Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience (13 page)

BOOK: Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience
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He buried his face into Seamus’s shoulder, smelling his sweet scent and feeling Seamus’s slick skin against his own chest. He felt Yancy clasp his shoulders from underneath and begin to lift and lower him, impaling him as his thrusts suddenly increased in their intensity.
The deep guttural roar that rumbled through Yancy’s chest was the only warning John got before the man’s cock slammed into him and the thick shaft beat out a steady rhythm in his ass, pleasuring John in a sensual wave that made his entire body tremble.
John reached up to wrap his hand around Yancy’s head where it rested against his neck. He reached down to Seamus with his other hand to softly stroke the man’s face, smiling to himself.
How had he missed out on a threesome before? It was the perfect way to have sex, the only way…with him sandwiched in the middle.

Chapter 12

Yancy chuckled as he watched Seamus and John fight for position in front of the bathroom mirror, both men laughing as they pushed against each other. It wasn’t like Seamus needed to shave that much. He barely had peach fuzz covering his face, or anywhere else.

John, on the other hand, had nothing but hair on his face. His beard was full but nicely trimmed. It kind of matched the rest of the hairy man’s body. Between the two men, Yancy had the best of both worlds.

And that totally amazed him.
Never, even in his wildest and most kinky fantasies, had Yancy ever considered having a full-time relationship with two men. He had certainly fantasized about a ménage with two men. What gay man hadn’t? But those fantasies had never gone beyond that.
And he didn’t understand why not. Things seemed so much simpler now that all three of them had acknowledged their mutual attraction and done something to cement the growing bond between them.
Seamus was going back to the happy, joyful person Yancy had first met. His emerald eyes twinkled with life. The affection he felt for both Yancy and John was clear in every single touch.
And there were a lot of touches.
Seamus couldn’t seem to get enough of either of them. He was constantly touching Yancy and John, kissing them, or just cuddling up to them—almost as if he needed to reassure himself that they were both there.
Yancy knew John saw the need in Seamus as much as he did by the way the man seemed to go out of his way to be where Seamus could touch him or lean into him. Yancy was pretty much doing the same thing, only he wasn’t limiting himself to just Seamus. He was touching and caressing John just as much.
Yancy knew that John was apprehensive about being with two men but no more than Yancy was. Yancy loved Seamus, would do anything for him. His growing affection for John put the sheriff in the same category—someone Yancy would do anything for.
Yancy rolled his eyes when Seamus went for the water running out of the tap. “I’m going to go make some food. You two get to clean up the bathroom.”
Yancy made it out of the bathroom just as a wet washcloth came sailing through the air, hitting the bathroom door. He peaked round the doorframe, sticking his tongue out at his lovers before running.
From the way that John was eyeing Seamus, Yancy was pretty sure he had plenty of time to whip something together for them all to eat. Apparently, John was trying to make up for lost time. The man was practically a walking hard-on, not that Yancy was complaining.
John didn’t discriminate between him and Seamus. He went after both of them with the same degree of desire. Yancy had been laid more in the last few days than he had in weeks—maybe years. The thought that John had to go back to work tomorrow almost made Yancy want to cry.
Yancy heard a loud thud against the wall as he grabbed one of the pans hanging from the rack over the center island. He paused, hand on the pan, and looked at the wall. He wasn’t exactly sure what John and Seamus were doing in the bathroom—even if he had pretty damn good idea—but it was shaking the pictures on the wall.
“Oh, yes!” Seamus screamed.
Yancy blinked as the pictures shook even more before one of them crashed to the floor. Whatever John was doing to Seamus was definitely shaking things up. Yancy just hoped Seamus would be able to walk afterward.
Yancy chuckled as he pulled the pan down and placed it on the stove. He went to the fridge and grabbed the items he would need to make crepes. After years of living on his own, Yancy had discovered the need to be able to cook something palatable. Luckily, his mother was a great cook and was delighted to teach him everything she knew. He learned one dish. Strawberry crepes were his specialty.
While the pan was heating up, Yancy grabbed a bowl and started mixing the crepe batter together. Once it was done, he set it aside and began slicing strawberries. One by one he began pouring batter into the pan. By the time he had a nice little platter of strawberry-filled crepes, he heard the shower come on.
Yancy was just setting the used pan in the sink when the phone rang. Thinking nothing of it, he reached over and grabbed the cordless phone, clicked the answer button, and pressed the phone to his ear.
“Riley residence,” he said absently as he turned on the water to clean the pan. He hated leaving dirty dishes in the sink. It came from years of being on dish duty when his mother cooked.
“You’re going to die,” snapped a deep, malevolent voice, “and all of your little fag buddies are going to die with you.”
Yancy dropped the phone. He quickly grabbed for the device, catching it before it could hit the floor. When he held it back to his ear, his jaw was clenched, so much anger running through him that Yancy was in danger of shattering a tooth.
“Who the fuck is this?”
Dial tone.
“John!” Yancy shouted as he turned the water off then started down the hallway. John must have heard the intensity in his voice because the man came barreling out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips, beads of water dripping down his nearly naked body.
“What?” John asked. “What’s wrong?”
Yancy held the phone up. “I want to hear those messages you’ve been getting.”
John’s eyes narrowed in on the phone in Yancy’s hand, a scowl darkening his features. “Did he call again?”
“Yes. He said that you and all of your little fag friends were going to die,” Yancy snapped. No wonder John had tried to protect Seamus. Yancy would have done the very same thing. “Is that what he usually says?”
“Well, he’s never mentioned any of my friends before, just anyone I cared about.” John’s frowned deepened, drawing his dark blond eyebrows down low over his eyes. “Do you think he knows about you and Seamus?”
“Knows what?” Seamus asked as he walked out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel over his head.
Yancy dropped his head. They had spent a lot of time talking over the last few days, and even more time between the sheets. But somehow, in all of that, they had forgotten to explain to Seamus why John had pushed him away.
“We need to talk, honey.”
Seamus blanched, every last trace of blood leaving his face. “You leaving me?”
“Oh gods.” Yancy rushed across the space between them and drew Seamus into his arms. He wrapped his arms around Seamus, tucking the man’s head under his chin. “No, honey, I’m not leaving. No one is leaving.”
“Then what do you need to talk to me about?” Seamus’s voice was shaky, breathless.
“We never talked about why John pushed you away, Seamus. I think maybe it’s time that you knew.”
“No!” Seamus’s eyelashes fluttered madly as he pushed out of Yancy’s arms. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms, his eyes landing just about anywhere except on John or Yancy. “I’m sure you had a good reason. It’s okay. I don’t need to know. Things are going good for us right now, and I…I just don’t need to know.”
Yancy was bewildered until John spoke up. He couldn’t figure out why Seamus wouldn’t want to know why the sheriff had pushed him away just when it seemed like they had come together.
“Seamus, I didn’t want to push you away, but I was scared.”
Seamus’s eyes briefly met John’s then dropped away. “We didn’t have to jump into anything. We could have just been friends until you were more comfortable with us being together. I wouldn’t have—”
Holy fucking hell!
Seamus thought it was something he had done that drove John away.
“Someone is threatening John’s life and the life of everyone he cares about, including you, Seamus. John pushed you away because he didn’t want anyone to know that he cared about you. He didn’t want you hurt.”
Seamus’s facial expression wavered for a moment, going from confused to sad to downright pissed off. When he looked up, there was so much anger in his emerald-green eyes that they had almost turned black.
Yancy took a quick step back. The Seamus he knew was sweet and smart and funny. This Seamus looked like he could take on an entire platoon of armed marines and not break a sweat. It was kind of hot, but also scary as hell.
“You could have told me,” Seamus said in a very,
, low gravelly voice as he glared across at John. “You could have given me the option of standing by your side or hiding. I may be the youngest Blaecleah, but that does not mean that I am weak.”
“Seamus, I never thought you were weak,” John said, his voice not quite as low as Seamus’s but pretty damn close. Although, Yancy was pretty sure John wasn’t angry, just maybe heartbroken.
John rubbed his hand over his face, taking a few steps into the kitchen, stopping to look out the window over the sink. “I couldn’t put you in danger, Seamus. Don’t you understand that? Whoever is doing this to me is serious. He leaves threatening phone calls on my answering machine. He killed my neighbor’s cat because I fed the damn thing every morning. And I was terrified of what he would do to the man I love if he ever discovered who you were.”
Yancy wished that John wasn’t looking away from Seamus. He totally missed the wonder that came over Seamus’s face as the man realized what John said.
“You love me?”
John’s shoulders stiffened, and he slowly turned around. “Of course I love you. I’ve loved you forever.” There was pure agony in his voice. It was mirrored in his grayish-blue eyes. “What do you think this is all about?”
“You never said anything,” Seamus insisted with a small shrug of his shoulders. “I thought maybe you liked me but—”
“No, baby.” John rushed to Seamus’s side, drawing the smaller man up against his body. He cupped Seamus’s face between his hands, tilting his face up. John was just few inches taller than Seamus, but this close together, Yancy could clearly see their height difference. “I love you, Seamus. I’ve loved you for ages. Hell”—John chuckled lightly—“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love you.”
“I love you, too,” Seamus whispered.
Yancy felt a thick lump of emotion well up in his throat at the adoring look that passed between John and Seamus. He didn’t begrudge either of them their tender moment together. He just wished he was a part of it. Yancy didn’t feel jealous, just left out.
Yancy started to step out of the room, to give the two men a moment alone, when Seamus continued speaking again and the lump in his throat turned to tears in his eyes.
“I love Yancy as well. You need to understand that. I know it’s not politically correct for a man to love two other men, but I do. If you can’t live with that, I need to know now. I know we agreed to this threesome thing, but I need to be able to share myself with Yancy just as much as I share myself with you.”
Yancy turned back to face the two men just in time to see John brush Seamus’s hair back from his face, tucking one long strand behind his ear. “I understand, Seamus,” John said, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Seamus blinked rapidly, as if he was trying to blink away the tears in his glistening eyes. “Really?
John grinned as he nodded. “The three of us are going to be an unbeatable team.”
Yancy swallowed hard when John turned to look at him. The hairs on his arms started to stand up, a shiver of something to come sliding down his back.
“Yancy and I are just friends at this point, Seamus, very intimate friends, mind you, but still just friends. I hope in time that whatever is developing between us will turn into something more. I want this thing between the three of us to work.”
John seemed to be asking something with his words, something that eluded Yancy until he glanced at Seamus and saw the hope in his emerald eyes. And then it dawned on him what John wanted.
“I want this to work, too,” he replied. “But you need to know I already feel more for you than simply friendship. I don’t love you like I love Seamus, not yet. That will only come with time. But I do care about what happens to you more than I would if we were merely friends, or even friends with benefits.”
“Oh, thank god!” John’s shoulders slumped as if a great relief had suddenly been lifted off of them. “I knew you were here because of Seamus. I didn’t want to put you in a position where you felt that you had to be with me just so that you could have Seamus.”
“You’re not a convenience, John, or a means to an end.” Yancy’s lips tilted up at the corners. “I’m choosing to be here with you.”
“You know this is going to put you in the line of fire, right?” John turned back to Seamus, a look of concern wrinkling his forehead as he frowned. “It’s going to put both of you in danger from whoever is after me.”
Seamus began to smile. Now, usually, the man was as sweet as he could possibly be. Seamus was the quiet, easygoing Blaecleah in Yancy’s mind. But the wickedness in the man’s smile suddenly made him wonder if he really knew Seamus at all. There were hidden depths to Seamus that he knew he hadn’t even tapped into.
“Now that we’re a team, it means that my entire family is behind us.” Seamus frowned for just a moment. “Well, assuming that they don’t bury me in the backyard under Ma’s tomato plants for getting involved with the two of you.”
Yancy chuckled. “Your family is one of the most understanding families I have ever met, Seamus. Hell, ever damn one of your brothers is married to a man. I doubt that they’ll do anything to you.”
“Maybe.” Seamus snorted. “But none of my brothers ever brought two lovers home before either.”

Chapter 13

Seamus was so nervous he could taste bile rising up in his throat. They were on their way to his family’s ranch to talk with his folks and brothers about the situation with John. They would also be announcing to his family that he was involved with both John and Yancy.

That should go over like a lead balloon.
Donnell and Alani Blaecleah were the most understanding parents a son could have, but even they had their limits. They wouldn’t even blink an eye at Seamus bringing another man home, but two? That would take more understanding than even they might have.
Seamus dreaded the upcoming confrontation. He loved his family, but he also loved Yancy and John. Choosing between them would break his heart in ways that he doubted could be mended.
He didn’t even want to think about the fallout that would come when his family learned that by loving John, he had put himself in danger. They were going to go ballistic, especially his brothers. As the youngest of the Blaecleahs, his brothers tended to be overprotective of him. There were times when Seamus really liked that about his brothers.
This wasn’t one of them.
Lachlan was going to lose his mind. He’d probably start yelling. Quaid would go all silent while he planned someone’s demise. Rourke would go into protective mode. Neamus would run to Brody and demand that the ex-biker turned minister protect Seamus.
God love ’em, but they could be a little overbearing at times.
Seamus swallowed hard when Yancy turned the vehicle into the driveway of the Blaecleah ranch. He grimaced when he saw all of the family vehicles assembled in front of his folks’ house.
Great, everyone was home.
Seamus had kind of hoped to break it to them one at a time…over several months, maybe? He had never been able to hide anything from his family anyway, so he didn’t know why he should be surprised that he would have to tell them all at the same time. So far, his luck in that department had been dismal at best.
“Hey, are you going to be okay?”
Seamus plastered a smile on his face that he didn’t feel and turned to nod at John. “I’m good.”
“Stop lying, Seamus,” Yancy said. “I know you’re nervous, but it will be okay.”
“I’m not lying,” Seamus insisted.
“Well, you’re not telling the truth either.”
Damn! Yancy knew him just a little too well.
Seamus sighed. “Okay, I’m nervous. I have no idea what my folks are going to say about me bringing two men home. And then there are my brothers.”
“Your brothers like me,” John insisted.
Seamus let out a very rude little snort. “That was before they knew you were boinking their baby brother.”
The car swerved for a moment then slowed and came to a complete stop next to the other vehicles parked in the driveway. Yancy turned off the engine and turned to look at Seamus. “Did you just use the word
Laughter sputtered out from between Seamus’s lips. “Maybe.”
“I have never
in my life,” John snapped, but there was a quiver of laughter in his voice as if he was trying very hard not to laugh. When Seamus glanced at him, the man’s jaw was clenched as if he was on the verge of busting out and fighting it with everything in him. “Sheriffs do not boink.”
“Oh yes, they do.” Seamus snickered. “So do ranchers, ex-biker turned ministers, lawyers, accountants, and private detectives. And some of them do it in very interesting ways.”
“How interesting?” Yancy asked.
Seamus just grinned. There was no way he was spilling all of his secrets at one time. He had to leave some things for the future. Besides, if he squealed on what he knew, his brothers would string him up for sure.
“Hey,” Yancy suddenly said, “there’s your father.”
Seamus’s stomach began to clench when he looked toward the house he had lived in his entire life and saw his Da standing at the top of the steps. The man’s posture wasn’t off-putting, but it didn’t seem that welcoming either.
“He looks upset,” Seamus whispered absently. “Do you think that he already knows?”
“No, I think he’s concerned that his son is riding in a vehicle with two men that were shot at and driven off the road a couple of days ago.” John grabbed Seamus’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “If you were in his shoes, wouldn’t you be?”
“Yeah, I suppose.” That knowledge still didn’t make Seamus feel any better about talking with his folks, but it did remind him that someone was threatening John. Of course, remembering that someone was after one of his lovers kind of put everything in perspective.
They needed help if they had any hope of finding out who was after John. That help hopefully would come in the form of the entire Blaecleah clan. They were known pretty far and wide as a family willing to go out on a limb for those they cared about.
Seamus hoped that held true as he followed John and Yancy out of the truck and started toward the house. The closer he got, the more apprehension he felt. Da really did look grim. Seamus paused at the bottom step and looked up at his Da.
“What’s wrong?” he asked when he noted the guarded look in his Da’s green eyes.
Da stared at Seamus for a moment then turned his eyes toward John. “Sheriff, you received a phone call about an hour ago.”
John frowned as he pulled out his cell phone and checked it. “I never received any messages on my phone.” His eyebrows were drawn together in a deep frown when he glanced back up. “The station would have called my cell phone if they needed to get into contact with me.”
“I do not believe this phone call came from the station, Sheriff.”
John was standing close enough for Seamus to feel him stiffen. He knew without asking what the phone call had been about even if he didn’t know who exactly had called. He just didn’t understand why the perpetrator of these threats was calling his folks’ house.
“What did the message say?” Seamus asked.
“Come on inside,” Da said as he turned back toward the house. “You can listen to it yourself. Ma didn’t have time to get to the phone before it went to the answering machine. Once she heard what was being said, she just let the machine get it and came to find me.”
And that might explain why every vehicle in the Blaecleah clan was parked in front of the house. Everyone was rallying around Alani Blaecleah.
This wasn’t going to end well.
Seamus glanced at John and Yancy then hurried up the steps, following his Da into the house. He could hear his two men following right behind him. And even if he hadn’t, he felt them plow into him when he stumbled to a stop just inside the entryway. Every damn last one of his brothers and their husbands were in the living room, surrounding Ma.
And they looked pissed.
Seamus gulped when Lachlan stepped forward. Lachlan was the oldest brother, and usually the spokesman when there was an issue. He was also the most protective and the most stubborn out of all of them. Next to Ma and Da, Lachlan was usually the one in charge.
“Hey, Lachlan.”
Nope. This definitely wasn’t going to go well.
Seamus wanted nothing more than to back right out the front door. He hated being confronted by his brother. Even if he was innocent of doing anything wrong, his brother’s fierce glare made him feel guilty.
Lachlan was almost as good at it as Ma.
Seamus glanced over his shoulder at John, nodding toward the kitchen. “The answering machine is in the kitchen. Why don’t you go listen to it while I deal with this?”
John shook his head. “I’m not going to let you face this on your own.”
“Just what is this, John?” Lachlan asked. Seamus winced. He could hear the fury beneath his brother’s polite tone. “Why is someone threatening my ma?”
“It’s not what you think, Lachlan,” Seamus insisted, refusing to let Lachlan lay a guilt trip on John. “Someone has been threatening John for quite some time now. I don’t know why they are suddenly calling here unless they knew John was coming out to the ranch.”
Lachlan’s response was scalpel sharp. “What kind of threats?”
“Someone has been leaving messages on John’s machine, threatening him and anyone he cares about.”
“Well.” Asa chuckled good-naturedly as he stepped up to stand beside his husband. There was concern etched in his face but not the same animosity as in Lachlan’s. “That explains a lot.”
Seamus just cocked an eyebrow because he really didn’t have a response to Asa’s words. He wasn’t sure he knew exactly what Asa thought his words explained, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
From the thoughtful looks aimed in his direction, he had a pretty good idea of what Asa meant, though. Seamus suddenly had the feeling that he hadn’t hidden a damn thing from a single member of his family.
“Yeah, well…” Seamus felt a lump the size of a ballpark swell up in his throat. He stiffened for a moment when he felt a warm hand splay out in the center of his back, and then relaxed when he realized it was one of his lovers. “I guess there needs to be a few more explanations.”
Seamus suddenly felt a large presence at his back, quickly followed by a second one. He knew without looking that both John and Yancy had stepped up close behind him. They were silently lending him their support, and that more than anything gave Seamus to courage to confront his family with his news.
“John and Yancy are my legends.”

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