Stories for When the Sun Goes Down (Sexy Anthology) (12 page)

BOOK: Stories for When the Sun Goes Down (Sexy Anthology)
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A thin sheen of sweat sat on his brow. I
noticed a drip about to trickle down his temple. With the tip of my index
finger I caught it. Sweat was popping on my own body. I wanted his cock now.
I’d been waiting for this moment for days.

He exerted steady, strong pressure on my
shoulders and forced me down. I folded my knees onto the grassy carpet and set
to work on his fly buttons. They were hard to manoeuver, his cock so swollen
there was barely the scrap of give needed to undo them.

“Ah, baby,” he groaned. “You have no idea
how hot I’ve been for this since you gave me the voucher.”

Desire besieged me. This was about so much
more than a blow job. It was us extending our foreplay, making things exciting
again. Just as I’d planned.

“Even at work?”

“Yeah, I kept looking at it, then cursing
myself for getting hard on site. The guys would have ribbed the shit out of

A lovely warm glow poured through me, a
mixture of triumph and smugness. I understood what he meant about the
expectation of this moment. It was delicious. And now, to be doing it outside.
How wild and daring were we?

As soon as his cock was free and his shaft
lay hotly in my palm, he threaded his fingers into my hair and held my head
tight, over my ears.

I tensed. For a moment I wondered about
objecting. I wouldn’t be able to hear if someone was approaching. I wouldn’t be
able to pull back if he rode in too deep. But I quickly dismissed that idea.
Someone would see me felating my husband long before we saw them, maybe they
would even get off on it, stop awhile and watch, unable to believe their eyes
at our daring.

“Ah, yeah, fuck, I’m so hard it hurts,” he
said on a groan.

I poked out my tongue and licked his slit.
Probed deep until it stretched a little around the tip and I got the full-on
taste of his cock. While I did so I looked up, watched his lips pull tight and
his eyes become stormy. His hair had flopped forward now, framing his handsome

He tightened his grip on my head, tipped
me closer. I stretched my mouth wide and he sank between my lips.

 I breathed deep and let his unique,
raw-male scent and taste fill my senses. With equal force he pulled me back so
just the tip of his cock sat on my tongue and then he drove in again. Not
frantic and deep, just far enough so his slit skimmed over my palate and
tickled the back of my throat, right before my gag.

“Oh, God, I’m not going to last long,” he
said, shifting his hips in synchrony with the forced movements of my head.

The sensation of having my head moved as
an object felt a little stiff and awkward, so I relaxed my neck, held onto his
hips and let him be in total control of my mouth, my face, my head. Instantly I
felt better. We became one, me a vessel for pleasure, Jake a boiling mass of
need preparing to erupt.

I sucked and laved, found the thick,
twisting vein that graced the underside of his shaft and smoothed my tongue
over it. He liked that, he’d told me once it was super-sensitive.

Jake groaned low and deep and curled his
fingertips almost harshly into my scalp. A shot of lust seared down my spine
straight to my pussy and I felt myself getting wet. He’d never held me so
firmly. Jake only ever touched me with care and respect. It was utterly new to
have allowed him to dominate me this way.

Riding high on a plethora of exciting
emotions, not to mention eager to please, I sought out his balls. They were
tight and packed into his body. He was close to climax.

I rolled them gently in my palm, cupping
and squeezing with only a small amount of pressure.

“Ah, yeah, fuck you look so hot on your
knees, sucking me, out here, in the meadow.”

Of course I couldn’t answer. I was
dragging in breaths when I could. Saliva was spreading on my chin and my mouth
chock-full when he sank to maximum depth.

I was vaguely aware of the blackbird
calling again and hoped it wasn’t chirping a warning about someone approaching.
Though somehow, being discovered didn’t bother me now. I was too engrossed in
my task, too surrendered to Jake. It was his responsibility—he’d sank me
to my knees and slid his cock into my mouth. That feeling of surrendering
responsibility was sublime and erotic, not to mention my clit was swelling
against my denim shorts, the seam pushing just the right on my super-sensitive

His breaths were ragged and harsh, his
body tense. The root of his cock was at maximum girth, and when it hit my mouth
it filled me so much my jaw complained.

I eased the tip of my index finger behind
his balls, applied pressure to the smooth stretch of skin that sat between his
sac and his anus.

“Ah, fuck. That’s it. Get ready to
swallow.” His spoke in a series of desperate barks. Jerked his hips, and dug
his fingers in deeper.

I held my breath. His cock swelled and he
seated himself as deep as he could go.

A moment of panic claimed me. He’d pushed
me to my limit. I couldn’t take anymore. I held my breath, stared at his wiry,
dark brown pubic hair and willed myself calm.

“Oh, yeah, fuck, here… it… is.”

The surge of fluid erupting rumbled over
my tongue as it shot up his shaft, a wave of expansion that overflowed and
burst forth into my throat.

“Ah, baby, swallow, swallow,” he shouted.

I did. I had no choice. He was lodged in
my mouth and swallowing was my only option. But it felt so good. I was taking
what he was giving me. And the way his pleasure-soaked cry had just echoed around
the branches above us was enough to give me a mini climax. My pussy quivered
and my clit sent shivers of pleasure radiating outward.

“Ah, baby, yeah.” He kept a firm hold of
my head, pulled out his cock and dropped to his knees in front of me. More of a
collapse than a sitting down. He was struggling to catch his breath, his chest
rising and falling rapidly and his nostrils flaring. “Fuck that was awesome.
Like the best blow job in the history of the world, ever.”

My breaths were also coming in short, sharp
pants. Small waves of bliss making my stomach clench and my skin tingle. “Glad
you enjoyed.”

“Bloody amazing.” He slanted his lips over
mine and kissed me hungrily, deeply. I knew he would taste his cum on my
tongue, the same way I tasted myself when he’d feasted on my pussy and kissed
me afterwards.

Eventually he moved away. His cheeks had flushed
and his hair hung like damp black fingers around his face.

“So,” he said, a cocky grin playing with
his lips, “what other vouchers have you got in that book of yours? I think it’s
time for me to promise

“I Promise to Surrender”


Jake and I had been playing a wickedly
sexy game. The erotic favour vouchers I’d found lurking in my knicker drawer
were proving to be just what we needed to add a little more spice to our
bedroom antics.

Though who was I kidding? A little more
spice? It was a huge, colossal amount of chilli-hot spice and to date our
vouchers had been re-deemed a total of three times
of the
bedroom including an amazing blow job experience beneath an oak tree.

I hugged my arms around my waist and
looked at the booklet of vouchers lying on the bed. It was Jake’s turn to give
me one. Choose something that he promised to do and let me pick the where and

Yesterday I’d flicked through the book.
There were about half left. We’d used up the more sedate ones; a massage,
dinner out, foot rub, him giving me oral sex—that had been nice over the
kitchen table as dessert. The vouchers left were more exotic. A little more of
an acquired taste, so to speak. I wondered what he’d pick. What would float his

“Hey, baby.” Jake walked into the bedroom,
a towel wrapped round his lean waist and his hair mussed and damp from the
shower. “Are you’re waiting to see what treat I’ll give you?”

I tugged my gaze from the delectable
smudge of body hair that sat over his sternum. The strands led a thin trail
down to his navel then thickened as they dipped into the towel. Looking at
Jake, devouring him with my eyes was something I would never tire of. For too
many years I’d pretended to just be his friend, nothing more, waiting for him
to get over Marie and notice that I was there, ready and willing.

Finally he had, and now ogling the prime
specimen of a man before me was perfectly acceptable and legitimate because he
was my husband. Luckily he seemed to find me, standing naked by the bed, just
as pleasing a sight.

“There’s not many left,” I said, slipping
under the covers.

The cool sheets were welcome on my hot
skin. For some reason I was nervous about which voucher Jake would choose. He’d
surprised me lately with a surfacing dominant streak. I liked it, a lot. But I
wasn’t sure how far he wanted to go with it and he was so damn big and strong.
I couldn’t help but wonder what lurked beneath the surface of his gentle giant

He dropped the towel to the floor. His
cock was semi-erect. “I have a good idea which one,” he said, giving me a
maddeningly cheek grin.

I pulled the duvet up to just above my
breasts and handed him the book.

“Mmm,” he said, fiddling with the silver
bar that pierced his left eyebrow. “What’s it going to be?” He flicked the book

Pole Dance.

“That might require some advance
preparation,” he said.

“Yeah, like structural work.”

“This cottage has been here one hundred
and fifty years. I don’t think you spinning around a pole attached to the beams
will pull it down.”

“With these hips, you never know.” I
giggled and realised too late it was a nervous giggle.

Jake knew me too well. He caught my gaze
and licked his bottom lip. He was enjoying having me ruffled. I could tell.
Hell, I was enjoying being off-kilter. It was a damn sight more exciting than
always knowing what was around the corner.

“You know full well there is nothing wrong
with your very fine hips,” he said and dropped his attention over my body, as
though seeing me through the covers. “Mmm, but back to the matter at hand.” He
resumed flicking through the booklet. Skimmed past
anal sex
a good
manicure and pedicure
breakfast in bed
an hour
as a slave, exhibitionism
blind seduction
and several others I
didn’t catch.

“Here we go,” he said, tipping the book so
I couldn’t see what he’d landed on.

“Jake,” I whined, stretching to look.

“Ah, ah, no, no, wait and see.” He held it
aloft and tore the voucher free.

My heart pounded, and my nipples were
tight just from anticipation. What was written on the slip of paper? I couldn’t
remember now what I’d missed when he’d flicked through it.

“Here,” he said, holding it out, upside
down. “But first you must promise to uphold the rules of the voucher.”

“Of course.”

“You will present me with it.” He grinned.
“Sooner rather than later.”

“Why do I get the feeling this is going to
be a treat for you more than it is me?”

He creased his brow and shook his head.
“No, not at all. At least I hope it will be mutual pleasure.”

He looked so worried, with his eyes
narrowed and his lips a tight line that I reached forward and kissed him.
“Okay,” I said, breathing in his fresh, soapy, just-showered scent. “Let’s
see.” I turned the voucher over.

A good spanking

My stomach clenched, and I swear my butt
cheeks actually tingled. Spank! Jake wanted to spank me, or at least I presumed
it was that way round and not that he wanted me to spank him.

God, what if that was it? Could I spank
Jake’s hot, tight arse? Whack him until he came? I wasn’t sure if I could.

“Say something, Cassie,” Jake whispered,
tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “Please.”

“You want to spank me?” I kept staring at
the word spank. Just the sound of it in my head made me think of stings and
slaps, wallops and thwacks. My body was buzzing at the thought of it, there was
no denying that. But I couldn’t quite pinpoint my overwhelming emotion. Was it
excitement, surprise, horror or desire?

“Well I’m hardly going to expect you to
spank me, am I?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “Maybe.”

He caught my chin and turned me to face
him. “Cassie, I have loved exploring this new depth of our sex lives with these
promises. I hope you have too.”

“Yes, absolutely. I feel…” I hesitated.
“Closer to you than ever before.”

“Good, because that’s how I feel. Like we’ve
really peeled back the layers of ourselves.”

“Yes, and peeled back the duvet.” I stared
down at it. “We had become stuck in a bit of a rut doing it in the dark twice a
week beneath the covers.”

“I’m not complaining about any of those
times we made love.” He leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose. “They
were all perfect, because I was with you.”

My heart swelled and I thought it might
burst with the love I felt for Jake. He really was my soul mate, the love of my
life, and when he said things like that it made me want to cry with joy.

“I’m sorry,” he said, alarm crossing his
face. “We don’t have to do it. It’s just a silly voucher. Cassie, don’t cry.”

 I dashed away a drip of moisture that
had broken the banks of my right eyelid. “No, it’s not that. I just love you so

His features relaxed, the lines in his
forehead dissipating. “And I love you too, but you know that.”

“It’s still nice to hear you say it.”

“I’ll go shout it from every mountain if
you want me to.”

I giggled. “Might be a little over the

He smiled then his face fell serious
again. He fingered the voucher. “So what do you say? Will you accept this?”

I stared at it again. Heard Jake’s
breathing. He was anxious. He’d put himself on the line with this one, set
himself up to be made vulnerable, laughed at, even. It was something he wanted
but had no idea if I would too.

The answer came to me in a rush of excited
nervousness. I couldn’t deny Jake. Ever. “Yes. I will.”

His shoulders dropped and I realised how
tense he’d been waiting for my answer. “You will?”


“But you seemed so shocked. Are you sure?”



“Because when you’ve been all determined
and taken control over things, you know, lately, with these vouchers.” I was
gabbling. “Like in the meadow when you held my head, fucked my mouth and you
were so…”


“Yes, dominant.” I nodded.

“You liked it?” A slow smile was spreading
on his face.

“Yes. Letting you take absolute control of
me, of sex, it was strange, almost…” I struggled to find the right word.
“Almost liberating.”

“Giving up responsibility and handing
yourself over to another person can be very powerful. It is also a great
responsibility for me to not hurt you in a bad way.”

“I know you wouldn’t do that.”

“I wouldn’t forgive myself if I did. But
this.” He pointed to the voucher. “I think might just work. If you trust me.”

My body was humming. Little fissions of
desire shooting through me. Talking about spanking, imagining Jake’s hand coming
down on my arse was turning me on. The thought of being over his knee, butt
cheeks in the air, all exposed and vulnerable had moisture seeping from my
pussy. It was then I realised one major thing. I didn’t want to wait for this
promise to be fulfilled. I wanted it now. While I was excited, in the mood and
curious as hell to know what it would be like.

“Here,” I said, giving him the voucher.

His face dropped. “Have you changed your

“No, not at all.” I ran my tongue over my
lips and gums, my mouth suddenly dry. “I want my promise now.”

“You do?”

I leaned into him, pressed my breasts
against his chest. “Yeah, spank me, fuck me, do whatever the hell you want with

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” he said hoarsely before
capturing my mouth in a heated kiss.

Next thing I knew I was on my back, Jake’s
weight over me and his cock nudging at my entrance.

“God, you’re wet already,” he groaned,
slipping his cock into my pussy.

“I want you,” I said, reaching down and
gripping his buttocks. They were solid orbs of muscle, tense and primed for
action. “So much.”

He forged in, releasing a long, guttural
groan as he did so. I gasped and revelled in the erotic nip of pain at being
stretched and invaded so quickly. It felt heavenly, and somewhere in the recess
of my mind I wondered if this was the type of sensual pain a spank would bring.
Hot and dark, sharp and searing and enough to make me scrunch my toes up tight.

“Ah, yeah,” he said as his balls nestled
up against my arse. “So fucking good. Are you ready for it?”

“Yes, yes.” My clit was crying out for
movement. For him to do that thing with his hips he was so damn good at and
that never failed to take me on a wild ride to orgasm.

“You must tell me to stop if you don’t
like it.”

“Oh, I like it.” I wound my legs around
the backs of his. “Fuck, I like it, Jake.”

Suddenly he pulled out, untangled his
limbs from mine and sat back on the bed.

I stared up at him, the loss of his body
heat acute, the absence of his cock in my pussy a shock. “Jake?”

He looked so damned sexy, sitting there
with his erect cock shiny from my juice. His shoulders all broad and tanned,
his chest shadowed from the one dim lamp in the room. But his eyes. They held
an almost feral glint.

“Turn over,” he said then tugged on his
bottom lip with his teeth. He fisted his cock and lazily worked his hand up to
the tip and back down again. “Come on, Cassie, turn over and let me spank your
sweet arse.”

I gulped and did as he’d asked. Flattened
my cheek on the pillow and was aware of how vulnerable my buttocks were.

“Up, like this.” He scooped his arm
beneath my waist and hoisted me onto my hands and knees.

“You ever done this before?” I asked,
staring at my breasts, which jostled slightly as Jake moved to the end of the



So how the hell will he know how hard
to spank me?

“You’re going to have to trust me, okay?”
he said.

I hesitated. “Okay.”

He palmed my arse, smoothing over the soft
globes of delicate flesh. Palming and massaging, stroking the cleft and round
to my hips. His breaths were noisy in the quiet room and it thrilled me to know
that he was so excited, so turned on by what he was doing, what I was going to
let him do.

“I admire your bum whenever your back is
turned,” he said, kissing the hollow of my spine. “I want to kiss it.” He sent
kisses lower, each one a hot spark of pleasure. “I want to fondle it, and I
want to do this.”

I felt the rush of air before the
connection. Then everything went white hot, his palm sending razor-sharp
pinches of pain shooting over my buttocks.

“Ah, fuck,” I cried.

“Shh, shh,” he said into my ear as he
flattened his hand over the pain, as though trying to rub it out. “Go with it,
find the pleasure.”

Another smack.

“Fuck,” I shouted again. Instinct told me
to writhe away and I shuffled frantically up the bed.

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