Stories for When the Sun Goes Down (Sexy Anthology) (8 page)

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"Yeah, get that wet gear off and
climb into your sleeping bag," Andy said, easing off his goggles and
shucking out of his jacket. "I'll sort us out some food."

I pulled at my helmet and yanked my gloves
off with my teeth. My fingers were white, my nail beds blue. I tried to blow on
the chilled flesh but my clouding breath stuttered and missed its target. I
gave up and attempted to unzip my jacket. My unfeeling fingers refused to work.
They just wouldn't do as I asked. I scrabbled twice and missed, unable to feel
the small piece of metal I was searching for.

Lee saw my uncoordinated struggle.
"Here," he said, reaching with a now gloveless hand and undoing the
zip. He took hold of my left cuff and tugged the sleeve off my arm, then
repeated the action with my left, freeing me from my damp jacket and revealing
my black thermal top.

"Jeez, have you seen her
fingers?" Andy said, grabbing for my wrist. "They're hypo."

Lee frowned, dropped his goggles around
his neck, and then looked deep into my eyes. "Why didn't you tell us you
were so cold?" His voice sounded both worried and annoyed.

"I... I didn't want you to think I
was pathetic," I managed. "And besides, you two were coping alright.
You're... you're not too cold."

"We've done it before, remember?” Lee
said. “Plus, we've got a bit more bloody meat on our bones than you."

He swept his eyes over my petite frame,
and despite my painfully frozen thoughts, I noticed he lingered on the swell of
my breasts. "Well, I s…s…stopped feeling so cold while you were doing the…
the tent."

"Shit, Sapphire, one of the symptoms
of hypothermia is to stop feeling cold." Lee reached out and popped open
my waterproof trousers. "There's only one thing for it. Get these off,

"Why?" I said with a weak
attempt at being indignant.

"Because, if we don't get your core
temperature up a few degrees, the only role you'll be good for when you get
back to Hollywood is playing a bloody corpse."

Lee worked on my boots, freed my feet,
then grabbed the hem of my trousers and literally tipped me out of them.

Andy fiddled noisily with the zips on the
sleeping bags. "In," he instructed, holding up the opening of the now
one big sleeping bag. "Quick, before your hypothermia becomes

I did as I was told and shoved my frozen
legs into the silky insides of the bag. It felt smooth and soft against my
thermal trousers, and I could hear the swish of the synthetic material as I
moved, but it was still cold, my feet were still numb. I didn't have enough
heat in my body to warm the space.

Next thing I knew, Lee was rooting in
beside me in just his thermals, his big body hulking all the way down the
sleeping bag and touching the entire length of mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked on
a shiver, unable to curl into a ball because of the way he was dominating the

"Saving your life," he said.
"Again." He turned on his right side and in a scooping movement
pulled me tight against his broad chest. My breasts mashed against his pecs,
and I bent my arms up into the cradle he’d created for me. His legs entwined
with mine to create maximum surface area connection.

The heat pouring from his body was
intoxicating, like a glass of water to someone dying of thirst or a cylinder of
oxygen to a suffocating man. I whimpered pathetically and snuggled deeper into
him. I closed my eyes and got a dose of his raw, male pheromones seeping though
his thermal top. It didn't smell like Dean's expensive, sharp, citrus cologne.
It was musky and natural, unfamiliar but delicious. It did strange things to my
erratically circulating blood which began to pool pleasurably in my belly,
creating a new type of heat that was inappropriate for the seriousness of the

"Budge over a bit," Andy
murmured from behind my shoulder.

Lee shuffled me even closer, and I felt
the long hard length of his penis pressing into my thigh.

Before I had time to react to this
observation, Andy was sliding in behind me. His chest wedged firmly against my
back and his thermal-trousered legs tangled with mine and Lee's.

Lee moved his hand down to the juncture
between my groin and hip to allow his brother's body to connect uninterrupted
with mine. I didn't move his hand. I should've, but I didn't. I liked it there.
Sandwiched between two chunks of raw maleness made me feel tiny and feminine,
looked after and cherished. Surrounded by high energy testosterone and granite
muscle gave me a much needed sense of safety and contentment when death was
knocking at my door.

I fluttered my eyes closed and gratefully
felt my extremities tingle back to life.

Andy adjusted his position and squeezed in
even closer behind me, spooning his hips around my buttocks. Judging by the
rapid hardening of his dick as it settled in the crack of my butt, I guessed I
wasn't the only one enjoying my treatment for hypothermia.

"Sorry," he whispered into my
ear, his warm breath tickling over my one scrap of exposed flesh.

"For what?" I murmured into
Lee's chest, not moving my head from the pocket of precious warmth I'd created
around my face.

"For... you know..." I heard him
swallow tightly. "I guess it's not every day mere mortals like us get to
snuggle up to one of the world's most beautiful women. Some kind of reaction
has to be expected."

"I don't understand," I mumbled,
though I did understand. Totally. However, I wouldn't describe Andy or Lee as
mere mortals. Some of the feats I'd heard those two had accomplished topped
every Hollywood stunt.

"I think you do." He tipped his
pelvis harder into my butt. He was fully erect now.

"Oh," I said, a bubble of
excitement popping in my chest.

"Yeah, but don't be alarmed, sexual
arousal is scientifically proven to help with the re-warming process." His
voice was a low rumble and vibrated from his hot chest onto my back. "It's
in all the survival guide books."

Lee laughed at his brother's words as the
wind shook the tent with newfound strength. Flicking and flacking over our
heads like an enraged demon, it wouldn't let us forget it was there, waiting
for us.

I looked up, into Lee's face, wondering
how he could laugh at a time like this. How they could carry on their incessant
banter? "Do you think we'll get off this mountain alive?" I asked.

"Sure hope so, babe," he said,
his smile dropping. "But I've never had a storm come in that fast before
on the North Ridge."

"Oh." I snuggled my face back
into his chest not feeling reassured in the slightest. He could have jollied me
along a little. After all, I was the novice here.

"We'll just have to stick it out
until it passes." He tipped my chin with the crook of his index finger so
he could see my eyes again. "Don't worry. They always pass…

"Yeah, it's just whether or not we've
got enough food to survive," Andy said, his rubbing his hand up and down
my outer thigh with a firm steady pressure. "You're burning triple
calories up here with the altitude and the cold."

"Do we have much food left?" An
uncontrollable shiver caught me and wound its way from the tips of my toes to
the top of my head. "You know, to keep us alive until it passes?"

"Depends how long 'til it dies
out," Lee said. "They can last for weeks."

Terror uncoiled within me, I looked past
Lee's face at the billowing fabric of the tent only a foot from my face,
another two feet beyond that was a deathly drop through the elements. I began
to shake even more than I had when I was cold. Every nerve and muscle in my
body jumped around like a bouncing bean.

"Hey, hey," Lee said. "Stop
worrying. It's okay. We won't let anything happen to you." And then his
lips were on mine. Pressing down firmly, dominantly, his tongue probed past my
teeth and swept around the inside of my mouth.

I squeaked and pushed at his chest.
"What are you doing?" I said. "Lee…"

"Taking your mind of it." His
tongue swept across his bottom lip as though savouring my taste.

"I'm married," I said with a
frown. "To Dean Mayer."

"Yeah, I know. Everyone on the planet
knows. But he's not here to distract you from the terror of being on Everest in
a storm, is he?"

"Or the discomfort of suffering from
acute hypothermia," Andy added as he snuggled his face into my nape. The
soft bristles of his soul patch scratched at my skin. "Let us take your
mind off it, Sapphire. I promise it'll help."

"No," I said. "I
can't." Though the way Andy was making me melt by peppering little kisses
towards my left ear was seriously reducing the conviction in my words.

"But what if we all die up here,"
Lee said, running his fingers through the messy hair at my temples and staring
down at me. "And this is the last thing we could do for pleasure and we
don't take the opportunity?"

How the hell did he know playing with my
hair always did it for me? "No," I whispered, though my body was
disagreeing violently. I could feel my nipples hardening beneath the layers of
clothes, jutting out eagerly for a harder connection with Lee's chest. Andy
nestled further into my back, his hard penis sending sparks of desire rushing
through my veins and firing my nerves.

"You're even more beautiful in real
life," Lee said in a gravely voice and rubbing the pad of his thumb over
my cheek. "I've admired you for years in films and magazines, but watching
you climb in the mountains over the last week… well…" His gaze dropped to
my mouth and his eyelids drooped. "I guess we're lucky guys to see
Sapphire Makepeace at her most glorious."

I knew he was only trying to appeal to my
vanity, the vanity every actress has by the bucketful, but it was working. He
was winning me over, not least because I knew at that moment in time I looked
hideous. Deathly pale skin, long blonde hair tangled and un-brushed. Not a
scrap of makeup or jewelry, not even my wedding ring. My only concession to
being a woman was the small bottle of spiced Paris perfume I treasured like
gold and sneakily applied several times a day.

And then Lee was kissing me again, and
this time I didn't stop him when his soft mouth parted my lips and began to
move in a gentle dance. He tasted of man and sex. His golden bristles caught on
my chin, and his tongue was hot and confident. I let out a small moan and
splayed my hands over his chest as he cupped my face to his. He was right. We
might all die up here. We had to take pleasure where we could.

My moan was like showing a red cloak to a
bull. The temperature of his kisses heated up, his hands travelled down into
the sleeping bag and searched out the base of my thermal top. Flesh finally
connected with flesh, and his calloused palm slid up my perfectly flat belly
and settled over the satin cup of my bra. I pressed in for more. Behind me,
Andy searched for the hook and eye fastening on my bra. He quickly found it and
released me from my underwear. I felt dizzy with longing, overwhelmed with the
urge to have these two men touching me all over, making me forget the perilous
situation we were in.

Andy caressed my back and shoulder blades
while Lee pulled the bra out of his way and took the weight of my breasts in
his palms.

"God, you feel so good," Lee
said, letting his thumbs smooth over my nipples. "So bloody perfect."

Andy's hand slid around my ribs and joined
Lee's in fondling my breasts. My nipples had tightened to hard little peaks,
rejoicing in the attention of all those fingers massaging and caressing,
teasing them to levels of pleasurable pain.

"You're so soft, Sapphire," Andy
said with a husk in his voice I hadn't noticed before. "So bloody

Then they were all over me, pulling at my
clothes, dragging my arms out of sleeves, tugging layers over my head. My
trousers and knickers were magically removed and shoved deep into the base of
the sleeping bag, instantly forgotten.

I yanked at Lee's top as I was still
facing him. "Take this off," I ordered breathily. "Now."

He grinned, though his eyes flashed with a
predatory look that made me wonder just what I'd unleashed. Lightning quick, he
whisked his top over his head, displaying a fuzz of pale underarm hair, and
kicked down his trousers to join mine at the bottom of the sleeping bag.

He straightened and our bodies came in
perfect alignment. His dick shoved impatiently at my thigh as my breasts were
crushed against his downy golden chest hair. My body was crying out for his. I
wanted him inside me so badly. My heart was fluttering, and the muscles in my
pelvis were clenching in anticipation.

Andy was shuffling behind me, and I
guessed he was ridding himself of clothes, too. I wanted Andy inside me. It
didn't matter which one. Lee or Andy. Andy or Lee. I just needed to be filled.
I was like a void, an empty hole. Only these two men could provide me with what
I needed and take me out of the nightmare I was living in.

Andy snuggled into me, his hard, hot
muscles curling around my back like a blanket. I felt his heavy breaths flood
over my shoulders and his curious hands smooth over the orbs of my buttocks. He
dipped into the first folds of my intimate flesh with the tip of one finger and
I moaned deep in my throat.

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