Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3)
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“I want you,” I said breathlessly. “I want you to fuck me and put to rest the ache between my thighs.”

He moved his face between my legs, and his warm breath blew across my pussy. I lifted my hips to try and feel more of the heat. His incredible teasing was making me wild with need. “Please,” I said.

“Touch yourself.” His words were more insistent. His fingers lightly caressed my pussy, and I nearly curled into a ball of despair. I wanted him so badly now I wanted to cry out, to beg him to take me. But his self-control, like his physique, was hard as steel. 

Hesitantly, at first, I pressed my hand against my pussy.

“You’re going to have to do better than that, baby.” His deep voice floated over my body, a body that wanted more than anything to be taken in every erotic form and position.

His hands took a firm hold of my thighs, and he parted them more. Again, I was fully exposed to his gaze, to all his senses. The notion of it sent a new wave of desire through me. I slid my fingers through the folds of my pussy, massaging my clit for a few moments until I could no longer stop myself from pushing farther. Having him watch me made me so hot and wet that I clutched the headboard with my free hand for support.

“God yeah, baby,” he groaned. “That’s it. Take yourself close to the edge, but don’t you dare come until I’m inside of you.”

I lost myself in the feel of it, touching myself intimately in front of him was making the heat in my pussy and body flow faster. “Oh, Slade, I need you now. Please.”

I felt the mattress move as he lifted himself up and lowered himself over me. “Glad you need me now, baby, cuz my self-control was definitely starting to break.” He took hold of my hands and lifted them back up to the headboard. My fingers wrapped tightly around the iron railing as Slade slid his hand under my ass, lifting me toward him. I cried out as he pushed his cock inside of me. My pussy clamped down around him wanting to feel every thick, long inch of him. He pumped inside of me holding my ass firm so that I absorbed the full impact of his thrusts.

Then, as he gripped my naked ass, he slid a finger into the tight hole, impaling my anus as his cock filled my pussy. I found myself instinctively giving in to the pressure of his finger as it pushed deeper. He knew where to touch and what to do with every intimate place on my body. All of it was as new to me as it was overwhelming. It was pure ecstasy, pure intimacy and I never wanted it to end.

“Oh, Slade.” My voice was diminished to a shaky whisper. He rocked against me, making contact with my clit each time. He pushed his cock deeper, and my body splintered into a million pieces as my pussy climaxed around him. I released my hold on the headboard and grabbed his arms as each pulsating wave took me even further into ecstasy. “Slade, fuck.” My ragged, slightly delirious tone sounded completely unfamiliar to my own ears.

I nearly crumpled into tears with the sheer intensity of it. I lifted my legs to help him continue on to his own orgasm, but he withdrew instead. I opened my eyes in surprise. His deep green eyes were staring down at me. There was a twinkle in them that I couldn’t read, but I had a feeling my new experiences hadn’t ended yet.

He placed his hand against my face and kissed me. “I still haven’t had all of you, baby. I want that, but if it’s too much, you let me know.”

I watched him with curiosity, and a tremor of nervous anticipation went through me. He rolled off and reached for the tiny bottle of baby oil on the nightstand. He turned my body so my back was to him. I gasped as his oily fingers unexpectedly pushed inside my anus. I knew now what he wanted.

His body moved close behind mine, and he pressed his mouth to my ear. “What do you say, baby? I want all of you, but you can say no.”

“I want it too, Slade.” I pushed my ass toward him. “I want you to have all of me.”

Again, I reached up to the headboard and gripped it, not completely sure what to expect. He held my hips as he entered slowly. Then his hand came down in front of me, and his fingers pushed between my legs to stroke my clit, bringing me back to the height of arousal. The extreme intimacy of what he was doing, and the erotic groans rolling up from his chest as he pushed inside of me brought me quickly back to orgasm. I whimpered in exhausted delight as a low guttural sound rumbled in his throat. He pressed his face against my shoulder and came.

Exhausted from physical satisfaction, we curled into each other’s arms and fell asleep in our cozy beach cottage.

Chapter 15


It was late afternoon, but there was still plenty of summer daylight. The water was kicking up into the choppy, restless tide that usually rolled in before dusk. I walked out onto the deck. Britton peeked over the top of the chaise lounge. Her cheeks were smooth and pink from the sun and all the other road trip
. She’d pushed her short hair behind her ears, and the tiny row of gold hoops glistened in the sun. Everything about her glistened. I couldn’t stop looking at her.

She smiled. “I was hoping you would wake soon. There are some stairs over there. Let’s go down to the beach.”

I patted my empty stomach. “As long as they’re serving burgers or tacos down there. I’m starved.” I stood at the railing and looked out at the view. The beach below the motel cottages didn’t have the usual jagged rocks that made most of the coastline hard to reach. There was a decent stretch of sand. “I don’t see any barbecues or food stands down there. Just a lot of seagulls, who are probably also waiting for the burgers and tacos.”

She reached down by her lounge and picked up a box of crackers. “While you were sleeping, I went to the car and scavenged for any crumb of food I might have left behind after my impressive performance as a human garbage disposal. These crackers were the only thing left.”

I took hold of the box and pulled out some crackers. “I’m sure there’s some place to eat nearby.
will need his food energy for later.”

She blushed and looked out toward the ocean. Somehow, sex with Britton had turned into something far more intimate. I didn’t just want to fuck her, I wanted to know every inch of her, and I wanted her to feel everything I had to give. Our physical connection was like nothing I’d ever experienced. After a lot of casual sex, having someone in my arms who I didn’t want to let go of, was pretty damn scary. I had no idea where this was going yet, but I was willing to stick around and find out. Even though there were some obvious puzzle pieces missing, a woman like Britton didn’t just stumble into my life every day.

“Howdy, neighbor,” a voice called from over the shrubs growing between the decks. A guy around forty with a thin moustache, a dark blue sweat suit that was a size too small and a bulky gold watch lifted his highball glass in greeting.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“Did y’all just arrive?” he asked as a woman in an identical blue sweat suit with a mound of yellow hair walked up to join him.

“Yeah, we’re just here for the night.”

“We’re here for two,” he added without me asking. “Got tired of the motor home and decided to stop and sleep in a real bed for a few nights. Not that our Winnebago isn’t equipped with all the best amenities. Trust me, you won’t find one like it on the road.”

I flicked a glanced toward Britton. She was holding back a grin.

“I’ll bet it’s cool,” I said.

“I’m Bradley and this is my wife Rita.”

Rita waved.

“Slade and Britton.”

“Look, Rita, see that whole arm of tattoos he’s got, it’s called a sleeve. That’s what I’m thinking about getting.”

Rita hopped up on her toes to get a better look, then giggled. “Are you going to get those arms to go with it because then I’m all for it.”

Britton covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

“Just maybe I will,” Bradley said curtly. “I could work out and get big like that. Just takes a little effort and time. If I wasn’t so busy making money to keep you in your life of luxury, I’d be able to go to the gym.”

“Well, I think we’re going to head down to the beach,” I said. “Nice talking to you both.”

Britton hopped off the lounge and followed me inside. “Thought you only wanted to go down if there were tacos or burgers,” she said quietly to my back.

“Yeah, I think Bradley and Rita just made me rethink that requirement.”

We grabbed our sunglasses and Britton pulled on her sweatshirt. We headed along the cement path that led to the top of a steep set of weatherworn stairs leading to the sand. Fleshy plants, succulents that grew well near the beach, popped up through the cracks in the wood steps. A respectable ocean breeze whipped up toward us as we headed down to the sand.

Britton was walking next to me, and I took hold of her hand. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d taken hold of someone’s hand, but it felt right. And it wasn’t just due to my insane need to be touching her. I felt a sort of possessiveness about her that I’d never felt before. I thought about Hunter and the way I kidded him about keeping a hawk-like eye on Amy whenever they were out in public. Colt was just as obsessed with Jade. For the last year, I’d been the only Stone brother without a steady girlfriend, and even though I loved both Amy and Jade like sisters, I’d teased my brothers non-stop about getting their balls in an iron clamp. And here I was, holding a girl’s hand as I headed down to a beach. It was hardly a full commitment, but it was definitely new to me. 

We kicked off our shoes and tromped through the fine white sand down toward the water. The gulls that had gathered on the beach were only temporarily disturbed from their afternoon rest. A few poked up their orange beaks to see if we had food, but most sensed that we were empty handed and stayed huddled down in their gray and white feathers.

Britton inclined her head toward them. “I’ll bet they know where the nearest food stand is.”

I laughed. “Bet you’re right about that.” We sat down near the water, and I put my arm around her. “Tink, in case it wasn’t completely fucking obvious, I’m having a damn good time hanging out with you.”

“I’m having a blast too. I feel like I’ve been stuck under gloomy skies forever, and, all of sudden, there’s all this sun.” She turned her face up to the sky and closed her eyes for a second. Then she cuddled closer to me. “And all this really hot sex. And this really hot man.”

I tightened my arm around her. She always felt small and fragile in my grasp, and all I could think was that I would do anything to protect her.

We stared out at the water. Short, choppy sets of waves rolled into shore and then sucked back fast and hard with what seemed to be a strong undertow.

“Since you grew up near the ocean, do you surf?”

“My brothers and I like to bodysurf. It’s cheaper. Growing up, we didn’t really have money for surfboards, but we managed to have fun anyhow, despite our shitty existence. Don’t know what I would have done without my brothers. We depended on each other a lot. Still do, in a way.” The second I said it, I realized my mistake. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring up siblings.”

“No need to apologize.” She held onto my hand. “My parents are decent people, but growing up, they were always working or busy with their side business, buying and selling antiques. Perris and I counted on each other for entertainment. And we definitely managed to have fun.” She reached up and traced some of the ink lines on my arm. “I wish it could have been different for you and your brothers.”

“In a way, it made all of us stronger. Our instinct to survive was finely tuned growing up.”

“Well, you turned out pretty damn perfect as far as I’m concerned. Of course, I’m probably slightly biased because I have a major crush on you. But you might have already sensed that.”

crush, eh?” I nodded with approval.

Voices behind us made us both look back.

“Damn, they followed us,” I muttered.

Bradley waved as he hiked our direction. He and his wife were carrying towels and highball glasses. Most of the liquid was spilling during their awkward trek across the sand. There was a vast stretch of empty beach around us, but they dropped their things right next to us.

Bradley put his hands on his hips making his belly stick out farther. “How come you two didn’t put on your suits?”

“Told you no one in their right mind would swim in that cold, rough water,” Rita commented. It seemed her main purpose for living was to tamp down her husband’s enthusiasm for life.

His oversized watch glittered in the sunlight as he waved his thick, stubby hand at her. “No sense in coming to the beach if you aren’t going to step in the water. We make our home in Arizona, and there isn’t much beach there. In fact, there isn’t any beach.” He had a hearty laugh at his comment.

I looked at the water. “It looks like there’s a pretty strong riptide today.”

Bradley waved that off too. “Don’t know exactly what that is, but I’m a skilled swimmer. I played a little water polo in high school. That was a few ten year reunions ago.” He patted his belly as if it was a set of rock hard abs. “But I’ve still got the moves underwater.” He winked at Britton. Bradley was definitely the winking type. “How about you, London? Maybe you want to go for a swim?”

A silent laugh shook Britton’s body. “Actually, it’s Britton, and no thank you. I never played water polo, and my swimming is best saved for the shallow end of a pool.”

Bradley made a big show of laughing at her comment as his wife shook her towel out and laid it just inches from us. Before she could sit on it, Bradley sat his big ass down. Rita scowled at him. He didn’t notice.

“What about you, Slade? Did you play any sports in high school?”

I shook my head. “Not really. Although we did come up with a pretty rockin’ version of desk hockey in detention hall.”

Bradley’s big laugh startled or possibly just annoyed some of the seagulls, and they took off toward the water. “Yep, did my share of detention too. But it seems that a guy like you would have been one of those jocks. You know, the kind that all the cheerleaders followed around. Had a few groupies myself during my water polo days.”

“Nope, there weren’t any sports in high school for D students. Although, I had my share of cheerleaders.”

Another roaring laugh. He was annoying, but he wasn’t a bad guy. I liked someone who could laugh easily and that was definitely Bradley. Rita had stretched out the second towel. As she relaxed back, her husband hopped up. He made quite a show of taking off his sweat suit.

“Well, you landlubbers can just sit there and watch. I’m going in.”

“Take it easy out there,” I warned.

Rita propped up on her elbows and watched him wade into the water. “Thinks he’s still in high school,” she huffed. She had on giant, round sunglasses that hid most of her face. “So, are you two married or engaged? You’re such a cute couple.”

I shook my head.

“What the heck are you waiting for?” she asked suddenly stepping into her husband’s role of asking questions as if we’d all been buddies for years.

“Just waiting for the right time, I guess.”

Britton grinned at me. She seemed to be reading my thoughts. “I know you’re hungry, Slade, so why don’t we go hunt down that burger.”

“Oh, where are you going to eat?” Rita asked. “We were just talking about dinner before we walked down here.”

“We’re just going to see where the road takes us,” I said. “Nice talking to you, Rita.” I stood and lowered my hand for Britton. I popped her to her feet, and we were off, making a clean, quick getaway.

We were only halfway across the sand when a shriek broke the silence behind us. We turned around. Rita was standing on the sand looking decidedly distraught. Farther off, I heard Bradley yelling for help.

“Damn it, and my mouth was already watering for that burger.” We hurried back toward the shore. “I told the fool there was an undertow.”

We reached the waterline. Bradley’s head was bobbing up and down in the waves. It was obvious that he was worn out from struggling to swim back to shore, a feat that was much harder than it looked when the tide was working against you.

Rita was fanning her face and hopping up and down as if she was deciding whether to pee her pants or faint. “Help him, please. He can’t get into shore.”

“Yeah, I see that.” I yanked off my shirt and handed it to Britton.

“Be careful.”

I leaned forward and kissed her. “Just so you know it, you are extremely cute when you’re worried.” I walked into the water. “Fuck, that’s cold.”

“Hang on, Brad,” Rita cried from the shore.

Britton walked over and put an arm around her. I headed in the direction of Bradley’s flailing arms and dove into the cresting waves. My head popped up, and I sucked in a sharp breath from the shock of the icy water. I was about fifteen feet from Bradley. From his expression of despair, it was obvious he was losing strength fast.

One good wave washed over his head, and he disappeared below the surface for a few seconds. Behind me, Rita screamed. Bradley popped back up and coughed up sea water. The undertow was drawing me out toward him fast, but I decided it was more the freezing temperature of the water than the relentless pull of the ocean that was sapping Bradley of his energy.

I reached him just as another wave slapped him down toward the bottom. I seized his arm as he tried desperately to grab for something. I pulled him up above the surface, and he sucked in another mouthful of water. In a panic, he struggled against me.

“Hey, stop, just fucking relax. I’ve got you.”

He was past the point of listening.

The wave sets were coming in faster, harder and colder as the water below the surface pushed in the opposite direction. Holding Bradley, with his thrashing arms and legs, above the surface took all my strength, a strength that was also being drained by the strong, ice cold current.

I wrapped my arm around his chest and started swimming side stroke toward the shore, but every foot in the right direction was followed by six inches back toward the open sea.

“Hold your breath. Here’s another wave.” I gripped him tightly as the water rolled over us, taking us a few feet closer to shore. Before I could keep going in the right direction, the riptide pulled us back again.

I needed to go across the waves instead of with them. It would make the path to shore that much longer, but there was no other way to get in.

“Another wave,” I warned. This time the water polo expert freaked, and for some stupid ass reason, he threw his head back. His skull nailed me hard on the cheek, sending a jolt of pain through my head.

“Fuck, dude, you’ve got to relax. If you knock me out, then we’re both going under.”

I finally made some progress as I swam across and inched closer to the shore. The women had moved along the sand to meet us. For a few seconds, my feet touched solid sea bottom, and I pushed forward. The shore was getting closer.

Without warning, a sizable wave smacked us from behind, and we both rolled under like clothes in a washer. I kept a grip on his arm. As we surfaced, his free elbow shot back and landed directly on my stab wound. This time the acute pain knocked the breath from me.

I had a hard time holding onto my sharp elbowed victim as I tried to catch my wind. The waves pushed against us and then dragged us back.

In my haze, I glanced toward the beach. Britton’s face was pale with worry as she walked a few feet into the water. I sucked in a long, unsteady breath. The pain in my side radiated through my entire body.

The water pulled back, and I felt the sandy ocean floor beneath my feet. I grabbed Bradley’s arm and pulled him through the water. Britton sensed that I was in some trouble and waded out to meet us. She helped Bradley stumble to dry land.

I pressed my arm against my side to staunch the pain, but it felt as if I’d been stabbed all over again.

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