Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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Ferris’s sweet voice shattered her ear drum and she had to forget her conversation with Melanie and concentrate on her daughter. What Melanie had said was true; Jenna just didn’t want to think about what was happening between her and Rhys. “I am having
time; Aunt
let me style her hair and eat ice cream, but only after I ate my oatmeal. She says we can go to the animal shelter one of these days and pick out a puppy or a kitty for Mr. Armand and I miss you and Mr. Rhys… and Mr. Vaughn. Sometimes Aunt Mellie cries but when I ask her about it she tells me she’s not crying but she is. I think she could use a puppy, too
but she says that we’ll worry about that when the time comes….”

Ferris stream-of-conscious conversation made Jenna smile, even as she tried to keep up with her little girl’s topics. Her heart ache
as it filled full to bursting with love for her daughter; Ferris was such an amazing child and it was thanks to Melanie for being such a huge part of Ferris’s life. What would have life been like had Melanie decided to pursue her goals instead of staying home? Jenna didn’t want to think about it, knowing Ferris would be a much different character had Melanie not been there.

The familiar pressure in her chest flared up and Jenna rubbed the tender spot; she wasn’t going to waste any more time worrying about what could have been. Her daughter was too important to her and when she got home she was going to make up for lost time. And with Jenna’s introduction into the supernatural world she had something
to connect over with Ferris.



As she sat on the patio overlooking the private courtyard below Jenna stared off into the distance as the sky began to darken. After she hung up the phone, she opened her door and found a tray of food laid out before her. Remembering Trixie’s words from earlier, she thought it might be better to keep to her room until sun down, in case the fairies were hanging around and decided to have some fun. Despite Trixie’s assurances that they couldn’t harm her beneath the Guardians’ roof she didn’t want to take the chance of them following her out the door to try something.

So she gathered up the tray and took the food outside to enjoy on the little table, breathing in the air. It was chilly and overcast but she didn’t care; she was in London. And if she tilted her head back she could just make out the tip of one of the gargoyle’s wings
until it became too dark to see and she knew they would be changing soon

Eventually the air around her altered, becoming almost electric, and she knew Rhys had come down from the roof. Inhaling deeply of the twilight air, she took a moment to calm her racing pulse and her fluttery nerves. And then she pictured the night to come and smiled slightly; tonight she was going to throw all caution to the wind and get Rhys
into her bed, dragging him if need be. After her talk with Melanie she no longer wanted to wait; she knew how short life was and she wanted Rhys. She wanted to feel his lips against her throat, his body against hers; her entire body buzzed in anticipation and shivers of excitement chased each other beneath her skin.

Turning, she leaned her back against the rail as he strode across the sumptuous room, looking incredibly sexy in a pair of khakis and a button-down shirt that was completely unbuttoned, showcasing his incredible torso. He had flat, clearly defined abs and a light dusting of hair on his chest. His skin was the same gold-kissed shade of his face, his natural color despite the glorious auburn hair that no longer hung loosely and unbound to his waist. As he walked he looked like a romance cover model come to life, all sex and swagger.

And as her eyes drifted lower, over the bulge in his pants, she noticed that he wasn’t wearing any shoes. He had long, elegant feet, which she found just as sexy as the rest of him and she had it bad if she found his naked feet sexy. Leisurely dragging her eyes back up his body, she smiled in appreciation; she had never seen such a well-formed man and for now he was all hers.

“You didn’t go out,” he said, stepping onto the patio and putting his hands on her waist, warming her with a simple touch. “Is everything all right?”

She smil
ed sheepishly as she admitted, “
I was going to walk around the neighborhood and just absorb the atmosphere, maybe sketch a little, but I fell asleep.”

He brushed him thumb along her cheek, the touch so achingly tender she wonder
how she would survive falling in love with him, if she were foolish enough to do so. “My brothers wish to take me out for a night on the town.”

Her heart stuttered as disappointment ate at her and she took a small step back. Offering a smile that felt too much like a grimace, she looked up at him, “Then you should go; I’m sure I can find something to keep me occupied.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured, closing the distance she had put between them and gathering her into his arms. Kissing the top of her head, he murmured, “I told them that it would only take me a moment to get you… unless you don’t want to go?”

Her lips spread into a wide grin, eager to spend the night in Rhys’s company, to see the nightlife of London with him by her side. Standing up on her tip toes, she pressed a kiss against the strong column of his throat, “I do want to go.”

He inhaled sharply,
his head and capturing her lips in a heated kiss. She slid her hands up over his bare torso, over the hard muscles of his chest, and around his neck, holding him to her as he kissed her with a desperation she recognized. Seven years of loneliness fueled her hunger and she drowned in his kiss.

Tearing his mouth from hers, breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against hers, “We should get ready to go.”

“Yeah,” she agreed, staring at his damp lower lip, mesmerized by the way it glistened in the low light. Moistening her own lips with the tip of her tongue, she captured the succulent flesh between her teeth and gently bit down, soothing the bite with her tongue.

Rhys’s groan filled her ears, driving her wild with the need to be a part of him. Grabbing her wrists, he pried her arms away from his body and then stared down at her, his eyes darkening as they moved over her face. With another groan, he offered a sexy smile, “I think we have a few minutes.”

“Will that be enough time?” His scent filled her head as he
eyes drifted to the gold-kissed skin of his taut chest, the light dusting of hair and the hard brown discs of his nipples. She lightly scraped her nails over his nipples, watching as the small buds tightened in response, as his stomach muscles clenched.

He gently pulled her hand away from his chest and placed them at her sides before slowly easing the buttons of her blouse from their holes. Spreading her blouse open and exposing her torso to his perusal, he flicked the front clasp
of her bra and set her breasts free. Reaching up, he covered her breasts with
hands, sending tendrils of sensation from her nipples to her sex as fire licked along her skin.

“I adore your creamy skin; Jenna; I want to lick you all over and nibble
, from the obvious
places like your neck
to the ones that are hidden; I want to discover them all.

His brown eyes heated and his smile faltered as he watched his fingers lightly toy with her swollen peaks.

I love your breasts; they are so perfect, firm and ripe and I just want to devour them.”

Bending his head, he put action to word, taking a nipple into the depths of his hot, wet mouth and sucking gently. His tongue curled around the little nub, lashing it then suck
ing it in a sensual method. His hand was rolling the other nipple, keeping it turgid and ready for his mouth. And her belly hummed with sensation, her sex swelled with anticipation. Her panties were damp and she wished he would touch her between her legs, make the ache disappear.

“Touch me, Rhys,” she pleaded in a broken whisper. “Please.”

“My sweet Jenna,” he rasped, his voice guttural as he took her other nipple between his lips. As he teased her breasts, he was undoing the closure of her pants and pushing the material down her hips, her thighs, exposing her legs to the night air. Eager to have him in her body, she pushed her pants down the rest of the way, stepping out of the jeans and kicking them to the side.

He cupped her between the legs but over her panties and she moaned, wanting to feel his hand against the swollen folds of her sex. Impatient, her hands went to his khakis, tugging at the snap and jerking the zipper down. Hot breath moved over her damp skin as he rasped, “I love your long legs; I want them wrapped around my hips while I plunder your sweet body.

“Rhys,” she implored, blushing furiously as he so easily seduced her with words and tongue.

“Jenna.” He nuzzled her neck, his soft lips teasing her flesh and sending shivers throughout her body. Her eyes rolled back as he hit a particularly sensitive spot and she simply
exulted in
the feel of his mouth on her skin.

Abandoning her quest to get his pants off so she could touch him, she moved her palms over the heated skin of his stomach, tracing the harshly defined muscles of his abs and chest. She didn’t want to think, just feel. “I have been dreaming about this moment since we first met.”

“I’ve been dreaming about it since you put your hands on me in my gargoyle form,” he returned, pressing heated kissed along her neck. “It was the most erotic thing I had ever felt.”

His words made another surge of lust well up inside her and her hands grew restless, delving into the material of his pants and finding the heavy length of his penis. Curling her fingers around the thick flesh, she slowly pumped the hot length, enthralled by its sheer size. She wanted him to stop teasing her and to fuck her.

“You ran your hands along my body and I could feel it in my cock,” he purred, trailing a line of kisses along her jaw, his breathing ragged. He rubbed her clitoris over the silky scrap of panties and her hips began to sway to his rhythm. Her panties were soaked and she wished they would simply vanish. “I want to feel your hands once more on my stone body.”

“I want to feel your skin against my human body,” she growled, urging him closer by tugging on his cock. His chest brushed against hers and she arched her back, needing to feel all of his body against hers.

In a frenzy of movement, he tore the scrap of silky material from her body and pushed his pants down just enough to give his erection room. Wrapping a hand around her thigh, he raised her leg and rested it on his hip before closing the distance between them and pressing his cock against her sex. “Are you sure?”


she admitted, curling her fingers around the base of his skull and bringing his mouth down to hers. “But if you’re not in me in two seconds I think I’ll die.”

“Well, in that case,” he grinned against her lips before claiming her mouth and pressing his cock into her sex. Her
vaginal lips opened and stretched as he forged his way into her body, claiming her inch by magnificent inch. His tongue was luscious as it stroked against hers and his palm was hot against her bare ass as he held her steady.

As he continued to slide his cock upwards, she wrapped both of her arms around his neck, holding on as he gave her more than she thought she could handle. Squeezing her eyes shut, a little whimper came from the back of her throat and he eased up a bit. “Look at me, sweetheart.”

She blinked and found herself drowning in pools of m
chocolate. “You’re so tight, Jenna, and it feels like a wet fist wrapping itself around my cock. I can feel your cunt stretching around me; can you take a little more?”

Dazed, she nodded and he gave her another inch or so. Her vaginal folds were stretched tautly around him in a pleasurable ache; her body felt full and he still had more to give. “Just relax, my love, and I will give you everything.”

Her legs trembled but she relaxed, feeling the length of his erection pulsing within her. Instead of filling her, he simply held steady, letting her body adjust for the final intrusion. She was panting as he held her on the fine line of pleasure and release; the knife’s edge that was almost painful. Moisture beaded his brow as he held back. Trying to squeeze her legs together was impossible with Rhys standing between them, denying her an orgasm as he intensified the pleasure he was giving her.

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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