Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year (8 page)

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Authors: Demi Lovato

Tags: #Self-Help, #Motivational & Inspirational, #Personal Growth, #Happiness, #Biography & Autobiography, #Rich & Famous

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Is there anyone in your life who has been making you feel bad about yourself? If there is, it might be a good time to have a heart-to-heart with that person and find out how to fix the situation.

April 20

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.


No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It may seem hard to get to it, but you can do it. Just keep working toward it and you’ll find the positive side of things. I’ve realized that I can always find something to look forward to. Big or small, it helps to get me through those rough patches.

Remember that the bad will pass and soon you’ll make it through to the other side.

April 21

May you live as long as you want and not want as long as you live.


Our lives consist of the beauty we fill them with—the more beauty we surround ourselves with, the richer our lives will be. But wanting everything more and more blocks us from enjoying the things we already have. It’s good to want things in life, but it’s also important not to be greedy.

Don’t obsess over what you don’t have; feel grateful for all that you do have.

April 22

Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.


Most of our lives move at such an accelerated pace we don’t always have the time to stop and reflect on how far we’ve come. We are usually too busy looking ahead. But it’s so important to keep checking in with yourself. We change all the time. It’s easy to get caught up feeling dissatisfied with where you are when you don’t take the time to appreciate how far you’ve come. You don’t have to be exactly where you want to be, but the fact that you are on your way is remarkable. Good things and progress take time.

Make today all about celebrating how far you’ve come in your life since last year. What is something you’ve changed in your life that you are proud of?

April 23

Nobody is perfect. As long as we continue to strive to be better, our imperfections are part of our journey.

How many times have we done something “wrong” and then regretted it later? As long as we learn something from it, the experience is not wasted. We aren’t perfect; we are here to learn from our mistakes and imperfections, not beat ourselves up for them.

Think about how to alter your regrets into lessons for the future.

April 24

Underneath it’s all the same love.


For all our individual eccentricities and unique gifts, we’re still made up of the same flesh and blood. We are united and connected equally by our differences as well as our similarities. No matter how differently each of us goes about living our lives, we are all on a journey learning how to know and love ourselves as well as others with greater depth and honesty.

Focus on what connects you to your friends, family, and colleagues today.

April 25

Let yourself imagine exactly what you want your life to look like—fearlessly and with the courage to bring your dreams to fruition.

Our imaginations and the visions we allow ourselves to have are very significant. It’s important for all of us to feel that we can make our dreams come true; I deeply believe that we can. But it takes work to do this; it doesn’t just magically happen. So let your imagination run wild with everything you want your life to be rather than laughing it away because it seems unfathomable. Embrace your vision for your life, and allow it to be the daily goal you are moving toward. It’s in your head for a reason.

Make a list of dreams you want to achieve someday.

April 26

It’s so important to listen and be open to the wisdom of our ancestors. We should respect the teachings and words of those who came before us.

Looking back at history, there are so many incredible, inspiring stories from our own family trees and from our history books that we just take for granted. But those people paved the way for where we are today. It’s important not only to learn from them but to remember and show respect and gratitude for all that they have done for us.

Open up a history book or find a historical figure online that you know nothing about and learn something new. While you’re at it, ask someone in your family about one of your great-grandparents—find out who they were and what they believed in.

April 27

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.


Nobody is asking you to be perfect. It’s enough to just do the best you can do today with what you have inside you right now. Oftentimes, we put too much pressure on ourselves to please other people.

Whatever you feel when you wake up is good enough; just start with that and make the most of today.

April 28

Most of us, I believe, admire strength. It’s something we tend to respect in others, desire for ourselves, and wish for our children. Sometimes, though, I wonder if we confuse strength with other words like aggression and even violence.


Too often people confuse strength with violence. I think the kids who bullied me, and bullies in general, are hiding from their true pain by exerting a false sense of strength by belittling others. If more people would honor their feelings and admit to feeling weak, sad, or powerless, then they would have the opportunity to start healing. This kind of openness and honesty takes true strength and courage.

Be strong today for yourself or for someone else.

April 29

One of the greatest joys in life is watching a child laugh.

There’s something about the innocence of a child laughing that never ceases to make my entire week. Children live in such a small world full of wonder. They haven’t seen, for the most part, some of the sad things about the world going on around them that adults have. When our world opens up, we witness more and more. Good and bad. So just seeing a child laugh at the simplest things makes us nostalgic for that simpler time of life. It’s great to fondly remember childhood, but don’t stress yourself out thinking about what used to be. Enjoy where you are now as well.

If you have the opportunity, make a child laugh today.

April 30

Singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth.


Since I was a young child, my voice always allowed me to escape and to find bliss wherever I was. Everyone has their own bliss in life and it often occurs when you lose yourself in the moment by completely immersing yourself into something. Just like Edith Piaf, I find that when I sing, I too soar and forget everything else.

Find what makes you happiest and allow yourself to soar beyond the clouds even with your feet planted right here on earth.

May 1

Be curious, not judgmental.


It’s so important to maintain the curiosity and sense of wonder that we have when we are young. When we are babies, we experience everything for the first time: crawling, eating, walking, talking, and sensations. As we get older we start to take simple things for granted. The more we’re willing to stay open and remain curious about the world around us, the more we can discover and learn.

Be an explorer today. Don’t take anything you see, hear, or touch for granted. Be willing to look more closely at everything and become a student of your environment.

May 2

Respect your mind, body, and soul. You are WORTH it.

We are always the first ones to get down on ourselves. We are our own harshest critics. And a big part of our journey is learning how to love ourselves. That means taking good care of your mind, body, soul, and spirit. Treat yourself the way you would treat a little kid and see what a difference it makes. When you are kinder to yourself, everything will change for the better.

Stand in front of the mirror today and tell yourself you are a beautiful person.

May 3

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


It’s important to give back, because if you never stand up for what you believe in, nobody else is going to. What if you’re here on this earth to help make an important discovery, but you didn’t value your thoughts enough to do anything?

Stand up for the things you believe in, live a life that is meaningful to you, and make sure you can sleep at night knowing you’re doing your part to make this world a better place. There’s no time like the present.

May 4

Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together, we won’t have as much censorship because we won’t have as much fear.


It’s so important that children feel like they can think and talk openly. Parents and teachers are meant to inspire young people—be role models to children and students. Don’t put down their views and opinions. Let them know their value and intelligence.

No matter your age, make sure you always inspire, nurture, and support others.

May 5

Gay, straight, lesbian, bi: No one is better than anyone else.

We are all equal. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, you can have an open conversation with them or walk away. Don’t let their prejudice and intolerance get the best of you.

Help spread tolerance in your community.

May 6

Don’t ever settle.

People settle because they’re afraid something better won’t come along. They fear they aren’t good enough. You are worth exactly what you want in life, but you have to believe it or you won’t attract something better.

Take a moment to realize your worth.

May 7

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


I’ve had to learn this lesson many times in life because it’s hard to let go. Anger and resentment are so toxic that you end up hurting yourself. When you are wronged, it’s better to confront it with tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance. Ultimately it’s best to let it go, otherwise it builds up.

Write down all the things you are angry about on a piece of paper and burn it.

May 8

Sometimes, it is okay to be selfish. Being selfless all the time can be detrimental to your mind and body.

They say if you’re in a plane and it’s going down, you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you put on anyone else’s. You can’t take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself first. People think it’s being selfish, but it’s the good kind of selfishness, the kind that enables you to give your truest, most authentic self to be of service to others.

Do one loving thing for yourself today: Treat yourself to a massage, sleep in, or meditate.

May 9

If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.


There’s nothing more unattractive than when I see someone acting really nice to someone who has power and treating someone else badly because in their eyes they are lower on the social ladder. The best way to find out who someone really is, is to notice if they treat all people with equality. If they don’t, it’s worth reevaluating your relationship.

Treat all people the same, with love, respect, and kindness, regardless of their financial or social position in life. You are no better or worse than anyone else because of what you have or don’t have.

May 10

Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.


We all have bad days, but the darkness always brings light. You have the choice and the power to emerge from whatever darkness or hardship might be consuming you. Use your inner light to shine and light up the world. Sometimes it can be as simple as thinking happy thoughts or smiling when you don’t want to.

Light up the world with your smile even if you’re feeling down.

May 11

My mother said to me, “If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the pope.” Instead I was a painter and became Picasso.


I would not be where I am today if not for the love, friendship, and support of my amazing mother. She has always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. That sense of belief in me has given me so much courage to chase and live out my dreams.

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