Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3)
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I finished dressing in the backseat. I pulled on my sandals. I looked back through the circle I’d cleared. I couldn’t see him. I waited for a few seconds and then climbed out.


I screamed as he grabbed me from behind. “Oh my gosh, you ass. And I let you see my panties and everything.” I pressed my hand to my chest. “That has to be the quickest way to a heart attack.” I turned around in his arms. He pulled me closer and kissed me. The cool ocean breeze swirled around my legs, and my heart felt fluttery with the thought of Slade Stone.

Chapter 13


It was the gurgle of the coffee machine and a short, angry horn honking in the parking lot that dragged me from a deep sleep. I turned over to wrap my arms around Britton, but her side of the bed was empty. I lifted my head and looked around the room wondering if she’d walked out on me again. It would definitely be harder to talk Hunter into driving six hours to pick me up. The shower roared to life. I rested back. I was relieved. I almost laughed out loud about it. I was relieved she hadn’t stranded me and not because I’d have a much longer trip back home. It actually would hurt, and not just my ego. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this kind of attachment to a girl. In fact, I wasn’t completely sure I’d ever experienced it at all. There had been a few girls that I’d dated longer than usual, but nothing that had ever gone past a few months. I could see myself spending a lot of time with Britton. She was wild and fun, but there was more to her. I couldn’t explain it. I just knew I wanted to be near her.

Her sultry voice echoed off the bathroom tile as she sang a pretty damn impressive version of Sweet Home Alabama in the shower. I decided she needed an audience. I stepped into the bathroom. A cloud of soapy steam floated up from behind the shower curtain. Her singing stopped, and she turned around as I pulled the curtain back and stepped inside.

“You were taking too long,” I said.

“I’m sorry. I’ll hurry up and try not to use all the hot water.”

I took hold of her hand and pressed it to my mouth. “No, I mean you’re taking too long, and I missed you.” I took her other hand and held them up above her head and gazed down at her naked body. The water cascaded down her smooth skin, over her round breasts, along her flat stomach to the dark patch of hair between her legs. “It’s official”—my voice dropped lower as my cock hardened—“you are just as fucking hot wet. In fact, you might be even hotter because my cock is aching right now just looking at you.”

I released her wrists, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands smoothed over her wet skin, and the warm water sprayed over us as if we were standing naked in a summer rainstorm.

“Damn, Tink, we fucked four times last night, and I still haven’t had enough of you.”

She kissed my chest and peered up at me. “Let’s keep it that way. I want you to always feel like you can’t get enough of me. You’ve awakened some feelings that I thought I’d lost for good.”

I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. The nosy shower curtain kept getting in our way, and with my size and the small shower stall it would have been just as cramped as in the backseat. I reached forward, turned off the water and carried her dripping wet to the bed.

“Guess it’s good we’re done sleeping.” She laughed as she scooted back to rest her head against the pillow. Her short wet hair stood up on end giving her a punk rock look. It worked on her just as well as the pixie cut.

“God, you are so damn beautiful, Tink.” I knelt onto the bed and took hold of her ankles. I moved her feet closer to her body so her knees were bent, and I grabbed a pillow to push under her ass.

She stretched her arms back and watched me with that dark brown, intense gaze that made me want her even more. As often as we’d fucked the night before, I was still half nuts with needing to be inside of her again.

She licked her lips as I knelt between her legs and pushed her thighs open. I spread her pussy wide with my fingers. She sighed appreciatively as I lowered my face over her. She arched her back to meet my probing tongue as I stroked it along her clit. She reached down and curled her fingers in my hair to hold my mouth tighter against her. I reached up to tease her clit with my thumb as my tongue slid deep inside of her, tasting her, drinking her. Her thighs tightened around me, and she rocked her hips against the pressure of my tongue and fingers, gently at first, then with fevered urgency.

“God, Slade.” Her voice, the voice that had already invaded my dreams, floated around the motel room. “I’m going to come,” she cried out. Her fingers tightened in my hair, and she moaned in pleasure as she trembled in my grasp.

I continued to stroke her pussy with my tongue as her body relaxed and her breathing slowed.

“Holy shit,” she said on a half-whisper, “no one has ever made me come with oral sex.” She reached her hand down toward me, inviting me to move up next to her. “You are one highly talented man, Slade Stone, and I’m yours for the taking. Ask anything of me, this morning. I’m totally and completely and utterly yours.”

“Totally, completely and utterly? That sounds like an offer I can’t resist.” I rested back on the pillows and ran my fingers along her naked body. Her skin was flushed from the orgasm, but it felt cool to the touch from the shower. “My request this morning is pretty simple, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.”

She peered up at me. “What is it?”

“I want you completely. When I’m inside of you, I don’t want to miss anything.” I reached down and my fingers pushed between her legs. Her pussy was still hot and wet from my mouth. “I saw you take a birth control pill last night.”

“Yes.” She knew where this was going, but she hadn’t said no yet.

“I’ll be honest. I’ve slept with a lot of women.”

There was no judgment in her face. It was something I already loved about her.

“I’m not going to make excuses for it. I fucking love women. I love them. I love the way they smell, the way they feel when they’re naked under me, the way they taste—” I dragged my hands over her skin, and she reacted to my touch by arching up toward my fingers. “My brothers and I were on our own for a long time. It was a struggle, and we were living day to day. It was still better than life with our dad, but it was hard. After the old man kicked, we were suddenly free from his iron fist control. I won’t lie or sugarcoat it. We were living pretty far off the grid when it came to the rules of society. People in Trayton, our hometown, are finally starting
to walk a wide circle around us on the sidewalk. Anyhow, there it is, Slade Stone laid bare. Even though I’ve been with a lot of women, I was always careful. It was one of the rules of society my brothers and I all followed. Fuck, I’m rambling.”

She reached up and pressed her finger against my mouth. “Yes, you can skip the condom. I’m covered and I’m clean. Unfortunately, the one man I was loyal to was not loyal to me. So, I took a test recently just to make sure. I haven’t been with anyone else since. Until now.”

I opened my mouth to ask, but she placed her fingers back.

“No, I don’t want to talk about him. It would be a major mood killer.” She reached her hand down and wrapped her fingers around my cock. “And right now, I’m totally and utterly yours, remember?”

“And completely,” I said as I pulled her beneath me. “Don’t fucking forget completely.”

Her legs wrapped around me, and I slid slow and deep into her pussy. “Fuck yeah,” I groaned. “It’s as fucking hot as I expected.” I gazed down at her face. “Damn, Tink, when I’m with you—” He smiled. “I think you did have some of that magic fairy dust on you after all because I’m under some kind of spell.” My cock had already been so hard for her, feeling her without a latex barrier made the sensations of her pussy milking me even stronger. I rocked against her, slowly at first. But I couldn’t hold back any longer. She lifted her hips up higher to meet me. The creaky bed smacked the wall over and over as I slammed into her.

“Completely? Utterly?” I asked between breaths.

“Yes,” she sighed.

Still deep inside of her, I got up on my knees and lifted her legs up and draped them over my shoulders. I wrapped my hands around her thighs, holding her steady. The new position allowed me to push deeper.

Her eyes drifted shut and her head pressed back on the pillow as I pumped my cock hard into her.

“Slade,” she sighed, “I’ve never done it this way. It’s like you’re reaching every untouched spot inside of me.”

She reached up and curled her fingers around the edge of the pillow as my movements intensified. I held her firmly in my grasp and drove into her until my cock finished inside of her with an explosion of hot seed.

She lowered her legs from my shoulders. I stretched out next to her and pulled her into my arms. The girl was mostly a mystery, and there seemed to be a lot of missing pieces from her story but I didn’t give a damn. I wanted her. For the first time ever, I’d found someone who I needed in my life. Suddenly, I knew just how Colt and Hunter felt.

Chapter 14


  I tilted my head back and tapped the bottom of the bag to get the last salty chip crumbs. Then I tossed it onto the backseat with the empty coffee cups, water bottles and sandwich wrappers. I sat forward with a satisfied sigh. “There. This car now officially looks like a road trip car.”

Slade glanced up into the rearview to catch a glimpse of the cluttered backseat. “Yep. Only it looks like my traveling buddies are three six foot football players.” He smiled my way. “Not one five foot girl. You sure can down a lot of junk food for someone who looks like they could stand beneath a forest leaf for shelter.”

“Blame yourself. All that sex has given me an appetite.” I gazed out the window. The rocky, uneven coastline had disappeared for awhile, but now it was back and it was nothing short of picturesque under the midday sun. Slade and I had talked and laughed and flirted wildly the entire trip. Not one second of the road trip had been dull or disappointing. The only thing to cast a shadow over it was the reason behind the trip and the looming prospect of seeing Damon again. But it wasn’t meeting up with Perris’s horrid boyfriend that sent a shudder of regret through me. It was my own heart asking me what the hell I was doing chasing shadows. Shadows eventually disappeared with the moving light. And these shadows would probably only make the ache in my chest worse.

I looked over at my traveling companion. He looked exceptionally handsome with black beard stubble and his opaque sunglasses. I’d brought him into my shadow hunt now. It had already resulted in him getting stabbed. I was starting to regret the purpose for this whole trip. What I wasn’t regretting was spending time with Slade.

Slade was holding back a smile as he veered onto the off-ramp. I looked around. “More food? I was kind of thinking donuts would go nicely with those potato chips.”

He laughed. “Jeez, the mini-marts near your work must be thriving.”

“Actually, I eat pretty healthy when I’m at work. I just really wanted to get the official road trip high of processed sugar and artificial colors and flavors. Where are we headed?”

“A little surprise.”

“So, we are getting donuts? Love the one that you bite into and the jelly comes squirting out the other side.”

“O.K., junk food queen, we’re not stopping for donuts.” He pulled into the parking lot of a motel where the quaint cozy cottages were all lined along a small bluff overlooking a beach. “I found this place on one of those travel sites and booked us a cottage. The one with a view, a balcony and there’s a whirlpool bath right in the fucking room.” He smiled over at me. “Double occupancy, according to the description.”

“No way. All right. That’s way better than a jelly donut.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Potato chips. Amazing sex with an even more amazing guy. And beach cottages. Best damn road trip ever.”

We parked and got out. I leaned against the car, took hold of my heel and lifted it up to my butt to stretch my leg. Then repeated with the other. My legs, my arms, my whole body suffered from a luxurious fatigue, a fatigue brought on by an un-damn-forgettable night with Slade.

Slade pushed his dark sunglasses up on his head and looked at me over the top of the car. “That’s right, baby, get yourself all warmed up.”

I laughed. “Actually, I don’t think I ever cooled down. My legs feel a little like Jell-o.”

“Yep, I have that effect on women.”

We walked toward the motel office. “Won’t argue with you on that,

“You know,” he said, “I thought that nickname would work for me, but I’m not feeling it. You’ll have to come up with something different.”

“I could just call you Slade. Or Mr. Stone.”

He tilted his head. “Nope, those don’t work either.”

“There’s always

He stopped. “I do like Master. But you should probably just use it in the bedroom. I think it might get me some dirty looks if you used it in mixed company.” He opened the office door for me and I stepped inside. The one thing I’d noticed about being with Slade was that at first glance, people tended to look slightly stunned by fear. He was tall and had an imposing set of shoulders and a striking, almost lethal looking physique, particularly with his myriad of tattoos. But I’d also noticed that his charm quickly overcame the initial reaction. Particularly, if he was talking to a female.

The woman behind the office counter was in her mid to late thirties. She looked up from behind her vintage, rhinestone glasses and her bright red lips formed an O when she saw Slade. She hopped up fast enough to drop the pen from behind her ear.

“Can I help you?”

Slade leaned his arm, the one with the tattoo sleeve, on the counter and flashed his smile. “Yes, you can. We have a reservation for one night. Slade Stone is the name.” He motioned to her face. “Cool eyeglasses.”

She reached up and adjusted them as if she’d forgotten they were there. A pink blush rose in her cheeks. “Thanks. I collect them. Sort of like Elton John, I guess.” She smiled at Slade. The shocked initial reaction had been replaced with a look of ‘holy moly this guy is handsome’. She shot me only a cursory glance and returned her attention to the more important person at the counter.

“Let me just pull your name up on my computer.” She sat down to type. Her gaze kept flicking his direction, and the cocky little tilt of Slade’s mouth assured me that he was catching her glances.

The weather outside was spectacular. “I’m going to head back out,” I said. Slade finished up while I stepped out onto the office porch to feel the sun and breeze. It had been so long since I’d felt truly happy that I wanted this trip to last forever.

Slade came out seconds later with the key bouncing on his palm. We hopped in the car and drove to our little cottage. It was white with blue shutters. Heart-shaped paving stones led a path to the blue front door.

Slade opened the door. It was perfect. The room was decorated in floral wallpaper with an old-fashioned tint to it. An ornate, antique-looking, wrought iron headboard loomed over a large bed that was covered with a rose colored quilt and blue pillows. A large picture window looked out over a small deck with two lounges. The ocean view from the deck was like a postcard. Low growing trees, with trunks and branches that twisted like gnarled arms and legs, grew along the hillsides that led down to the ivory sand and dark blue water.

Slade dropped our bags on the chair. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. “This is so great. I can’t even begin to describe how much darn fun I’m having.” I kissed him on the mouth. “
.” I raised a brow at him. “Does that work?”

“Oh yeah, that fucking works. Now take off those clothes. Master wants to check out the
double occupancy
whirlpool bath.” He walked into the bathroom. “Yep, this’ll work too. Did you undress yet?” he called.

I laughed. “Only my shoes are off. We just stepped into the cottage.”

The water turned on. He walked out of the bathroom, completely naked and completely erect. “Right. So, what the hell are you waiting for? After all, I’m the master and I commanded you to get undressed.”

I backed up. “I think I’ve created a monster with that nickname.”

go to my head.” He stomped toward me. I squealed and turned to run. He was too fast. He swept me up into his arms. “Guess I’ll just have to drop you into the bath fully clothed and then deal with it afterward.”

I squirmed but his strong arms held me tight, reminding me just how powerful he was and how completely vulnerable I was.

I laughed. “I will get undressed right now. Just put me down for a second.”

“You’re not going to sprout tiny silver wings and fly off, are you?” He looked so incredible in the daylight streaming through the big bathroom window that, for a brief second, I lost my breath and my train of thought.

He still had me cradled in his big arms as I placed my hand against his face and kissed him. “In case I forget to tell you, I’m having the time of my life. When my sister died I lost so much of myself, I haven’t really laughed or smiled much since. Until now. Until you. You were just what I needed. You don’t even have to poke holes in the lid of a jar to keep me trapped. Even if I had wings, I wouldn’t fly off. I’m yours.”

His dark green eyes glistened in the natural light as he gazed at me. The usual humor, the usual cocky smile was gone. It was a serious expression I rarely saw, and it made him even more handsome, if that was possible. “You know something, Tink? I think you’re just what I needed too.”

He lowered my feet to the tile floor. Warm steam rose up from the giant tub as it filled with water. His arms wrapped around my waist, and he kissed me long and deep.

I relaxed against his naked body. His cock pressed urgently against my belly. “Undress me, Slade,” I said softly against his mouth.

His long, dark lashes lifted and he stared down at me with a fevered gaze. “Fuck, baby, that sultry voice of yours makes me so damn hard.”

I reached down and took hold of his cock. His eyes closed and his head tilted back. His Adam’s apple moved up and down his throat as I stroked him. I pressed my mouth against his chest and ran a trail of kisses along his shoulder. Halfway across, my lips crossed a ridge of scar, an ugly reminder of his childhood. I ran my fingers over the long, thin scar and then continued my trail of kisses down his side to the other scar. It was still pink and raw.

I stopped and took a breath. He sensed my hesitation.

He pushed my chin up with his fingers and peered down at me. “It wasn’t your fault, Britton.”

I swallowed back an ache in my throat and nodded. I lightly kissed the puckered skin around the healing wound and then knelt down at his feet. I ran my hand along the base of his cock and pressed my lips against the glistening, fleshy tip. His groan echoed off the tile walls as I ran my tongue along the length of him. I cupped his heavy sac in one hand as I held his cock steady with the other.

He reached up and combed his fingers through my hair, holding my face against him as my mouth slid over his erection. I tightened my lips around him and moved my mouth back and forth along the long, thick shaft. He rocked against me, urging me to take in more of him with each movement.

“Damn, baby,” he growled, “your mouth is so hot. I’m going to come, and I’m not ready yet. I need to be inside of you.”

I took my mouth from him. He reached down and lifted me to my feet.

Water swirled in the white tub and a cozy steam drifted around the bathroom. Blue sky filled the window over the tub.

I peered up at him. “This road trip is even better when we’re off the road.”

Slade reached down and took hold of my shirt. I raised my arms as he pulled it off. I reached back and unhooked my bra. His thick callused fingers dragged the straps off my shoulders. The bra fell to my feet. He leaned down and suckled my nipple while he unzipped my shorts. He pushed them to the ground and my panties dropped too. I stepped out of them and into his strong arms.

“I’m thinking of living up to my new nickname.” His voice was rough and halted as if whatever he was thinking was making him even harder. “You up for it?”

We were surrounded by warm steam but a frisson of excitement shook my body. I had no idea what he was up to, but I was darn sure that I wouldn’t deny him anything. He had me so crazy with wanting him that I’d submit to anything. I smiled as I traced the black ink lines of a tattoo. “Just tell me what to do,

He shut off the water and climbed into the tub. He leaned back and offered me his hand. I placed my palm on his and stepped into the water.

“Kneel here between my legs,” he commanded.

I knelt down in front of him. He cupped water in his hands and poured it over my shoulders, watching with fascination as the water cascaded over my naked breasts. He reached back for the soap and rubbed it between his palms. A rose scent wafted off the wet bar of soap as he worked up a respectable lather. He pressed a palm full of soap against my breast and smoothed the creamy suds over my shoulders, breasts and belly. “Part your legs, baby.” I complied and his soapy hand trailed along my pussy. My eyes drifted shut and I felt slightly dizzy from the rose scented warmth and his tender caresses between my legs.

“Turn around.”

I turned around and his soapy hands ran along my back and over my naked ass.

My head felt heavy on my neck and I swayed a bit. “God, Slade, when you touch me—” The words were lost on a breath. He cupped the water in his hands to rinse the soap from my skin. His hands took hold of my waist and he sat me down between his legs. His cock stabbed at my bottom as I leaned back against his chest. My head rested on his shoulder as he smoothed his palms over my wet breasts, stopping occasionally to tease my nipples with his thumb.

Even in the extra large tub, his long legs had to bend to fit.

I smiled as he tried to keep his long body submerged under the warm water. “It seems this world was not built for people over six feet.”

“Yeah, don’t know why that is. But I’m thinking we’re about done soaking here anyhow. Master has some plans for his little captive. If she’s game?”

I took his hand and kissed his palm. “Slade, every second with you has been pure erotic heaven. I don’t think I could deny you anything.”

He wrapped his arms around me and held me for a long, quiet moment. Then he kissed my shoulder and released me. He stepped out first and dried off quickly, before holding the towel open for me. I pushed to my feet and stepped into the towel.

He dried my skin and I sighed with satisfaction. “This is like being at the world’s best spa.”

“That reminds me—” He reached to the bathroom vanity and picked up the tiny sample bottle of oil. Then he lifted me, still cocooned in the towel, into his arms. He carried me out to the bed.

He drew back the covers and lowered me onto the center of the mattress, before taking the towel away. Warm sunlight streamed in from the picture window. The rhythmic roar of the ocean climbed up the hillside and curled itself around the deck, making the glass of the window vibrate.

I leaned back against the pillow. He stood over me with that dark, hungry gaze that stirred every fiber of my being. With his strong jaw covered with black stubble and the mosaic of black ink covering his tanned skin, he looked completely inconsistent with the flowery room. Something about the contradiction of a dark and dangerous looking man standing in a completely romantic setting made the whole thing that much more exciting. Warm moisture pooled between my legs. I stretched my arms up and took hold of the wrought iron headboard. I arched my body toward him.

“If you don’t make your move soon, Master, I just may have to start pleasuring myself.”

Those words caught his attention, and a wicked grin curled his lip.

“I was just kidding, of course,” I said.

His brow rose. “Uh, Tink, I will remind you of our conversation in the tub.” He stretched out across the bottom of the bed and raised himself up on one elbow. He took hold of one of my ankles and moved it so that my legs were spread wide. From the angle where he sat, propped up on his elbow, I was completely exposed. The feeling of having him stare at me, splayed open for him to see every intimate inch of me, made me ache with wanting to be touched. My pussy was wet with cream from having his gaze on me.

“Touch yourself, baby. I want to watch.” His tone assured me he was completely serious. “Anything, remember? This is only the first thing I’ve asked of you so far. Don’t deny me.”

“Should’ve been sipping wine instead of those sodas,” I said with a nervous laugh.

His fingers reached up. He just grazed the inside of my thigh, but it sent a shiver through me that made me crave more. “Tell me what you want right now.” His fingers tickled my pussy, and I wriggled toward his hand wanting him to touch me harder.

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