Stardust (50 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Aurora shook her head, unwilling to listen again to the many reasons why she should remain the Keeper of Palermo

s life stone, but the calling was not there and they both knew it.

I am sorry.

There is no need to apologize. You were there when we needed you most. It is now our responsibility to find another. Our eldest daughter has expressed an interest.

Chantar came to his feet.

It is time for you to leave.

* * *

Early the next morning, Darton demanded entrance to Darvek

s small cottage on the outskirts of town.

Wait just a minute,

the man shouted as Darton continued to hammer against the wooded door.

This had better be good,

the gray-haired warrior grumbled, pulling on a large purple robe. He and Selina had only escaped from the palace the night before, finally free from any and all royal obligations of Palermos. And before his official oath to Yulon took place, their first night together had been filled with a tender love he had only dreamed of experiencing.

It is I,

Darton stated quietly as Darvek opened the door.

So I see. And what brings you here, my friend?


s uncle frowned at the young man on his door
step. Darton looked as if preparing
to do battle with the great Benkyar himself. His long blond hair was secured by a thick band and the expression on his rugged face was as fierce as the pale blue sword strapped around his lean waist.

Have you heard from her?

he asked bluntly.

She has been gone far too long. Winoka will tell me nothing.

Perhaps there is nothing to tell,

Darvek suggested.

Darton smote his fist against his palm.

I must know if she is well.

Darvek leaned his body against the cottage

s sturdy wooden side.

I am sure Chantar would have told us if anything was amiss.

Darvek grinned to himself. Chantar had kept him informed of Aurora

s every move, includ
ing the mysterious sickness which
had befallen her. Darton was in for many surprises.

Then she is still at the mountain?

Darton asked, his face alight with hope.


Darvek shook his head.

She and Chantar have left.


Do not be discouraged, my son. I know where she is.

* * *

Aurora adjusted the
fit of her seka, satisfied
the dress would do until she reached Krossos. She thought of the gown Somora had given her. She had never had the opportunity to wear the beautiful garment for Darton. Perhaps Slamock

s sisters could make other gowns more suitable for her present condition.

As she made her way to the bridge of the Galentina, a strange noise sounded behind. Aurora stopped, listening intently. The sound came closer and just as she identified it, a voice whispered,

Do be quiet you big oaf of a cat. She will hear us.


Aurora rushed to gather the turin close.

How I have missed you.

You are smothering me.

Talena struggled against the tight hold, finally freeing her head.

Oh Talena, I am so glad to see you,

Aurora cried, her eyes filling with tears. She had not wanted to leave behind her best friend, but she knew the turin

s dislike of Slamock and his people. She could not afford for anything to go wrong with the trade negotiations she hoped to establish. Far too much was riding on her ability to care for herself.

If you missed me so damned much,

the turin snapped,

why did you not come for me?


Aurora was shocked at the turin

s language.

Where did you learn such expressions?

I fear she has picked up one or two bad habits from me.

Aurora whirled around as Darton came up the narrow steps leading into the ship. Only now did she notice the jaguar

s appearance as well. She wiped the tears from her eyes, stiffening her back.

What are you doing here?

Darton lounged by the door frame, his stance casual. Unwillingly, Aurora

s eyes were drawn to the long line of his legs. His once magnificent golden tan had faded to a light brown. Hungrily her eyes devoured the rest of him and her heart cried at what she saw. During the two cycles they had been apart, his frame had become leaner as if he had not eaten properly.

Forcing the words past the lump in her throat, she answered his question.

I am preparing to journey to Krossos.


s eyebrow arched.

For what purpose? Did Slamock decide he needed another keeper for his stone?

Darton had discovered after
a hasty chat with Chantar
Aurora had declined her status as Palermos

of the light –
hastily because Chantar had fled at the first sight of the angry warrior coming toward him. Darton used that same expression now.

Aurora frowned at his harsh tone. Chantar had assured her du
ring her time at the mount
her family was being advised of her actions. When no word had come from Darton, she had assume
d he no longer desired her and
his role as king was far more important to him than anything she might have foolishly thought they once shared.

Hope rose suddenly within her. Maybe he did not know.

I am no longer keeper,

Aurora said, hoping to see some sort of emotion on his closed face.

I know.


s voice was a lazy drawl.

You knew

Aurora shouted, furious
he had dismissed their relationship so carelessly.

If you knew, then why didn


She stopped herself abruptly. She would not beg for his love.

Why did you not come back to me?

He voiced the words for her.

Aurora turned away, making her way to the bridge and taking a seat at the console.

I do not go where I am not welcome.


It was Darton

s turn to be angry. He knew he should never have left her within the great mountain.

By the Sacred Lorta!

he yelled, spinning her chair around until she faced him.

How could you doubt your welcome?

You are King of Palermos. Why would you want such a female as I?

twisting her hands in her lap.

Darton knelt before her, his eyes a gentle, glowing brown. He took her hands in his, entwining their fingers.

Because you are my love. My life. My entire reason for existence.

He cupped her face, their hands still joined.

I love you, Aurora Dante. Will you join with me?

Aurora could not believe her ears. He was asking her to become his mate, the one to be by his side forever. But how could she? True, she had been raised in a house of privilege, but her lineage was common. No ruling king could have such a partner. It was forbidden.

When she voiced her concerns to Darton, he laughed heartily.

Is that all which
has kept you from my side, you wench? That ban was lifted many moons ago, even before my mother and father wed.

But how can that be?

Aurora frowned.

Lalona is of noble birth.

That is true, but that was not the reason they wed. If you could not tell by such a brief meeting, my parents are deeply in love.

Why were the citizens of Palermos kept in the dark concerning this change in the law?

Aurora demanded.

Darton shrugged his shoulders, loosening his hold on her hands to caress the firm line of her jaw. He was amused to see she was still as stubborn.

We did not think it pertinent information.

What else have you not told me?

Darton lifted her to her feet, guiding her to the door.

A million and one things, my heart.

Aurora followed him down the metal casing.

Where are we going?

she asked.

Back to the Mountain of Life,

Darton answered, helping her to mount the Argonian stallion he had


from his father

s stables. It had seemed the fastest method of travel when he had learned of Aurora

s impending trip to Krossos.

Once they were outside the protective dome of Atmos, Darton slowed the stallion

s pace,
nuzzling aside her hair to kiss
the creaminess of her shoulder.

You still have not given me an answer,

he growled, his breath fanning the lobe of her ear.

Aurora arched her neck, giving him access to her long, slender throat.

Can you not read my mind?

Darton realized she was serious and stopped the horse. Clearing his mind, he allowed himself to drift, touching her softly. Immediately he was engulfed in a warm pale light. He felt the most incredible sense of peace and well-being.

He opened his eyes, amused to see her staring at him intently.

We will be joined as soon as we return,

he said, turning her toward him until they were riding face to face. He shifted slightly, forcing her willing body to cradle his. He urged the horse forward, setting a slow, steady pace.

When I was on Earth, one of my brothers boasted he had taken a female while riding on the back of a thundering Appaloosa.

Aurora felt him hot and hard between her legs. Her body flooded with warmth, preparing itself for him.

I do not know what an Appaloosa is, but I do know this mount does not se
em to be going very fast at all.

She looped
her arms around his neck.

Darton placed the reins upon the saddle and pulled her close.

We should not tempt the f
ates the first time we try this.

He slipped one hand between them, freeing himself from his clothing and placing the tip of his hot shaft against the entrance of her body.

Aurora groaned as the horse, now unguided by a firm hand, veered from the trail, stumbled over rocks and holes, sending Darton

s rigid shaft deep inside her willing body.


s it, my love,

he urged.

Take me. Take all of me.

As if sensing the urgency of its riders, the stallion found the path once again and gathered speed, its fluid movements sending their bodies crashing against each other. Their cries of fulfillment hung in the air, unheard by anything but the wind.

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