Stealing Candy (24 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Stealing Candy
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Determinately, she seized his limp soldier and tightened her hold, struggling to stimulate the flaccid dick into a firm erection. She wanted to get out from under the blue comforter and catch a breath of fresh air, but she remained under the stifling covers, hand-stroking as though her life depended on it.

Making no progress, she switched up her approach. She teased his meat with a feathery touch. She applied gentle caresses, lightly rolling her thumb over the head of his dick, and up and down the
shaft. But despite these attempts, Bullet’s manhood hung limp.

“Stop playing. I didn’t ask you for a hand job. It’ll come back to life if it’s pumping up in something hot and juicy.”

She rubbed her jawbone, trying to quickly massage away the weariness and the pain.

“Hurry up!” He threw the covers off of her. “No wonder I can’t keep it up; I need to see my pipe sliding in and out of your mouth.”

With puckered lips, she drew his droopy dick inside her warm mouth.

“You want Daddy to cum on your face?”

“Uh-huh,” she mumbled, which was a lie.

She sucked and sucked, but her extensive oral training could not get his burned-out soldier to stand up straight.

“Damn! You sucking too hard. Making my jawn sore.” Grimacing, he pulled out of the suction-hold she had on his dick.

Thank God! This coked-up fool is finally giving up.
Sweet, merciful sleep was just a few minutes away.

“You slippin’ on your head game.” Bullet arched a brow accusingly.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she said, batting her lashes at a rapid rate. Fighting sleep, she was having a difficult time keeping her drowsy eyes open.

“Sorry don’t satisfy my needs.” Pouting, he fondled his sagging dick.

Bullet was feeling sorry for himself. Not good. His self-pity usually led to aggression. She braced herself knowing that, at any moment, a smack upside the head was coming. Next, he’d curse her out and call her vile names. His last act of violence would be to shake her until her brains rattled. Then he’d stomp back to the living room where he’d snort some more lines of cocaine.

When his freakish desires reawakened, he’d return to the bedroom holding his rigid dick in his hands.

Gianna hoped she could catch at least a half-hour or so worth of sleep before he launched the next sexual assault.

Bullet was so insensitive. Why didn’t he understand that breaking up her sleep like this made her jumpy at night, preventing her from being able to concentrate when she needed to pull a sleight of hand to clip a trick?

Every time she made peace with her existence, whenever she convinced herself that she could endure living under Bullet’s control, he did something callous that reminded her how hopelessly fucked-up her life truly was.

She wished Bullet would take his coked-up, crazy ass back to the living room so she could snuggle up under the covers and catch at least a couple of z’s.

But Bullet didn’t make a move. He lay on his back, silent. His eyes bounced around crazily. His demented mind was busy at work.

Gianna tensed, knowing that Bullet was cooking up some lewd act for her to perform.

She gave a shuddering breath, recalling how the last time he couldn’t get it up, he’d made her lick cocaine off his flimsy dick.
Lord, please don’t let this grimy nigga turn me into a drug addict.

Hit with a sudden bright idea, Bullet sat up straight. “Go unhook Skittles. Bring her in here.” Changing his mind, he frowned. “Nah, I ain’t fucking with her nasty ass. Get Bubbles.”


Bullet had flipped the script. He wanted to fuck with doped-up Bubbles. She found the request surprising since Bullet hardly ever had sex with Bubbles or Skittles. It was about time. She wished he’d give her a break and use their services more often.

But there was a problem. Where was she going to sleep if Bubbles slept with Bullet? The living room was practically empty. The only furnishings were a sixty-inch television, a coffee table, and a lumpy chair that should have been on top of the trash heap.

She sure wished Bullet would stop spending so much money on coke and buy some decent furniture for the house. There was nowhere for her to rest comfortably except Bullet’s bedroom. Bullet had a nice queen-sized bed with a brand-new mattress and box spring. New bed linen as well.

Naked with the key ring in her hand, she made her way to Bubbles and Skittles’ bedroom. The instant she crossed the threshold, she stopped shivering. The small room was as hot as a sauna. A funky sauna. The urine-stained mattress gave off the odor of a foul-smelling public restroom.

Though the bedroom windows were opened a crack, metal bars ensured that the girls could not break free. There was an oscillating tower fan near the bed that circulated only hot, fetid air.

Gianna stared down at Bubbles and Skittles. Both girls lay on top of a bare, pee-stained mattress. Skittles had on a yellow top
with a dirty collar. It was time for Bullet to buy the girl some clothes or take the ones she had to the Laundromat. Nude at the bottom, the jeans Skittles wore daily were tossed on the floor beside the bed. Gianna shook her head. Skittles was looking real bad. Sickly. Getting skinnier by the day.

Bubbles was naked and plump as ever. Being drugged most of the time didn’t interfere with her appetite. Slobber trickled out the side of her mouth. The slobber, along with the unsightly scar on her face, was not a good look. Gianna shook her head, feeling a mixture of pity and disgust. It was hard to believe that this poor slob was the same loud-mouth, obnoxious girl she’d met in the McDonald’s parking lot.

Gianna poked Bubbles in the shoulder. Bubbles mumbled incoherently.

“Get up, Bubbles. Bullet wants to get with you.”

Bubbles muttered more nonsense and tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but couldn’t. Seemingly in an OxyContin coma, Skittles was stock still. She didn’t so much as twitch or utter a sound.

“Bubbles! Get up, girl.” She unlocked the single handcuff that secured Bubbles to the rickety metal headboard. Eyes closed, Bubbles rubbed the wrist that had been shackled and then turned onto her stomach.

“Come on, Bubbles.” Frustrated, Gianna tugged on Bubbles’ arm. Bubbles yanked her arm away and tucked it beneath her tummy, her big butt tooted up in the air.

Catching sight of a bottle of air freshener on top of the dresser on the other side of the room, Gianna came up with an idea.

Sorry, Bubbles, but you should have cooperated with me.
She sprayed Bubbles’ bare ass cheeks.

With a grunt, Bubbles flopped over and lay on her back. Gianna discharged another burst of tropical-scented air freshener. This
time she aimed at Bubbles’ face. Bubbles sputtered in agitation and wiped the moisture from her eyes.

Using all her strength, Gianna heaved Bubbles out the bed and onto her feet.

Bubbles staggered and stumbled. Gianna entwined their arms and dragged the sluggish girl down the hall. Tired and irritated, she shoved Bubbles forward when they finally reached Bullet’s bedroom.

“Here she go,” Gianna announced, giving Bubbles a hard shove. Bubbles lurched forward, her big titties bouncing as she plopped onto the bed.

“Cock her legs open for me,” Bullet instructed.

Aggravated, Gianna gripped Bubbles’ ankles and pushed her legs up until her knees bent, and then she spread the girl’s thick thighs, creating space for Bullet. He smacked Bubbles’ crotch with his limp appendage and laughed. He kept smacking the mound of her pussy until his dick rose and came back to life.

Her work complete, Gianna scooted over to the far side of the bed. She tried to make herself as small as possible, just in case Bullet needed more room to get his fuck on with Bubbles.

“Where you want me to fuck you? Your pussy or your mouth?” Bullet asked Bubbles.

“Uh-huh,” Bubbles answered nonsensically.

“Oh, yeah? You like giving your daddy head? That’s how you get down?”

The headboard slammed against the wall as Bullet plowed into Bubbles.

“You like licking pussy juice off my dick?” Bullet said, sounding perverted.

“It’s all good,” Bubbles said, in a droning tone similar to someone being hypnotized.

Gianna wished Bullet would hurry up with Bubbles. She couldn’t
sleep. Her head jerked to the rhythm of the mattress bouncing up and down.

“I’ma give you some oral action in a minute.” The words came out gruff; sounded like a threat.

“Do you like feeling a big dick slippin’ and slidin’ up and down your tongue?”

Gianna turned up her nose. Bullet sounded perverted…like a slimy trick. She imagined Bullet forcing his dick down Bubbles’ throat and flooding her mouth with a huge eruption of cum.

“Damn, you a good ho. Got Daddy’s dick hard as a brick. I’ma flip you over and get some from the back. You like it doggy-style?”

“Sometimes, I do,” Bubbles murmured.

That’s a shame. Bubbles is so out of it, her voice is slurred. She don’t even know what she’s saying
. Gianna wanted to cover her head with a pillow to block out Bullet’s raspy sex talk.

Gianna woke up to the sound of crying. Shielding her eyes from the bright sunlight that filtered through wooden shutters, she sat up and looked around. Bullet and Bubbles were snuggled together like lovers. They were both knocked out cold from a night of drugging and fucking.

The crying started again, along with the annoying rattle of metal scraping metal. It was Skittles, trying to break free from the handcuff that kept her confined in bed.

I’m not getting up to walk her to the bathroom.
She pulled the covers over her head, but Skittles’ sounds of misery grew louder.

She flung off the comforter and stalked across the room, grabbed the key ring off the dresser, and noticed Bullet’s phone. She reached a shaky hand toward the cell phone.

Bullet coughed, startling her.

She dropped her arm and rushed out of the bedroom.

Holding Skittles by the scruff of her collar, Gianna lugged her to the bathroom. Skittles moaned and cried for her daughter. Most times, Skittles’ motherly lament softened Gianna’s heart. But not today. She rolled her eyes at the whining girl and focused her thoughts on Bullet’s cell phone.

“Hurry up, Skittles,” she snapped, anxious to get back to Bullet’s bedroom so she could get her hands on his cell phone. He usually kept his phone next to him in bed. This was a one-time slip-up and a perfect opportunity for her to sneak a call to her mother. Gianna smiled, picturing the police kicking in the door and coming to her rescue.

Thoughts of freedom filled her mind as she led Skittles back to confinement.

Back in the bedroom, she quietly crept past the bed where Bullet and Bubbles were cuddled together. She glared at both of them, wishing she had Bullet’s gun within reach so she could give him a shot to the head.

Bubbles could get a pass. She was not the enemy.

Motivated by righteous anger, Gianna picked up the cell phone. She pushed the first digit. The beep was so loud, it made her flinch. She looked over her shoulder at Bullet. His head was beneath the comforter. Both he and Bubbles snored in concert.

After releasing a deep breath, she hit the second number of her mother’s area code. This time the sound seemed louder than before, jarring her. She stole a nervous peek at Bullet, and then sighed in relief. He was still sleeping peacefully.

She took another fortifying breath and readied herself to press the third digit.

Bullet cleared his throat.

Shook by a chilling fear, Gianna dropped the phone. Her eyes expanded in alarm, she jerked around, and was prepared to meet Bullet’s piercing gaze. Her mind raced frantically to come up with a convoluted explanation for touching his phone.

But he was still buried beneath the covers.
Thank God!
She bent down and quickly scooped up the phone, assessing it, praying it hadn’t been damaged.

The light emanating told her the cellular was still operating. But a closer look showed an ugly crack running down the center.
Oh shit! Bullet’s gonna kill me when he sees this.

Using brute force, Bullet had intimidated Gianna into accepting that there was no possibility of ever being free. He brainwashed her into believing that she should gladly embrace the oppressive lifestyle he’d introduced her to. He demanded that she denounce her parents and scorn the square’s life that they offered.

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