Steamy Sisters (15 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kitt

BOOK: Steamy Sisters
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“He can’t complain.”

“Looks like I’ve picked the right person to go into business with, then.”

“You going to tell me what it’s all about?”

“Later. Still too early. When we get to the springs.”

“How much further?”

“Another hour. Haven’t you been to these ones before?”

“I thought I’d been everywhere around here. But I sure don’t remember coming this way.”

“Not many people pass by this way. Kind of off the beaten track. Nice and quiet. We’ll have plenty of peace and quiet. Have a nice chat. Do some skinny dipping in the pool.”

“Skinny dipping?”

“Well you’re not coming all the way out here to the springs, and not getting in are you?”

“The way my butt’s feeling now, in this saddle, I’m really looking forward to the hot water.”

“You’re butt looks just fine to me,” said Zack, “Never seen one finer.”

“You’re not too bad yourself,” said Melissa. “From what I can see from here.”

“Guess we better get to the springs quickly, then.”


“Wouldn’t want your butt getting sore.”

“Glad you care.”

“Race you there,” said Zack, urging his horse into a gallop.

“I don’t even know the way,” shouted Melissa

“Just follow me. Think you can keep up?”

“Just watch me,” said Melissa, and she set off at speed in pursuit of Zack. She didn’t usually chase after men. She didn’t have to. But she might just make an exception for Zack Burton.



Chapter Two

They passed through pine woodlands, and flower filled meadows. Wild deer scattered as they heard the horses running through their territory, the warm sun filled the big Colorado sky, and by late morning they arrived at the hot springs.

The water bubbled out of the ground into a natural pool. Fresh and clean from deep underground. One of nature’s wonders.

They let the horses graze nearby, and took their saddle bags to the water’s edge. They drank some juice and ate some snacks. Zack lit a little stove and boiled some water for coffee.

They sat drinking the coffee a while and enjoying the sunshine on their skin. They were both deeply tanned. Zack from being an outdoorsman; and Melissa from a love of sport, and the fact that she seemed to have never really lost her Hawaiian tan, despite the fact she’d now been back for six months.

Zack took off his clothes, and Melissa watched him as he did so. He wasn’t embarrassed. And neither was she. She’d often sunbathed naked in Hawaii, and was at ease with herself and her body. He was tall and bronzed. His body was tight and firm in all the right places. He wasn’t especially beefy, but he had a six-pack stomach, and his butt was every bit as good as she had imagined it to be through his close fitting jeans. He turned around, and she caught site of his cock for the first time. Whoa. It almost took her breath away. He was built like one of the stallions he rode at the rodeo.

He ran into the water, diving forward in a belly flop, before putting his head under, and resurfacing at the far side of the pool. He shook the water from his hair and sat back against a rock. “Feels good. Coming in?”

“Just a minute,” said Melissa, putting down her coffee and removing her top.

Zack watched as she slid her jeans down over her lithe, tanned legs, folded them, and put them on a rock. She was beautiful. Almost perfect. Her long brown hair fell down over her shoulders, almost meeting her breasts, which were now freed from the constraints of the pretty bra she’d been wearing. Her nipples appeared to stand to attention in the midday sun, pointing outwards. Almost as if they were straining to reach his lips, thought Zack. God, he was feeling horny. His cock was now bolt upright. As firm as her nipples looked. And he wished he could slide it between her tits. In and out. Fucking her tits, until he came.

Melissa removed her panties, revealing that she’d had a Brazilian wax. It was the only way to go when she’d been in Hawaii. Her bikinis and swimsuits had been so small, and left so little to the imagination, that any excess hairs would have looked out of place. To be honest, she’d rather have gone naked and just kept her hair trim. But swimsuits were required on most of the public beaches, and Brazilians were all the craze. Once she’d come back to Colorado and started going to the hot springs every week, she’d reluctantly kept up her maintenance regime. It looked okay. But the waxing hurt like hell.

Zack looked like he was about as happy as a man could be, and he continued to watch her. Her butt was rounded and beautiful, with curvy hips below a slim waist. He could probably fit his two big cowboy hands around that waist, and he hoped he’d get the chance to do so. He imagined pulling her towards him. The excitement. The anticipation. The first touch of her soft skin on his cock. The feel of her ass as he ran his hands over it. The pleasure of her body against his. Jeez, he wanted her. Wanted her more than he’d wanted any woman before.

Melissa waded into the pool, her lower body slowly submerging beneath the warm, mineral waters. Her breasts bobbing like large, ripe apples in a barrel.

She made her way next to Zack and sat down. “Water’s hot.”

“Not the only thing that’s hot around here.”

“Cool down, cowboy.”

“That’s going to be difficult.”

“Why’s that?”

“Sometimes a man can’t keep control of his feelings.”

“I’ll help you. Let’s talk business.”

“And after?”

“We’ll see. Business first. Then pleasure.”

“Sounds good.”

“Uh-huh,” nodded Melissa. “So?”

“So… I’ve got this idea to bring the rodeo to Steamy Springs. A lot of the other resorts already hold them throughout the summer.”

“Okay. It sounds like it might be something that Chase Enterprises could get involved in. Anything to bring the tourists into town.”

“That’s what I thought. I’ve got some start up capital, and if you can match it, we’ll be able to get the thing up and running pretty quickly. I’ve got contacts on the circuit, and with your knowledge of running sporting competitions we should be good.”

“I like the idea. But I can’t give you an immediate answer. I’d need to look into it a bit more. Do the figure work.”

“That’s cool. I didn’t expect you to say ‘yes’ straightaway.”

“At least, not to your proposition.”


“The business idea is a definite maybe. That other thing you were maybe hoping I’d say ‘yes’ to - well, that’s a definite yes.”

“You talkin’
about what I think your talkin’ about?”

“Guy doesn’t invite a girl skinny dipping unless he’s after something.”

“Could just be an innocent little paddle in the springs.”

“Paddle as in walk around in water. Or, paddle as in spank.”

“You like to be spanked?”

“I never really tried it,” said Melissa. “Maybe. There’s a first time for everything.”

“I’d sure like to get my hands on your ass.”

“All in good time,” replied Melissa turning around to face Zack, her breasts floating towards him. “Try these first.”


“Fondling, stroking, sucking. Do what you want with them. Just make me feel good.”

Zack lowered himself further into the pool, his nose below the water, pretending to be an alligator about to attack its prey. He closed in on Melissa’s breasts, surfaced fully, opened his jaws and took her breast into his mouth. Trying to get as much as he could into it, before letting go and sucking on her nipple.

Melissa splashed her hands through the water in delight, as she felt her nipple enclosed by his lips, and his tongue caress it. His hands cupped her butt cheeks and pulled her towards him until she was sitting on his knee, her legs astride of his.

He left her nipple and kissed her neck and shoulders, wanting to taste all of her, to explore the map of her body inch by inch. She placed her arms around his neck and drew his lips to hers. They kissed firmly, her tongue darting in and out of his mouth, trying to coax his to do the same, eager to play with its companion.

Zack loved the soft feel of her lips against his. She tasted wonderful - fresh and natural -
nature’s nectar. He grasped her ass tighter, and began to work his fingers further between her legs, feeling for her pussy.

Melissa felt the warm waters ripple across her clitoris, sending little bursts of pleasure through her, and heralding the arrival of Zack’s fingers at the gates of paradise. She lifted herself up slightly and allowed him entry, not wanting him waiting too long, needing to feel him enter her.

He opened her up with his fingers, long and strong, and two of them crept slowly into her, and she began to slide up and down them, inviting them deeper.

She moaned softly as his fingers travelled up into her vagina, filling her pleasantly, moving ever onwards eager to explore the depths of her warm, silky cave. And as quickly as they had entered, they now exited. They were just the two little scouts, sent ahead to check out the lie of the land and prepare the passage for the big chief.

She tugged at his cock and moved it towards her pussy.
She felt Zack’s hand almost cruelly grasping her butt and pulling her forward. But she knew that he didn’t want to hurt her, and was just guiding her onto him. Her breathing was more rapid now, anticipating the intense pleasure she would feel when he was inside. She felt the head of his cock brush against her pussy lips, parting them, and pushing onwards and upwards. Unstoppable. She was now full. Very full.

Zack held onto her ass with one hand and grasped her waist with the other. He began to slide her up and down his cock, unable to move himself because of the rock he was sitting on. It felt great as she rode his cock, each downward movement heightening his pleasure, but still frustrated that he couldn’t thrust, and drive them both wild. As she rose up again, he swung her sideways through the water, positioning her near the edge of the pool, her front resting against the rock. He manoeuvred himself behind her and grabbed her waist.

Melissa felt him enter her again, this time from behind. And she squealed in pleasure as he sank deep inside her pussy. She grasped at the rock in front of her, bracing herself, wanting to feel the full force of his thrusting. His crotch slammed repeatedly against her butt. She had joked about being spanked, and was pleased by the slap of his body against hers. She loved been taken from behind. Adored the almost animal nature of it.

Zack placed his hand on the back of her shoulders and continued his rhythmic movement. He was just about ready to come. He’d been thinking about this moment since he’d first seen her pretty little ass bobbing up and down in the saddle when they’d set out earlier.

Melissa gave herself over to the pleasure Her senses were overwhelmed. The warm waters lapping over her, the natural world around, and the big hard man pumping in and out of her, riding her hard and expertly, giving her a pleasure she had almost never experienced before. She let herself be taken over the edge, and she came in an intense orgasm, screaming out loud, like a wolf in the wilderness. The wildest fuck she had ever had in her life.


Her squeals of pleasure carried across the surrounding meadows below, and up to the woodland above.
The figure hid behind a large pine, always keeping inside the tree line, darting quickly from one tree to the next, not wanting to be seen, but eager to get closer to the hot spring below. The hunter strained to see what was going on in the pool. Two people. Zack Burton was one of them. And some woman. Who was that bitch? Just another slut. He had gone too far this time. He would regret it. The hunter removed the rifle from it’s bag, positioned it, using a low branch to lean on and keep the aim steady and sure. The hunter put an eye to the telescopic site and adjusted it until the hot spring pool came into clear focus. It was close up on Zack now. And her. There was no mistaking who it was. And no mistaking what they were doing. He was taking her like a wild animal. And what was worse, by the sound of it, she was loving every goddamn minute of it. The both of them were animals. And like wild animals, they needed to be shot. The hunter took a deep breath to steady the rising anger, put an eye back to the scope, and a finger hovered around the trigger. Zack Burton would finally pay for what he had done.

The hunter was suddenly distracted by a noise from behind, and quickly looked around. A bird flew out of one of the trees and into he sky. It was nothing. But it wasn’t doing the hunter’s nerves any good. The hunter focused again on the sordid little scene playing itself out by the pool below. But there was now no-one in the pool. They’d gone. The hunter looked up from behind the scope and saw two naked figures walking up the hill towards the woods. Shit. What now? The hunter hadn’t been prepared for this, and quickly grabbed the gun and retreated stealthily into the depths of the forest. They needed time to think.

Chapter Three

Zack and Melissa gambolled up the hill towards the woods, holding hands, their minds playful and relaxed.

“Did you hear something?” asked Melissa.


“In the woods.”

“Not really,” said Zack. “Just an animal. Probably a bird.” He pointed at a hawk flying above them.

“Not spying on us, is he? Mr Hawk.”

“Looks like it. Maybe he’ll enjoy watching us.”

“Do you think the birds know what we were doing down at the pool?”

“Who knows. Who cares,” said Zack. “Come on, just a bit further.”

“Okay. But what are we going to do in the woods, anyway?”

“Make out.”

“Again? So soon?”

“What? You don’t want to?”

“I’m good. You ready to do it again?”

“I’m always ready.”

“Why the woods?”

“Just a little fantasy of mine. I want to fuck you hard from behind. Up against a tree.”

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