Star Crossed (5 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Star Crossed
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Chapter Four

Krista admired the small town of Daego as she and Mikayla made their way down the cobblestone street. Daego was so much like Earth’s Europe. It had an Old World style that seemed so charming and slow paced. Nothing was hurried here. Not for the first time, she wondered how a planet so far from Earth could look so much like it.

There were fountains everywhere, surrounded by flowers of all colors and sizes.

Their scents filled the air, mixing with the smell of coffee. She could live here forever amongst the stucco buildings and shops, stone walkways and flower-lined streets. Life was slow here, peaceful.

“Well, well. Speak of the devil.” Mikayla tapped Krista on the shoulder and pointed across the street.

Krista turned to see what she was talking about and immediately noticed Stefan walking toward them. Devil was right. Her whole body came alive, and she stamped down a wave of lust and yearning for something that could never be.

He looked incredible with his hair parted on the side and hanging down around his shoulders. The black slacks contoured to his slim waist and hips, but the black turtleneck, the way it stretched across his wide chest, outlining his hard pecs, brought new meaning to the words “sex appeal”.

As Stefan stopped in front of them, his gaze roamed over her in a way that made her feel naked despite her clothes. She licked her dry lips and fought the string of goose bumps that shot down her spine.

Geez, Krista, get a grip
What are you going to do, attack the man here in the street

“What are you doing out and about?” Mikayla asked.

He puckered his lips as though he had just taken a bite of something sour, then shuddered. “I had to get out for a while. My father and Sidious are going to drive me to drink.”

Krista couldn’t stop the chuckle at the face he made, but her smile faded somewhat when she spotted Mikayla studying the two of them. Unfortunately, her friend had a way of reading between the lines—or in this case between the looks—that made her a little uncomfortable.

“Your timing is perfect,” Mikayla said as she moved all her bags to one hand.

“These bags are getting heavy, so why don’t you take Krista down to the pastry shop while I load them in the hovercraft? I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

“Mikayla,” Krista hissed. Sudden alarm made her voice sound harsh.

“I’ll only be a few minutes.” She grabbed Krista’s bags as well and headed down the sidewalk, leaving the two of them alone.

“She could be a little less obvious.” Krista frowned at her retreating back. She couldn’t believe Mikayla was doing this. She knew how uncomfortable she was being alone with Stefan.

Stefan laughed. “Subtlety is not in her vocabulary.” Turning to look at her, he smiled. “I don’t bite, Kris. I promise.”

“What a shame,” she mumbled as she turned away to walk toward the pastry shop a half block away. When she heard Stefan chuckle the heat of embarrassment scorched her cheeks.

What on Earth made me say that

Stefan fell into step beside her. “Did you enjoy your shopping?”

“Yes.” She turned her head in his direction, desperately wishing he would go antagonize someone else. The man had a formidable presence and an obvious sex appeal that made her uncomfortable. “You know, you really don’t have to keep me company. I can wait for Mikayla by myself.”

“Trying to get rid of me?”

She came to a stop and faced him with a smirk. “Boy, you’re quick.” He took a small step, bringing himself closer. “If you keep this up you’re going to make me think you don’t like me.”

He was so tall she had to tilt her head back to look at him. She crossed her arms.

“You mean the punch bowl over your head didn’t tip you off?” Stefan narrowed his eyes and Krista drew in a nervous breath. Whoever thought eyes the color of gunmetal could be so sexy?

“Look, Kris, I’m not going to get into another argument with you. So let’s just make the best of this. Okay?”

She raised an eyebrow. “The best would be if you—” Stefan put his hands on his hips, bringing his face even closer to hers. So close she could smell the hint of coffee on his breath. His lips were full, and she knew they were soft. She swallowed as she remembered the way he kissed. The cologne he wore drifted through the air and she had to stop herself from inhaling deeper.

“I mean it,” he growled. “Or would you rather I kiss you right here?” Her heart nearly jumped from her chest. God, she would love for him to kiss her, but she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, but I would dare. That and a whole lot more.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Why? Because it drives you crazy. Admit it,” he purred, a sensual smile spreading his lips and making her heart flutter, “Deep down you want me to kiss you.”

“You’re unbelievable. What makes you think I even want you near me, much less kissing me?” she demanded.

“Why are you so flushed, Kris?” His eyes traveled down to her breasts then back to her face. “Why is your breathing so erratic?”

“Maybe because I’m angry?”

“Maybe you’re aroused.”

“Maybe you need to go to hell!” she snapped.

“Such anger.” His smooth, deep voice poured over her like honey and she trembled. “All that passion shouldn’t be wasted. It should be used for more…pleasant things.”

“Pleasant would be my hands wrapped around your neck,” she snarled as she walked past him into the pastry shop. His laughter followed close behind and she inwardly chided herself for letting him get to her.

She didn’t strive to be mean. She just immediately switched to bitch mode whenever he was around. It was terrible of her, she knew, but she couldn’t help it. Was it right for her to lump him in with every other rich guy, every other man that had broken her heart?

Krista sighed as she glanced around the small shop. Moving to the other side of the room, she looked through the display case and pointed out her selection, leaving Stefan at the door. Someone had recognized him and trapped him in a conversation. Thankful for the slight reprieve, she paid for her selection and headed outside.

With a contented smile, she looked around at all the unusual colors. It always seemed as though her eyes played tricks on her here. The trees and grass were more turquoise than green. The flowers had colors so bright and vivid they appeared almost neon. Sidious said it had something to do with the atmosphere.

Looking up, she noticed Stefan exit the shop and silently wished for invisibility.

They made eye contact and he headed in her direction.

Damn, so much for being invisible

Although he appeared relaxed as he strolled over, there was a tenseness about him as he constantly scanned the streets around them. His eyes never seemed to stay in one place too long. It was as though he were watching for something—or someone.

“Looking for anyone in particular?”

Stefan whipped his gaze back to her and took a seat across the table. “What?”

“You keep looking around.” Krista smiled and waved her hand in the direction of the center of town.

“Old habits.” Stefan picked up his cup of coffee then shrugged.

“Ah. And here I thought you were plotting an escape route.” He grinned. “Why? I have much more fun sitting here antagonizing you.” He set his cup back down, leaned back in his chair and spread his arms, palms up. “So, what do you think of Daego?”

“It’s like being home.” She put her elbows on the wooden table and leaned forward.

“Why is that?”

Stefan added more sugar to his coffee and stirred it with a spoon. “A long time ago, probably about one hundred and fifty years or so, a man from Rhenari disappeared. No one knew where he went or why. A few years later he returned with the idea to build an exclusive resort town with unusual architecture, food and drink, in particular, Earth’s coffee.” He raised his cup and with a smile, continued, “He proposed the idea to several people. They all liked it and agreed to back him financially. This place was that dream.”

“So you think he disappeared to Earth?”

“He must have. This place is too much like your Europe to be a coincidence.”

“That makes sense, I suppose.” She watched him run the tip of his finger along the edge of his cup, wiping away a drop of coffee. An image of him running that same finger along her skin made her breath catch in her chest, and she turned away.

“Have dinner with me tonight. Just the two of us,” he said.

Her startled gaze met his. Dinner. With him. Alone.

She shook her head slowly. “I don’t think it’d be a good idea.” He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. “Haven’t you ever done anything that you shouldn’t have?”

“Sure. Lots of times,” she whispered, her eyes locked with his deep gray ones.

A tiny smile touched his lips and he ran his finger along the back of her hand.

Tingling sensations spread along her arm, and she tried desperately to ignore them.

“Then do it again and have dinner with me.”

She gazed down at his fingers as he gently brushed her skin. Such long, strong fingers. She wondered what they would feel like against her flesh, between her legs.

Swallowing down a huge rise of lust, she once again met his gaze.

“It’s against my better judgment, but all right.” He smiled a sexy smile and she almost backed out, realizing instantly what she was in for.


“I’m amazed.” The sound of Mikayla’s amused voice made Krista sit up straight and remove her hand from under Stefan’s. She looked up into her friend’s grinning eyes. “It’s about time the two of you had a civil conversation without biting at each other.”

“Biting at each other,” Stefan began with a sultry purr that sent shivers down her back, “Now there’s an image. But don’t worry, Mikayla, the day isn’t over yet.”

* * * * *

Stefan sat behind the desk and read the letter his brother had handed him. The more of it he read the more furious he became. He couldn’t believe Taron would have kept this from him.

The letter left no doubt that whoever was behind the assassinations was ultimately after him. The previous murders had just been the assassin playing a game, flaunting it in Stefan’s face that he could get close enough to kill him any time he wanted to. And he made it clear that killing him was exactly what he had in mind.

Sidious entered the study, several files in his hand. He studied the one on top with a frown before snapping it closed.

“Why didn’t Taron show this to me?” Stefan demanded as he held the letter up.

Sidious placed the files in a hidden drawer in the bookcase. “You’ve been under a lot of stress lately. He didn’t want you to worry about it.”

“I hate this.” Stefan tossed the letter back onto the desk. “I should be on Veenori helping Taron, not sitting here hiding out.”

“You’re not hiding out, you’re taking a well-earned vacation,” Sidious replied sternly, the creases between his eyes made more prominent by the frown he was giving Stefan. “You needed this break, Stefan. You’ve been running yourself ragged for the last several months. What good are you to Taron when you’re so overworked you can’t think straight?”

“Point taken.” Stefan sat back in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

Sidious slammed the drawer shut. “Just remember this one simple rule and you’ll be fine.”

Stefan frowned. “What rule?”

“Little brother is always right.”

Stefan snorted. “Little brother needs to be knocked down a peg or two.” Sidious sat in one of the chairs facing the desk. With a taunting smile, he propped his feet on the surface of the desk and crossed his ankles. “And I suppose you believe you’re the one who’s going to do that?”

Stefan narrowed his eyes. As black as his mood was at the moment, he would just as soon hit Sidious as talk to him. “Do you really want to rehash that old debate…again?” He raised an eyebrow.

Sidious chuckled as he rubbed his jaw. Stefan was sure Sidious remembered the last time this same argument came up. Stefan had proved that his skill as a fighter was just as good as his brother’s.

“Passing on the opportunity to put me in my place? Wow, two years behind a desk has turned you into a wimp.”

Stefan slowly rose to his feet, his already foul mood worsening by the second. The scowl he sent his brother would send most men running, but not Sidious.

“Damn it, Stefan, sit down. Where the hell is your sense of humor?” He slumped back down in the chair and drummed his fingers on the desk. “I’m not in the mood to be joking around.”

“Since when?”

He slapped the desk with his palm. “Since you and that pain in my ass, Taron, decided to play Lord Protector and keep things from me you had no business keeping.” Sidious dropped his feet on the floor. He pinned Stefan with a glare as he leaned forward and placed his elbows on the desk. “So we’re just supposed to sit back, knowing there’s a threat hanging over your head, and let you do whatever the hell you want to?”

The two of them glared at each other in silent combat, neither willing to back down.

Sidious was younger by two years, but he had always been the sensible one, the protector. In Stefan’s mind, Sidious should have been the older brother. He couldn’t count the number of scrapes Sidious had pulled him out of.

It’s supposed to be the other way around, damn it.

Although it galled him to give in, he tore his gaze away. “This is pointless. Change the subject.”

“All right.” Sidious sat back in the chair. He didn’t say anything else but watched him with an expectant expression. Stefan got the impression he wanted him to start. So be it, he thought with a sigh. “Does Mikayla know what’s going on?”

“Are you kidding? Absolutely not.” Sidious shook his head, his lips set in a firm line.

“If you want to keep it that way you might want to tell the men you have following her to be more careful. She saw one of them yesterday when she and Krista were shopping. She’s a smart woman. If she keeps seeing them she’ll figure something’s up.”

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