Star Wars - 214 - Jedi Prince 05 - Queen of the Empire (8 page)

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Authors: Paul Davids,Hollace Davids

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Fiction, #General, #Science Fiction, #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #Star Wars

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"ChnooOOch-gzEEch!" Artoo tooted.

"What are you fussing about, Artoo?" See-Threepio demanded impatiently.


"No, you can’t be the best droid at the wedding," Threepio replied. "For one thing, there’s no such thing, so you have a lot of nerve even suggesting it. And if there were such a thing as a best droid, I’m quite sure Princess Leia would decide to reserve that position of honor for me!"

As Emdee-Five and a team of Imperial medical droids struggled to save Trioculus’s fading life, the Moffship departed from Tatooine and the region of the Great Pit of Carkoon, soaring into space.

Meanwhile, down in the pit, the Mouth of Sarlacc stirred.

No one was there to see or hear it, but the mouth coughed and choked, then belched and burped. In a terrible fit of indigestion, it spit out Zorba the Hutt, heaving him up with such incredible force, that Zorba landed on the sand outside the pit, on solid ground. Zorba wiggled and shook and brushed the sticky stomach juices off his blubbery body.

"Well, I didn’t care for the taste of you, either!" Zorba exclaimed. "You should know better than to try to swallow a Hutt! No creature in the galaxy can digest us-not even you!"

And then Zorba’s roaring laugh bellowed out across the sandy plain-a laugh that only he and the Sarlacc could hear.



Audit Droids

Droids such as Checksum and his assistant Debit-101, a specialist in business strategies. Baji

A Ho’Din alien, a healer and medicine man whom Luke met in the rain forest on the fourth moon of Yavin. After being captured by the Empire and forced to cure Trioculus’s blindness, Baji was kept on as an Imperial staff physician, but was later rescued by the Rebel Alliance. He now lives a simple life at DRAPAC on Dagobah, tending to his medicinal plants in the Alliance’s greenhouse.

Bithabus the Mystifier

An alien of the Bith species. Bithabus is a performing stage magician famous throughout the galaxy, who does a regular magic show at the Asteroid Theater at Hologram Fun World. Boulder-Dozer

Similar to a bulldozer in overall design, a Boulder-Dozer is equipped with laser-scorchers that are capable of vaporizing rock or other types of heavy debris. The best ones are made by the Rendili Vehicle Corporation, a Corellian company, and are equipped with Navicomputer controls.


An alien of the Bith species, Cobak is a bounty hunter hired by Zorba the Hutt. He impersonates Bithabus the Mystifier at the Asteroid Theater at Hologram Fun World, in a plot to capture Princess Leia.


A substance made from Tibanna gas, plentiful on the planet Bespin, where it is mined and sold in liquid form as a fuel in Cloud City. When carbonite is turned into a solid, it can be used for keeping humans or other organisms alive in a state of suspended animation, encasing them completely.


A civilized and beautiful planet where the Chadra-Fan aliens live. Chad has rolling hills and willowy cyperil trees overlooking fields where Lactils graze by the millions. Lactils are a breed of alien milk-producing cows that support Chad’s extensive dairy industry. Chadra-Fan

Small, quick-witted creatures from the planet Chad, resembling rodents. Chadra-Fan have large, Happy ears, dark eyes, and a flattened circular nose with four nostrils. Their combination of infrared sight, hypersensitive sense of smell, and keen hearing help make the Chadra-Fan physically and mentally perceptive creatures.

Cloud City

A floating city above the planet Bespin that used to be a popular center of tourism, with its hotels and casinos. It is considered one of the galaxy’s major trading posts, and the site of a Tibanna gas mining and exporting operation.


Acronym for the Defense Research and Planetary Assistance Center, a Rebel Alliance fortress built at the peak of Mount Yoda on the planet Dagobah. The secret Alliance group called SPIN-the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network-moved its central offices from Yavin Four and relocated them to DRAPAC, after Trioculus invaded the fourth moon of Yavin during his search for the Lost City of the Jedi.


A brilliant Chadra-Fan scientist, credited with managing Project Decoy-the creation of a lifelike Human Replica Droid, the prototype of which resembles Princess Leia. Fugo

Fandar’s scientific colleague, also of the Chadra-Fan species. When Fandar is injured and cannot continue with Project Decoy, Fugo carries on in Fandar’s absence. Hologram Fun World

Located inside a glowing, transparent dome floating in the center of a blue cloud of helium gas in outer space, Hologram Fun World is a theme park, where a "World of Dreams Come True" awaits every visitor. Lando Calrissian is now the Baron Administrator of the theme park.

Human Replica Droid

A lifelike droid designed to look like a specific person. Its purpose is to act as a decoy and fool an enemy into thinking it’s real. Designed by the Chadra-Fan alien scientists, Fandar arid Fugo, in a secret Rebel Alliance lab at DRAPAC, Human Replica Droids have eyes that can fire laser beams.

Jabba the Hutt

A sluglike alien gangster and smuggler who owned a palace on Tatooine and consorted with alien bounty hunters. He was strangled to death by Princess Leia, choked by the chain that held her prisoner in his sail barge at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Ken

A twelve-year-old Jedi prince, who was raised by droids in the Lost City of the Jedi. He was brought to the underground city as a small child by a Jedi Knight in a brown robe. He knows nothing of his origins, but he does know many Imperial secrets, which he learned from studying the files of the master Jedi computer in the Jedi Library where he went to school. Long an admirer of Luke Skywalker, he has departed the Lost City and joined the Alliance.

Kowakian monkey-lizard

A rare species of the planet Kowak, monkey-lizards are famous for their silliness and stupidity. Just as people of our day call someone a "monkey’s uncle" as a snide remark, in the Star Wars universe it’s an insult to be called a Kowakian monkey-lizard. Lactil

A breed of milk-producing alien cow that is the basis of the dairy industry of the planet Chad.

Lando Calrissian

A friend of Han Solo who gambled away the Millennium Falcon to Han in a friendly game of sabacc. Lando used to be Governor and Baron Administrator of Cloud City on the planet Bespin. After losing his position to Zorba the Hutt, Lando is now Baron Administrator of Hologram Fun World.

Lost City of the Jedi

An ancient, technologically advanced city built long ago by Jedi Knights. The city is located deep underground on the fourth moon of Yavin, where Ken, the Jedi Prince, was raised by Droids.

Mouth of Sarlacc

A giant, omnivorous, multitentacled beast at the bottom of the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine, beyond the Dune Sea. Anyone who falls to the bottom of the pit will be swallowed by the Sarlacc and slowly digested over a period of one thousand years. Project Decoy

The secret Alliance project for making Human Replica Droids.

Shutter-Bug-9 (SB-9)

A picture-taking droid photographer at Hologram Fun World who Lando assigns to take pictures for Han and Leia’s wedding album. SB-9 has a camera built into his chest, and his eyes are strobe lights that flash whenever he snaps a picture. SPIN

An acronym for the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network, a Rebel Alliance troubleshooting organization. All the major Star Wars Alliance heroes are members of SPIN, which has offices both on Yavin Four and at DRAPAC on Mount Yoda on the planet Dagobah. Triclops

The true son of the evil Emperor Palpatine. Triclops is a mutant, with a third eye in the back of his head. For most of his life, Triclops was imprisoned in Imperial insane asylums, under the authority of Trioculus, the former Supreme Slavelord of Kessel. Triclops later escaped from the Imperial Reprogramming Institute on the planet Duro. Luke Skywalker and Ken found him and brought him back to DRAPAC. Shrouded in mystery, the Empire considers Triclops insane and fears disaster if he were ever to become Emperor, like his father. Triclops claims he believes in peace and disarming his father’s evil Empire, but he may in fact be a brilliant madman with a split personality. When he sleeps, Triclops invents terrible weapons of destruction in his dreams. Trioculus

Like Triclops, Trioculus also has three eyes, but all of his are on the front of his face. With the help of the grand moffs, Trioculus rose from the position of Supreme Slavelord of the spice mines of Kessel to become the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire after the death of the evil Emperor Palpatine. Trioculus is an impostor, not a true master of the Dark Side, and falsely claims to be Emperor Palpatine’s real three-eyed son. He wears on his hand a duplicate of the glove of Darth Vader, an everlasting symbol of evil. Zinthorn flowers

Black flowers used for Imperial wedding bouquets.

Zorba the Hutt

The father of Jabba the Hutt. A sluglike creature with a long braided white beard, Zorba was a prisoner on the planet Kip for over twenty years. He returned to Tatooine to discover that his son was killed by Princess Leia. He later became Governor of Cloud City by beating Lando Calrissian in a rigged card game of sabacc in the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino.

Table of Contents

Book 5

CHAPTER 1 Project Decoy




CHAPTER 5 The Disappearance

CHAPTER 6 The Mofference

CHAPTER 7 Trioculus Restored


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