Steam Heat (5 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Darvill

Tags: #Erotica, #Short Stories (Single Author), #Fiction

BOOK: Steam Heat
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My head falls back in surrender to the exquisite assault on my body from two pairs of hands, one rough and calloused, one delicate and feminine. As Ian’s mouth finds my center, heat blooms outward, and the final frayed pieces of my soul knit back together. Jez’s teeth nip at my flanks, sending threads of pleasure weaving through me and my energy levels soar. The sight of Ian’s blond head bobbing as he uses his tongue to torment and inflame me and Jez’s raven-tressed head kissing and nipping at the tender flesh of my inner thighs makes me realize that these two are all I ever want. I am tired of giving myself to strangers.

The Tesla coils arching overhead are picking up energy and sparking and sputtering with more verve as the light arching between them glows brighter. Ian removes his mouth from between my legs and rocks back on his heels. “Come here, my Angel,” he whispers.

Unable to refuse, I lower myself to his lap, straddling him and impaling myself upon his hard length in one smooth, glorious movement. A shower of translucent blue sparks rains down on us. Our bodies are coated in sweat as I begin to move, taking Ian’s glorious cock deeper inside myself. Jez’s hands are still teasing my nipples into aching buds of raw, inflamed nerves, so sensitive they are causing shivers of pleasure to shake my whole body.

“God, you are so beautiful,” Jez whispers in my ear as her teeth clamp down on my earlobe. One of her hands leaves my breast and begins to stroke caresses over the curve of my ass. Her finger brushes gently over the sensitive skin, her other hand leaves my breast and a saliva-coated digit probes at the depths of my ass.

“Holy fuck,” I swear softly. A whole new flood of sensation rocks through me. I have had more erotic encounters then most people ever experience in a lifetime, but this one puts them all to shame. Ian’s hips are keeping a frantic pace as I ride him. His lips are roaming from nipple to nipple, keeping a hum of ecstasy flowing through me. Jez’s mouth and tongue are working at the sensitive skin of my neck. The combination or rough and soft is too much, the energy is threatening to consume me. The whole room is glowing blue as Tesla’s coils crack and pop loudly, glowing brighter and brighter by the second. The crystal is humming. In a flash so bright it blinds me, one of the streams of light from the coils attaches to my arm and flashes from there straight to the crystal.

My whole body is rocked and jolted as pain and pleasure merge into one. My scream of release is lost amid the noise in the room. My vision flickers and a searing pain invades my head. I open my mouth, trying to tell Ian and Jez what is happening. No sound comes out. Another flash of pain, even more intense then the previous ones consumes me. My vision flickers again and then everything goes black.


Chapter Twelve


“Angel. Wake up, darling.”

Ian’s concerned voice filters through the darkness and the pain slicing through my head. With a great deal of effort I force one of my eyes to crack open a tiny bit. The glowing blue brightness increases the throbbing in my head. “Am I still alive?” I manage to croak out. My voice sounds far away and foreign to me.

“Thank you, Jesus,” Ian says, his fingers grazing the side of my face with a gentle touch.

“Way to give me gray hair, you bitch,” Jez says with affection in her voice, as she pulls my head into the warmth of her lap.

“Sorry, Jez,” I say with a smile that turns into more of a grimace at the effort. “Did it work?”

“Yes, it worked, but I have never been so scared in my life as when I though I’d lost you.” The concern and emotion in Ian’s beautiful hazel eyes is saying everything he isn’t.

“Sorry, I can’t help but make a scene wherever I go,” I joke. I entwine his fingers with mine and brush a kiss across his knuckles.

“Listen, I know I have only known you for a short time, but you belong with me, I feel it. I know you need your independence and I know you love Jez too, you don’t have to say it. I am willing to share you with her, but will you at least consider staying with me?”

My heart does a funny flip and then melts into a puddle of mushy emotions as I look into the eyes of my two lovers. “I suppose I will consider it. I have gotten a little attached to you myself.”

Ian flashes me a devastating smile, before turning to Jez. “What do you say Jez?”

“I most certainly can’t live with you guys and your sappy emotions, however, I must admit, I am certainly fond of you both. I won’t live with you two, but I promise to head my steamer in your direction frequently.” Jez says, her sassy smile lighting up her face.

“I can live with that.” With a groan I sit up and struggle to stand. Ian threads one arm over my shoulders, while Jez snakes an arm around my waist. “Shall we head home then?” I ask as an uncharacteristically hopeful smile spreads across my face.

“Yes, let’s,” Ian says, planting a kiss first on my lips and then on Jez’s.

“If we must,” Jez says dryly, while tugging us towards the door and our second chance, not just at living, but at life.


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For even more sexy stories—and to submit your own work—please visit!

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7895-4

Steam Heat

Copyright © 2011 by Elizabeth Darvill

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