Read Starved For Love Online

Authors: Annie Nicholas

Starved For Love (10 page)

BOOK: Starved For Love
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Chapter Fourteen

I dropped Val off at the entrance to his hotel, refusing the invitation for dinner. After everything we’d shared, I needed time apart to think, to feel, before facing Sin together.

Entering my house, I paused and listened. Quiet blanketed the building. My sisters must be gone but my dad’s car sat out front still. I crept upstairs to my bedroom, praying for solitude.

My insides were raw and it hurt. The memories of Pierre scorched me each time I pulled them out. I knelt by the short wall by my bed, where the roof sloped to meet it, and pried open a loose floorboard. Crammed in the hole was a shoebox. Not an original hiding place but it worked. I struggled to pull it out and opened the lid.

I hadn’t kept much after Pierre left me. It all fit in the box. Lifting a picture, I stared at the human with the blond good looks of a boy-next-door and the chocolate-brown eyes that had melted me each time our gazes had met. I was over him.

I was.

I had to be.

Hunched over the open box, I stared at the contents and my stomach went sour. I’d lied to Val about not seeing Pierre again. He never saw me, but I went to his wedding and sat in the back of the church behind sunglasses, a wig and a stupid hat. A glutton for punishment, I needed to see him happy. It gave me closure.

I closed the box once more and glanced at the hole in which I’d secreted it for two years. What had Sin said to me once? Something about how fire could cleanse a soul. I always wondered what his cryptic words meant, but he was right, fire would cleanse me. Creeping back downstairs, I peeked into the study and found it empty. I breathed a sigh of relief and scurried to the cold fireplace. The kindling rested in a metal container. On my knees, I went over Cooper’s instructions for how to build a fire. We’d spent an evening in his backyard stargazing over the summer and he couldn’t believe I’d never made a campfire.

Kindling, check. Lighter, check. A few small logs, check. I didn’t require a bonfire, just something small enough to break my ties to the past so I could focus on my future.

Time for me to forgive myself.

I lit the kindling and tossed the contents of the box on the fire. Ticket stubs to a concert we went to, three love letters he’d written me and a dry rose. They burst into flames upon contact. I glanced at the picture one last time. Even if things didn’t work out between me and Val, I knew I was finally ready to move on. I set the picture on the kindling and added the logs.

“What are you burning?” My dad strolled in and sat in the leather chair facing the fireplace.


“Hmm.” He watched in silence. Having him witness my past go up in flames helped anchor my reality. “You’re serious about Valerio then?”

“I’m giving it consideration. I’m older and wiser now. I wish you could see that.”

He sighed. “Baby girl, I see it.”

I turned my back to the hearth and faced my father.

His elbows rested on his knees as he leaned toward me. “I think it’s this growth that makes me fear for you the most. You’re finally finding your own path and I don’t want to see all that progress squashed.”

“You seem leery of Val. Why give him access to Lake City? Why did you offer him Rose or Adele?”

“I am always careful around people of great power. I’d ask you to do the same. Your sisters would have been good matches for him.” He caressed my cheek. “But you, baby, you’re very sensitive. I don’t want you to get hurt again.” Concern aged his face. He was thinking about what happened after the break-up, after Sin tracked me to New Porter city.

I couldn’t stand seeing his pain and tore my gaze away. “I know.” What could I say? I guess I could have offered false reassurance. Promise that I’d never be silly and run away again, but I’m a terrible liar. “I don’t think he would hurt me. We talked today. I think he understands.”

“It won’t be easy for either of you. Don’t rush into anything.”

I held up my wrists. “See, no engagement bracelets. I’m curious about him and his wives. They live differently than we do. He’s really taken by what you and the moms have. I think—I think if I’m to have any chance to find love with an incubus, Val is it.”

“I curse the party where we met him. He watched us like a hawk the whole night. Made your mothers nervous as hell. I half-expected him to try to lure one of them from me. Then the request came to meet the three of you.” He sighed. “Just keep your happiness in the forefront of your mind. You don’t have to marry an incubus. There are some succubi very happily married to other races.”

I nodded and watched the flames die in the fireplace. Some succubi chose to marry outside our race. Open marriages, of course, but the concept was still the same. The husband had to provide the security we craved to obtain a wife of extraordinary beauty. Those succubi who took that path usually had control issues or hungered for power. With the right amount of skill, she could rule the household from the perch of her bed.

He chuckled. “If things don’t work out with Val maybe you should consider becoming serious with that shy shifter of yours.”

“Cooper? That’s not a possibility. He wants his soul mate. That’s why we chose him as a suitor, remember?” I stood and straightened my dress. “Don’t worry, Dad. Val is genuinely interested in me.”

“Val is only part of the equation. You still need to meet and win over his wives. Your mothers didn’t approve of every succubus I courted.”

“I didn’t know that.”

He nodded. “There were two before your birth mother. I didn’t want to upset the delicate balance I’d created with my first two wives. I listened to their opinions since they’d be living together.”

If I married Val I’d have to feed him and not my father. Would he have to start looking for a new wife to compensate for the loss?

“Val doesn’t even live with his wives.” I rubbed my upset stomach. That said so much about him and the relationship he had with the females in his life. He wanted something different with me but how would that go over with everyone involved? “I’m not hurrying into anything with my eyes closed.” I kissed his cheek. “Thanks for worrying. I appreciate it. And if I’m being stupid feel free to point it out.”

He grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving, and opened his mouth as if to say something. He shook his head and looked away from me. “Your mothers need some help in the kitchen.”

Foreboding wrapped around my shoulders, sucking the warmth from the room. “Okay, Daddy.”

Before hitting the kitchen and more dreaded culinary lessons, I retrieved my cell phone and called my sisters. “Adele? Do you know anyone who could summon a demon?”

Silence answered my question for a few seconds. “Demons are selfish lovers, Pia. It’s hard to feed from them. Why not come club-hopping with us tonight?”

My eyes went wide. “I’m not shopping for a date! Do you know someone or not? Never mind, pass me Rose.” Of all the silly ideas, she thought I’d summon a demon as a suitor.

“Well, if you can summon one and bind him, he has to do as you say, sweetie. Considering you’re short a meal, that might solve part of your problems. Bye.” The sound of the phone being passed followed her comment.


“I need a demon summoned. Do you know where I can get this done?”

“Hmm…” I could picture her pulling on her earlobe as she was prone to do when forced to think. “There’s not any black magic in Lake City. All the witches I know use white.”

“Do you think they’d try it for me?”

She laughed. “No, they can’t summon a demon any more than an incubus could feed off a mortal. It’s just not possible. Are you in trouble?”

“It’s not for me. I’m worried about my suitor John. I wanted to summon him.”

“Oh, the cutie pie with the glasses. Pia, it was just a matter of time before a little thing like him got eaten or enslaved. You just need move on, honey. Gotta go. Dinner’s arrived.” She hung up.

I set my phone on the front entrance side table. Should I do as she suggested? Forgetting about John without even trying to find him seemed heartless and cruel. For a demon, he wasn’t half-bad.

Even Sin tolerated him. I clicked the tip of my fingernail on my phone. Damn it, that vampire had his fingers in everything Lake City had to offer. The last thing I wanted was to ask him for more help. He would exact a price. Maybe I should ask my dad to act as a negotiator? I glanced at the study. That wouldn’t reassure him about my being able to take care of myself. I always ran to him or Sin when I had a problem. I had to stop.

Who could I bring with me? I wasn’t stupid enough to go by myself. Negotiations were not my forte. My sisters would be the worst choice. Sin would end up owning all our asses. Cooper wouldn’t even set foot in Sin’s club, let alone his nest. I glanced at the kitchen. One of my moms? That was worse than asking my dad.

I sighed. I could ask Val. I
ask Val, really. He’d be pissed if I went to see Sin without him. I groaned and dialed the hotel’s phone number. “Valerio Hunan’s room, please?”

Hoel answered on the first ring. “Hello?”

“It’s Pia. Is Val available?” I twirled a curl around and around my finger until the blood flow stopped to the tip.


“Hey, do you want to meet my other suitor?”

“Didn’t find any practitioners, huh? Neither did I.” There was a slight silence on the other end. “Why do you need to find John? He left and broke your contract. Let him be.”

My gut clenched. “He came to my house and left a note tacked to my door. John is terrified of my father. He’d never come here unless he was desperate.”

“Why leave the note then? Why not just disappear if he was in so much trouble?”

“Because John’s like that. He’s attentive and gentle with me. He wanted to give me a heads-up so I wouldn’t suffer since he abandoned me.”

“You did suffer.”

“Oh Val, being with Sin is not suffering.” The words popped out before my brain could edit it. I bonked my fist against my forehead and grimaced.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
“I—I mean it could have been—”

“I’ll be by to pick you up later this evening. I have a few things to attend to first.” Then he hung up on me.

Yeah, dragging a pissed off Val with me to see Sin would make this evening that much more comfortable. I high fived myself for being the world’s biggest dumbass.

Chapter Fifteen

Very late that night, Val arrived at my house driving a silver Mercedes sports car. I couldn’t resist giving a little squeak of excitement at the sight. None of my suitors drove nice cars. Cooper drove a beat-up Jeep, John didn’t own a vehicle and Sin liked motorcycles.

I hurried around to the passenger side door, as quickly as I could in stilettos, and slipped inside. Pulling the hem of my sequined dress down so it wouldn’t ride up over my ass, I sat. “How considerate of you to match the color of your car with my dress.”

He ran a finger along my bare thigh and tried to lift the hem higher. “Very sexy.”

“Where’s Hoel?”

“Visiting his sister, but maybe I should have brought him along to help keep the males off you.”

“At Sin’s club? No one touches me there.” Unless they wanted a broken bone. The bouncers had strict instructions from their boss. It was the only club I’d go to; I even sang there every Sunday night. My lame attempt at keeping a job and Sin paid me too much for it. It was my feeble attempt at independence and my father hated it.

Val drove at breakneck speed through the countryside back to the city. “My wives have all arrived.”

“Oh? Must be tight in your hotel suite.” I stared at the trees as we fleeted past.

“They have their own rooms at the hotel.” He didn’t sound amused at my comment. “They want to meet you for lunch tomorrow.”

Suddenly my dinner wasn’t sitting well in my stomach. “So soon?”

“They’re busy females, Pia. It’s not easy to get them all together. It would be convenient if you would comply with their request.” He gave me a pleading look, mimicking my pouty face. “Please.”

I slouched in my seat, my stomach taking a nosedive. “Fine, but they won’t like me.”

He set his hand on my thigh and rubbed it.

“What are they doing here if it’s so hard for them to find time for you?”

here for me. They’ve come to meet the immortal society, make pleasantries with the families, and for the banquet. Maybe we can make an official announcement that night?” He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow.

I swallowed. “Maybe.”

The club didn’t have valet parking, yet when Val arrived he handed his keys over to the bouncer without question.

“I don’t know if you’re going to get your car back.” I kept glancing over my shoulder at Val’s pretty car with the hulking, muscled vampire behind the wheel.

“I will. Sin knows we’re coming.” Val settled his arm around my waist, resting a possessive hand low on my hip.

Only if Sin wanted him to have it back. Why did I think this was a good idea? I’d worn this outfit to please Lake City’s master vampire. I hoped to place him in a good mood before begging for a favor. He liked it when I dressed girly, though he’d never vocalized it. He didn’t have to. Actions spoke louder than words.

From the way Val kept rubbing my ass, I guess he liked barely-there dresses too.

We bypassed the line to enter the club and approached the entrance guarded by Sin’s men. “Not your night to sing, Pia. What’s the special occasion?”

“I want to flaunt my new arm candy.” I ran my fingers through Val’s hair.

His eyes widened but he didn’t complain. He gave the bouncers a sexy smirk as if daring them to say something.

They opened the door and I heard one say, “I wouldn’t mind a piece of that candy.”

I grinned and leaned against my handsome incubus, proud that even other men were spellbound by Val’s physique.

The thump of punk rock pounded through the speakers and echoed in my chest. Leather-clad humans passed us, circulating through the club and the bar trying to find oblivion. Perfect prey for Sin’s nest. I didn’t sing this genre of music. I did jazz, so Sunday nights were pretty empty, except for my number one fan, who gave me the job.

Tonight, the crush of bodies made me claustrophobic. As we crossed toward the staircase that led to Sin’s office, I curled my arms in front of my chest, afraid of what my hands might brush. A group of three women knocked into me on their way to thrash on the dance floor. The momentum sent me stumbling back.

Val vanished in the throng of humanity.

I rose on tiptoe but couldn’t spot him.

“Hello, Pia.” A cold breath brushed against the nape of my neck and sent a chill down my spine.

I spun around and frowned. “Rat.” Something about this vampire annoyed the crap out of me. The combination of arrogance, self-righteousness and the way his eyes roamed over my body every single time we met made me want to poke him with some of Sin’s less playful toys.

“Are you hungry? Looking for someone to ride?” He trailed his fingertips down my arm. “You know I’m always there for you.”

“How sweet, but I’m set.” I twisted to continue on my path to Sin’s office but Rat’s unnaturally strong hand grabbed my upper arm.

“What’s the hurry? You never want to spend any time with me.” He pressed his erection against my lower back as his hand climbed my thigh toward the high hem of my dress. “Sin has a meeting with some incubus right now. Why don’t I entertain you until he’s done?”

My heart raced. I was stronger than humans but not vampires. He could carry me, kicking and screaming, from this bar to the alley. The only one strong enough to stop him was Sin. The things Rat would do to me would pale in comparison to what Sin would do to him if he hurt me.

I took a deep, shaky breath and faced Rat. “I don’t sleep around. Sin is my suitor and I fuck him. You are an asshole so do the math.”

A grin spread across his face, fangs glinting in the laser lights crisscrossing the dance floor. “I never did well in school.” He pulled me against him, his hands snaking around my ass.

I squirmed as he guided us toward the men’s bathroom. Classy. Rat had a good grip on me. With all my might, I squeezed my leg between his thighs and sent my knee rocketing into his balls.

Vampires were humans turned semi-demonic but they still enjoyed a few of their mortal weaknesses. Ball crushing was one of them.

He made a high-pitched noise and tried to bend in half but I didn’t let him. A sense of pride rose in me. I’d done it. I stopped him. Vermin like Rat needed reminders that succubi were people too. Not just living fuck dolls.

“Did you say harder, baby?” I whispered in his ear. I really couldn’t do any serious damage. Even if I rammed his testicles between his ears, they’d grow back. I put my back into it and kneed him one more time. He wouldn’t be raping anyone tonight.

A familiar hand came down on my wrist. “Stop with the foreplay, we have a meeting to attend.” Val removed my grip from Rat’s shoulders.

The vampire fell to his knees, grasping his package, while satisfaction curled in my stomach.

Holding my hand this time, Val led me through the crowd to Sin’s office. Before climbing, he pressed me to the wall and buried his face into my hair. “You have a vicious streak.” His solid body leaned against me in all the right places. He pushed his knee between my thighs while nibbling my ear. “That was so hot. Remind me to reward you later.”

I gripped a handful of his hair and yanked his head back.

He gasped.

“You bet.” I took his mouth, demanding entrance and claiming what I was starting to see as mine. Running my fingers through his thick, luscious hair, I hooked one leg around his hip and pulled him closer. Not an easy trick on stilettos.

A growl vibrated in his chest before he grabbed my ass and arched into me. He all but consumed my mouth as he kissed me back. My father worried if Val was sincere. A person couldn’t fake this type of passion.

“Let’s go back to my place.” His hot breath brushed against my ear.

“Right now?” I groaned at the idea and the chance to finally do things with his body that I’d been fantasizing about. We’d have to stop and buy a jar of Nutella. I think I’d left a pair of handcuffs in Sin’s office that I could grab. Sin? I shook my head. We were here for John. “Shit, we can’t leave.” I’d feed off Cooper tomorrow but in another three days I needed that demon back in Lake City.

“Your suitor has only been gone a few days. Why so worried? He’s a demon for God’s sake.”

I caressed his face. Val wouldn’t understand, not until he met John. My demon was kind and thoughtful and very geeky, which made him a terrible at being a demon. Technically, his race lived off bad emotions like pain, sorrow and anger. John did his small part through hacking computers. He didn’t kick puppies or steal candy from children. He went after big corporations, those which he thought screwed the little man, and stole their money.

Most of John’s loot got sent up to whichever higher-level demon claimed to own him in a given month. I couldn’t figure out what would make him run. He made his keepers lots of money, so he enjoyed a measure of protection.

“Something’s wrong. John is a homebody. It’s not like him to leave and not call or return my messages. He’d send a text. My gut tells me he’s in trouble.” I pushed away from the wall and climbed up to Sin’s office without Val.

Not long after, he met me at the top and grabbed my arm before I entered Sin’s office. “This isn’t love you feel for John?”

“No, it’s friendship. There’s a fine line but it’s not love.” I never took the time to define my relationships with my suitors. Why would I? It worked. Everyone was happy. I wish Val would let it be already.

I entered Sin’s office without knocking.

He had a human female bent over his desk on her back. His black glare met mine as he drank from her jugular.

“Are you going to be long? I thought you knew we were coming.” I glanced at Val behind me for confirmation.

He stood wide-eyed, his feet rooted on the stair landing, and nodded.

The woman writhed under Sin, letting out small mewls of ecstasy as he pounded into her. She grasped his black T-shirt with her long red nails, her legs up and around his bare hips.

Sin swallowed and released the bite on his victim. A thin trail of blood trickled from his mouth. “Almost.” His voice sounded breathless as he grabbed the edge of his desk for better leverage.

I closed the door and rolled my eyes at Val.

“That doesn’t bother you?” He pointed to the office and leaned against the metal rails. “I was given the impression that you and Sin were very close.”

“I’ve walked in on worse. It’s almost a game now.” I waved my fingers in the air. “What’s behind the door tonight? Except I don’t win any prizes.” Not always. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest. “Who gave you that impression?” It meant Val was checking on me. I didn’t like that.

Shrugging, he gave me a smile as innocent as a devil’s. “I have my sources.”

Sin’s muted shouts came through the door. The demanding music masked most of it, but we heard him since we stood right outside. He was doing it on purpose to try to rile one of us up. Plain vanilla fucking on his desk didn’t get Sin off like that. After a few hundred years, regular sex would seem boring to anyone.

“Sounds like he’s done.” Val straightened his tailored gunmetal-gray jacket.

“Give it a second.” I sure enjoyed looking at him. All my suitors were handsome, in Sin’s case devastatingly so, but Val oozed sensuality. Smooth and self-assured, he moved like a male capable of giving any female an orgasm on contact. I made a satisfied noise deep in my throat, remembering just how good he tasted. I wanted seconds.

Sighing, I slid my finger over the buttons of his shirt. They strained as he leaned his hands on his hips. I could imagine his fine, muscled chest flexing under the material. Damn, whenever I was around him I felt on the edge of need. Tomorrow would be day three—I shouldn’t be this horny yet.

High-pitched cries mixed in with Sin’s shouts. The vampire was an asshole, but his pride would suffer if he didn’t make her come.

I covered a giggle with my hand, then banged on his door. “If you’re going to make this multi-orgasmic let us know. We’ve got other things to do tonight.” I’d hold Val to his prior invitation. Speed bumps be damned, I wanted it all.

Val laughed. “I can’t believe you did that.” He glanced behind me at the crowd.

I rotated to face them. Some had heard me and watched us intently. I waggled my fingers. The dark covered the blush heating my cheeks. “Sometimes I forget to lower my volume.”

His shoulders shook from silent laughter as he turned a fond gaze on me.

The door opened and the woman came out with a large Band-Aid on her neck. Catcalls shouted from the club startled her. She smoothed her leather skirt over her thighs and sprinted down the stairs.

Oops. That was not my intention.

Sin stood in the doorway, greeting me with a disapproving frown.

“Sorry.” I squeezed past him into the office and sat in the old, overstuffed comfy seat in the corner. My regular perch when I came here.

Sin confronted my boyfriend at the door. “Valerio, why do I owe this honor, again?” He sounded less than thrilled.

BOOK: Starved For Love
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