Stoned (Unlikely Heroes Book 4) (23 page)

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He lowered his head, his breath tickling her ear.

“My real name’s Craig.”



Craig. His name is Craig.

Everything after that happened in a blur.

Stoner swung around and flung the knife at Grizzly’s head. Karen let out a horrified scream as the knife embedded sideways into Grizzly’s face, lodging at an angle into his left eye. Grizzly let out a guttural sound and fell backward onto the ground. He rolled to the left, then the right, groaning and hissing. Then he went still and didn’t move.

Scorpion shouted in outrage and rushed at Stoner, tackling him to the ground. Stoner let out a grunt as they landed and Karen imagined his broken ribs were hurting him.

Rebel stared wide-eyed as the two men grappled across the ground.

“Run Karen!” Stoner screamed just before Scorpion slammed a fist into his face. “Get away from here!”

Craig. His name is Craig.

At last she knew his real name.

He’d saved her. It had all been an act so the other bikers wouldn’t suspect what he was about to do. An overwhelming sense of relief swept through her. Her heart swelled. He
care. She hadn’t imagined that.

She couldn’t abandon him now.

Karen rushed at the struggling combatants, waiting for a moment to move in and tackle Scorpion. Maybe if she could grab his dreadlocks she could jerk him away.

Rebel eyed her across the top of flailing fists and rolling bodies. “You’d better run, Karen. Viper’s on his way.”

Her heart skipped a beat.

Screw Viper. Let him come.

She couldn’t leave Stoner. She
leave him. Not now.

She shook her head at Rebel. “I’m not leaving him. I can’t.”

Stoner had told her his real name.

Craig. His name is Craig.

She rolled the name around in her head.
It fit him.

Rebel swallowed hard. He nodded in understanding.

Loud rumbling engines echoed across the forest. A stream of motorcycles screeched to a halt in Karen’s driveway, the sound of flying gravel reverberating through the pines.

Viper was here.

“Freeze!” a male voice shouted from the trees. “FBI!”

Karen spun around, staring wide-eyed. Her son-in-law Nick stepped forward with gun drawn and pointed it at Rebel.

“Down on the ground!”

Stoner managed to land a punch in Scorpion’s face. He flipped the other man off him. “Run Karen!”

She glanced back at Nick, who advanced on Rebel. Rebel didn’t fight. He lifted his arms in the air and slowly got down on the ground.

She swung her gaze back to Stoner. 

“Not without you.”

“Goddammit, Karen, can’t you just do what I tell you for once?”

Before she could move, black leather-clad bikers came out of the trees and swarmed around them like migrating locusts. There were at least fifteen of them, all wearing jackets with the Cobra logo on back. All carrying guns. Viper had come prepared for war. Why? What had happened? Had Scorpion’s call alerted him to what was going on? And where had Nick come from? He and April weren’t supposed to be back for a few more days.

“Drop the gun!” A beefy bald guy shouted at Nick. The bikers marched forward, their guns trained on Nick.

Nick hesitated, his gaze on Karen’s, then he let the gun fall to the ground. Two of the bikers rushed forward and yanked his hands behind his back. They zip-tied his wrists together.

Viper strode forward. He dragged Scorpion away from Stoner. “Get up!” he snarled. “What the hell happened here?” His gaze centered on Grizzly’s body lying near the edge of the grass, then darted back to Karen. He pointed a finger at her. “You are starting to royally piss me off Ms. Williams! And you!” He jerked his finger at Stoner, who rose from the ground, grimacing in pain. “I knew I couldn’t trust you to get the job done. It’s a damn good thing I decided to follow you.” He bent and scooped up Nick’s gun from the ground.

He lifted the gun, pointed it at Nick’s head.

“No!” Karen rushed at Viper and grabbed his arm. “Please don’t kill him! You’ll leave my daughter without a husband and my granddaughter without a father! Please don’t do it, please!”

Viper flung her aside. She stumbled backward and fell into the grass. Viper turned back to Nick. “What are you doing here, Nick Miller of the FBI? Your wife’s text said you wouldn’t be showing up until tomorrow morning.”

What text? Karen pulled her gaze back to Nick.

“Karen doesn’t shop in Coeur d’Alene,” Nick said. “And she would never tell April to wait and come over the next day. We knew something was wrong when we got that text, so I came over to investigate.”

Stoner came up beside Karen. He lifted a hand out to help her to her feet. She hesitated, then took his hand and rose.

His gaze filled with resignation as it latched onto hers. He heaved out a sigh. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“Let’s get moving!” Viper shouted. “Box up all the stuff from the lab and load it into the truck. Take everything, every test tube, every tumbler, every vial…leave her with nothing.”

The bikers rushed to do his bidding.

Viper’s gaze swung back to Karen.

Her heart filled with dread. Everything had just gone from bad to worse.

But Karen refused to cower. She lifted her chin in defiance. “You might want to know I never showed Stoner the correct way to clone pot. So if you kill me now, you’ll have no way to produce marijuana in the lab.”

Viper stalked toward her. His hand arced out, striking her across the face. She gasped, stumbling back, and clutched her throbbing cheek. Stoner tensed beside her, but he didn’t interfere.

“You stupid little bitch. What kind of game have you been playing?”

“I told you I would not help you grow pot! It’s illegal!”

Viper slapped her again. Harder. She cried out and tripped backward, her face throbbing. Her eyes stung with tears that pushed free and trickled down her cheeks. She turned to glare up at him.

Stoner still didn’t say anything, though tension radiated off his body like lava erupting from a volcano. How long would it take before he exploded? The man had remarkable control.

Don’t do it, Stoner. He’ll kill you.

The bikers moved past as they carried boxes of her lab supplies to the truck.

Karen turned back to Viper. She was smart enough to realize the futility of arguing with him. He was a monster. A killer.

She glanced at Nick. She couldn’t let them hurt him. She would give her life for his in a heartbeat.

“Let my son-in-law go. Please. If you do, I’ll do whatever you want.”

Viper let out a snort. “
. How bout I just kill him now?” He lifted the gun again, pointed it at Nick’s head.

Karen leapt toward him. “Don’t! Please. I’ll do what you want this time, I promise. But please, don’t hurt him.”

Viper glanced back at her. Karen swore the inked serpent on his head slithered in his outrage.

He lowered the gun.

“Bring him!” Viper ordered, motioning at the two bikers, who pushed Nick forward. They ushered him away, heading for the truck.

Viper stepped up to Karen. His gaze flicked to Stoner, then back to her. “I think taking a hostage will be the best way to get you to do what you’re supposed to, don’t you think? You can kiss your house and your cat goodbye, Ms. Williams. You will now be a prisoner at the compound until the day I decide to kill you.”

What about her cat? What had he done to Tiara?

Viper turned away, barking more orders to his men. He came back and paused before Stoner.

“You have disappointed me once again, Stoner. All you had to do was kill her. Was that so hard to ask?”

“Yeah.” Stoner stared at the ground. “I couldn’t do it.”

Karen sensed by the tension radiating off him that he didn’t dare meet Viper’s gaze or Viper would know how much Stoner hated him. Stoner was pretending to be submissive to satisfy Viper. The man was a brilliant actor. He’d sure fooled her. She’d been certain he was about to kill her.

Viper heaved out a long sigh, his gaze darting from Stoner to Karen and back again.

“Jesus.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

Stoner didn’t answer. He just stood tense and silent beside her.

“What did you do to my cat?” Karen blurted, unable to keep the question to herself any longer.

Viper chuckled. “I let it out of the house. It’ll have to fend for itself now. Until it becomes dinner for a forest creature.”

Karen sucked in a breath. Tiara had always been a housecat. How long would her pet survive in the woods?

Viper swung his gaze back to Stoner. “Looks like I’m going to have to separate you two until you get your head where it belongs.” He glanced around at the bikers moving past, hauling boxes of lab supplies to the truck. “Scorpion!”

Scorpion jerked his head in their direction, his blond dreadlocks swinging around to slap him in the face. “Yeah?”

Viper motioned to Karen. “You want her?”

Scorpion scrunched up his face. “Uh, no. I like my women younger. And willing. She’s too much of a wild cat.”

Viper dismissed him. His gaze swung around the yard, then landed on Rebel, who hovered a few feet away. Rebel seemed unsure what to do as he watched the other men moving about, hauling things to the truck. 

Rebel!” Viper motioned him closer. “Get over here!”

Rebel stepped forward, pausing before them.

Viper pointed at Karen. “You want her?”

Rebel’s gaze jerked to Karen, then to Stoner. Stoner’s gaze hardened, filling with challenge, as he dared the younger man to say yes.

Rebel lowered his gaze.

“Yeah. I’ll take her.”

Stoner tensed beside Karen. She placed a hand on his arm, trying to get him to relax. She would much rather spend her time with the gentle Rebel than with Scorpion or one of the other bikers.

“Good.” Viper nodded. “It’s settled then. Ms. Williams now belongs to Rebel until he gets tired of her. Maybe by that time Stoner will get it together. Stoner, you’ll only be allowed in her presence while you’re cloning the pot. She belongs to Rebel now. Understand?”

Karen wanted to shout that she belonged to no man, but she kept her mouth shut. It would do no good to antagonize Viper any more than she already had. Her face still stung.

Stoner sighed. He obviously didn’t like the situation, but it could have been worse. Much worse.

His jaw clenched, Stoner jerked his head in a nod. He cast another glare at Rebel, as if warning the other man that he’d be watching him.

“Let’s move out!” Viper shouted, turning away from them.

Rebel kept his gaze lowered. The bikers ushered them across the yard. Stoner’s face was an inscrutable mask as he walked beside Karen, but she sensed the fury in his movements and could tell from the hardness around his mouth that he struggled to keep his emotions in check.

It could be worse
, she reminded herself as they climbed into the truck.

They could have killed Nick.

Viper could have given her to Cougar or one of the other mean bikers.

Rebel wouldn’t be so bad. He was a good kid.

But now they’d taken her son-in-law hostage. Karen would not do anything to endanger Nick’s life. Viper had to know that.

He had her right where he wanted her now.

He may as well have blindfolded her again.

Because she couldn’t see a way out.


Rebel’s room was three doors down from Stoner’s. As soon as they returned to the compound, Viper ordered Stoner to remove all of Karen’s things from his room and give them to Rebel. Stoner went into his room and came back with her duffle bag, shoving it rudely into Rebel’s arms.

Viper watched with a smirk, then barked that he needed them all downstairs where the new lab was being constructed.

Reluctantly, they followed.

“You will be showing Rebel the same things you show Stoner. I want both of them to know how to do it, in case something happens to one of them. And you will show them the correct way this time or your son-in-law will suffer.”

Karen didn’t argue. How could she with Nick being held hostage down in the dungeon? She would do whatever Viper wanted.

The bikers entered carrying the boxes of her lab supplies.

“You’re in charge, Ms. Williams. Show them how you want the lab set up. You need to get started as soon as possible. We’ve already had too many delays.” Viper pointed to Stoner and Rebel. “You two will help her. Do whatever she says. I’ll be back in a few hours to see how things are coming along.”

After Viper left, the tension between Stoner and Rebel intensified. Karen didn’t understand why Stoner was being so rude. He had to know Rebel was one of the few guys there who wouldn’t hurt her. So why was he so angry with Rebel? Didn’t he know Rebel was trying to help them out? If Rebel had said he didn’t want Karen, one of the other men like Cougar—God forbid—might claim her, and the thought of that filthy man’s hands on her made her sick inside. Rebel wouldn’t want sex from her. He was young enough to be her son. She sensed he’d only agreed to take her so one of the other guys couldn’t hurt her. It was Rebel’s way of protecting her, because he wasn’t tough like the other guys. Deep inside, he was a sensitive kid. Karen really liked him. Why couldn’t Stoner see that? What was his problem?

Karen told the men how to set things up. Slowly the lab came together. They’d taken her entire lab apart and transported it here, along with the marijuana stock plant they’d brought over to her greenhouse. It infuriated her to see her expensive lab items away taken from her place and installed here. It was unlikely any of the lab would ever return to her greenhouse. But Karen couldn’t dwell on that. Nick was in the dungeon and she had to keep him alive so he could return to April and Brianna. She would not sacrifice him for her own safety. Nick belonged with his family and she intended that he get back home to them.

So she would do whatever Viper wanted until Nick was free.

* * *

Stoner hated Rebel. Hated the kid’s too pretty face, his charming personality, his damned southern accent that the ladies loved. But mostly he hated Rebel right now because Karen was with him. She should be with Stoner. She belonged with him. He was in love with her. But now he was forced to keep his distance and it was driving him crazy.

Three days had passed since Viper had ordered Stoner to kill Karen in the woods. Three days wherein he only saw her for a few hours each morning while they worked in the lab. The nights were worse and dragged on. Was she sharing Rebel’s bed? Did they only sleep or did Rebel put his damned pretty hands on her? He didn’t want to believe Karen would sleep with Rebel, but the kid was too good-looking and Karen was only human after all. Could she resist the young man’s charms?

Though Stoner knew Rebel was trying to help, jealousy surged through him. What if she preferred the kid’s pretty face, his damned accent, his charm over Stoner’s ugly face and crassness? He was acting childish and insecure, but he couldn’t help it. Why would Karen prefer his ugly face when she could have Rebel’s way too pretty one? He bet the kid was a perfect lover, too. Why wouldn’t he be? He’d had plenty of practice with all the women he’d slept with. Stoner could count the number of women he’d been intimate with in his life, while Rebel had been with so many Stoner doubted the kid could keep track of them all.

On the fourth morning, Karen kept casting disapproving glances at him as they worked in the lab. When Viper arrived at noon and told them to break for lunch, Stoner stomped moodily down the hallway to the dining room, glaring at Rebel’s back as the kid chatted with Karen.

They filled their plates with sloppy joes, potato salad, and baked beans. Rebel and Karen selected an empty table. Stoner attempted to join them. Viper intercepted him and pointed to another table. Viper had been watching him and never allowed him a moment alone with Karen.

Groaning inwardly, Stoner slid into a chair across from Viper and tried to eat his lunch without glaring too hard at the Cobras’ leader.

“You’d better drop the fucking attitude.” Viper eyed him across the table. “She’s Rebel’s now. Deal with it.”

Fighting back an angry retort, Stoner forced himself to eat. He kept stealing glances across the room toward Karen, where she talked and laughed with Rebel throughout lunch. He wanted to be the one sitting with her, talking with her, laughing with her. Not Rebel. Damn him.

He shouldn’t have told her his real name. But he’d thought she was about to die—that they both were about to die—and he hadn’t wanted her dying without knowing the truth.

She would have more questions now. Questions he couldn’t—
—answer. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

If Viper got his way and kept them apart, she wouldn’t be able to ask. Which was probably the only good part about their separation.

But Stoner still ached for her. He ached for her now, watching her across the room. Damn, he was a fool. Viper was right. He needed to get his head together. She was too much of a distraction. She was making him lose sight of the goal.

Take Viper down.

“You listening to me?”

Stoner pulled his gaze back to Viper’s. “Sorry. What was that?”

“I said if you don’t get your head back on straight, then I have a way to fix this.”

Dread trickled down Stoner’s spine. He swallowed hard, forcing a mouthful of sloppy joe down his esophagus. “Fix what?”

“Your obsession with the woman and the tension you’ve created between you and Rebel. It’s not good for morale around here. We’re all supposed to get along, remember? You don’t think others haven’t noticed your sullenness and disrespect toward Rebel?”

Stoner slid his gaze to the table where Karen and Rebel sat. She glanced his way, raised a brow, then returned her attention to Rebel. She laughed at something the younger man said.

Stoner seethed. He wanted her to smile at him that way.

“I’ve got a solution to the problem. You two can fight it out,” Viper went on. “We need some entertainment around here anyway. It’s been too long since we’ve had a good fight other than dogs.”

Stoner tensed.

What did he just say? A fight?


Stoner was in no condition to fight, not with his broken ribs. “Fight for what?”

“The woman.” Viper motioned across the room to Karen. “Winner gets the girl and you stop this idiocy.”

“I thought you said I wasn’t allowed to be around her.”

Viper shrugged. “I don’t care who claims her, just as long as the pot gets cloned. I still need her a little longer, so one of you might as well enjoy her while she’s here.”

Stoner dropped what was left of his sloppy joe onto his plate. “You want me and Rebel to fight for her?”

“You don’t like the idea?” Viper’s gaze bored into his. “I thought you’d want an opportunity to get her back, and I’m in the mood for a good fight. Though I have to admit it probably won’t be much of a fight. That kid’s a wimp. You’ll probably take him down with the first blow.”

Stoner eyed Rebel across the room, contemplating. True. He’d sure like to ugly up the kid’s pretty face a bit, make him less attractive to the ladies. But Rebel was a good twenty years younger than Stoner and the kid didn’t have any broken ribs. Normally, Stoner believed he could take the kid, but injured as he was? Doubtful.

“I’m not fighting Rebel.” Stoner stuffed the remainder of his sloppy joe into his mouth.

“You will if I order you to.” Viper rose. “Be ready to fight tonight. Ten o’clock. I’m gonna get things ready. And let the kid know what’s up. Tell him to be ready.”

Viper strode off, leaving Stoner to stare after him.

How the hell would he get out of this one?

* * *

  The upcoming fight was the talk of the compound. Apparently it had been several months since anyone had fought, and Viper was itching for an event to liven things up. Karen was appalled by what was about to take place.

Stoner fighting Rebel? What if Stoner hurt Rebel? Or what if Rebel, sweet as he was, hurt Stoner? Stoner was twice Rebel’s age and injured. It would only take one well-aimed punch to Stoner’s broken ribs and he’d drop. Rebel had the advantage of youth on his side. Yet Rebel wasn’t a scrapper. Karen doubted the kid had ever been in a real out-and-out fight before. It was anyone’s guess who would win.

I can’t watch. But how can I say away?

Did Viper expect them to fight to the death? Or just until one of them gave up? It sickened her that they were fighting over her. It was ridiculous. But there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Stoner had walked up to their table during lunch. His eyes cold and hard, he’d stared at Rebel. “Ten o’clock tonight, me and you. Winner gets Karen. Viper’s orders.” He’d stalked away, his gate stiff. Was he just pissed about the situation? Or were his injured ribs hurting him?

“What did he mean?” Karen met Rebel’s worried gaze. “Certainly he wasn’t talking about a fight?”

Rebel nodded. “Shit! I can’t beat Stoner in a fight. He’ll kick my ass.”

Karen squeezed his hand across the table. “Not if you don’t let him.”

She wanted neither man to be hurt, but one—or both—of them would be.

Now Karen waited in Rebel’s room for him to return with news about Nick. She’d asked him during lunch if he would find out where Nick was being held and if he was okay. Rebel had promised to check into it once they were finished eating.

That had been about an hour ago. Would Rebel return soon with news of Nick? If Viper had hurt her son-in-law, she vowed she’d stop micropropagating. She would need constant assurance that Nick was okay if Viper wanted her to continue. 

The door burst open and Rebel entered the room, chewing on a banana.

“Your son-in-law’s fine. They’ve got him in the dungeon, in the second cell. I talked to him for a moment, told him I would look after you. He was pretty worried.”

Karen had known Nick would be worried. But at least he was okay. For now.

“You should know everybody’s betting on who’s gonna win this fight. Most of them are betting for Stoner, cause they all think I’m a weakling.” He took a bite of the banana and scowled down at the floor.

Karen came across the room toward him. Rebel was a troubled young man with issues Karen could only guess at. But she still liked him. She couldn’t think of anything
to like about him.

“You’re not a weakling,” she assured him. “I’ll bet you could kick Stoner’s ass if you wanted to.”

He cocked a black brow. “You think?”

“I do. Just aim for his broken ribs and he’ll be howling with pain.” Guilt slithered through her at the suggestion, but she didn’t want Stoner to hurt Rebel. She sensed the kid had already gone through enough in his life.

Rebel shook his head. “I can’t do that. He’s my friend. I don’t wanna fight him.”

Karen sighed. “And I’m sure he doesn’t want to fight you. But I feel safe with either one of you, so it makes no difference to me who wins.”

Rebel stared at the floor. “If I lose, everyone will still think I’m a weakling. I’m gonna prove y’all wrong. I’m not a weakling.”

“Then kick Stoner’s ass.”

Karen wasn’t sure what would happen. She could only hope neither one of them got hurt too badly.

“I need a hit,” Rebel muttered. “Something fierce. But Viper doesn’t allow any drugs other than pot here.”

“You don’t need to get high,” Karen scolded gently. “That will just make you lose. If you want to beat Stoner, you need to be thinking clearly.”

Rebel paced across the room. “I hate violence. It makes me cringe. Hurting people—hurting
—is just so

Karen sat on the edge of the bed. “I know.” She hesitated, then whispered, “What happened to you, Rebel? In your past life?”

He paused in his pacing and jerked his gaze to hers. “My father was a prick, okay? He liked to slap my mother around. She finally left when I was nine. Then he used me as his punching bag. Me and anything else he could get his hands on.” A shadow fell over his face. He lowered his gaze in obvious shame.

Karen’s heart squeezed. Hell. Now she was beginning to understand Rebel’s issues. He wasn’t a weakling, he just had no stomach for violence. Who could blame him, after what he’d gone through?

“So use all your pent up anger, your aggression, to kick Stoner’s ass. If you have to, pretend he’s your father.”

Rebel’s gaze skipped back to hers. He looked appalled. “Stoner and my father don’t even compare. Stoner’s been nothing but good to me.” He began pacing again. “But I think I could try that. I
an actor. Maybe it will work.”

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