Stark Pleasure; the Space Magnate's Mistress (The LodeStar Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Stark Pleasure; the Space Magnate's Mistress (The LodeStar Series)
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It was weird being dropped off to the hushed elegance of Stark’s penthouse instead of making her way back to her tiny apartment, past the mumbled importuning of druggies and the threat of reeking alleyways with their slinking shadows.

She was never going back to that, Kiri resolved fiercely as she showered the sweat of dancing away and slipped into a nightgown and robe the purplish hue of plumquots in the market stalls. She’d let Stark convince her that she was the woman he wanted at his side, at least for a time.

Not just for his credit, either. But because she really, really liked the way his eyes went warm and relaxed, the way they had after he fucked her that last time, when they’d lain in his bed and just talked. She wanted to see that look in his eyes again. She wanted to put it there.

She’d seen a similar look in other men’s eyes, but she hadn’t felt connected to any of them, hadn’t felt their strength wrapped around her, sure and steady. Hadn’t felt as if she’d won some kind of award when they smiled at her, laughed at her jokes. Hadn’t felt as if their gaze held enough heat and power to warm her through one of the most frightening times of her life.

Might as well admit it to herself and quit pretending this was about credit, because it
, but it was also about being with Stark. Tal was hot, but Stark was hotter and the police weren’t waiting for an opportunity to break down his door.

Although having free run of his huge place was quarking awesome. Because she could, she padded barefoot into Natan’s kitchen galley, every surface polished and spotless. A bowl of gremel fruit sat on the counter like an art display, their green rinds shiny. She put the fattest on a plate, poked in the huge refrigerator for a pot of the creamy cheese she liked so much, and then found a package of herb crackers. The tea maker was a quick study for a barista like her, and soon she had a mug of tea steaming aromatically.

She sat on a stool at the counter with her booty and cut the gremel open to reveal the sweet, juicy golden fruit. She ate until she was stuffed, stacked her dishes in the washer and went back to clean her teeth.

In the mistress room—she couldn’t stop thinking of it that way—she set her comlink on the bedside table and studied it before turning out the light. What was Stark up to tonight, on his cruise ship? She’d looked up both
and been lost in admiration of the gleaming white ship with her huge arboretum and gracious staterooms, dining rooms and even clubs. But idea of setting off into the black cold reaches of space still gave her the icy shudders. Only one reason she’d do that and until she knew where to go, no reason to take flight.

She was in her little bed cubby, alone but snug, because her family was just outside the hatch, in their apartment. This was her special place, just for her, with all her favorite things. No one could come in here unless she invited them.

But it wasn’t a haven tonight. Something bad was out there. Noise and light—wrong lights flashing. A voice crying out in terror, and then ending in a horrible wet gurgle. Another screaming, high and thin.

“Mama. Dada. Kai,” she called, but her voice was only a whisper.

Something thudded against her door, and slid down, down.

As she stared in horror, crimson liquid slid under the door and widened into a pool that spread across the floor toward her.

She woke to find herself huddled in the soft bed. The lights gleamed, and the room was quiet, except for her gasping breaths.

Oh, quark, her nightmare. She was sweating, hot and chilled at the same time, as if she’d been running outside in the cold, wet streets.

She pulled the comforter up around herself and sat, her chin on her knees, wishing Stark were here. She’d wrap herself around him and let him fuck her until she couldn’t think anymore, couldn’t remember.

She rocked back and forth, eyeing her new comlink. She could call him. Then she shook her head. What a baby—she didn’t need a bedtime story to comfort her. She was fine alone.
It was just being shoved into the sex room at the club by Tal’s gangers, that was all.

She was fine. She was working toward her goals. Stabilizing her business, getting a safer home for herself. And soon she’d be able to continue her search.

She was certain Tal had been lying about having something of hers, toying with her. But if she’d lost the last of her memories in the apartment fire, perhaps one day soon she’d have something infinitely better.

The only other remaining member of her family—alive.

Chapter 18

Kiri was waiting, wired on too little sleep and too much caffeine, when Rak arrived at the penthouse. He ushered her into a room off the passageway that she hadn’t even known was there. It contained an elevated machine with a moving track to run on or hike up slopes or stairs, a bicycle, and lots of stretchy ropes and heavy looking pieces of metal with handholds.

The floor was covered with spongy mats, the walls with mirrors. A holovid display unit hung over the elevated track.

“Wow, a gymnasium,” she marveled. “Heard of these.”

“You should use it every day,” Rak said. “Make you stronger.”

Kiri thought of the calm, quiet confidence that Stark’s people all had. A look in their eyes that said, ‘Mess with me and I will take you down.’ She wanted that.

“Does Opal do this stuff?”

A certain look came into his eyes although his face didn’t change. “She does.”

Kiri nodded. “Then I will. Opal is tough, but she’s still very … womanly. That’s how I want to be.” How she would be.

She could tell by Rak’s look that she’d said exactly the right thing. He nodded.

A strange metal statue stood in one corner, smooth cerametal face blank, long arms down. The body and limbs were covered with thick padded leather.

“What is that?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.

“Sparring robot. Mr. Stark likes to fight—good at it, too. You leave it alone. Thing’s dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

“No problem.”

Rak moved to the center of the room. “Now show me how they grabbed you last night.”

Kiri flushed, humiliated by how easy it had been. She’d thought herself tough and wary, but it hadn’t been hard for the smaller woman to grab her and shove her into that room. She kept her eyes open on the street, but in the club she’d foolishly thought herself safe.

Rak held up his hand. “Remember how you feel right now,” he told her. “You let me and Mr. Stark and Opal teach you, and you’ll never feel like that again, okay?”

Helpless, angry and unable to retaliate—she never,
wanted to feel like this again. Kiri set her jaw, accepted the emotions roiling inside her, and nodded. “I’m ready.”

At the end of their session, Kiri was breathing hard, her side hurt and she was going to have bruises on her arms and legs. But she glowed with accomplishment. She’d learned to react instantaneously to an attack from behind or the side. “How’d I do?”

Rak set his hands on his lean hips. “You got a long ways to go, but you’re a scrapper. Time we get through with you, anyone who jumps you will be sorry.”

“Maybe I should carry a cutter.” She’d had one once, but broken it prying a coffee container open.

Rak shook his head. “Take too long for me to show you how to use one, and they can be turned on you in a heartbeat. Got another idea that might work.”

“Tomorrow?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Sure. We can have a session every morning. You want to go anywhere today?”

“Yes.” Kiri grinned at his look of resignation. “No more shopping, I promise. I need to open up my coffee stand today at the space port.”




Stark sent her a hololink as she was standing in the huge closet. A hot shower-dry and some of her new lotions and cosmetics had taken care of her remaining soreness from the workout.

She smiled, delighted at the sight of Stark, seated in a private hotel room with a bouquet of some exotic blooms behind his shoulder. He wore a silk robe, his hair damp, and a steaming mug sat on the table before him.

He smiled back at her, his gaze dropping over her, clad only in a towel. “Sleep late?”

She shook her head. “Just finished a session with Rak in your gym. He’s teaching me some self-defense moves.”

“Is that why you’ve a bruise on your arm?”

Kiri rubbed the spot with her other hand, self-conscious. No, that would be from the night before when that bitch had shoved her.

“It’s nothing.” She’d had worse in the public care dorms.

“Natan has therapeutic gesics there. Use them. Why the sudden interest in self-defense?”

She moved restively, standing with one foot on top of the other. “I’m sure you’ve already had a report from Rak, so why ask me?”

He took a drink of coffee, watching her over the rim, making her wait. “I’d like your version of events.”

“Just an old acquaintance who didn’t realize I’m with someone else,” she said. She moved over the rack of clothing, pushing one ensemble aside.

“Tal Darkrunner is an old acquaintance?”

Kiri stared at him over her shoulder, cold shivering down her spine. “You know him?”

He held her gaze with his. “I know of him. I make it my business to know a great many beings, especially those who may ... impact what is mine.”

Did he mean his businesses literally, or did he mean her? “He doesn’t. I told him I don’t want to see him anymore.”

“Good. I’m sure you won’t mind if I have a word with him myself.”

.” Her face heated as he gave her a look. “I mean, he’s not important enough for you to bother with.” Worse, God only knew what kind of outrageous things he’d say, just to piss Stark off. Probably tell him what they’d done and how many times.

Stark nodded, but she had the uneasy sense it didn’t mean he was agreeing to back off.

He took another drink of coffee. “Kitten, that towel is covering up parts of you I would very much like to admire. Take it off.”

Heat flushed over her skin. Now there was a change of subject. One she was only too relieved to accept. Still turned three quarters away from him, Kiri unfastened the towel and let it slip to the floor.

His gaze slid down over her bare body, lingering on her ass. He sipped his coffee. “Now turn around.”

Two could play at this game. Kiri cast him a sultry glance over her shoulder. “Sorry. I’m getting dressed, not putting on a sex show for you.”

She opened the drawer in front of her and grabbed a pair of spider lace panties. They were cream with black scallop trim. Her heart pounding, she stepped into them and pulled them up, rolling her hips to settle the panties.

She fumbled into the matching bra, feeling the heat of his gaze on her. When she had the undies on, she turned, cocking her hip saucily.

He had one hand on the table, playing with something that glinted in the lights of his stateroom. “You do know you’ll be punished for that.” His eyes held the hint of a smile.

Kiri eyed him suspiciously. “What do you have there?”

He lifted his hand, and a delicate gold chain dripped from his grasp. At the end was a pair of golden balls that rolled lightly over the table. Foreboding tightened in her middle.

“A little something I picked up here,” he said. “As promised. You’ll wear it for me. Won’t you, kitten?”

It was the toy he’d promised her—or threatened her with—the one designed to be worn inside her. Kiri had a sudden searing image of them seated at Jasmine, surrounded by other diners and waitstaff. All he’d have to do was tug gently on that chain, and those balls would move in her pussy. He’d probably tease her until she was mindless with lust. Quark, she was going to have to go and touch herself now. Otherwise she’d be twitchy for hours, just thinking about it.

She shrugged casually. “Guess it will give you something to dream about while you’re in a meeting.”

He chuckled, a dark and wicked sound. “Yes, it will.”

Oh, God, if she was there in that room with him, she’d climb onto his lap and ride him until the tight throbbing between her thighs was assuaged, and he forgot all about his dirty toys.

“There are a variety of toys in my bedside cabinet,” he suggested, his voice gentle. “You’re clearly aroused by the prospect of this device, so feel free to go and play. In fact, I’d like to watch.”

Kiri opened her mouth but no words came out. The man was incorrigible, and there was no way she’d admit the idea of him watching her aroused her so much she wanted to squirm.

Stark smiled at her, and she had to press her thighs together, standing there under his knowing gaze.

“Go on, get something and bring it back, kitten,” he advised gently.

She gazed back at him, heat racing through her, pulling her pussy in a nearly desperate ache. “I’ll be … right back,” she managed.

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