Steamy Sisters (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kitt

BOOK: Steamy Sisters
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She put her ear against the door and listened again. She heard some music and then some voices. It was a TV show. Someone was watching television. Or maybe, they’d just forgotten to turn it off. She was in two minds as what to do.
She’d come this far. It was worth taking a risk.

She pushed the heavy wooden door very slightly and peered into the room. There was a small bedside light on, but the room was mainly illuminated by the glare from the TV set. There was nobody in the bed, and the entrance to the dressing room and bathroom beyond looked dark.

She pushed the door further and went inside. She quickly took in the layout of the room. The bed was unmade, with a quilt half on the floor. But, other than that, it was tidy and looked almost unlived in.

Hurrying into to the dressing room, she turned on the light and
worked her way through the closets. Most were empty. Two at the end, near the bathroom had clothes in. Suits. Shirts, Ties. Nothing much casual. She opened the final closet and stood back in amazement. It was packed full of the most hardcore gear she’d ever seen. Black leather straps, knee length lace up boots, masks, bullwhips, chains, sex toys, something hanging up that she could only describe as a gimp suit. Shit, he could open a store with this stuff. She rooted around a little, pulled out some DVDs and looked at the covers. Lots of half naked men in black leather who looked to be doing weird things to each other.
Jessica could hardly suppress a giggle as she looked at them. So Szabo liked men did he? No wonder he never brought his wife here, or have any live-in staff. Gave him plenty of time and space to indulge his tastes. Don’t suppose Mrs Szabo would be too happy to find out about this. Or maybe she knew already. Maybe she joined in somehow.

Jessica put back the DVDs in the same place, and closed the door. It had been an interesting and unexpected discovery, but she still hadn’t found what she was searching for. She’d been sure there would be a safe somewhere in the closets. But nothing.

She rolled back the sleeve of her suit, and looked at her watch. She still had time to check downstairs. But she needed to get back for when Caleb arrived. If she managed to find any valuables tonight, or if Szabo somehow realised that someone had been in the house, at least she’d have some sort of alibi in Caleb.

She made her way downstairs, not bothering to sneak, now confident that there was nobody at home. She checked through the maze of rooms until she came to what looked like a library. She wasn’t going to risk putting on the ceiling light so she took a small torch from her rucksack, ready to use when she needed it.

A six drawer walnut desk was at the end of the room. Jessica looked through them one by one. Lots of paperwork. A diary. Keys. Personal organiser. Some pens. An old cell phone. Nothing exciting. She stood up and checked the painting on the wall behind the desk. A portrait of Szabo himself. What an ego that guy had. She pulled the bottom edge of the frame away from the wall and checked to see if there was anything behind. Nothing. Szabo must have a safe or strong room in the house someplace. But where was it?

It was then Jessica noticed that a section of the fitted bookshelves that lined the walls of the room appeared to be at an odd angle. She knew straightaway what it was.
A concealed doorway, and Szabo had been very careless to leave it slightly open. Perhaps he’d left in a hurry. Or, maybe he was in there.

She pulled the shelving section outwards and it opened smoothly. She shone the torch inside. There was a short corridor and some steps leading down at the end of it. She walked in.

At the bottom of the steps was a large metal door. She’d found it. He must have had the cellar converted into a strong room. She tried the handle on the door. It was locked.

There was no way she could bash it down. This was the real deal. He’s obviously gone to a lot of expense to make sure no-one could get in there without the key. And there was a digital combination lock on it. That wasn’t necessarily a problem. She had a little gadget in her backpack that could deal with that. It would just take a bit of time. She checked her watch again. She’s be cutting it real fine if she did it now. It was too much of a risk. If she came back tomorrow night or later in the week, she’d have more time. Szabo was around all week. He was giving talks at various events during the Forum week. He was delivering the keynote speech at some party on Thursday. And, she’d discovered, he’d be giving a press conference on Friday. Jeez, that guy was so full of himself.

Reluctantly she went back up the stairs and closed the bookshelf doorway. She took a deep breath, collected her thoughts and decided she would leave it till later in the week. Right now, she just had to get back for Caleb.

Jessica left the house the way she had got in, and hanging from the balcony, she let herself drop the last few feet to the ground. Within a minute she was back over the wall and heading home. As she traversed the hillside back to her house, she could see a vehicle winding it’s way up the narrow road towards the Chase property front gates. It was Caleb in his SUV.
She’d have to be quick. He’d be buzzing the intercom any moment. She sprinted to the house, fumbled with the back door lock and let herself in. Kicking off her climbing shoes, she pushed them with her bare foot into a closet and threw her rucksack and ski mask in too. No time to change out of the catsuit, though. She looked at the mirror in the front hallway, let her hair down and wiped a slight sweat off her brow with her sleeve.

The intercom sounded. She looked at the video screen. She answered, slightly breathless. “Hi Caleb. I’ll just open the gates. Come on up.”

“Sure thing,” replied Caleb. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“You sounded a bit out of breath.”

“Just finished a workout.”

‘Okay. See you in a second.”

There was a knock at the front door. Jessica answered, and she gestured for him to come in.

He looked her up and down and his face lit up in a big, toothy smile. “Nice outfit. That what you bought at the store today.”

“Could be.”

“Put it on just for me, did you?”

“I was working out in it.”

“Interesting choice of exercise wear. Looks real tight. What are you training for? A pole dancing career?”

“Very funny,” she replied, hand on hip. “And, yes, it is tight.”

“In all the right places, I see.”

“Thank you. You been working out as well?”

He ran his palm over his hair and checked it for moisture. “ I just took a quick shower when I got off duty.”

“Do that for me, did you?”

“Never know when you’ll get lucky. Best to be prepared.”

felt a sudden urge to kiss him. She wasn’t sure why. She hadn’t really expected anything to happen tonight. But the thrill of her little escapade to Szabo’s lodge, her feeling kind of sexy in her catsuit, and, she guessed, just the fact that Caleb had cared enough to come over after a long shift to make sure she was okay. She couldn’t help but love him for that. Plus he looked pretty hot. And she’d always loved that smile of his. He was the one lawman she might be willing to give up her cat burglary career for. What the hell. She liked to live dangerously. “You just gonna stand there and admire me from a distance, or you gonna to help me get out of this thing?”

Caleb needed no further encouragement. He stepped towards her, his hands reaching towards her hips. “That’s what we law enforcement officers do, you know.”


“Help women out of tight situations.”

“Chivalry isn’t dead,

“Wait till you see my lance,” he said, as he pulled her towards him.

Chapter Three

Charles Szabo let the applause of the audience wash all over him. He loved the limelight, and never more than when it was an audience of his peers. The biggest names in world finance, as well as senators and congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, and foreign leaders. They were all here tonight to listen to what he had to say about the world economy. He’d been bullish, of course. He always was. He’d told them exactly what they wanted to hear. More deregulation. Freeing up the banks. Letting them do whatever they wanted to do. No holds barred, buccaneering, free market capitalism.
He loved talking about money, and they’d loved it when he announced the details of his latest deal.
He couldn’t wait until his keynote address on Thursday. Even the President would be there.

Once the cheers and the clapping had died down, he went back to his seat, and knocked back a glass of whiskey. He glanced at his Rolex. He’d have to suffer the dinner for the next hour or so. But then he’d leave. Once off stage, he usually didn’t care to stay too long. It didn’t interest him to listen to anyone else’s speech. Why would he? He had the answers. The more thoughtful politicians and economists, with their talk of more regulation and increased taxes for the rich, were idiots. What the hell did they know? He’s once joked with a Senator that he’d be more than happy to pay double what he was paying in tax right now. And as he was currently paying no tax at all, double a zero, and you’d still get a big fat zero. Taxes were for the little people.

The success of the speech and all the talk of money had made him horny as hell. It was time he left. Feeling agitated, he got up and headed for the door. The car valet would have his Bentley ready outside. He needed to get back home to the lodge, go down to the cellar, and see to those two men he’d got chained up in his own private dungeon.

Chapter Four

Caleb carried Jessica up the stairs to the bedroom, put her down on the bed, and lay by the side of her. He traced a long line of kisses along her jawline before meeting her lips. Their soft moistness feeling good against his. His hand glided along the curves of her body, over her hip, and on to her rounded bottom, which he pulled closer, wanting to feel her warmth against him.

Jessica undid the buttons on his shirt, one by one, until his chest was exposed. She ran her fingers through his chest hair, tugging it slightly, before turning her attention to his nipples. She let her fingers brush lightly over them, feeling them spring to life, before tweaking them harder between her thumb and forefinger, watching Caleb’s face for clues as to whether he enjoyed it.

He did. And he needed to explore Jessica’s body as she was exploring his. He located the zipper on the catsuit, pulling it downwards,
and urgently removed her from it’s tight grip.
Once the close fitting fabric had been peeled back from her upper body, he saw that she was almost naked underneath. Her golden skin glistening, her breasts full and firm, her nipples erect, eager for his touch. He removed the rest of the catsuit, and she lifted her bottom off the bed to allow him to slide it downwards, grabbing her panties as well when he saw the first glimpse of them. He wanted no more barriers between them. She lay naked on the bed, and Caleb shrugged off his shirt and kicked off his jeans and boxers, revealing his nakedness to her for the first time.

Jessica looked at his large, swollen cock and, as if due to some primitive reflex, grabbed
it with her hand, squeezing it tightly, before releasing the pressure, only to tighten it again a second later. She let go of it, and ran her open palm along its length, her fingers feeling the contours of his balls, wanting to know every inch of him. She wriggled lower in the bed and pulled his cock towards her mouth. Her lips brushing against its head, her tongue moistening its tip. She licked along its length until she reached his large balls, which she then took into her mouth, gently and delicately, as if eating two chestnuts, still hot from the fire. She moved them around in her mouth, letting her tongue caress them, and her lips massage them, enjoying the taste of her man.

Caleb lay back on the bed, one hand on Jessica’s shoulder, the other on the top of her head, twirling her hair between his fingers, and pushing her head back down when she appeared to be loosening her mouth’s grip on his balls. Jeez, he was loving this. There was something about having your balls sucked that was so pleasurable, but also, at the same time, there was a tinge of fear mixed in with it. They were such a sensitive part of a man’s anatomy that some almost primitive fear of having them bitten off was never far from his mind. He had to have complete trust in his partner, and he looked down at Jessica and knew that she only wanted to pleasure him, and would not harm him.

Jessica let his balls from her mouth, and said goodbye to them with a passionate kiss. She looked at him with a cheeky grin on her face, as if to say
wasn’t I a good girl doing that for you, and, yes, I enjoyed it as much as you.
She crawled back up the bed, and lay down on him, chest to chest, stroking his unshaven jaw and kissing him deeply.

Caleb tasted something unfamiliar on her tongue that hadn’t been there earlier. It was the taste of his own body on her, and the thought of their intimacy only heightened his own arousal, and made him all the more eager to taste her. He swapped their positions, and flipped her over on to her back, before diving in to her body, wanting to devour her. He traced his tongue down her stomach until it reached her navel, where he
probed his tongue in and out, before sucking her into his mouth, the taught skin of her stomach barely yielding to the vacuum created by his lips. It was just a tease, alerting her to what was about to come.
Letting her know that his mouth would very soon move on to the more fleshy and moist delights of her vulva. And where, unlike her belly button, his tongue could extend inwards and taste the sweet honey juice of her pussy.

Jessica guided his head downwards, desperate to have him between her legs, longing to feel the warmth of his mouth against her. She moaned as he finally reached his destination, and his tongue began to play amongst the slickness and folds of her vulva. She grabbed the bed sheet and clenched her fist tightly as she felt Caleb fleetingly lick her clit, before he moved on again to continue to kiss and suck her now engorged labia.

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