Stark Pleasure; the Space Magnate's Mistress (The LodeStar Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Stark Pleasure; the Space Magnate's Mistress (The LodeStar Series)
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Kiri showered and dressed with Chaz Jaguari singing and dancing on her holovid. She danced her way across the quiet of her bedroom and into the closet to choose an ensemble for the evening. She was tired, but she felt good. She’d opened her stand again, had the upgrade underway, and she’d renewed her contract with Finder.

She took a sip of the sparkling wine Natan had left for her, and set her glass on the hovertable at her elbow. She smiled at the small table and amused herself leading it around in a circle with her arm. She was getting spoiled.

Hmm, what to wear when a sexy man was going to be taking her clothing off or at least commanding her to do so for his pleasure. She pressed her thighs together and smoothed her hands over her bare breasts, anticipating his touch there. Her pussy felt swollen and wet already.

She selected a pair of delicate gold lace undies but left the matching bra in the drawer. She didn’t need one just for the evening, and the gold spider lace knit dress hugged her body with clever bands of knit that just covered her breasts and hips. She toed into the soft gold flats and admired herself in the mirror, running her finger through her hair and then shaking her head at herself. Her eyes were huge in her flushed face.

A chime sounded, and a soft voice announced, “Main door, opening. Stark arriving.”

Kiri hesitated, her toes curling in her slippers. Should she saunter out slowly? Oh, quark it.

She dashed out into the living area, where Stark was standing by a table, divesting himself of his suit jacket, his back to her. She watched his broad shoulders appear and then his long back, covered in a charcoal fitted shirt.

She could hear muffled noises from the galley. Natan preparing dinner.

“Hi,” she said, her voice cracking.

Stark turned, his eyes narrowing as he looked her over. Excitement bursting, Kiri ignored his bleak expression to launch herself across the room and into his arms. She threw her arms around his neck and hiked her legs up around his hips, planting a kiss on his smooth cheek.

He staggered with the impact, and then his arms closed around her, and he took her mouth with his, hard. His tongue thrust into her mouth. Well, she’d asked for it, hadn’t she? Kiri curled her tongue around his, drinking in the taste of Stark, moon brandy and need.

One arm around her waist, his other under her ass, he hauled her tight against him and turned, carrying her across the room. His cock hardened, riding the soft notch of her labia as he walked.

Kiri tightened her legs on him, whimpering as need furled out from that spot. She swung through the air, and the leather divan hit her in the ass.

Stark pulled away just enough to look her in the eye, his own hooded, his face taut. “Such an enthusiastic greeting. I believe you missed me.” There was an edge to his voice that both frightened and thrilled her. What had she unleashed?

Perched on the back of the divan, she wrapped one leg around the back of his thighs, stroking his neck above his collar in feminine placation. “I did miss you.”

“Then let’s fix that,” he said, reaching between them to work his trousers.

“Your bedroom,” she gulped. “Natan’s here—”

Stark kissed her to shut her up, and when his cock slapped against her inner thigh like a hot, silken brand her pussy clenched with excitement and shock. He was going to have her right here, where Natan might walk out at any time and see them. But as Stark’s fingers slid under the edge of her panties in a slick caress, she moaned.

Stark positioned the head of his cock between the outer lips of her pussy and then paused there, lifting his head enough to look at her. “Now?” he asked, his hand sliding up to cup her breast through the dress and fondle her, his thumb flicking her nipple.

Kiri nodded, tilting her hips to bring him into her. Her heart was pounding, and if she didn’t get that hot, beautiful cock of his inside her, she was going to melt with sheer frustration.

He pinched her nipple, hard. “I can’t hear you, kitten.”

“Now,” she pleaded, not caring that her voice was hoarse, or that she was moving helplessly against him, her heels digging into his ass, his cock caressing her just lightly. “Now, Logan.”

He grunted with approval and then slid his arm down to cup her ass in his hand and thrust into her in one long, hard stroke. Kiri whimpered. It hurt to take him so fast, her pussy stretched around him, but it was also an exquisite relief to have him inside her, filling her.

“That’s right,” he said, his voice deep and harsh in her ear. “I’ll take you whenever and wherever and however I want, kitten.”

He moved, pulling out and then thrusting back in, raking every inch of her clinging channel, possessing her. Kiri clung to him, shaking with the pleasure as he set a swift, steady rhythm, rocking her on her perch. She couldn’t move, could only hang onto him and take what he gave her.

“My luggage will be arriving in a moment,” he told her, nipping her ear. “We may be seen.”

His voice sent her over the edge. Pleasure imploded inside her, the succulent strokes of his cock the most perfect sensation she’d ever known. A high moan burst from her throat, and Kiri came, exquisite contractions clasping him in secret.

He fucked her through it, his hands clamped on her bare ass.

“We have to move,” she gasped, dragging open her eyes.

“Oh, no,” he said. “I haven’t come yet.”

He watched her as he continued to thrust inside her. “That’s right. We’re not done until I fill you with my cum, little cat. No matter what happens, no matter who walks through that door. Do you understand?”

His face was flushed, his breathing hard, his eyes glittering. He was the most beautiful man Kiri had ever seen, ever touched. And understanding blossomed—he was going to lead her along sensual paths she’d never imagined. And she’d follow him.

“Yes, Logan.”

“You like this, don’t you? It gets you off, knowing someone may find me having you.”

Yes, she did, and that meant she was twisty, but she’d worry about that later. She wanted the whole world to know she was his. “Yes, Logan.”

She kissed him, and he thrust so powerfully their flesh slapped together, and she started to come again as a chime sounded, and the soft voice announced. “Main door opening. Luggage.”

Kiri whimpered with shock and Stark groaned, stiffening in her arms. Kiri buried her face against his chest, shivering with pleasure and shame as he moved slowly inside her, and she came and came around him, even as footsteps and voices sounded in the foyer to her right.

Stark let out a long breath. “Next time perhaps I’ll arrange an audience ahead of time.”

Kiri let out a squeak of humiliation, and he laughed, a deep rumble under her ear. “Kiri, look.”

She shook her head and then jerked in shock as he smacked her bottom sharply. “Look.”

He turned her head with his fingers against her cheek. An elegant screen of carved wood panels shielded the entryway. Beyond it, Natan’s voice mingled with that of another man. Then footsteps sounded again, and the galley door closed.

“They—they didn’t see us?”

“Perhaps. Or perhaps only Natan saw that we needed privacy.” He pulled out of her and she had to bite back a moan of disappointment at losing him. Apparently she didn’t do a good enough job, because his eyes lit with amusement. She was too rattled by the whole encounter to waste time worrying about that.

“I have to go ... freshen up,” she muttered.

He patted her bottom as she slid from her perch, leaning against it for a moment to steady her trembling legs. She watched him fasten his trousers and straighten his shirt, and he leaned down to kiss her. “Yes, go on. Natan will be here in a moment with drinks. Unless you’d rather wear my cum?”

Not when she was going to be vertical for the rest of the evening. She grabbed her panties from the floor and escaped his teasing smile, hurrying into her lav to deal with the ravages of hot sex. Her panties were ruined, so she threw them in the recycler. After cleaning up, she slipped into a fresh pair.

Back in the sitting area, Stark stood by the window, a drink in his hand. Kiri walked to join him. She leaned against the window and smiled demurely.

“Hello, dear, how was your day?”

“It certainly has had moments.” He handed her a glass from the hovertray. She sniffed. A pear blossom. “You’ve been busy while I was gone.”

She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the look in his eye. “Yes. I hired someone to work my coffee.”

He raised his brows inquiringly.

“Maury,” she said. “You met her when—well, at the space port authority station.”

“Ah. You didn’t use the employment agency. Is your friend qualified?”

“She’ll do fine.”

The galley door chimed, and Kiri hid behind her drink as Natan appeared with the salad tray. She felt her cheeks heating and peeped at him quickly, then away. However, Stark’s butler smiled serenely as he set the small table for them with plates of bright salad and a basket of steaming rolls. “Welcome home, sir.”

“Thank you, Natan. Did the special package arrive with my luggage?” Stark held out his arm, indicating she should precede him, and Kiri walked to the table, clutching her drink like a talisman.

Natan bowed. “Yes, sir. Where would you like me to place it?”

“In my bedroom. Unpack it, please. We’ll want it later.”

“Very good, sir. Enjoy your salads.”

Kiri slipped into her chair and set her drink aside, looking at the carefully arranged spray of fresh greens and cured olives on her plate. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to eat a bite, with the butterflies in her belly. Quarking weird having a servant around all the time.

“Eat,” Stark said mildly, and she picked up her fork, stabbing randomly. She put a plump green olive in her mouth and chewed. It was good, mellow and salty, with some piquant herb in the center. She tried a bite of lettuce, and that was good too. She attacked her salad with gusto.

“Was your trip a success?”

“It was.” He forked up some greens. “I’m selling off some of my holdings here.”

Finished with her salad, she set down her fork and picked up the warm, flaky roll he had given her. “Because of the rioting?” What if he moved away entirely, and she never saw him again? She set the bread down.

“Eat your roll. I’m simply consolidating. Part of business is knowing what to get rid of and what to keep.”

Natan appeared with soft red wine and plates of steaming pasta in red sauce. The pasta was plump with cheese and melted in her mouth. While they ate, Stark spoke idly of business, and asked her a few questions about what she planned for Kiri’s Kaffe. Cautiously at first, and then with growing enthusiasm, Kiri outlined her plans for upgrading the stand. He listened attentively and nodded.

“What, no advice from the business magnate?” she asked, leaning her chin on her palm.

“Not for your business,” he said. “It sounds as if you have sound ideas and a plan to carry them out.”

She frowned, uneasy. “Then what is it?” Something was wrong, she could tell.

He leaned back in his chair, turning his wine glass slowly, a remote look on his face.

“On a more personal level, you offended a very old friend, and I want to know why.”

She sat up straight, her shoulders tightening defensively. “What? Oh, you mean Haassea?”

He nodded imperiously.

Kiri growled under her breath, her hands fisting in her lap. “Your ‘old friend’ seems to be under the impression that—let me see, how did her lackey put it? I’m a little back-alley whore you picked up for a sex weekend, and they should dress me like one. Well, guess what? I’m not parading my ass around in see-through lace with glitter.”

“That was a mistake. The girl has been removed from staff.”

“Don’t care. Not going back there.”

Stark looked down at his wineglass. He lifted it and took a drink. Then he looked at her over his glass. “I am accustomed,” he said softly, “to having my instructions followed.”

Kiri bit her lip, the small pain distracting her from the chill in his voice. “So you’re allowed your pride but I’m not? Starry for you.” Her stomach knotted around her dinner.

“I think you’ll find your reception quite different this time, kitten. So sheathe your claws. My business means a great deal to Haassea. We’ll be socializing, and people will notice that you’re wearing her things.”

Kiri wanted to ask if the woman gave him a discount for having his whores advertise her clothing. But she swallowed the words along with the last of her wine, draining her glass and then saluting him with it. A mistake, as her stomach rebelled even further.

“Okay, you bet. Anything you say, boss.”

She was just another employee, after all. So she’d do what he ordered until her business took off. And then he could kiss her ass goodbye.

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