Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2) (25 page)

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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“Rhys….” Woodenly, she picked up her robe and slipped her arms into it, covering her body. Tying the ribbon into a loose not, she tried to ignore the fluttery temptation in her belly to just let go and say yes. She would still be a mother; simply one that was a gargoyle at night. The desire was as strong as it was ludicrous.

“Don’t discount it so quickly, Jenna; we still have time.” His heavy wings quivered as he held his arms out, his muscled body gleaming gray in the light of the
. “I don’t want you to make any rash decisions like your sister did.”

“But that’s Melanie.” Jenna grimaced, knowing she sounded a little bitter and unable to help it. She didn’t want to think about the cost of being with Rhys; she just wanted to enjoy the time they had together without worrying about, well, anything. “She leaps and somehow things always work out for her.
Until now.”

“Well, Vaughn gave up his nights for your sister to offer his protection but he did it without telling her what all it entailed,” Rhys admitted, placing some of the blame onto Vaughn’s shoulders. “And when he finally told her, she took off and she didn’t make it back to the castle in time to accept his gift. I’m not going to make the same mistake he did, I’m going to lay it all out for you. I want you, Jenna.

“But you see, I don’t want only a month with you,” he continued, his words passionate, made even more so by his gravelly voice. “I want a lifetime, a gargoyle’s lifetime.” She opened her mouth to protest but before a sound came out, he smiled ruefully, “I know that you cannot accept my gift right now but we’ll
come up with a solution; I won’t lose you

“What are you talking about?”

Excitement made his words blur together as he talked, planning and scheming with himself, talking about one day giving up his nights but needing to buy some time so they could have a future. He began to pace the small room, his massive gargoyle body taking two steps before turning to tramp the other way and all she could do was watch, fascinated by how his heavily muscled, behemoth body moved so effortlessly; it was a thing of beauty
and the artist in her itched to capture him in that moment.

She could easily imagine joining him as a gargoyle but she wondered what form her gargoyle would take. A monkey to match Rhys wouldn’t be too bad but she didn’t have the same lightness of spirit that he had. If she were a monkey, she’d be a dour monkey.
Maybe a bird of some sort, as long as she had arms.
If she were a gargoyle, she’d be able to discover if gargoyle could fuck, if their stone bodies were compatible.

Her heart pumped frantically in her chest at her traitorous thoughts, trepidation and exhilaration warring. She shouldn’t even be thinking about becoming a gargoyle; she had responsibilities beyond her daughter. But if she were a gargoyle she wouldn’t have to worry about growing old, about dying…. Her eyes flew to Rhys as if he heard her traitorous thoughts but he was still grinning at her, looking much too large even in the over-sized room. Hiding her body beneath a thick robe, she asked, “Um, perhaps we should take this onto the roof?”

He looked at her and grinned, his monkey face crinkling adorably as he took her in his arms and carried her out the door, having to turn to the side to get through. She felt a little like the actress in the giant gorilla movie, only she adored her monkey. Wrapping her arms around his thick neck, she relaxed in his powerful grip, basking against his scalding body and listening to the sound of his rough voice as he continued talking.

“When I talk to m
other I will ask her if there is some way to buy us time but even if we don’t get any extra time,” he went on as they reached the roof. Color was splashed across the sky, the sight more wonderful and exciting than anything she had seen, as the sun rose over London and she realized once more that she was finally travelling “I can give you my nights in fifteen or twenty years, when Ferris is old enough to understand what’s happening, when she is an adult.”

“In fifteen years I’ll be
forty; will you still want me?” she asked, determined to be rational like her normal self; not this crazy person who seriously considered giving up her humanity. Clinging even tighter to the stone Rhys, loving the feel of the cool early morning air against her heated body, she
tried to ignore
the allure of an elongated life
but it kept teasing her with the possibilities

He stopped abruptly and looked down at her. She barely noticed the three gargoyles who glared at her as Rhys squatted onto his haunches and set her down next to him. Taking her hands in one of his stone humanoid paws, he said solemnly, “You will accept my gift then and become a gargoyle.”

Her eyes widened in excitement and then the light dimmed just as quickly when she thought about it for more than two seconds. “I’ll be forty and you will still look twenty-five; how… awful would that be?
To spend eternity as a cradle robber?”

would be wonderful because you would be mine. But it’s
just something to consider
for now
,” he hurried on, obviously sensing her distress. Before she could form a thought, he smiled, cupping her cheek in his broad palm “We have time, Jenna.”

She hated that she wavered so much, that she no longer knew what she
wanted. Her old self was reveling
in the idea of being set free, in making love to a gargoyle high up in the atmosphere
but she was such a different creature than the Jenna she had become. She had buried so much of herself when Jeremy had died and she hadn’t even realized it until Rhys came along and brought her back to life. But the other Jenna, the Jenna she had become, was still there, still fretting about the future, about everything.

How was she to reconcile the two aspects of her personality when they were so different?
talked about a world she hadn’t
known existed a week ago, a world her sister had never stopped believing in
Her eyes were open now and she was going to experience as much as possible before the hammer came slamming down.

“Humans are not allowed up here during the day,” the eagle-gargoyle growled. Jenna had known that they were living gargoyles, the same as Rhys, but hearing them speak brought it home how vastly different her new world was.

“I should go,” she murmured, grabbing the ends of her sash and tightening the knot as her eyes fell on each gargoyle: the eagle, the boar and the almost human. Rhys’s stone fingers wrapped around her arm and she froze, slowly turning her head until she was looking into the gray eyes of a gargoyle monkey.

“I’ll explain everything at dinner, Jenna,” he vowed. “You won’t go into this blind.”

Numbly, she nodded her head before fleeing back to the safety of her room. She was going to take a quick shower and then take a walk, clear her head a bit while she took in a few of the sights.

long as she was with Rhys reality could go to hell. She’d deal with the fallout when she
home, where mythological creatures didn’t fly in private jets, where fairies
e promises that they rarely kept, and where
men did not
walk as a stone gargoyle
during the day.

Chapter 12


Rhys stared at Jenna as she sat at the dining table; mouthwateringly damp and so damn beautiful it made his chest ache. As soon as the sun set he had joined her in the bathroom, where she had been pampering her body with a luxurious bubble bath. Once he joined her, it took several hours to finish up and the only reason they still weren’t in the tub was a certain pixie had rapped at the door, demanding their attendance at dinner since the chef had prepared a special roast.

There hadn’t been time to dry their hair if they had any desire to not alienate the London brothers’ chef, a temperamental
demon, a creature one did not piss off. In their rush, they had simply thrown on some jeans and t-shirts. And now Rhys was paying the price as the white material of her shirt adhered to her naked breasts, showcasing them to his great satisfaction and torment. Her short black hair clung to her cheeks like strands of the finest silk, her lips were rosy and plump and her skin glowed. She was breathtaking, making him feel like the luckiest man or gargoyle in all of the worlds.

She was embracing this adventure with her whole heart but he knew that eventually the euphoria was going to wear off and she was going to come crashing back to earth. He would be there for her when she fell; he just hoped he didn’t push her too far and make her run screaming into the night. There were other, much more pleasurable, ways to make her scream and he wanted an eternity to explore each one. As
gargoyle he had always been a lusty creature but he was discovering a whole new level of lust when it came to Jenna.

Poor Vaughn never stood a chance when Melanie came into his life.

His brothers were trying to act as if they didn’t notice her perky nipples pressed against the front of her damp
t-shirt but they were only male
. They had bellowed at him for an eternity after she fled the roof but he hadn’t cared; she was his mate and he knew it to the depth of his soul. Nothing they said could have wiped the smile of his face; he hadn’t even felt the need to taunt them with what she had done to him before they went up to the roof.

, Bar, and Rowan were still a little wary around her, even more so since he had brought her up to the roof. He knew what they were thinking and while he appreciated their concern he told them that he had to make his own decisions. For hours they tried to talk him out of even considering the possibility of giving Jenna his nights, each regaling him with their own romantic disasters, but he was already lost.

And as Jenna explored the area around the manor, he surrounded her with his aura to keep her safe. It was strange but the imps that had plagued Melanie were strangely quiet; perhaps they had learned their lesson when they had caused so much heartache. He could only hope the little fuckers kept their distance; he had even less tolerance for them than normal, which was close to none. If he weren’t so enamored, he would think it was pathetic.

He had watched his immediate brothers make fools of themselves over their women, laughing at them because he was never going to succumb to the madness of love. Armand’s conceit led him into ruin and he became frigidly cold because he gave up his nights for a girl who didn’t love him enough, no matter that he didn’t love her. Vaughn let his dick lead him astray, falling fast and hard for the delightful Melanie but look where it got him: a statue in every sense of the word until the love of his life died, unless they succeeded in their quest.

virtually ached with love and it terrified him. He told outlandish tales just to make her laugh, a sound more beautiful than a host of heavenly angels singing. It scared him how he found serene joy in simply holding
her as she slept, feeling her slight weight as she sprawled across his body in contented slumber,
or when she was awake and
they talked about everything and nothing.
As he carried her home from a night out enjoying London after dark.

He loved
es along her shoulder, her neck, kissing
her lightly until she stirred; blinking her beautiful eyes in confusion before focusing on him and giving him the sweetest smile. He drowned in her eyes, which were the most
shade of blue, seeing farther into his soul than he was comfortable with and he wished she’d see further still. She was so finely crafted it was a wonder she could take all of his cock into her lissome body; it was if she were crafted especially for him. So far their sex had been pretty
; he was afraid of scaring her off if he introduced her to his darker needs too soon.

But she had made love to him as a gargoyle. Even if his cock hadn’t entered her tight cunt they had made love. There had been no preparing him for the intense pleasure he felt when she touched him as a gargoyle; when she tormented his stone cock with her mouth.

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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