Still Into You (6 page)

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Authors: Roni Loren

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: Still Into You
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“Turn around, pretty girl.” She followed his instruction, and he put his hands on her hips, fitting her backside against him. “Watch him watching you.”

Leila lifted her lashes and found Ian, her previous dance partner. He was lounging in one of the curved booths with his arms stretched out along the back of the seat, and his pale blue eyes were firmly locked on her and Seth. His mouth hitched up at the corner and he gave a little nod, acknowledging that he knew she’d seen him.

She thought he’d look away. Wasn’t that what normal people did when they’d been caught staring? But instead, he sank back even further into his seat, completely at ease.

Seth pressed his lips to the curve of her shoulder. “He can’t take his eyes off you because you’re so fucking beautiful.”

A half-choked laugh escaped before she could stop it. “Yeah, right.”

“Don’t.” Seth’s grip on her waist tightened. “While you’re here, you’re not allowed to do that.”

“Do what?”

“Push away compliments or put yourself down.” His fingers pressed into her flesh. “I’m tired of it. And I will turn you over my knee and spank that bull right out of you if I have to.”

Her spine straightened, but the heat behind his words and their effect on her had her lips staying shut. What had gotten into her husband? And why the hell would that kind of threat have her going hot and wet against him?

His palm slid off her waist and parked low on her belly, right above where her body had begun to throb. “I believe the correct response under the circumstances is
yes, sir,
pretty girl.”

She swallowed hard. She’d never pictured Seth being the type to be into the whole dominance thing, but he was suddenly doing a damn convincing job of it. And she was ready to let him. “Yes, sir.”

He continued to move her to the slow, hypnotic beat of the music, but her muscles had gone on autopilot. All she could focus on was his hand against her and the hard ridge of his erection pressing against her ass. He nipped at the lobe of her ear. “Say it, Leila. ‘I’m so fucking beautiful, he can’t keep his eyes off me.’”

She closed her eyes, the idea of saying the words aloud making her flush with embarrassment. “Seth—”

His free hand slipped between them and caressed the curve of her butt. “Do you want your first spanking to be in public?”

Her lids flew open, Seth’s threat sending a weird combination of combating sensations through her—fear, curiosity, desire. Her gaze locked with Ian’s, and she gathered her courage. They were supposed to be other people tonight, right? “I’m so fucking beautiful, he can’t keep his eyes off me.”

“Ah, that’s a good girl,” Seth said, the smile evident in his voice. “Now let’s show him how gorgeous you are when you come.”

Her heart hopped right into her throat, and the protest she tried to form got caught on the way out.

Seth whispered against her skin as he moved his hand down her pelvis and between her legs, caressing her through the thin material of the dress. “I know you’re wet. And I know it’s partly because he’s watching. So don’t play coy.”

The panic in her had been automatic, but the low lure of his voice and the touch of his hand turned her tension liquid. She leaned her back against him, closed her eyes, and lifted her arms to circle his neck, leaving herself at his mercy.

Seth’s hands traced up her sides as they rocked to the music together, and he lowered the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders until the top curve of her breasts were fully exposed. He unhooked the front clasp of her bra and made a sound of approval in the back of his throat as he pushed it aside and cupped her breasts. She sighed into the touch.

“You shouldn’t hide this delicious body in the dark, Leila. Look how perfect you are.” He gave a firm pinch to one of her nipples, eliciting a soft moan from her. “And look what you’re doing to your friend.”

Leila’s heart pounded against her ribs. She hadn’t had sex with the lights on in years,and knowing she was exposed right now to a crowded room had her nerves coursing with a weird tug-of-war of fear and undeniable thrill. But if she opened her eyes, she worried the fear would take over the rush.

“Look at him.” Seth pinched her other nipple, sending a shot of need straight to her clit, and she forced her eyes open.

Ian’s lids had gone hooded and his legs were spread wide, a thick erection outlined against his jeans. He caught Leila’s gaze and gave her a rakish smile as he unfastened the button on his jeans. A hard shiver went through her.

Seth rocked against her, his fingers marking a path down her abdomen. “He wants you, pretty girl. You can go over there and have him if you want.”

Leila moistened her lips, her skin going hot everywhere Seth touched. “It’s not him I want.”

And she meant it. Ian was sexy as hell, but the man pressed up against her back was the one making her body ache.

“Is that right?” Seth moved his hand beneath her skirt and touched her through the thin silk of her panties, their soaked state obvious. “So this is all for me.”

The simple touch sent a lightning bolt of lust through her. She arched against his hand. “Yes.”

The song in the club switched to something up-tempo, but Seth no longer seemed to care about dancing. And she couldn’t spell the word dancing right now if she tried.

“Keep your arms around my neck,” Seth commanded. “And your eyes open.”

Leila blinked in the flashing lights, fighting the urge to retreat inside her head. She’d gotten so used to closing her eyes during sex, fantasizing about forbidden things to bring herself to climax. But she definitely didn’t need to do that now. Seth was giving her something she could’ve only conjured up in her head just a day ago. A crowded club, one handsome man watching her from across the room, another sliding his fingers inside her and whispering dirty things in her ear.

She didn’t know who her husband had become, or who
had become for that matter, but in this moment, she wasn’t going to question it. She leaned against the hard wall of Seth’s chest and gave herself over to the sensation of it all.

“God, Lei, you’re so wet.” He nuzzled her shoulder, the clean scent of his shampoo filling her nose. “It’s taking every ounce of my self-control not to fuck you right here where we stand.”

He rolled her clit between his fingers and she cried out, the sound instantly swallowed up by the pounding music. She was close already—the pressure building low and fast. Her hips rocked against Seth’s hand and her gaze snagged on Ian, who had fully unzipped his pants. Ian’s smirk disappeared and his large hand dipped into his pants and stroked—slow and languid—like he was only teasing himself as he took in the show she and Seth were putting on.

The sight damn near buckled her knees. Seth held her fast to him with his free hand and increased the pace of his magical fingers. “Ah, look at you, you little exhibitionist. You love that he’s watching us, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

Seth dipped his fingers back inside her, while keeping his thumb massaging her hot button. Leila had to fight to keep her eyes open because the sheer bliss of being touched like this made her want to tilt her head back, but she also couldn’t tear her gaze away from Ian.

Something about the way he was watching her and Seth made her feel like a sorceress who’d somehow trapped two men in a feminine spell she didn’t even know she had the ability to weave. Ian stroked himself in almost perfect time to Seth’s fingers moving in and out of her. She wondered if Ian was imagining it was her clenching around him instead of his hand. The thought sent a hot bolt of sensation through her and more liquid heat bathed Seth’s fingers.

“Fuck.” Seth groaned. “You’re making me forget my patience, pretty girl.”

He bit the curve of her shoulder and increased the tempo of his fingers, launching her past the point of return. Orgasm, sharp and fast, shot through her like a roman candle and she cried out, her entire body somehow going tight and jelly-like at the same time. Seth held on to her, keeping her upright as the darts of pleasure found their way to every corner inside her. No longer able to hold Ian’s stare, she let her head fall back against Seth’s shoulder and rode the wave of sensation until Seth eased his fingers from her.

He grabbed her shoulders and gently spun her around to face him. She blinked up at him, the haze of pleasure still clouding her thoughts. His gaze had turned intense, feral—something she couldn’t remember ever seeing on him.

“I don’t want to take you back to my room,” he said.

She looked down, focusing on the thumping pulse in his neck. Was he mad? Had her response to being watched by another man hurt him? She couldn’t get a hold of her thoughts, her mind still mush. “I’m sorry, I—”

He put his damp fingers against her mouth, hushing her, then swiped the remaining evidence of her arousal across her lips. “I won’t make it past that door without fucking you.”

Her breath caught, and she ventured another glance at him.

“I’m going to give you what you want, pretty girl. But I damn sure am going to get what I want, too.”


“You have a word. You can use if you want. Otherwise, come with me.” He gripped the back of her neck and swiveled her the other way.

Ian had stopped his stroking, but hadn’t stopped watching them. He glanced over her shoulder, presumably at Seth, and some silent message seemed to be broadcasted.

Seth nudged her forward. “Walk, pretty girl. I think you owe our friend a little something for all the teasing.”

Chapter Seven


Leila’s legs nearly forgot how to work as Seth’s words settled in, but she let him lead her closer to Ian’s table. By the time they reached the booth, her heartbeat had drowned out the techno music pounding through the club.

“Well, hi there, darling,” Ian said in a casual, offhanded way, as if they were really at a backyard barbecue or something and were hanging out with friends.

Seth cleared his throat. “Care to introduce me to your buddy, Lei?”

She swallowed hard, embarrassment threatening to well up in her now that the remnants of her orgasm were fading. She hiked up her dress to cover her half-exposed breasts. “Uh, Seth, this is Ian. Ian, this is my hu— Seth. This is Seth.”

Ian nodded. “A pleasure.”

Seth’s grip on her neck tightened. “My girl here wants to make good on the taunting she’s been subjecting you to tonight.”

Ian arched an eyebrow, and Leila’s belly coiled into a knot of nerves. “Is that right?”

She wet her lips, inadvertently tasting the remnants of her arousal on them and reminding herself of the fantasies she’d been weaving a few moments before.

“Answer him, pretty girl,” Seth said, authority wafting off him like he’d always worn that demeanor. “Blatant honesty, remember?”

She closed her eyes, drawing in a long breath, hoping to God she wasn’t destroying her life as she knew it by following Seth’s instructions. Honesty. That was their rule this weekend. And what did she have to lose at this point? She was already losing her marriage. The ship was already sinking.

She turned to face Seth, finding a maelstrom of things in his expression—want, fear, hope, desire. She dropped her gaze, ashamed by what her honest answer was. “I want you both.”

Seth fingertips flinched a bit against her neck, but he tucked a knuckle beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. His voice was low when he finally spoke. “No shame, Lei. I told you. It’s okay to want what you want this weekend. It’s why we’re here.”

“But what if it’s not what you want?” she asked.

“You think I don’t know how dirty you can be, but maybe you don’t know me so well either.” He lowered his hand from her neck and grabbed her wrist, bringing her open palm to the rock-solid erection pressing against his jeans. “I’m going to get exactly what I want. Now get on your knees.”

Her eyes widened, but she followed the instructions as if on some weird autopilot.

Seth nodded at Ian. “Pretty girl here has only sucked one guy’s cock her whole life. Think you can help her with that?”

Ian sat forward a bit at that and cupped her cheek, his eyes searching hers. “It’d be a damn shame to waste such a lovely mouth. But you did turn me down earlier, darling. What made you change your mind?”

Seth touched the crown of her head. “She’s mine, so she was waiting for my permission.”

The word
sent soft warmth through her and she leaned against Seth’s palm as she replied to Ian. “I’m . . . new at all this. And nervous.”

“Do you have a safe word?” Ian asked.

“Of course,” she said, her voice wavering a bit as she realized that this may actually happen. That she was about to break her marriage vows for real.

Ian drew a finger over the bow of her lip. “You really are something, aren’t you? Dressed like a bad girl and wearing desire in your eyes, but innocence written all over you.”

Heat seeped down from where he was touching her and radiated out through her limbs. The effect of his searing gaze was heady. “Maybe I’m tired of being innocent.”

Ian smiled and gave her lips one last stroke. “Then I’m happy to alleviate you of that.”

Seth slid his fingers in her hair and gripped. “Both of you stand up. I think we’ll all be more comfortable over here.”

Leila had no choice but to rise to her feet and Ian followed. Seth directed them over to a cocktail table and released her hair. He leaned over and grabbed the tabletop, flipping it over, and revealing a leather-padded underside. He fitted the top back on the stand and winked at her. “Belly on the table, pretty girl.”

The two men exchanged knowing glances and her stomach did a somersault when she realized Seth had more than a blow job in mind. She looked between the two of them, then took a steadying breath and draped herself over the table.

“Restrain her arms,” Seth directed.

She lifted herself to her elbows to see what was going on, but a hand pressed against the spot between her shoulder blades, pushing her back down to the table. Soft leather wound around her wrists and ankles as the two men locked her to the legs of the table. She pulled at the bindings in a little shot of panic and found she had only an inch or so of give.


A sharp smack to her backside had her letting out a yelp.

“No talking, pretty girl. You’re going to need that mouth for other things.”

Her pulse pounded in her ears and in a place much, much lower. This was really happening. She was spread and bound for two men in front of all these people. Seth crouched down next to her, his eyes dark and hungry. “You know how fucking hot you look right now. I could come just looking you.”

She tried to respond but her mouth had gone dry. All the moisture in her body seemed to be focused in one exact spot. She couldn’t remember ever seeing Seth like this. So blatantly dirty. So obviously turned on by it.

He leaned over and kissed her softly, sending goose bumps along her skin, and then pulled back with a grin. “Make sure you don’t bite the poor guy when I make you scream.”

Seth left her with that promise, and Ian stepped up next to the table, his eyes like blue flames. “I’m a sadist at heart, darling. I can’t promise I’ll be gentle.”

“I can’t promise I’ll be either.”

He smiled as his hands went to the fly of his jeans. He pulled the zipper down and reached in to pull out his cock—hard, thick, and smooth. He fisted it and stepped closer, rubbing the tip of it against her lips, teasing her. She’d never done this to anyone but Seth, but she figured a blow job was something hard to get wrong. Her tongue darted out and swiped the salty bead of moisture gathering along the head and he groaned. “That’s right, darling. Show us both how innocent you aren’t.”

As her lips closed around Ian’s cock, Seth’s rough hands kneaded her backside, spreading her open for him. “Oh, pretty girl, look how wet and pink you are.”

The soft heat of his tongue touched her outer folds and she would’ve launched off the table if not for the bindings. She moaned against the velvety skin of Ian’s cock. She knew in the dynamics of things with her as the submissive, she was technically there for their pleasure. But as Seth’s mouth worked against her and Ian gripped her hair, she felt like a goddess being worshipped on the altar. Like no other woman in the world existed for these two men in this moment.

And no other men existed for her either.

She wanted these two.

And she wanted her husband inside her. Right. Now.

As if reading her mind, Seth shifted behind her and stood. His fingers traced over the notches of her spine and she could feel him watching, feel him staring as his wife pleasured another man. Heat burned over her, no doubt turning the whole of her pale skin pink, but she couldn’t pick out if it was embarrassment or illicit desire making her blush. Probably both.

Seth’s fingers stopped at her tailbone, and he planted a kiss there.

The simple gesture nearly undid her, but she didn’t have time for tears because in the next breath, Seth entered her with near brutal force. The table jolted beneath her, and her hands flexed in her bindings. Seth was usually a gentle lover, but apparently that version of her husband had been left behind in Dallas.

He gripped her hips and thrust forward again, stretching and filling her in the best way possible. She writhed beneath him, wanting him to move faster, to push her further out of her head and into the sensation of it all. But instead of picking up the pace, he slowly slid out of her until just the tip of his cock teased at her entrance before pistoning into her again.

Ian’s fingers massaged her scalp as he guided her head back and forth over him, the rocking beat of his hips increasing. “That’s right, darling. You take what we give you, and we’ll bring you where you want to go.”

Her sex clenched at the roughened sound of his voice, the unraveling control. Her voice would sound the same if she’d been able to speak. Every tendon in her body was curling tight with the onslaught of sensation.

Seth buried himself to the hilt again and slipped his hand beneath her to stroke her clit. “Oh, pretty girl. I want to torture you like this all night, but you feel so fucking good, I don’t think I have the patience.”

Leila arched against her restraints and cried out around Ian’s cock, the added stimulation sending her into near orbit. Ian joined in the noise as a long groan rumbled out of him and he swelled against her tongue, finding his release.

Seth increased his own pace and the sound of skin slapping skin filled Leila’s ears. “That’s right, Lei. Take all of him and take all of me. I’m going to make damn sure you know who can bring you here.”

He slid his fingers along each side of her clit, and the pressure inside her exploded. Ian slipped from her mouth, and a long moan wheezed out of her as Seth pushed her higher and higher up that mountain of bliss.

“I fucking love you, Leila,” Seth said through clenched teeth and breathlessness. “And I refuse to give up on us when I can still do this to you.”

He angled up inside her, hitting her sweet spot, and pressing against her clit all at the same time. The combination of sensations and his words sent her sailing over into orgasm. She cried out over the music and Seth’s voice joined hers, his own liquid heat jetting into her.

For that long, melting moment, they were together again under that picnic shelter in the rain. A couple. Bonded.

After her breath came back to her and Seth had pulled out of her, a gentle hand brushed against her check. She opened her eyes and found Ian crouched next to her. He smiled. “Thank you for letting me share in this with you two tonight, beautiful.” He leaned over to kiss her forehead. “You guys can look me up anytime.”

Her lips parted to respond, but Ian was already standing up. She craned her neck to see Ian and Seth exchange a somewhat stiff handshake, and then Ian disappeared back into the crowd on the dance floor like some phantom that only existed in the realm of sexual fantasy.

Seth’s eyes met hers briefly, but before she could get a read on him, he was moving to the other side of her to start unfastening the bindings. Silent.

Reality wrapped around her like an itchy wool blanket.

She had just sucked another man’s cock. In front of her husband. She was spread and naked before a room of people. Her blood was racing, her heart pounding, and all her senses seemed to be open and vulnerable.

And for the first time in as long as she could remember, she was absolutely crazy hot for the guy who had put a ring on her finger. Seth with his dirty words and his rough hands and his commanding presence. A version of her husband she didn’t even know existed.

But this was all a game. A role-play. And as soon as Ian had walked away she’d sensed the shift in Seth—the regret. The judgment.

A hard knot settled in her stomach. Seth was ready to backpedal, and all she could think about was doing it again, pushing their limits further, finding the edge together.

But maybe she had already pushed Seth off that edge.

“You okay?” Seth asked quietly.

I don’t know.

“Yeah, you?”


So much for blatant honesty.

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