Starved For Love (14 page)

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Authors: Annie Nicholas

BOOK: Starved For Love
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“Why should it matter? Your father made it clear not to involve you in the initial introductions to his daughters, yet here you are, his top choice. What kind of hold do you have on our husband?”

I set the empty glass down and tried to smooth the scrunched expression on my face. “You think I have power over him?” A laugh left my lips.

“I fail to see the humor. Power is everything in a marriage, Ms. Blyton. It’s a delicate balance that is difficult to maintain.’

“You’ve obviously haven’t met your own husband then, Ms. Hunan.” The bread had helped my sour stomach and the wine liberated my tongue. “And you definitely haven’t made an effort to know me. I don’t give a shit about who’s controlling who.”

Cecile leaned back and scanned the other wives. “Then enlighten us, tell us why we should consider your candidacy?”

“For starters, I showed up for lunch. I told him this would be a bad idea. We just met three days ago and he’s ready to make an engagement announcement at the banquet tomorrow night. Second, I know the master vampire of—” Wide stares from around the table all focused on me. “What?”

“He wants to announce an engagement after three days?” Sandra tossed her napkin on the table and rose. “I told you, Cecile. We’ve been ignoring him too much.” She left the table followed by a silent Gretel.

I chewed on my thumbnail as I watched them exit the restaurant, then turned my gaze on Roxy as she drained her wine glass and gestured to the waiter for more. I should stay quiet now. Everything I said made it worse.

“And this you don’t call power.” Cecile’s gaze could have peeled paint.

I shook my head.

“He didn’t pursue any of us, let alone propose an engagement until well into a year.” She crossed her arms and stared at the wall behind me.

“How old are you, Pia? In your twenties?” Roxy the red asked.

I nodded.

“Sweet baby Jesus, Cecile. She’s just a babe.” Roxy then faced me. “Honey, your daddy tried to arrange this marriage for one of your sisters. You weren’t on the menu.”

Min nodded. “We agreed on Adele or Rose. They both have successful careers that would add to our assets. What do you do for a living?”

“I sing.” Adele worked with my father. She graduated from law school with honors. Rose was a hairstylist but her true asset was her list of lovers. The rich flocked to her like vermin to Snow White.

“At a vampire bar, I hear.” Cecile pulled out a long cigarette and lit it.

I glanced at the no smoking sign on the wall. “Yeah, and so? Sin gave me the job. My college major was keg parties with a minor in hydroponics systems, not the legal kind either.” I crossed my legs and met Cecile’s dark brown stare. A waiter approached the table but she waved him away before he could speak. The hum of low voices filled the silence around our table.

She sucked on her cigarette. “What do you have that will benefit us?”

“She’s from a good bloodline.” Roxy added in my defense. “Maybe she’ll be able to bear children.”

Like a mare? I glanced at each wife. Val had no children? Hoel had mentioned something about working for him for fifty years. These marriages were old. There should be offspring. “I don’t have much to offer, Cecile, except myself. I’m poor, I live with my parents and I don’t give a fig about my future. What do you have to offer me as a family?”
Besides being cold, heartless bitches.

“Security, power and finances to support your interests. But it doesn’t seem you care about these things.”

“No, I really don’t.” Then again, I hadn’t applied to be part of the corporation they called a family. In a small way, I pitied them because they didn’t even know what they were missing.


I wanted to keep Val. He’d weaseled his way into my heart and my life would be a much emptier place without him. “Why do you care who he marries? You’re really not together.” I meshed my fingers so they’d understand what I meant.

“Not everyone deserves marriage.” Min watched me. “We work as a team with a common goal for each other and Val. I think he’s forgotten that and is allowing his heart to make this decision.”

Cecile nodded and extinguished her cigarette in my water. “I agree. Sorry, Pia, but you’ll change the power structure too much if we agree to this. If you truly care about an alliance between our families, convince Val to take one of your sisters.”

I sat up straighter, my heart skipping beats. “That’s it? One lunch meeting and you’ve decided I can’t be with Val. I doubt that will go well with him. And it’s not flying well for me either.”

“You’ll fight for him?” Min asked.

I met her glare. “I won’t give him up just because you said so.”

They exchanged glances then Cecile waved me forward. “As families goes, ours has worldwide influence, not just citywide like your father. We can help him grow or we can crush him.”

The temperature in the room plummeted and I silently thanked Estelle for her sweater. How much control does an incubus have over his wives? It all depended on how pussy whipped, I supposed. Val didn’t come across as subservient. Even if he ignored his wives’ opinions of me, did I want to spend my life with these bitches? Succubi could live a long time and Cecile seemed like a female who could make my existence pretty miserable.

Standing, I straightened my sweater. “You don’t meet any of my standards for possible sister wives. I’m not interested in being part of your

I gathered the crumbs of my self-esteem and the tatters of my dignity. Pulling out my non-existent grace, I strolled from the restaurant.

Their laughter stung as I left, but I had stayed true to myself. I wasn’t ashamed of my life. I’d been happy until this week.

“That could have gone better.” Hoel appeared next to me.

“Where have you been? And how do you know how things went?” I hadn’t seen him anywhere near that table.

“Just because you couldn’t see me doesn’t mean I wasn’t there.” He opened the passenger side door for me.

I gave him a small smile. Somehow he knew I didn’t want to sit in the backseat alone. I’d fall apart soon enough. “Is this another part of your mysterious nature?”

“Yes. I disappear at the sight of vultures.”

I laughed and climbed onto my seat. Wonderful description.

He belted in. “Where to?”

“Let’s go to the garden district. I need to pay my friend Cooper a visit.”

Chapter Twenty

Hoel pulled up to Cooper’s cabin set in the secluded hills on the edge of the city. Most of his pack lived in the area. The garden district contained enough forest for their wolf natures yet it was close enough to hold a job in the city.

Val’s sports car was parked behind the Jeep.


How did I break the news that his wives didn’t want me? I bent over and set my forehead on my knees. The world spun as I forced my tears away. I didn’t want to break up. Pain crisscrossed through my chest as I fought the loss. My father was right. Three days with Val and I was a mess. I’d never be able to marry.

A cool hand pressed on the back of my neck. “It’ll be fine. Tell him the truth. Val wears the pants in this family, not Cecile.” Hoel stroked my neck until I could stomach sitting up once more.

“Thanks, but what does that mean for us? I can’t marry him if his wives hate me. Well, I guess I could, but what I mean is I shouldn’t.” I exited the car and watched Hoel pull away from the driveway. He was a good egg even if he was a bit of a slut.

The door to the cabin opened and Val leaned against the doorframe. He held a cell phone to his ear.

I took off Estelle’s sweater as I approached him. He’d rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows again, exposing his exquisite forearms. The scent of bacon and turkey drifted out of the cabin. “Hi.”

He folded his cell phone. “Well, that went better than I expected.”

I stopped. “What did?”

“Your lunch.” He grinned and slipped his arms around me. “You’re still wearing your skin, divorces have not been filed, and everyone is still attending the banquet.”

“I think we had different expectations.” I leaned into his embrace, crushing my face into his chest and inhaled his masculine scent, a mix of soap, sandalwood and musk. “They don’t want me to marry you.”

He rubbed my shoulders, digging into the knots I hadn’t noticed. “They’re just speed bumps, Pia. You were expecting them to welcome you with open arms and ask you to go shopping after lunch, weren’t you?”

Maybe a little. A girl could have hopes. I slumped against him.

“You were.” He pressed a kiss on my head and I could sense him struggling not to grin. “Didn’t your mothers teach you anything?”

“Yes.” I gave him a light slap on his hip. “They told me not to get eaten alive, then tossed me to the sharks, and cried

He laughed out loud. “Well, you survived.
deal with my wives, and you deal with me.”

I sighed. “Sounds good.” I had no solution to this problem except flop and flail. Better to leave it in Val’s more experienced hands.

Hugging me close, he whispered, “Don’t let them scare you away. I won’t let you go.”

“I’d rather have a date with Amel the demon than face your wives again.”

“Good, I think.”

“What did you do to Cooper?” My words came out muffled as I rubbed my face in his shirt.

He chuckled and it sounded deliciously sexy. “He’s showering. I came over early to help him get used to the idea of my being present.”

“How’s he taking it?” I gazed up at Val, resting my chin where my face had been.

“Terrible, but he’s a little submissive for a shifter. I think breakfast helped.”

“You didn’t drug him, did you?” I pulled away and smiled.

“No, but that would have been the next step.” He led me inside the eat-in kitchen. Dishes soaked in the sink and the pan still sat on the stove.

Cooper had built this cabin. He kept the rafters exposed and had mounted a few trophy heads on the walls. The open living space made the small home appear bigger. I loved the stone fireplace and chimney that rose to the roof on the far side. We’d spent many evenings in front of it.

Unlike my other suitors’ homes, there were no televisions or computers. Cooper did keep a few weapons around though, mostly rifles and hunting knives.

Val closed the door. “Does it bother
if I stay?”

“Not at all.” I tossed him a come-hither look over my shoulder. “Will you be participating?”

“No, he will not.” Cooper strode in wearing a towel around his hips. Water dripped from his hair where it hung to his shoulders. “I thought you were leaving.”

“I changed my mind.” Val shrugged.

My eyes followed the trickles gliding over Cooper’s pecs. They streamed toward his solid abs and gathered at his loose towel. I ignored the banter and strolled over to my shifter.

Last night had exhausted me and this afternoon drained what little reserve I’d kept. My need roared at seeing him. Cooper was a tall glass of water and I was dying of thirst. I wrapped his wet hair around both my hands.

“Pia, you have to tell him to go.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I pulled his face down to mine and slipped my tongue between his lips. He tasted like mint with a touch of bacon. I purred as his hands encircled my waist, lifting me into his arms. Wrapping my legs around him, I rested against his hardening cock and rocked my hips.

He set me on the counter, his hands fumbling with the zipper on the back of my dress.

“Let me.” Val spoke from behind. His hands grasped the hem of my dress and lifted it over my head, sans unzipping. My dress fluttered somewhere unseen.

Cooper’s brown eyes shone amber now. His wolf side was peeking out, and it sent a shiver down my back. He snarled at Val. “Go away.” Tossing me over his shoulder, he stalked to the bedroom and slammed the door. He set me on my feet, helping me balance. “Are you okay?” He caressed my cheek and trailed a line of kisses along my jaw.

“Cooper.” I tugged at the towel and made a satisfied noise when it fell to the floor.

“God, Pia. I love it when you’re like this.” Cooper pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top, his hard cock sandwiched between us. His hands ran over my body. “I want to devour you.” Nipping at my collarbone, he unlatched the front of my bra and grasped my breasts in both hands, kneading them. He ran his nips and kisses back along my neck.

Arching into him, I wrapped my ankles behind his ass, pulling against me. Only the thin layer of damp panties kept us apart. My shy shifter had grown in confidence over the last year…and in skill.

The bedroom door squeaked open and Val set a chair in the corner.

Cooper snarled at Val again, crouching over me on his hands and knees, his eyes the bright amber of his angry wolf.

I made soothing noises and petted his hair, trying to draw him back to me. Maybe I should ask Val to try this on another day? Cooper seemed unhinged.

The shifter scowled, a rumbling growl constantly rolling in his chest as he lowered himself on me. A glint of sharp canines showed within his mouth. He took me with a rough kiss, our lips smashing against each other. Pulling my hair from the top of my head, he angled it back and took his kiss deeper. With a jerk, he yanked away and growled at Val once more. He’d better not mark me like some territorial shifters did. Lifting me in his arms, he arched my chest toward his mouth to take my nipple.

The sharp edge of his canine caught my flesh and I hissed at the pleasure mixed with pain. I’d never seen this side of Cooper. He was my snuggly bear, my gentle lover. Today, a beast wanted to ride me and I was all for it.

I glanced at Val, sitting in the shadows of the bedroom.

His gaze wandered over us, desire burning within. Our eyes met and he gave a small crooked smile, and then uncrossed his legs. He looked at his groin, drawing my eyes there, where he undid his zipper to allow his shaft freedom. With slow, firm strokes he pleasured himself and returned to watching us.

I reached for Val, but Cooper pulled my hand away.

“No.” His voice had grown rough. He flipped me onto my stomach and elevated my ass.

With a sharp tug to my hips and a tearing sound, my panties were goners.

Cooper’s cock pressed inside me. His breaths were uneven as he thrust, his grip on my hips dug into my flesh. “You’re always so fucking tight.” He groaned.

Sweat trickled along my spine. Cooper seemed so much bigger than other days. Maybe it was part of his wolf so close to the surface. He stretched me and I cried out as searing pleasure coursed through my body.

Val pumped his thick cock with a steady, fast beat as he stared at where Cooper and I met. His lips parted.

I wanted to suck on that bottom one. I wanted to tear him out of those clothes so I could see all of him.

Almost as if reading my mind, he rose and let his pants slide to the floor. Stepping out them, he came to the edge of the mattress. His shirt joined his pants.

Cooper pinned me to the mattress with his strong hands and pounded inside of me. “She’s mine today.”

“Make her come, but don’t go with her.” Val knelt on the bed and placed my hand on his cock, guiding it along in a gentle rhythm.

“Fuck you.” Cooper’s hand skirted around to the front of my pussy and found my bud. A current of pleasure shot straight from my groin to my brain.

I was so close. Nonsensical noise came out of my mouth. I couldn’t cry out one man’s name without making the other jealous. My need burned on every nerve ending. Each of Cooper’s strokes set them on fire.

Val’s hard flesh in my hands pulsed. He groaned my name. His hands guided me to move faster as he thrust his hips. “Coop, I promise you won’t regret it if you make her come twice. It’s a succubus/incubus thing. Trust me. It’ll blow your mind.”

Cooper growled. “Keep talking and I’ll never come, you bastard.” He thrust deeper and pulled at my bud simultaneously.

It shoved me over the edge. I rocked and bucked as white lightning clouded my thoughts. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see and couldn’t hear, but my need devoured my orgasm low in my belly, where it collected the energy. It tasted of fields of wildflowers and wind in my hair.

I collapsed under Cooper.

“Oh no, sweetheart, we’re going to do things Val’s way.” My shifter withdrew from me and settled me among his pillows on my back. “I’ve always wanted to try this position.” He set one leg between mine and entered me from an angle in a single hard push.

I grasped his ass and moaned. I’d been in a few ménages but never with two males as hot as Val and Cooper. This afternoon I’d thought I’d gone to hell, but now I was in heaven.

Val lay next to me and set my hand back on his cock. He rolled close and stroked my face. “You’re so beautiful.” Pressing his lips to mine, he kissed my swollen lips, sucking on them lightly. He rocked his hips in time to my caresses. “Yes, squeeze me harder.” His breathing was heavy.

Cooper wasn’t in any better condition. Sweat slicked his skin. The muscles in his neck corded and he kept repeating, “Oh God,” as he drove inside of me.

Slipping his hand between us, Val massaged my clit. “Come for me, Pia.” He hovered over my lips. Sweat plastered his hair to his face.

I stroked him faster as both he and Cooper pleasured me. Indecent thrills ran over my flesh where both men met at my pussy. I spasmed around Cooper and lunged under him. “Oh, yes.”

Val’s breathy words in my ears had me panting. “I’m coming for you.” He groaned and wrapped his hands around mine to help complete the stroking. His seed splashed against my thigh.

Once more ecstasy built inside of me but my need was satisfied. This would be for pure pleasure. I cried out as I came.

Lips sealed over mine as Val pressed a deep kiss to my lips, and then I felt a familiar tug. He wanted to feed.

I released my energy—not from my stores, but directly from my climax with Cooper. It flowed over the stores in my lower abdomen from Cooper, and rose through my chest to my throat, and out to Val. I fed him straight from the source. The bliss rocketed from my core into my limbs.

Cooper howled above me. He arched and pounded like a sex-crazed beast. His hot seed poured from him. “I can’t stop. Oh God.” He closed his eyes and howled again.

The flow of energy increased as my climax peaked. Val clung to both of us now. He caressed our flesh but never stopped feeding.

With a shudder, Cooper collapsed.

I petted his back and rocked him within my limbs.

He didn’t move.

“Coop?” I shook him. “Val, did we kill him?” I tried to roll the big shifter off me.

Val chuckled and helped me settle the unconscious Cooper in his bed. “He’s breathing. He’ll recover in a few hours. Oh to be so young and naïve. Gotta love virgins.”

“Cooper’s far from being a virgin.”

“There are different versions though. Cooper’s never fed an incubus until today.” The smug smile was back on Val’s face as he lay back with hands behind his head. “Next time, he won’t be such a hardass about my staying.”

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