Starved For Love (16 page)

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Authors: Annie Nicholas

BOOK: Starved For Love
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Chapter Twenty-Three

That evening, wearing the red dress, I sat next to my dad at the table, my mothers on one side of him and me with my sisters on the other.

Val’s table was set on a raised dais at the front of the hall where I could have a clear view of him and his wives. Cecile sat on his right and Min on the left. Other noted leaders of the paranormal community sat at the table. Cooper’s alpha, Lothar, was among them. As leader of our people in Lake City, Dad should have been up there but he had requested a table for us alone prior to arriving, set to the side of the hall, choosing to be with us over Val.

I picked at my untouched chocolate mousse and did my best not to gaze at the table of honor.

Adele elbowed my side. “Check out the vamps.” She pointed to the entrance.

Sin and his entourage finally arrived to the party. Three females dressed in Victorian whore fashion trailed their devastating master. The pewter skull necklace detracted from Sin’s boy-next-door blond good looks, yet added to the vintage nineteen-twenties tux he wore. I’d never seen Sin in formalwear. They passed us without a glance and greeted Val and his family.

My sister wiped my chin with her napkin. Bitch. She laughed as I scowled at her. “Come on, Pia. Let me take Sin home for one night.” She gave me playful pout. “I promise not to break him.”

I snorted. “You’re welcome to try but I fear you’d be the one who would break.” With Val being a jerk, I sure could use a pick-me-up. Shit, even a pass from Rat would be welcomed. My gaze wandered across the hall, where Sin settled at the end of Val’s table, and I met Cecile’s stare.

She leaned into Val and ran her gloved hand through his thick hair.

He whispered something in her ear and she threw back her head laughing.

What little food I’d eaten threatened to come up. Was this jealousy? Because it sucked.

The catering staff arrived and cleared the tables, the only part of the meal I had had any appetite to pick at, and the guests started to gravitate toward the dance hall.

Like the world’s strongest magnet, Val’s table kept drawing my gaze. I did my best to hide my interest by watching over my sister’s shoulder as she nattered at me about some succubus infringing on her hunting territory. Each of us was assigned certain blocks with nightclubs classified as open ground, a free-for-all. It kept fighting to a minimum and if problems escalated my dad got involved. Nobody wanted to anger my dad. Nobody. I gave my territory to my sisters since I didn’t hunt like I should.

Val spoke quietly to each person at his table as he made his way to Sin. Once in awhile I’d hear someone laugh. He never glanced my way.

Someone patted my hand and almost sent me to the ceiling. “Allow me to have this dance.” My father rose to his feet, drawing me along. “It’s been a long time since I’ve waltzed with the most beautiful woman in the room.”

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at my mothers, who didn’t look a day over thirty even though some of their ages were triple digits. “Better be careful what you say, Dad. You might not get laid tonight.” I winked at my mothers. The astounded expression on Estelle’s face was worth the comment. My other mothers grinned behind her back.

Laying my hand on his, I allowed my dad to guide me away from the dining hall. A band played in the other room where a few couples had taken to the floor. I recognized some people from other events I’d been dragged to—high-level demons, Cooper’s scary pack alpha, a few vampires from Sin’s nest and a fallen angel lurking in the shadows.

“Did you know Hoel is a fallen angel?” I whispered to my father.

“Yes, he’s served Val’s family for a long time.”

I glared at him. “Why would you encourage me to feed from him? I might have damned my soul, if I haven’t already.”

My father laughed and spun me onto the floor. “That’s all mortal myth.”

“So I’ve been told, but every myth starts somewhere.” I fell into the graceful movements as my father led me around the dance floor. We’d all had to endure ballroom dancing lessons. One of the tragedies of growing up with long-lived parents was that they didn’t evolve with the times or age like mortal parents did. Dance, music, singing and etiquette were all part of our education.

He leaned in. “Smile and dance, enjoy the evening. Your mothers and I have been discussing your situation.”

“Which one?” I kept a lookout at the entrance for my incubus.

“Your lack of suitors. We don’t want you to repeat mistakes. Cooper and Sin aren’t enough.”

I sighed. “Don’t worry, I’ll go suitor shopping soon.”

“Tonight would be a good night to meet some males, Pia. You don’t need to go home with them but collecting a few names wouldn’t hurt. I know how picky you are.” He said it like a father trying to explain how broccoli was good for my health.

“Yes, Daddy.” Deep down, I understood his concerns. Cooper and Sin could feed me only so much. With John gone, I needed at least one more guy on the roster, maybe a fourth for back-up emergencies, but Val placed a killjoy on my mood tonight. “Can’t it wait for another party? When I’m feeling less like a dragon with a sore tooth?”

“Pia.” He spoke my name in
tone. The I-won’t-take-shit-from-you way fathers had of speaking. “Take names, not limbs, and then we’ll go over them this weekend.”

“You are not helping me pick my lovers anymore. I’m well enough to take care of this. I
to take care of this.”

He gave me the hairy eyeball. “Be sure that it’s done or I will take matters into my own hands.” Like I said, nobody pissed my dad off, including me. I’d have to jitterbug my little heart out tonight and bring some phone numbers home.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good. Your sisters have already spread the word.” He grinned as I gaped at him. “I mean it. No hunger strikes. I won’t have Sin taking over your care once more.”

My stomach sank. I’d never told my parents about Sin force-feeding me but apparently my father knew. I prayed for a deep hole to fall into. “Sorry.” I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. “I don’t mean to be a disappointment.”

“I’m not disappointed. I’m worried.” He stroked my neck. “I’m the best person to understand but as your father I have my limits.” Someone tapped his shoulder and he twisted.

“May I cut in?” Lothar, Cooper’s alpha, asked.

“Of course.” My dad handed me over to Lake City’s biggest womanizer without pause.

I suddenly had an idea of what Little Red Riding Hood must have felt like when she met the big bad wolf as Lothar’s gleaming amber eyes met mine. I played with Cooper. He was harmless for a shifter, an oversized pup. Not this male. Lothar was all predator, and I was on the menu, thanks to my loving family.

“You’re stunning tonight, Pia.” He pulled me close as we meandered around the dance floor, the shifter more graceful than I’d expected. Every time I met Lothar, I transformed into a mouse. I never enjoyed how he watched my every move. My sisters, on the other hand, thought he was a succubus’s wet dream.

“Did you bring Cooper tonight?” I could only hope. He’d save me. He knew how his alpha scared the crap out of me.

“No, he’s at a singles mixer tonight. The mateless from our pack meet with those of another pack. It’s good for breeding.”

I nodded. Cooper still wanted to find his soul mate, and I wouldn’t begrudge him that.

“I don’t understand how he lures you to his bed but can’t find a shifter mate.” Lothar’s large hand traveled down my bare back, slow and sure.

Trapped in his iron grip, I wanted to stomp on his foot with my stiletto and run, but my upbringing kept me calm. My parents would be mortified, and I’d disappointed them enough for the week.
Take names, not limbs.
I could dance with the big bad wolf but I’d starve before signing a contract with him.

I barely reached the center of his chest but he bent to inhale around my neck. “The scent of your fear is intoxicating.”

The song ended and I sprung from his possessive arms. “Nice to see you again, Lothar.” I forced a smile on my face and calmed my racing heartbeat.

“Save a dance for me later.” He winked and strolled to a female vampire waiting for him.

Every time I tried to leave the dance area to make my escape, another male would intercept me and I’d return for another dance. After the fifth try I wanted to stomp my feet and throw a fit. For crying out loud, were males that desperate to get laid? I could have denied them a dance but my father watched with my mothers on the fringes, as if they played defense and me offense, the goal being the exit door.

No sign of Val either. His wives danced, as did my sisters, and everyone made sure not to make eye contact with me.

I tacked on a fake smile and recited the proper responses to all those who drew me back to the dance floor, but inside I gagged.

“I don’t mean to bore you,” my current dance partner, a demon—no, I caught a glimpse of hidden horns under his hair, a devil—commented as we cha-chaed. “I know I’m not as exciting as Lothar or Zur-Sin.” He pulled me close and dipped me.

I squeaked at the sudden drop but he caught me with a smooth twist of his arms. A genuine smile spread across my face. “That’s actually a positive point in my book—” I’d met too many people tonight to remember his name. “Um…Torack?”

“David. Torack was the selkie you just danced with.”

“Damn, sorry. Your name should have stuck, though. I don’t think I’ve met too many David the devils.” The longer I entertained on the dance floor, the thinner my brain-mouth filter grew.

He laughed. “It’s easier to blend in with the mortals.”

“I can understand that.” I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and really looked at David. He bore the trademark black devil eyes that could suck a human’s soul from their body. A little short, but who was I to complain about height? He fit well as my dance partner. His hair matched his eyes, feathering back to hide the horns, and a spark of mischief glinted in his grin. He blushed under my scrutiny.

“I’m at a loss for words when you gaze at me like that, Ms. Pia.” He chuckled and his grin turned sheepish.

“Do you have a card, David?” I had odd taste in males. Each of my suitors satisfied more than just my need. John could make me laugh until I peed, Cooper was my snuggle bunny, and Sin made me feel safe. David had potential. It didn’t hurt to have his number.

He stopped mid-dance and pulled out his wallet.

I had to lead him to the edge of the dance floor before someone collided with us. His eagerness was too cute.

He handed me a business card.

“You’re with the IRS?”

“Where else could a devil find honest work?”

I smiled at the card. “Yes, that’s appropriate.” The dress Val sent me didn’t have any pockets so I held on to it. “It was nice meeting you…” I spotted Val.

He stood in a corner with Sin next to him.

The vampire whispered in his ear as they watched me and David.

The devil twisted to follow my line of sight. “Do you want me to stay with you?”

“Are you offering to protect me?”

His skin tone turned a pale shade of green. “Is that what you need? I doubt I’d be effective, but I would try.”

“You’re very cute, David, but it’s okay. They don’t care.” I kissed his cheek. The hole where my heart should have been grew emptier. Maybe I was asking too much to be loved.

“Pia?” David’s voice shook. He still stared at Val.

Rage boiled in the incubus’s glare and scalded my skin into a flush. I stepped away from David as if caught stealing a cookie. “Maybe you should go.” For his sake, not mine. From Val’s expression, I was already in big trouble.

He left Sin in mid-sentence and cut across the dance floor. His tailored suit jacket swung with his predatory grace and the dancers parted as the guest of honor passed them.

I turned to David but the devil had already vanished.

“Pia.” Val spoke my name as if struggling not to snarl.

“Mr. Hunan.” I held out my hand, falling back on my etiquette training in a time of panic. I searched the crowd for my parents but they’d pulled a David and vanished. “It’s a very lovely party you’ve thrown. Thank you for the dress.”

His piercing stare glazed with confusion as it followed David’s card in my fingers. He snatched it then tore it in half, letting the pieces flutter to the floor. “You’re welcome, Ms. Blyton.”

The orchestra began to play a flipping tango at that moment.

Val took my hand and yanked me onto the dance floor. “You’re ravishing in it.” He pressed our bodies together, one hand on my lower back and the other buried in my hair. “Good enough to eat.”

I clung to his shoulders, gasping at the rough manhandling, not able to catch my breath, as he led me through the aggressive steps of the tango. Our faces close, he never pulled his heated gaze from mine. I struggled but couldn’t budge from his inhuman hold.

His grip tightened in my hair.

“Val.” I whimpered, the pain not intense but arousing.

“You’re driving me mad, Pia. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”

Oh, I had a list of things.

“You wear the dress
gave you then come to my party to hunt for suitors?”

When said that way it sounded terrible but what defense did I have? My daddy made me do it? I stopped fighting him and moved with his body across the dance floor. We stopped on the edge, his hips digging into mine. “Maybe you should spank me?”

He blinked and his hold loosened. “What?” A quirk of his lips struggled not to become a smirk. The electric current of attraction that ran between succubus and incubus throbbed between us.

The pleasure tingled over my skin and raced to between my thighs. Oh God, he was going to feed from me right here on the dance floor.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Val leaned close. “You need to break the link between us or I’m going to suck you dry again, Pia.” He licked his lips as if he couldn’t imagine a better thing to do.

At the moment, neither could I. Even with a ballroom of guest watching, with my parents. I took a shaky breath and stepped away. It took all my willpower to sever our connection. My chest ached and desires flared. I might never link to him again.

I took a shaky breath then spun away, stalking off as best I could in a full-length dress to the gardens. Cool air would help but a pair of icicle panties would be better. The gravel paths slowed me to a snail’s pace in my heels. I needed to catch my breath.

A pair of warm hands slid around my hips to steady my gait. Val stepped around me and blocked my path. “What are you doing?”

“I was dancing and just starting to enjoy myself when you scared everyone away.”

“You kissed him. You had his card.”

I opened and closed my mouth. He made me sound like a whore. I couldn’t help the way I was born. I poked him in the chest. “You, my father and Sin keep telling me I need more suitors. I’m down to freaking two and Sin is not what I would call cooperative.”

“I gave you Hoel.”

“Are you nuts? He boned my sisters.” I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand. “And I only kissed David on the cheek, it’s not like I groped him. He was cute and sincere. Not like some assholes in this garden.” Studying his handsome, sharp-angled face, I realized he wore the anger as a mask for his pain. I hadn’t thought he cared. “What are you
, Val?” Twiddling the corner of his collar between my fingers, I couldn’t meet the ache in his eyes. It mirrored mine.

“I don’t know.” He rubbed his hands over his face. “What a mess.” He sighed and rested his hands on his hips as he stared at my shoes. “My wives all think you’re too young to marry, that I’ll confuse you more than you already are. Hurt you.” He raised his gaze and met mine. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

Many mortal women my age married; however they didn’t need to deal with a road map of love triangles like succubi. “Your wives hate me and will tell you anything to keep us apart, but they are right about one thing. I don’t bring anything into this marriage. Everything I have, you already possess through them. If it’s only an alliance you want, you should marry one of my sisters and make everyone else happy.”
And make my breaking heart shatter into irreparable pieces.

“No, it’s not what I want. It never has been.”

“Well shit, maybe you should make up your mind.” I shoved him away and followed, my hands clenched in fists.

Val regained his balance, the rage flashed back in his eyes. “Watch it. I’ve dealt with succubi longer than you’ve been alive.”

“What? Like your wives?”

“I make the decisions in my family no matter what you might think. My wives may say what they want, Pia. I don’t cow them into subservience. I appreciate a strong, intelligent succubus but that doesn’t mean they get what they want. I don’t choose their lovers and they don’t pick my wives.” Without hesitation, he grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me into his embrace.

The kiss was anything but gentle. His teeth scraped against mine, as he forced his way into my mouth, his tongue licking deep inside. He half carried, half dragged me to a bench hidden by the high bushes and the night, shielding us from view.

I struggled in his arms and lost a shoe but I wasn’t trying to get away. I wanted to be closer, naked and writhing under this male who obviously didn’t know what he desired. Competing for air, I nipped his upper lip by mistake.

He snarled and jerked me onto his lap.

I didn’t land like I expected. I ended up on my stomach across his lap instead of sitting. My head spun from the whirl and the emotional roller coaster I’d been tossed on.

A hard slap landed on my ass.

“What the fuck?” I tried to squirm off but a large hand pressed between my shoulder blades and pinned me.

Another slap followed the first, the sting sharp as it spread over my sensitive flesh, even through the dress.

“You’re right. This does make me feel better.” Val spanked me again. “But it could be better.” He hauled the hem of my dress over my hips. The side seam tore in his haste. He hissed. “You’re not wearing panties.” He caressed my smarting cheeks.

I stopped thrashing. The calluses on his hands left a track of delight over the pain. To my horror, I moaned and lifted my hips to his touch. My traitorous body knew exactly what it wanted—a dominant incubus to pleasure it at will—but my heart ruined everything.

He traced the crack between my cheeks with his fingertips until he reached the apex between my legs. “So wet.” His voice grew husky. He continued to slide his finger between my nether lips, never actually entering me.

“Val.” I sounded so needy, and I was. His finger drove me nuts.

He flipped me onto the bench, spreading my legs for his viewing pleasure, before climbing over me. “Pia,” he whispered, then gently pressed a kiss to my mouth. “I want you so badly.” He slipped my dress back over my hips. “I really wish I could give you everything you want.”

My eyes popped open as he rose to his feet. I couldn’t bear the sadness in his face. “Val?” It wrenched my heart. I’d seen that look in the mirror once, just before I’d broken it.

“But I don’t know how.” He shook his head and returned to the party.

What had I done? I dropped my face in my hands. The heat of our passion still warmed my skin. I wanted love but—but… A tear splashed on my palm, then another, before a sob wracked my chest. They flowed freely, all the pain I’d buried under sex and mind-numbing activities rose to the surface, staining my flesh with heartache.

Val dug these emotions out. I’d been dead inside for two years, trying to protect my heart, but all I’d done was shield myself from living. I wiped my eyes and blinked away the tears but another sob came. Crying never solved anything but I couldn’t stop.

I kicked off my other shoe and stormed inside the party, tact and grace be damned, they’d never been part of who I was. The torn dress dragged on the floor now that I’d lost my shoes and the guests parted to let me through.

Val stood with Cecile, speaking quietly. A hush fell as I made my way across the room and he turned. He tilted his head, his lips parted as if concerned.

Before he could utter a word, I grabbed his lapels and pulled him into my embrace. He’d always been the one to initiate things between us. All my barriers were down and I poured my soul into this kiss. Slow and deep and open, I needed for him to understand that I felt enough for the both of us.

I let go. The shocked silence held everyone still in time. Even the orchestra had stopped playing. I whirled about.

Sin and my father stood by the exit, drinks in hand as if they’d been talking.

Lifting my dress so I wouldn’t trip, I advanced on Sin. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

“Pia.” My dad tried to hug me but I sidestepped out of his reach.

Not meeting his gaze, I stared at the floor. “I can’t speak with you, yet.” I’d say things I would regret. He’d forced me to shop for suitors when I wasn’t ready. No one comprehended my emotional troubles. I needed time away. Long fingers took my hand and I glanced at Sin.

He frowned but towed me out of the building. “What the hell? You look like shit. Did he hurt you?”

Yes. No.
“Fuck you, Sin. It’s all your fault, anyway.” Sin was my go-to guy when I needed to feel safe. I’d never been this frightened in all my life. I’d just torn down the fortress shielding my heart and given it to a male who didn’t know what to do with it.

Sin straddled his Harley.

I held out my dress. “How am I supposed to ride?”

Sighing, he pulled out a switchblade from God knows where and sliced my dress short. “There.”

Barefoot and wrung out, I climbed on behind him, resting my head on his back. “Ready.” He’d taken me on his bike before. Sometimes he liked to drive all night. I could go for a long ride right now. I was tired of thinking and feeling.

He took me to his nest instead.

Without saying a word, I left him to park his bike and went down to his rooms, only to be greeted by an evil giggle. It curdled my insides. I stared at the open doorway to Sin’s black magic workshop. I’d forgotten about the demon. Turning around, I decided to wait for Sin upstairs.

“I can smell your heartbreak,” Amel shouted. “Set me loose and I’ll kill him for you.”

Clenching my teeth and strengthening my spine, I marched into the workshop then stopped promptly over the threshold.

Amel was held by chains, each extremity and his throat tethered to the solid stone of the cave. He sat behind a cage, still inside the pentagram.

Overkill much?

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon, dick-for-brains.” Sin controlled Amel on this physical plane. For now. Once the demon figured out how to escape, I was dead meat.

“Why do you think you deserve love and happiness? Whore, betrayer, infidel. “

“What do you know about love?” I shouted and crossed my arms over my chest. Not in defiance but to keep him from seeing how my hands shook.

“More than your incubus, obviously. Too bad he has all his lovely wives to return to.” The demon’s dark gaze bore deep into me. “What do you have?”

I spun around and pushed the door shut to block his horrendous laughter. Nothing like having a demon point at my weaknesses and laugh to give this evening a perfect ending. On trembling legs, I wandered into Sin’s bedroom and showered. Tomorrow, I would confront my family. Tell them they need to back off and let me breathe. Maybe sort through the shredded pieces of my soul and see if anything was worth saving.

I crawled into bed and turned on Sin’s big screen TV then located the cartoon channel, anything to numb my brain. I listened to the elevator descending, followed by the clomping of Sin’s boots.

He stopped beside the bed, handing me an ice cream container and spoon. “I’m told that’s what females need when they’re sad. Don’t let any melt on my bed.” He entered the bathroom and I could hear the shower being adjusted.

I stared at the container. Chocolate, my favorite, and I eyed the bathroom. Was Sin developing empathy or had he been hiding it all this time? The thought scared me. I needed him to be a rock. No changing.

He came out wearing nothing and flopped next to me. “Are we going to have sex?”

I scooped some ice cream. “No.” And ate it while watching a yellow sponge on the television.

Sighing, he rolled onto his back. “Are you going to get upset if I don’t stay here tonight?”

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

“For the ice cream? That was Gigi’s idea.”

“No, for restoring my non-faith in you. Go ahead and boink your vampire honeys. I’ll be terrible company.” I slumped into the bed and pulled the covers higher.

“Why is this all my fault?” He pulled the spoon from my hand and licked the ice cream off.

“You sent me to see Val. That stupid payment thing.”

“Which you still haven’t completed.”

“Are you serious?” I snatched the spoon back and shoveled a large scoop in my mouth. “You know why he’s here.” I spoke around a glob of melting ice cream.

“Rumors, hearsay. I don’t place much merit on these things.”

“He came to find a new wife. My sisters applied and were refused.”

“No, that’s not the only thing. Val could have gone to any city wife hunting. You’ve let your heart fog your initial mission.”

“My dad said Val also wants to set up his pharmaceutical shipping offices in Lake City. He also said you knew this.”

“Nothing else?” He rolled over on his side. “What happened when you went in to meet him?”

I blinked tears away, the memory painful. “He fed from me.”


“He asked my dad if he could court me. See, if you’d never sent me, we never would have met, and I would be happy now.”

“You didn’t seem that happy before. Was he that bad?”

“No, I’m the one who sucked. Again.” The ice cream container was half-empty. It never had a chance. I offered Sin another spoonful. “I don’t act like a succubus should.”

“Other succubi are boring. You’re not predictable.” He licked off the spoon. “I have some creative ideas for this ice cream.”

“I bet you do.” I handed him the container.

“Not even curious?”

“No.” I had too much on my mind. Ice cream and cartoons weren’t helping. “What are you going to do about tall, dark and evil in the other room?”

“Amel?” He shrugged. “He’d make a kick-ass bouncer. After some training, of course.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Once I’m sure of my control over him, he could guard the nest during the day and I wouldn’t have to pay Lothar a fortune for his shifters anymore.”

“People would think twice before double-crossing you.”

“They think twice now. With Amel, they won’t even consider it an option.” He made a content noise in his throat. At least one of us was happy.

I sighed and turned away from him, hiding the tears welling in my eyes.

“You have it bad for Val.”

“Yeah. What am I supposed to do?”

“Marry him. It’s obvious you love him.” Sin sat up and kissed the top of my head. “He’ll take care of you. He’ll come around and love you like you deserve.”

“I fucked it up. There’s no going back.”

“Well, I agree. There’s no going back but you have a heart of a warrior. Go forth and conquer. Will you be a coward and hide in my bed forever?”

The ice cream didn’t sit in my stomach so well. I squirmed under his intense stare. “You won’t let me, will you?”


“Is that why you sent me to meet Val? Resorting to matchmaking? Sin, you’re watching too much Oprah.”

He grinned and actually looked his physical age, except for the fangs. “When I met Valerio, your father wanted my opinion of him to see if we could work together in the same city. Val seemed…lonely.” He met my stare. “Kind of like a succubus I know.”

“Stop meddling in my life. Being shallow and simple is fine with me. Go make someone else sticky with the ice cream.” I dismissed Lake City’s master vampire with a wave of my hand. I was lonely. I had liked it that way.

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