Steam Heat (4 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Darvill

Tags: #Erotica, #Short Stories (Single Author), #Fiction

BOOK: Steam Heat
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The sway of the steamer rocks the floor gently beneath my feet as I pull Ian in the direction of Jezebel’s sleeping compartment. “Come on, man up. Isn’t this supposed to be every guy’s ultimate fantasy?”

“Well, I guess. And Jezebel
a beautiful, feisty female. It isn’t that. I am just curious. So you pay her with sex every time you need a ride on her steamer?”

“Yes. I thought we already established we were lovers. Are you having that tough a time accepting that? Girls can have sex with each other too, you know. You are a man of science, surely you can work out the logistics in that dense head of yours.” I rap my knuckles three times on Jez’s door.

“I know that,” Ian says glaring at me.

“Well then, shut up and get into the mood. Maybe this will provide your little meter with the voltage required to charge the crystal.” I hiss at him.

“Come in,” Jezebel’s smoky voice calls out.

I plant a quick kiss on Ian’s lips before I slide the wooden door open. “Good evening, Jez. I brought Ian along for the fun. I hope you don’t mind.” Jezebel is stretched out on a bed heaped with fine linens, looking every inch the seductive minx she is. She is petite but sexy. Her waist is cinched in tightly with a red brocade corset and her bare, pale breasts are spilling over the top. Other than that, all she is wearing are frilly black knickers and a pair of stockings rolled up her slim legs. I hear Ian’s breath catch.

“The more the merrier, I always say,” Jez replies with an arched eyebrow as she pats the mattress next to her. “Well, you two little lovelies get down here and get to work. I am not dragging your attractive asses into New York City for free.

“You are a charmer, Jez,” I say as I slide off my jacket and reveal my completely nude body. Ian groans. Lowering myself to the mattress, I crawl towards Jez and capture her lips in mine, swallowing her moan.

Jez pulls her mouth from mine and motions Ian over. “Come on, young man, don’t be shy. Take off your clothes and get over here and show me how much you appreciate me going way out of my way to get you guys where you need to go,” Jez says with a slight chuckle.

I catch sight of Ian grabbing a quick pull of whiskey from my flask, which is now tucked in his jacket. “Come on, darling, she doesn’t bite often.” My lips close around the soft, smooth texture of Jez’s lips and our tongues tangle. Her hand finds my breast and she lightly pinches my nipple. A twinge of pleasure flows through me. I bite down gently on her full lower lip, fist my hand in her hair and tug on the thick luxurious black strands. Ian’s hand glides up the length of my back, leaving a shivering path of gooseflesh in its wake.

I can’t help stealing a glance at what my lover is doing to Jezebel’s soft slim body. His other hand is running lightly up one pale thigh. The sight of his fingers running over the front of her knickers and skimming along the waistband is oddly erotic. He is still stroking my back gently as I kiss Jez. His lips rub a caress on my bare shoulder. A shiver of expectation goes through me. I run my fingers up his neck until I find his hair. I grab a handful of it and guide his mouth down to Jez’s erect pink nipple. My pussy clenches and moistens as his lips close round the pink nub and he sucks it into his mouth. I swallow the moan of pleasure pulled from Jez as Ian’s skillful fingers dip beneath her waistband. Her hips lift up, needy, as his fingers roam lower. The ache in my center is throbbing and things are just getting started.

Ian pulls Jez’s knickers down and off and he begins kissing a trail up the inside of her leg. My flesh quivers as if he were doing the same to me. His fingers run over the curve of my ass as he works his way up Jez’s leg. “Oh, my God,” I breathe into Jez’s sweet mouth. I can feel her smile against my lips. The instant Ian’s lips touch the quivering lips of her pussy she bites down hard on my lower lip, sending a shot of desire straight through me to settle between my legs. Ian’s fingers work down the curve of my ass and lightly brush over my throbbing, wanting sex. I push back against him, urging him to stroke deeper. I can see him skillfully working his tongue over Jez’s clit. Her moans are becoming more frantic with each flick of his tongue.

I can’t stand not having Ian inside me right now. I push his head out of the way and remove my lips from Jez’s and begin kissing my way down her lush body. I swirl my tongue in her cute little navel and work lower. Ian, taking a hint, grabs my hips and pulls me to my knees. I bite back a moan of pleasure as his familiar hardness nudges the entrance of my pussy, weeping with need. I stroke my tongue over Jez’s cleanly shaven, glistening mound as I insert a finger into her velvety warmth. My fingers delve further into her as Ian enters me, sinking himself deep into my heat. I push back against him, trying to take him deeper.

Jez grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my face away from the warmth of her sex. “I want a piece of your boy’s cock, you have to share.” I feel instantly empty as Ian withdraws from me. Rolling over to the side, I can’t help capturing Ian’s cock in my mouth and stroking my tongue around his hard, velvety shaft. As I pull my mouth off his cock, I guide him inside Jez, watching as his length disappears into her. I am aroused beyond belief, and I don’t know which was hotter—having Ian inside me or watching him take Jez. I move back to Jez’s mouth and kiss her with all the frustration that is flowing through me. She kisses me back with equal enthusiasm. Ian pulls her legs around him and thrusts deep, he can’t resist the temptation of my ass as I lean over kissing Jez, he slaps it hard enough to warm my skin and set the fire of desire racing through me.

Jez’s movements are becoming frenzied and I can tell she is close. I remove my mouth from her lips and move lower to lavish attention to her perky nipples, as my fingers roam to my own clit and begin to rub the ache throbbing between my legs.

“Don’t come yet, Angel, wait for me.” Ian commands as he pulls Jez into his lap and picks up the pace.

“Jesus Christ,” Jezebel swears as her body shudders and goes limp. With a slight smile she pulls Ian in for a kiss. “Our Angel is right, you
an amazing fuck.” With a wink in my direction, Jez rolls off Ian and settles herself in to watch us finish.

“God, I want you, Angel,” Ian says, as he hungrily closes his mouth over mine and devours it, his tongue swirling in the depths.

I push him down on the bed and climb on top of him. I guide his length inside me and begin to ride him. I take him deep so that he is filling me, easing the ache while building it up at the same time. His hands cover my breasts. I toss my head back as waves of ecstasy wash over me in one continuous flow of desire. The heat is building, my body is winding up tighter and my skin is tingling. In a moment of mind-numbing pleasure my body surrenders completely to Ian, he shudders within me and the vague noise of Jez clapping makes its way through my lust-induced haze.

“Jolly good show, you two,” Jez exclaims.

I shake my head at Jez and the crazy things that come out of her mouth. Ian is sitting grinning like an idiot. “What is up with you?” I gasp. “Are we going to have to include Jez every time we fuck now?”

“Maybe,” Ian says, still smiling. He waves the meter he has been using to monitor my energy levels. “Hey, Jez, feel like helping us save the world?”


Chapter Ten


With a final tug on the leather strap, I tighten my thigh holster into place and slip my pistol into the pouch. I am officially armed with enough weapons to wage a small war, and Ian and Jez are likewise prepared. The inner city where the crystal is housed is a cesspool of crime and depravity. The splatter of raindrops echoes through the steamer car. I shrug into an oiled-leather duster that falls to my ankles, concealing my leather pants, emerald-green corset and leather chest harness. Jezebel is dressed similarly, and Ian looks like a displaced professor forced into the company of a few unfortunates. He is a sexy professor though.

“Are you ready, my cherubs?” Jez asks as she settles her breathing apparatus to her face. The breathing apparatus is a gas mask converted with bottled oxygen. The air quality will be poor at best, nonexistent at worst, and it pays to be prepared.

“I am always ready,” I say with a wink aimed at Jez as I slip my own mask into place.

“You two are incorrigible. Thanks to you guys, I am going to be walking into hell with an erection,” Ian grumbles, as he settles his own mask into place.

“Stop your whining,” Jez chastises as she slides the door open. The platform in Grand Central Station is eerily quiet. A dense fog all but conceals the dark masses of bodies lying where they fell.

We move in silence, conserving the air circulating through our masks. We have about a mile walk into the very heart of the city where the crystal is housed. There is no movement as we make our way through the deserted streets. I am shocked that more people weren’t prepared with breathing apparatuses. They were a staple before the crystal. Pretty much the only threat we have to watch out for is the few people in possession of a mask. They are going to be on the hunt for any survivors.


We reach the towering brick building that holds the crystal with relative ease and not a moment too soon. The building should have a fresh-air supply built in. At least, it had better, or we are in serious trouble. We each plugged in our last bottles about ten minutes ago, and we only have about ten minutes left. I unclip a small leather pouch from my belt and produce two slim metal picks. With a practiced, steady hand, I quickly reverse the locking mechanism and the door slides open with a creak and the clank of gears rotating.

Quickly resealing the door, I give Jez the thumbs-up to flip on the emergency air supply. The insides of the building rumble and groan before a slow hiss of airflow begins to slide through the room. We all quickly shed our masks and cap the air bottles, just in case. “Well,” I say, “let’s go find this crystal and get down to the hot, kinky fornication.”

“Good, because you in that mask has had me wet the whole way,” Jez says with a chuckle.

I simply roll my eyes at her and proceed to the staircase. Ian rushes over and sweeps me up in his arms. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I thought girls like the romantic stuff,” Ian says with a shrug.”

“Not this girl,” I say smacking his shoulder. “Put me down.”

“I can’t do that, Angel, you need to conserve your energy. If we can’t get it up enough, we are, as the slang goes, up a creek without a paddle.”

“Oh, I know I can get it up, but can you? I have heard some men don’t perform well under pressure.”

“Well, your lack of confidence in me sure isn’t going to help matters any.”

“Ian, seriously, put me down, the crystal is twenty stories up. I am a grown woman and have gotten along just fine on my own for several years.”

“Nope. Besides I like holding you, you smell nice.” Ian says inhaling a breath from the depths of my hair. Jez makes a gagging noise. “Stop discouraging her,” he says to Jez. “Has she mentioned that she will die if she doesn’t stay with me?”

“Is that why she has been looking so pale and sickly lately? I hate to tell you this handsome, but Angel does whatever she pleases. Even a fine pieces of ass like you isn’t going to get her to settle down unless it’s her choice.”

The hiss of air suddenly stops and the grinding of gears comes to a screeching halt. “Shit,” I exclaim, struggling out of Ian’s arms. We all begin sprinting up the stairs and towards the crystal. The pressure on me is enormous, I have a limited time to repower the crystal and it isn’t even anything I can control. Good thing I am a half-succubus and getting turned on, even when the lives of the only two people I care about are on the line, shouldn’t be an issue. But can I generate the amount of energy needed? Can Jez and Ian even perform with such towering amounts of pressure? I guess we will find out.

The door to the twentieth floor flashes in front of us. Not pausing, we crash through into a room flooded with an eerie, pale liquid-blue light. In the center of the room the crystal rises majestically before us, its light flickering. Tesla’s coils are still crackling and snapping with life, but not as brightly or as strongly as they should. The air in the room is heavy and hard to breathe and the effects are starting to show already on Ian. He is, after all, a mere mortal. Jez and I are both half-paranormal creatures and can tolerate far more than he can.

Not wanting to lose a second of the precious little breathable air that is left, I throw off my jacket and leap into Ian’s arms, kissing him as if our lives depended on it. The bitch of the situation is, they do.


Chapter Eleven


Jez understands the severity of the situation and steps in to begin stroking both of us while removing articles of clothing. Sweat is pouring off Ian’s body and his breath is coming in pants. “Hold on, Ian, we just need to get my energy up really fast and then everything will be okay.”

“Don’t worry about me, Angel. I’m just looking forward to having both you and Jez again.” He flashes me that adorable lopsided smile that hints at a dimple in his cheek. He dips his mouth to mine as he forces his fingers down the waistband of my pants. His fingers stroke over my folds and the first shock wave of lust ricochets through me like white-hot lightning, igniting me with energy and desire.

“I knew I could convert you to the pleasures of sharing a bed,” I say with a sly smile as my fingers wrap around his already-hard cock

“I don’t know about that, but for Jez I think I can make an exception.” His fingers dip inside me and stroke.

“Good, because she is important to me. Now shut up, we don’t have much time.” My nails sink into the flesh of his back deep enough to leave marks.

“So demanding, my Angel,” Ian murmurs into my mouth. His fingers are stroking over every inch of my flesh.

“She is a demanding little minx, which is what I love about her,” Jez says with a smile in her words as her fingers dance up my spine before she reaches around and cups both my breasts with her slim, soft hands.

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