Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year (4 page)

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Authors: Demi Lovato

Tags: #Self-Help, #Motivational & Inspirational, #Personal Growth, #Happiness, #Biography & Autobiography, #Rich & Famous

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—marilyn monroe

It’s not always easy to feel perfectly comfortable and proud of the skin we are living in. We have days where our skin is bad, our hair isn’t right, we feel fat, and we can’t find an outfit to make it all work. Every single person feels this way from time to time. It takes courage to love yourself just as you are.

Discover how refreshing it is to not criticize yourself. Instead of criticizing your body parts, remind yourself how blessed you are to have them.

January 29

Religious people are afraid of going to hell, but spiritual people are the ones who have been to hell and don’t want to go back.


Walking around on eggshells trying not to offend people is a waste of time. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to please others that it takes away from being ourselves. You aren’t going to be perfect or loved by everyone. It’s so much more gratifying and purposeful to just live your life and learn from your mistakes so that you don’t have to go through them again.

Be who you are and don’t allow anyone to affect the confidence you have in your individuality.

January 30

Sticks and stones may break her bones but words and names can make her wanna kill herself.


People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you—but that’s so far from the truth. Sometimes words impact us more than physical pain. Things from the past were said to me that hurt me to this day. I remember saying to my mom how I would much rather have had the bullies hit me or punch me than say the cruel things they said, because the things they said changed my life forever.

Stand up for someone who is getting bullied in school or at work. Remind yourself and others of just how powerful words can really be. And when you’re talking to others, choose your words wisely.

January 31

Every dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.


We all have to start somewhere and we must remember that our journeys aren’t mapped out for us. Dreams and visions will evolve and change as you do.

Be a fearless dreamer—the world is your oyster. Write down the top 5–10 things you want to accomplish in the next month. Never stop striving to be the best you can be!

February 1

When we show our love, the world opens its arms for us.

You get back what you put out in the world. Put out positive energy and positivity is what you will receive. It’s amazing how love can calm any situation. Even if other people behave in ways that are toxic or harmful, when you respond with love and compassion, it is powerful. Whatever the result is, you know you can sleep at night knowing you’ve done right, and that’s all you can control.

Wear your heart on your sleeve today and let the world know how much love you have inside you. Hug as many people or make as many people smile as you can.

February 2

If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.


All that matters is that you follow and pursue what you love. As long as you are honoring your truest desires there’s no dream too big. In fact the bigger you allow yourself to dream, the more joy you invite into your life.

Allow yourself to have the biggest dreams today, and find peace knowing that simply by dreaming about them you are one step closer to realizing them.

February 3

My only advice is to stay aware, listen carefully, and yell for help if you need it.


Keep evolving, keep growing, keep making mistakes, fall in love, get your heart broken, grow from it, and do it again. Everything we go through allows us to become more alive, more vibrant, and more joyous. Don’t let fear or shame bring you down. Keep going, keep living.

Confront one of your fears today. Try to remember something difficult you went through and what you learned from it. How did it make you stronger?

February 4

A problem is never solved without a solution. Better sooner than later!

I try to start every day by doing the things I’m most anxious about because it makes me feel stronger and more empowered as I go about my day. When our worries or anxieties are silenced, we are free to move on to better things.

Take care of all your outstanding loose ends today—no matter what. I guarantee that you will feel so much lighter today and possibly for the rest of the week.

February 5

Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.

—PSALM 30:5

Sometimes we need tears to be able to access the deepest joy. When times are hard, make sure you allow yourself to feel the sadness. Let your tears fall knowing that they will surely pass and something wonderful is on its way to you.

If you’re sad, take some time to try and remember the joy that will undoubtedly follow. Remember it’s always darkest before the dawn.

February 6

I think scars are like battle wounds—beautiful in a way. They show what you’ve been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.

A scar is a symbol of having experienced something profound. Some of us have physical scars that we can see; when we look at them, they remind us of a trying journey we went through. For many of us the scars are invisible—they are metaphors for a battle we fought and overcame.

Reflect on your scars and how they helped shape your life for the better.

February 7

When you learn how to communicate with others, there is almost no problem you cannot solve together.

People will always disagree because no two people are alike. Each of us comes with our own complex history, which informs how we see ourselves and the world around us. I used to get overwhelmed and frustrated when I didn’t feel like I could get on the same page with someone. But I’ve realized over time that what’s vital to human relationships isn’t agreeing on everything—it’s learning how to talk through our disagreements.

Lovingly confront a friend or colleague if something has been on your mind. Don’t hide things that upset you, but calmly try to figure out a way you can collectively fix the issues. Express how the problem makes you
and a way you can prevent it from reoccurring.

February 8

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.


We learn by trying, by pushing the envelope fearlessly with conviction. It’s better to try and fail than to imagine what would have happened. The what-if’s can be debilitating.

Don’t hold back on what matters to you—see how much of yourself you can give; see how far you can go. Try your hardest to have the life you want today so you never have future regrets. What can you do today to create the life you want tomorrow?

February 9

The greatest wealth is health.


Good health is something all the riches in the world can’t buy. Take good care of yourself and count your blessings. Be thankful you woke up today because not every day is guaranteed. I spent so long taking my God-given health for granted that I forgot how blessed I am to be alive today. Our body is our temple. Treat it like your sanctuary.

Do something good for your body today. Go for a run or a hike or take a yoga class. But most importantly, be grateful for the life you’re living today.

February 10

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


Sometimes it’s easier and safer to follow others. But if we never sought out new landscapes or ideas we would never have any of the wonderful innovations we have today. Had Thomas Edison never believed in electricity, we would not have light. If Rosa Parks hadn’t stood up for what she believed in, she wouldn’t have inspired others to do the same. We have the ability to change the world if we refuse to listen to the voice that says, “we can’t” or “we shouldn’t.”

Break out and start your own path—innovate. Think outside the box. Anything is possible.

February 11

The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.


Oftentimes, when I’m struggling with loss or heartbreak, I waste so much time looking for answers that I had within myself all along. I get a million opinions on how to deal with something or someone, but I overlook the most obvious part, which is that the same thing that is causing pain also has the power to heal me.

Remember that there isn’t always an immediate solution. Be patient and ask for help and guidance from someone with more life experience.

February 12

See the inner child in everyone.

Sometimes when I’m getting frustrated or annoyed with someone, I remember that they were once a child.

I close my eyes and I visualize how they must have been when they were little and when I reopen my eyes, all I can feel for that person is love and compassion. Whatever happened to them to make them act the way they are no longer matters; it’s their innocence that prevails, and I have no choice but to be humbled in their presence.

See the potential for good in everyone and have compassion for your foes. Remember that you never know what happens behind closed doors. Therefore, have mercy on their actions. It’s likely that they’re in pain themselves.

February 13

Don’t wait, the time will never be just right.


Sometimes we wait for exactly the right moment to do something. I’ve found that this whole waiting thing can delay our happiness. Most of the major moments in my life occurred because I pursued them. It doesn’t mean that sometimes something wonderful won’t just magically happen because it will, especially if you’re doing the work and thinking positively. But sometimes in life we have to just go for it and take a risk.

Take your first big step toward something you keep telling yourself to wait on.

February 14

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.


As long as we let our hearts lead us we will always make honest and authentic choices that we can stand by. I believe our world needs more people who lead with their hearts and give love without question or demands. If we all act on things we are passionate about, we have a stronger chance to achieve our goals.

Listen to your intuitions and remember your gut doesn’t lie. Trust your soul and spread love to others.

February 15

Never getting help doesn’t make you brave.


When the stress of holding heavy emotions in piles up, it can do more damage than you will ever realize. It’s never easy to ask for help, but please find it in yourself to do so. Write a note, call someone, do whatever is needed to send an SOS. Help is always waiting and the bravest people in the world are those who can ask for it.

Be brave and tell someone you need help.

February 16

If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely.


When you are in control of your life and your happiness, your joy is infectious. Nothing in this world makes a person look more beautiful than when they are beaming with happiness. You never know how a simple smile or “how are you, really?” to a friend could change their day, or even, life.

Smile and show the world how beautiful you are. Be conscious of people’s emotions around you and remember the impact you can have on them.

February 17

I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.


Anybody who really loves and supports you will always be there for you. The best way to find out who your real friends are is to see who sticks around in your times of turmoil and suffering. If they can’t accept you when you’re struggling then they most certainly don’t deserve you at your best. It’s so important to keep that in mind when it comes to making decisions about who to surround yourself with.

Make sure you’re being the sort of friend that you’d want in your own life. Be grateful for those relationships that prove they deserve you.

February 18

Confidence starts with beauty. Beauty begins from comfort within.

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