it as well as I do.”

“I know no such thing.”

Krista sighed and went back into the changing room to take off the outfit.

“I’ve seen the two of you together, Krista. I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one is paying attention. Deep down he wants a family. You’ve seen how he is with Hayden. He wants a child of his own so bad he can’t stand it.” Handing the outfit over the door to Mikayla, she grabbed her own clothes and began to put them back on. “So what do you want me to do, get pregnant?”

“No, of course not. I just want you to give him a chance. Who knows, the two of you may just hit it off.”

“And we may not. Have you thought about what would happen if it doesn’t work out? He’s your family, Mikayla.”

“And so are you,” Mikayla chided. “Even if it didn’t work out you would still be welcome here. But what if it did work out?”

“What about the whole monarchy thing?”

“What about it?”

“He’s a count. Can you imagine me as a countess? Come on, Mikayla.”

“Yes, I can. Stefan doesn’t care about any of that monarchy nonsense. He wants a woman to love him for him, not his title.”

Krista opened the door to the changing room and frowned. “If I say I’ll think about it, will you let it go?”

Mikayla grinned. “For now.”

Krista rolled her eyes at Mikayla’s comment. How many times had she heard Stefan say the same thing in the last couple of days? “Now I know where Stefan gets it.”

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