Read Stormbound with a Tycoon Online

Authors: Shawna Delacorte

Stormbound with a Tycoon (11 page)

BOOK: Stormbound with a Tycoon
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Once again he had surprised her. Chopping firewood was not something an international playboy would be doing. It was not the type of activity she would have associated with him, or at least with the type of person she thought he was. He was doing a good job of refuting who and what she had always believed of him. She continued to watch him for a moment longer. It helped her understand who he wasn't, but it didn't tell her anything about who he was.

She stepped out on the porch as he stacked the last piece of wood by the door. She gestured toward the results of his hard work while extending a teasing smile. “I must say I'm very impressed. You seem to be experienced in chopping wood.”

He grabbed her arm, pulled her body against his and returned her teasing grin. “I told you I'd change your first impression of me, and this is only the beginning.” He grabbed his sweater from the porch railing, then escorted her into the cabin.

“I worked up quite an appetite with all that hard work. So…what's to eat? I need to keep up my strength, you know. Never can tell when I'll need that little extra bit of energy.” He gave her a sly wink, then headed for the dining table.

They ate quickly, then carried their wineglasses to the large floor pillows in front of the fireplace. They talked quietly while sipping their wine and enjoying the sensual warmth of the fire. The relaxed atmosphere
allowed them to each finally let down the protective guard that had never completely been dismissed. The conversation eventually turned to Dylan's plans for the future.

Where he had been hesitant that afternoon, he now wanted to share the idea that he had been formulating in his mind. He wanted to know her thoughts and feelings about his plan.

He nervously cleared his throat. “Would you mind if I bounced an idea off you?” He pulled her into his arms and leaned back against the pillows. The tension shot through his body. Was he about to make a huge mistake? He had taken a chance when he shared the information about his almost marriage. But that had been something from his past. These plans were now, they had a definite impact on his entire future.

“Of course not.” She snuggled into the comfort of his embrace.

He paused to gather his thoughts before he went the final step in laying bare his guarded inner self. “As I told you, I wanted the use of the cabin to think out what I needed as a new direction for my life. This is what I've come up with.” An anxious tremor coursed through his body before finally subsiding. “Tell me what you think.”

He took a calming breath then plunged in headfirst. “I want to start a business, actually a service of sorts, for people who have been taken in by financial scams. I don't have all the details worked out yet, but it's pretty much set in my mind.” The plan had grown and the pieces fused together in direct proportion to his growing involvement with Jessica. Intellectually he knew it was true, but to know it emotionally was a
different matter. He tried to shake off that reality as he started to explain his plan.

“I envision it as a sort of seminar where they can get their financial life put back together, learn how to manage their money and rebuild for the future. It would also include information about how to recognize scams and con jobs. The seminar could be presented through the local chamber of commerce, by various civic organizations or as adult education night school. There are several possibilities. It would be a nonprofit endeavor. Any fee charged for the service would be minimal and only for the purposes of covering out-of-pocket expenses for the sponsoring organization, things like rental of the space to hold the class if that's necessary.”

Another jitter of anxiety darted through his body. He searched her expression for any hint of her thoughts. Once again he found himself seeking her approval and unsure of what her response would be. He tried to set aside his apprehension, but couldn't keep the hint of hopefulness out of his voice. “Well? What do you think?”

She studied the expectant look on his face, the uncertainty in his eyes. “What do I think?” An emotional wave flowed through her, accompanied by a tender feeling of caring and pride. Her words came out in a hushed awe. “I think that sounds wonderful. I'm truly impressed.”

The sigh of relief reverberated inside him. It was almost as if he'd been holding his breath waiting for her to say something. He pulled her body tighter against his, wrapping her completely within his embrace. “I'm…well…I'm a little nervous about it. A project like this will take a long-term commitment on
my part. That's something I've been worried about…just like Justin with his purchase of the charter company. I need to be sure this is the right thing for me to be doing. I don't want to start something that involves other people, then find out it isn't what I thought it would be. I have to consider the consequences of my actions and what the impact of those actions will be on others.”

He had just shared something with Jessica that he had never mentioned to anyone else, something he had not even clearly formulated into exact words. He had told her of his concerns about consequences, concerns brought on by his previous actions. It had been a difficult decision. It had required that he adopt a whole new way of thinking about the future. Thoughts of the Clarksons again filled his mind, strengthening his resolve to follow through with his plans and accomplish something worthwhile.

He ran his fingers through her hair as he cradled her head against his shoulder. That moment…stretched out in front of the fire with Jessica in his arms…filled him with a sense of contentment that he hadn't felt in many years. She was the most extraordinary woman he had ever met, someone who touched his very soul the way no one else ever had.

His contented frame of mind didn't last long as troubling thoughts and fears seeped into his consciousness. Making a commitment to start his finance seminar was a big enough step in its own right. Could he cope with a leap into the emotional sea at the same time? Did he have the courage to allow the possibility? He didn't know. His usual confidence had deserted him, leaving him uncertain and unsure of what to do.

He tried to shove the uncomfortable feelings aside.
He didn't want to dwell on the problems. All he wanted for that evening was to be with Jessica, to enjoy the time they had together. The emotional magnitude of the moment washed over him. He shifted his weight until he was able to lean across her body as it nestled into the floor pillows. He captured her mouth with a kiss, igniting the passion that had been smoldering deep inside him. He caressed her shoulders, ran his hand along her rib cage, then around the curve of her hip. He rolled over on his side, taking her with him.

Jessica had never felt as close to anyone as she did to Dylan at that moment. She knew she had finally gotten through that devil-may-care outer shell of the globe-trotting bon vivant to find the substance of the real man. He was so much more than the superficial playboy she had always assumed him to be. She certainly understood how he could charm his way into whatever he wanted, because he had clearly charmed his way into her heart.

His sensual touch set off a chain reaction of sensations ranging from a physical craving for his touch to an emotional connection she couldn't even describe. Her breath caught in her throat. A surge of excitement raced through her body. A sense of reckless abandon took hold of her, the thrill of an illicit encounter with a dangerous man. The stimulating reality produced an out-of-control intensity that frightened her orderly sense of things. Then any thought she might have had about putting a stop to what was happening disappeared in a heartbeat when he ran his tongue across her lower lip before invading the dark recesses of her mouth.

She pressed her body against his, boldly skimming
her fingers across his bare skin beneath the back of his sweater. Everything his earlier kisses had promised now proved to be true. There was no doubt in her mind that they would end up making love before the night was over, even though she suspected it would be the worst possible decision she could make. Just the thought of it sent a heated wave coursing through her body. She reveled in the sensations as the texture of his tongue scraped against hers. Her breathing became more labored as her excitement grew.

His arousal strained at the confines of his jeans. He drew away from her mouth, exchanging her addictive taste for the creamy smoothness of her skin. He nibbled at the corner of her mouth, kissed his way across her cheek and down the side of her neck. All logical thought deserted him. Any honorable intentions he might have harbored went up in smoke.

He pushed up her sweater and deftly unhooked her bra. Her tautly puckered nipple pressed into his palm as he cupped her breast. He took the other nipple into his mouth, his tongue teasing the pebbled texture of the bud. Her soft moan radiated pure pleasure and fired his ardor. A surge of excitement coursed through his body.

A hard jolt of anxiety hit him, quickly replacing the exhilaration. He released the treat from his mouth. He hadn't experienced this type of nervousness since his college days. He didn't know anything about her type of woman—if he was rushing her, what her needs might be, whether he would be able to satisfy them. He brought his mouth down on hers with an added fervor in an attempt to shake away the doubts. Her sensual stroking of his back sent a rush through his
body, giving added impetus to his desires. He held her tighter, every nerve ending wanting her.

He grabbed the bottom of her sweater. His words came out thick, attesting to his state of arousal. “Let's get rid of this.” He tugged at the sweater but only succeeded in getting it caught on her bra hooks. He struggled with the tangled mess. They both tried, but even with her assistance the garments refused to cooperate and only became more tangled.

“Damn!” Dylan inhaled a ragged breath in an effort to calm his growing frustration. The situation looked more like a disaster in the making than a smooth seduction or an enticing prelude to lovemaking. Was this how the evening would end? Like a scene from a slapstick comedy?

Jessica gasped for air. Her frustration matched his. Her unfastened bra and sweater were hopelessly twisted together to the point where her erratic movements had only made things worse. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath as a tremor ran through her body.

“Jessica…” He couldn't make the words come out. His husky voice conveyed his lack of total control. He felt her tremble as he held her in his arms. He framed her face with his hands and allowed his gaze to wander across her face—her kiss-swollen lips, the slight flush across her cheeks and the passion that sparkled in her eyes. He had never felt so inadequate as he had for the past few minutes. He wanted her. He wanted to intimately know every physical inch of her body and every emotional moment of her soul.

He didn't want to play games with her. She deserved better. She deserved honesty. He gently brushed his lips against hers. “Jessica…I want very
much to make love to you. I want to do it right, not like this…not like two teenagers groping in the back seat of a car.”

He stood up and held out his hand to her. “Come upstairs with me?” He felt as if he were in a win or lose situation where the stakes were very high and the consequences all important. She was not just another woman and this was not a simple one-night stand or quick affair. An uneasy tremor of apprehension darted through him as he held his breath and waited for her to answer.

Conflicting thoughts and feelings tore her in two directions. The woman who had been mesmerized by his charm, inflamed by his kisses and who burned with desire for his touch wanted to go with him…no questions asked and no promises required. However, the sensible, logical, feet-on-the-ground independent woman knew the pitfalls of giving in to those desires. She had been down that path before. She looked up into his eyes and saw only honesty and caring. She placed her hand in his and stood up. Would she end up regretting her decision? Possibly so, but for tonight nothing else mattered except being with Dylan Russell.

He grabbed one of the oil lamps, lit it and carried it with him as they walked upstairs hand in hand. She paused when they reached her bedroom door and gestured toward the other bedroom. “I believe Justin has some, uh…”

“I know. I saw them when I was looking for something to read last night.” He gave her hand a squeeze as he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I'll be right back.”


essica untangled her bra from her sweater and dumped both of them on the chair next to the bed. She unfastened her jeans and was about to remove them when the light from the oil lamp invaded the nearly dark room. She turned toward Dylan. Her heartbeat jumped. He wore only his briefs. The illumination highlighted his handsome features, the well-defined planes of his chest and his long, muscular legs. A tremor of anticipation darted up her spine and swirled around inside her.

He set the lamp on the nightstand along with the packets he had taken from Justin's nightstand. He turned down the wick until only a soft glow remained. Even in the dim light she could see the passion and excitement in his eyes. He placed his hands on her shoulders, then lightly trailed his fingers down her arms.

“Are you sure about this, Jessica?” He couldn't still the quaver in his voice or the nervous jitter that attacked his insides. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her. “I don't want you to feel like you were being unfairly coerced or—”

“I'm very sure.”

In fact, she had never been so sure of anything in her entire life as she was at that moment. His hands ran up her rib cage, coming to rest just below her breasts. Little shivers of excitement rippled across her skin in the wake of his touch. An intoxicating fervor assailed her senses, pushing her desires beyond anything she had ever experienced to a whole new level.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze slowly drinking her in—the sparkle in her eyes, her slightly parted lips, the firm curve of her breasts. A low moan escaped his throat as he kissed each of her puckered nipples. He couldn't stop the huskiness that clung to his words. “You are absolutely exquisite.”

Dylan ran the tip of his tongue from the base of her throat down to the valley between her breasts while tugging her jeans past her hips to the floor. She stepped out of them, shoving them aside with her foot. He drew her nipple into his mouth and gently suckled while caressing her back. His fingers ran across her bare skin moving lower and lower. He eased one hand inside her panties and cupped the roundness of her bottom. A moment later he slid the panties down her legs to the floor.

He placed a soft kiss between her breasts, then captured her other nipple and held it in his mouth. He savored the texture with his tongue, the experience enhanced when she wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. A low moan of
pleasure filled the air. He thought it was his, but it felt as if it came from her. Either way, he knew what was about to happen would be something very special because Jessica was very special.

He fell backward onto the bed taking her with him, holding her body tightly on top of his. The warmth of his skin heated her desires. Once again his tongue ran along the edge of her lower lip, then brushed against hers. The moan of delight caught in her throat. Her entire body tingled with excitement. She responded fully and without reservation to each and every tantalizing sensation he created.

She tugged at his briefs, desperately wanting them out of the way. She had never been so brazen, so aggressive, especially with someone who was still a stranger to her in many ways. His hand brushed against hers when he arched his hips up from the bed and accomplished what she had been attempting. He yanked away the last remaining physical barrier between them.

Bare skin pressed against bare skin along the length of their bodies. Their combined intensity filled the room with a heightened degree of sensual electricity. They had an entire night ahead of them in which to indulge their desires, yet each seemed consumed by a nearly out-of-control urgency.

Dylan again captured her mouth with an all-consuming kiss that left nothing hidden. He skimmed his hands along the length of her torso then tickled his fingers across the sensitive skin of her inner thigh drawing ever closer to the core of her sexual being. Every contact enhanced his already-overstimulated desire for her. He brushed his fingers through the downy
softness between her thighs then penetrated her moist heat.

A wave of ecstasy shot through Jessica's body. She arched her hips toward his hand, the intimate physical contact sending a swirl of euphoria around her, blotting out everything except the deep physical pleasure building inside her. She ran her hand along his thigh, then stroked his hardened arousal. She felt the low growl in his chest as much as heard it. Her ragged breathing came in hard gasps as the sensations built, layer upon layer.

As much as he wanted to savor each and every sensation—her gentle yet insistent touch as she stroked his manhood, her unbridled response to his ministrations—he knew his faltering control would not allow it. No one had ever excited him to the level where she did. He reached to the nightstand for one of the packets and quickly secured the condom.

Dylan rolled her over onto her back, then settled his body over hers. He gently probed at the entrance of her womanhood, then froze as a hard tremor of panic hit him. He had never been plagued by doubts before, but this time the emotional magnitude of what was about to happen pulled hard at his reality. He recaptured her mouth, as much to drive away his fears as to revel in the pleasure of her taste.

He thrust forward, completing the tangible connection between them. The moment her feminine folds closed around his hardness was the moment he
something very profound had happened, but something he couldn't quite define. It scared him as much as it excited him. He set a smooth rhythm, immediately losing himself in the pure physical pleasure of their coupling.

Jessica arched her hips to meet each of his downward strokes. He filled her both physically and emotionally, erasing her few remaining concerns about whether she was doing the right thing. Nothing had ever felt so right in her entire life. And no one had ever touched her soul as deeply as he did.

They moved together in harmony, their pace escalating with each stroke until the convulsions claimed her in an all-consuming burst of rapture. She threw her head back into the pillow, breaking the intensity of the kiss. She gasped for air. The waves of euphoria washed over her as her arms and legs wrapped tightly around his body.

Dylan had reached the limit of his tenuous control when her fulfillment resonated to him. He gave one final deep plunge. The hard spasms shuddered through his body. He held her tightly in his arms and buried his face in her hair, desperate to make sure any errant thoughts would not be verbalized. He did not want to say what he was feeling, did not want to acknowledge just how emotionally involved he had become with Jessica McGuire.

He gulped in a lungful of air as the spasms subsided. He brushed a loose tendril of hair away from her damp cheek, replacing it with a soft kiss. He continued to hold her in his arms while trying to bring control to his ragged breathing. He had never had anything hit him quite as hard as the implications of having made love with Jessica. He had suffered a quick bout of anxiety earlier, but now it had become full-blown panic. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his thoughts…and his fears.

Jessica snuggled into his embrace. She had never experienced anything like Dylan Russell. He made her
heart sing and elevated her level of intensity to the point where it made a mockery of her orderly sense of things. He filled her with so much emotion that it truly frightened her. And intermingled with all of that was the word
She wasn't sure where the word had come from or what to do about it, but she couldn't deny its existence.

He was the last person she should be having those thoughts about, but they refused to go away. Did she dare to hope that she would be able to erase his negative thoughts about a permanent relationship? That she could be the one to capture Dylan Russell's heart and keep it? Her euphoria became tempered by concerns and doubts. She chose to set aside everything except the here and now—the warmth, caring and protection he folded around her as he held her in his arms, gently stroking her skin and hair. She closed her eyes and allowed his sensual touch to lull her to sleep.

Her deep, even breathing accompanied the gentle rise and fall of her breasts. Never had anything affected him like making love with Jessica. She had literally turned his world inside out and left him grasping for explanations and reality. The strong emotions surging through his consciousness were unlike any he had ever experienced, including those he thought was love for his ex-fiancée. Did he dare consider the possibility of this being the start of a very deep and real love? The full-blown implications scared him to death.

The haunting fears that had lived inside him since the day he was left at the altar continued to plague him. And to that ongoing emotional burden had been added the trauma of his life seeming to unravel before his eyes. He looked at the sleeping Jessica, and his heart swelled with the deep feelings he had for her.
How many more changes in his life could he handle with everything being thrown at him at once? And more important, how could he expect anyone else to share that life when everything around him was so unsettled?

He kissed her on the forehead, then sank into the bed with his arms wrapped around her. He closed his eyes and tried to force the doubts and fears from his mind. Now he was even more troubled about his future than he had been when he arrived at the cabin. This time his concerns included Jessica McGuire and the role she would play in his life. A troubled sleep finally claimed him.


Dylan watched Jessica as she slept. The early-morning light filtered in through the bedroom windows, falling across her sleeping form. It highlighted the delicate features of her face and revealed the enticing curves of her body. Her long, dark lashes rested against her upper cheek, and her blond hair feathered softly over her forehead. A tightness pulled across his chest in conflict with the strong emotions that welled inside him. He had never seen anyone more beautiful or desirable in his life. A little tickle of panic stabbed at him telling him it was far more than merely physical desire that had captured his senses.

He glanced over to the nightstand, to the three empty condom packets. Two more times that night they had made love, each time more exciting than the previous—the most recent only three hours ago. And each time left him more fearful of where things were headed and how deeply he had already become involved with her. She filled that emptiness inside him,
that place that had long cried out for something but he hadn't known what…until now.

He pressed his lips softly against her cheek. An involuntary sigh of contentment reverberated through his body, followed by a shiver of apprehension. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her body against his, being careful not to wake her. The feel of her bare skin against his immediately renewed the desires that had been simmering just below the surface. If their night of lovemaking had done nothing else it had told him that he would never have enough of her, that he would always want more. She was like an intoxicating substance, and he was totally addicted.

An anxious tremor cut short his time of quiet reflection. He hadn't really given any thought to what she might be expecting from him. Would she assume a commitment for the future? It was a consideration he hadn't had to face before, not with the women he was accustomed to being with. They all knew what the score was, and it didn't include any type of commitment or promises. But Jessica…he didn't know what to expect with her. He wasn't sure exactly what he wanted, either. He knew what he didn't want. He did not want to lose her. He did not want their lives to take separate paths.

Jessica stirred awake, stretching her legs and arms while arching her back. His rapidly escalating desires pushed his concerns aside. He rolled her body over on top of his, tickled his fingertips lightly across her bare bottom, then settled her hips against his. Her soft moan, accompanied by a sexy smile, sent a wave of excitement rippling through his body. He nibbled tenderly on her earlobe, then at the corners of her mouth.
A low growl made its way out of his throat when she ran her foot along his calf.

The thick remnants of sleep clung to his voice. “Good morning.” He brushed a soft kiss against her lips. “Did you have a good night's sleep?” He slid his hand to her inner thigh while extending a wry smile. “Do you feel well rested?”

“Mmm…” She moved her hips just enough to let him know she was fully aware of his arousal. “That's a leading question.”

His whispered words tickled across her ear. “In case my lecherous intentions somehow eluded you…” He cupped the rounded globes of her buttocks and pulled her hips tightly against his as he captured her mouth with a quick yet sensual kiss.

“I don't think anything about you has eluded me.” A shiver of desire told her how deeply his touch affected her. As much as the idea of making love again appealed to her, she tried to put forth a more logical and sensible agenda. “Don't you think we should be thinking about getting out of bed?”

He wrapped his arms around her, caressing her back and shoulders. He kissed her cheek, his manner and tone conveying his teasing intention. “Not me. I'd be content to stay right here all day….” His words trailed off as his expression turned serious. “As long as you agreed to stay here with me.”

“That's a very tempting offer,” she took a steadying breath in an attempt to calm her highly stimulated desires, “but I think we'd better check the weather conditions and see if we can get to the market for some groceries.”

He kissed her tenderly on the lips. “I suppose you're right.”

Each hurried to shower and dress. He made coffee while she fixed the last of the breakfast supplies he had brought with him. The news on the radio said the bridge had been reopened. It provided a sobering moment. They were no longer stranded, either of them could leave. As if having silently agreed in advance, neither of them mentioned that possibility. They made quick work of breakfast, then took her car and went to the market for supplies. By midmorning they had finished with all the necessities.

BOOK: Stormbound with a Tycoon
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