STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (18 page)

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Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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    Cray slipped the seven karat center stone on her left hand.  She gazed at it and he said in a concerned voice,

Don't you like it?


Another outrageous display of extraordinary wealth.

  She smiled at him and said,

I love the ring and I love you more.

  She rose, pulled him to his feet and kissed him with ardor while the family applauded, moved from their chairs and surrounded the couple, offering Cray congratulations, Angelica best wishes and admired the ring.


I'm still hungry,

Angelica said after the good wishes and while they laughed they went back to their seats and the dinner continued.


Cray, you're taking on a woman who will keep you on your toes and your head spinning,

Lake said.


Maybe, Lake,

Cray said,

but she'll be a wife who never bores me and who I'll love more and more each day of our lives together.


Spoken like a besotted man,

Lake said and laughed.


You should be so lucky,

Cray answered.


Yeah, Lake,

Mona said, 

That last bowwow you dated ate Alpo.

    Gwen said,

Lake, I didn't realize you were dating someone.  Why don't you boys bring your dates home to meet us?

    Mona choked laughing and said,

It's because the mutt wasn't house broken, yet.

    Cray tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't and he laughed with his other brothers Ladd and Birch.


What's so funny, Ladd and Birch?

Mona said, pointing to them. 

The last two women you dated ran away to the circus to hire on as the bearded lady and belly dancer and what a belly she had.


Mona, sweetheart,

Alex said,

We'd love to meet a man you're dating.



Birch said,

They can't see that far to drive.  Cataracts are a bitch.  She leads them around by a collar and leash.

    The conversation continued with good-natured teasing throughout dinner when they adjourned to the living room where a huge Christmas tree laden with exquisite ornaments with an obscene amount of wrapped gifts underneath waited to be opened.  Gwen moved to the baby grand piano and sat on the bench.

    Cray whispered to Angelica. 

Mom plays and it's mandatory we sing a few Christmas Carols.  It's rather painful but doesn't last too long.  Can you bear it, honey?


It's wonderful, Cray.  My mother does the same thing at home.

    They gathered around the piano as Gwen started to play

Joy To The World

.  They sang loud, not well, but it touched Angelica's heart.  When Gwen played

It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

, Angelica sang out in an alto voice and the rest of them quieted, listening to her sing solo.  When the song ended, she said,

You stopped singing.  Why? I love that carol.


You sang it better than we ever could, my dear,

Alex said.


Do you attend church?

Angelica asked.


Our family church is Saint Matthews Lutheran Church here in town.  Our children were baptized and confirmed there and Gwen and I were married there,

Alex said.


Oh, how perfect,

Angelica said,

I was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church in my hometown in Norway and I want to be married in a Lutheran church.  Cray, please, I'm sure they'll have a midnight service tonight.  May we go?


Anything you want, honey.


It's been years since our whole family attended,

Alex said,

Mona, boys, we'll all go tonight.  The service begins at eleven.


The bushes will burn and the sea will part, but I'm game,

Mona said.



Angelica said,

we must start going to church every Sunday and get acquainted with the pastor so that when we ask him to marry us he won't think that two heathens dropped in off the sidewalk and now want their vows blessed in holy matrimony.

    Mona started to laugh and the rest of the family joined.  Cray said,

We'll do it, Angel.  When are you going to marry me?


The third week of May as soon as school is finished.  It's a lovely time of year and it gives me plenty of time to make the arrangements.

    Gwen said,

Will your parents attend?



Angelica said, glancing at Cray as a cloud seemed to pass over her face. 

They never accepted that I wanted to leave home, pursue an education and then become a citizen.  They view it as betraying my roots and turning away from them in shame.

    Gwen put her arms around Angelica and said,

Every mother in the world wants to see her child happy and be there for her daughter's wedding.

    Alex added,

And every father wants to escort his daughter down the aisle to join hands with the man who loves her and she loves.  Ask them, Angelica, to be here with you on your most important day.


My father owns a little shop in the town where they live and my mother helps him.  I'm not sure they'd leave.  And then I have two sisters who I'd love to be in my bridal party.

    Birch said,

There are two more at home like you?


Down boy,

Mona said.

    Lost in thought, Angelica said,

Yes, two sisters, we're close in age.  People used to confuse us as triplets.


Dear God,

Birch said, almost panting.


I have a brother, too,

Angelica said, 

He's a year older than you Mona.


Now, that is interesting.  You wouldn't want to leave him there.  We'd love to meet your family.


Down girl,

Birch said.

    Angelica faced Cray and said,

I'm going to call them tomorrow and try to convince them to come.  I'll pay their way and they can stay in my apartment.

  She got more excited as she talked. 

My uncle just retired and there's no reason he can't run my father's shop for a couple of weeks.  I'll invite them to come a week and a half before our wedding so we can show them New York City.  My sisters and brother speak perfect English.  My parents are a bit more difficult to understand and that will bother them.


You can teach us a few simple phrases between now and then so they'll understand how happy we are they made the trip,

Gwen said.


You'd do that for them?

Angelica said.


Of course, we would, my dear,

  Alex said. 

You're part of our family now and that includes your family.

    She turned to Cray with her face buried against his chest and said,

I've never been this happy.


Those packages under the tree are calling to me,

Mona said,

I hope the majority of them are for me.


That's charitable of you,

Birch said with sarcasm,

but not surprising.

     Cray gave Angelica a 24K heart engraved with their initials.  She loved it and asked him to clasp it for her.  The gift she loved the most from him was a beautifully framed poem written in calligraphy.  She read it aloud.


                    ANGEL FROM ABOVE

                        by  Robert Small


            Gazing into her eyes when we first met

            I knew then she was heaven sent

            All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.


            She had no idea from the start

            true love, I'd found in my heart.

            One of a kind, Love that LASTS a lifetime.


            Still, her smile, my breath it takes away

            wanting, needing, to hold her, so much to say.

            All my prayers answered when into my life she came

            to me, she is everything.

            All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.


            Like the moon, stars, morning sunrise

            so much beauty so much grace.

            SHE'S even more through my eyes.

            All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.

            Together, forever, I long to be

            can you see, YOU'RE very precious and sweet.

            The only one for me.

            All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.


            Your gentle words, your tender touch, life meaning so much

            wrapped tightly in each others arms I wish to be.

            With you, I feel so free.

            A vow to you I made, forever, you'll have my love.

            All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.


    She finished the poem, a sob making her choke on the last few words.  Her eyes glistening with tears, she leaned into him and kissed him. 

Darling, thank you.  I can't believe how attuned we are to each other.  Open your gift from me.

    He unwrapped the flat package and found a first edition book of Elizabeth Barrett Browning poems including,

How Much Do I Love You


    Her eyes still glistened when she handed him another box and said,

Cuff links, darling.  It seems we think alike, jewelry and poetry.

    He embraced her and whispered in her ear. 

I want so much to be alone with you right now to better express my love and gratitude to you.

    Twenty minutes before the church service began the family took two cars.  The elder Phillips went with Cray and Angelica.

    Mona piled in the car with her three brothers.  Birch said,

Can you believe Angelica has two sisters at home who look like her?


Stop drooling, caveman,

Mona said,

there are three of you.  How's that going to work?

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