Stardust (51 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Darton withdrew from her still quaking body and reigned the horse in, slowing to a comfortable trot.

You are the most beaut
iful woman in all of the galaxy

And you are
the most wonderful of warriors.

Aurora smiled, smoothing his golden hair from his face. Suddenly tired, she lay her head against his chest, her arms still holding him close. She could see Talena and Siara in the distance and grinned, wondering what they thought of their masters

decadent behavior. She had no doubt it had been Siara

s order to travel at a slower pace.

I thought Talena would not ride in one of your



she commented lazily. The turin sat high upon the great cat

s back, a hand woven basket her seat.


ll have you know, I searched for one full cycle of the moon to find an acceptable piece of wood for that flea bitten rodent,

Darton complained.

Nothing less than elder bush would suffice.

He did not tell her of the Argonian sea dwellers he had bought from a trader of less than reputable status in order to fulfill the promise made the turin on Krossos.

Perhaps I should find her a mate,

Aurora said musingly.

She must get lonely.


Darton growled, the sound rumbling low in his chest.

Then there would be hundreds of the blasted things running around.

Turins, when allowed to mate, produced offspring at an alarming rate, forcing the government to carefully monitor their breeding.

Aurora pulled away, pushing at his chest until she could see his face clearly.

Do you not like babies?

I think I would not mind a son,

he said.

But I draw the line at balls of fur with sharp little teeth
. Why are you grinning

Aurora did not answer, her smile turning joyous.

Comprehension dawned slowly, spreading across his frowning features.

y heart,

he groaned, gathering her to him.

Tell me it is so.

Aurora nestled against him, her smile shy at the look of wonderment upon his face.

I was sick during the early hours when we were at Krossos and again upon the mountain. When I returned to th
e city, the woman of the healers
confirmed my thoughts.

And you were willing to leave, knowing you carried my child?


s voice carried his hurt.

Forgive me,

she whispered.

I thought what I did was for the best. For all of Palermos.

Darton gazed into the sky, seeing the same blue now as he had many moons ago upon Earth. As his Earth father had taught him then, he allowed the feeling of hurt to wash from his body.

We have made many mistakes,

he said.

But now our time together begins.

Just then a sparkle of light danced across the sky, showering them with its brilliance.


Aurora exclaimed as the light seemed to pause and dance before them in a magnificent display of power.


Darton murmured, nuzzling the side of her neck.

We have been sprinkled with the dust of the heavens. Now our union is blessed by the ancient ones.

He urged the horse deeper into the dense green forest and they disappeared into the shelter
of the great granite mountain –
together at last.


~The End~


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