Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience (4 page)

BOOK: Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience
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Wooden booths sat along one wall, small tables covering every other empty space in the place. A long bar went down the center of the room in a U-shape, large margarita glasses hanging from a copper pot holder in the center of the bar area. A stage was at one end of the bar and the large pull-back-open doors along the other.
It was kind of cool.
Seamus followed Yancy to a booth near the back, watching as the man waved to several people, mostly the staff, and then slid into the booth. Seamus slid in on the opposite side.
“This place is unusual.”
“Right? The Crab Shack has been a local favorite for over twenty years.”
“Why do you say local favorite?” Seamus leaned back and smiled up at the waitress who set a basket of chips and some salsa down on the table between him and Yancy. “Thank you.”
Yancy nodded to the woman as he grabbed a chip. “The Crab Shack has one rule, no talking about it.”
“Um…isn’t that kind of counterproductive? Wouldn’t you want people to talk about the place?”
“Nope.” Yancy popped a chip into his mouth. After chewing it, he sat back in the booth. “Think about it. What’s the quickest way to get people to talk about something?”
Seamus smirked as the answer hit him. “Tell them not to.”
“Yep.” Yancy grabbed another chip, dipping it into the salsa this time. “The Crab Shack doesn’t spend a penny in advertising. No ads, no flyers, no discount coupons. It’s all word of mouth.”
Seamus chuckled, shaking his head. “That’s actually kind of ingenious.”
“And it works well enough that you have to have reservations on the weekends or you’re liable to spend forty-five minutes standing outside waiting for a table.”
“Really?” Seamus glanced around the restaurant. It did not inspire visions of a place that needed reservations. It looked like an oceanfront bar and grill. It was clean enough, and the clientele seemed like mostly working-class locals. Nothing about the place screamed five-star restaurant to him.
“What can I get you boys?” the waitress asked as she walked up.
“A menu?” Seamus asked.
The woman laughed. “Honey, Jack only serves three things— burgers, fries or onion rings, and margaritas. Now, you can have your burger with or without cheese, with or without onions, and with or without pickles, but other than that, you get it Jack’s way. You can choose between fries or onion rings to go with your burger, and you can choose what type of margarita you want, but if you want a menu, you’re gonna have to go somewhere else.”
Seamus blinked. “Uh…who’s Jack?”
“The chef.”
“Right. I’ll have a cheeseburger with everything, onion rings, and a Cadillac margarita.”
“Good choice.” The woman smiled as she turned toward Yancy. “What’ll you have, Yancy? Your usual?”
“Yeah, thanks, Rita.”
The waitress winked then walked away.
“I take it you come here a lot?”
“No, Rita was a client a few years back. I helped her get the dirt on her jerk of an ex-husband. He was banging his secretary. I got the pictures that got her enough of a divorce settlement that she was able to buy this place.”
“Rita owns the Crab Shack?”
“Uh…I guess it’s not what you know but who you know.”
“Isn’t it that way in Cade Creek?”
“Yeah, I guess it is. I just never expected to run into something like that in the city.”
“All a city is is a bunch of small towns all tossed together.”
“True,” Seamus agreed. “So, answer me this then. Why is this place called the Crab Shack if all they make is burgers and margaritas?”
Yancy grinned. “Rita hates crab.”

Chapter 4

Yancy was dragging ass, and he knew it. He was so tired that his eyeballs ached. Of course, that might have been caused by looking through a camera lens for several hours. He really hated these long stakeouts.

This one had taken nearly twelve hours before he got the winning shots—the husband of his client in a compromising position with his wife’s very male divorce lawyer.

Yancy didn’t have a problem with two men getting it on, especially considering who he was. But when a woman was trying to divorce her scumbag husband, and getting screwed by said husband and her very own lawyer, it kind of made his skin crawl.

He was glad the assignment was over. With the pictures he had taken, not only would his client most likely get the divorce settlement she wanted, but her lawyer was probably going to lose his law license. The man was clearly violating the ethics code of the Bar Association.

Yancy slid his house key in the tumbler and unlocked the door. He opened the door and was instantly assailed with the aromatic scent of cinnamon rolls. It hung in the air so thickly that he could almost stick his tongue out and taste it.

He glanced at his watch. Damn, it was six o’clock in the morning. What in the hell was Seamus doing up this early? The man should be in bed sleeping. Well, on the couch sleeping at the very least. Yancy still hadn’t figured out how to get the man into his bed.

But he thought he might be getting closer.

Over the last several days, they had kind of fallen into a comfortable routine. Yancy wasn’t quite sure what Seamus did while he was out in the field, but the house was always clean, the laundry done, and a pot of something cooking by the time he got home from whatever assignment he was out on.

They spent all of Yancy’s free time together. Yancy even called Seamus just to chat while he was on stakeout. Sometimes, they would talk for hours. And Yancy was coming to like the guy more and more with each passing day.

He didn’t know what it said about him that he was glad he had someone to come home to, someone he knew would be waiting for him instead of out working or doing their own thing. He’d categorize himself as a male chauvinist pig, except Seamus was a man.

Yancy liked the idea that Seamus was in his house, waiting for him. And so far, the man hadn’t seemed to be in any big hurry to leave. Seamus hadn’t even talked about finding his own place, not since the day he arrived.

Yancy just hoped it stayed that way.
He felt like he was making headway with the guy. Seamus hadn’t mentioned the sheriff in forever. Yancy was pretty damn happy about that. He didn’t like the idea that he might be chasing after a guy who might be pining after someone else, but maybe Seamus was starting to see he had other options—like Yancy.
“Hi, honey,” Yancy called out as he shut and locked the front door. “I’m home.”
He pulled off his jacket and hung it up in the closet then pushed his shoes off and set them near the door. Seamus didn’t like him wearing shoes in the house—something about bringing dirt in and getting the carpets all nasty.
“Hey, how did it go?” Seamus asked as he appeared in the kitchen doorway, wiping his hands on a towel. “Did you get the shots you wanted?”
“Oh yeah.” Yancy grinned as he set his equipment bag down on the floor next to his office door. “The client is going to be very happy. Her soon-to-be ex-husband and her lawyer, not so much.” Seamus’s eyebrows shot up. “The wife’s lawyer?”
“Yep.” He nodded. “I caught the husband in a compromising position with her lawyer at some seedy hotel downtown, which explains why the lawyer was giving her such lousy legal advice.”
“Pretty much.”
“Elijah is a great lawyer. I couldn’t imagine him doing anything like that.”
“If only because Ruben would feed him his balls.”
Seamus’s face lit up as he laughed. “Right?”
Yancy sniffed the air. “Is that fresh cinnamon rolls I smell?”
“It is, and you can have some just as soon as you go scrub all that sweat and grime off.” Seamus’s nose wrinkled as he waved his hand back and forth in front of his face. “You stink.”
Yancy stepped closer to Seamus, invading his personal space but not quite touching him. “I thought you liked the way I smelled,” he said in a low, raspy voice laced with humor.
“I do.” Seamus tilted his head back and looked up at Yancy, a gleam of amusement twinkling in his green eyes. “But that isn’t your smell. That’s stakeout grime. You smell much nicer.”
Yancy’s jaw nearly unhinged when Seamus moved closer to him until their chests pressed together. Seamus’s fingers lightly brushed over the skin above Yancy’s collar, his eyes never quite meeting Yancy’s.
“If you’re quick, I might come in and scrub your back.”
Before Yancy could get his mouth to start working again, the timer went off on the oven. Seamus leaned up and pressed a small kiss on the corner of Yancy’s chin then turned and walked back into the kitchen.
Yancy just stood there, holding onto the doorframe as he tried to control his raging hormones. His body was so hard that his muscles had locked in place.
He had no idea what had just happened. True, he had been working on getting closer to Seamus for ages, but the man always rebuffed him, even if it was in a nice way. Suddenly, he felt like Seamus had dropped every bit of resistance, giving in to the desire that had been building between them since the day they met.
“Hurry up, Yancy,” Seamus called out. “Breakfast is getting cold.”
Hurry up?
How in the hell was he supposed to hurry up when he couldn’t move in fear that his entire body would shatter with need?
Yancy drew in a deep, controlled breath then peeled his fingers off the doorframe. He could hear Seamus humming in the kitchen as he forced his body to move and walked down the hallway to his room.
His mind whirled as he stripped his clothes off and dropped them in the hamper Seamus had made him buy after discovering what a slob Yancy was. He couldn’t seem to settle on any one thought. Instead, his mind was jumping from possibility to possibility.
Was Seamus finally starting to come around or was the man just joking around? Seamus had a great sense of humor. Yancy had found that out over the last several days. But he was pretty sure that Seamus wouldn’t joke about something like this.
But did he mean what he said? And if so, what exactly did he mean?
Yancy groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. He really didn’t know what to think. He wanted Seamus with a need that made him ache clear down to his soul. He knew getting involved with a man that had feelings for someone else was about as stupid a move as he could possibly make. He just couldn’t seem to give up.
Maybe he was a glutton for punishment.
The idea of never having Seamus ate at him. The man was beautiful inside and out, but he was almost too innocent for the city. Seamus was definitely a small-town boy. He saw the good in people, not the bad. He wasn’t cut out for the seedier side of life simply because he didn’t think that way.
It was one of Seamus’s most endearing qualities.
If Seamus was his, and Yancy knew for sure that the man was his, Yancy would even consider moving back to Cade Creek with him just to keep that boyish innocence alive in Seamus’s eyes. He couldn’t think of much he wouldn’t be willing to do if Seamus was his.
He just wasn’t sure that Seamus was his or that he even had a chance at making Seamus his. He wasn’t exactly getting the hot-andcold treatment from Seamus. The man never intentionally teased Yancy—even if it happened every time Seamus walked into the room.
Or breathed.
Yancy walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As soon as the water was warm enough, he climbed in under the hot spray. Maybe a shower wasn’t such a bad idea. The hot water felt freaking fantastic on his sore muscles. Sitting in a car for hours on end, then getting into some really interesting places to take snapshots of people doing bad things was not easy on the body.
Not knowing if Seamus meant his words or not, Yancy decided he had best hurry and get cleaned up, especially if he wanted some of Seamus’s cinnamon rolls. He got his hair wet then grabbed the shampoo and started washing it.
Yancy tried to push all thoughts of Seamus out of his mind while he showered, but it wasn’t easy. Since the man arrived to crash on his coach, Yancy hadn’t thought about much else. The man intrigued Yancy right down to his toes.
He still thought Sheriff John Riley was a complete idiot. Seamus had basically been ripe for the plucking. He had been sitting there, waiting for John to acknowledge the attraction between the two of them, and the man had practically run in the other direction.
Yancy wasn’t that stupid. If Seamus said yes, Yancy was going to grab onto the guy and never let him go. His mama didn’t raise a dummy. Seamus was a prize catch, and Yancy knew it—and that wasn’t even considering the man’s cooking abilities.
Yancy rinsed his hair and reached for the body wash only to find the shelf empty. He frowned and glanced around, wondering if he had set it down somewhere else. When he felt a hand slide down his back, Yancy yelped and spun around.
When he crashed into the shower wall, he knocked the shampoo off the shelf. It fell to the floor, landing right on top of Yancy’s toe. Yancy groaned as pain started to throb through his toe. He grabbed his foot, hopping around on the other one.
Seamus just stood there, laughing. “Well, that wasn’t quit the reaction I was expecting.”
“Sweet jesus, Seamus. I didn’t even hear you come in.”
Seamus’s face suddenly looked guarded and uncertain. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Hell, no!” Yancy realized he had practically shouted the words when Seamus’s eyes widened. He set his foot back down on the floor of the shower stall then smiled apologetically at Seamus. “Sorry. No, I don’t want you to leave.”
But Yancy didn’t know if he was ready to say that yet. He still wasn’t sure what Seamus’s feelings were, or even if he had any.
When he had first met Seamus, Yancy had been ready for a simple fling. That was no longer true. After spending the last several days getting to know the guy, Yancy wanted more. He wanted the whole dream, or at least the one he had been fantasizing about.
Seamus started to smile again. “Turn around and let me wash your back.”
Yancy turned around and rested his forehead against the shower wall. He bit his lip to keep from groaning when he felt Seamus’s hands start to move over his back. The hesitancy in Seamus’s touch was just as sensual as the man.
When Seamus turned him around and started washing his chest, it was all Yancy could do not to drop to his knees and beg the man for more. Seamus’s lush lower lip was caught between his teeth as if the man was nervous but intent on what he was doing.
Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to have those lips wrapped around his cock.
“All you had to do was ask.” Seamus chuckled as he dropped to his knees.
Holy shit!
Had he said that out loud?
Yancy tried to keep his breath steady as he worked his way through the implications of Seamus’s words. His heart went wild, and blood rushed hot through his veins when he felt Seamus’s wet tongue lick his pelvic bone. A groan rose up in Yancy’s throat as arousal caught him in a vicious grip and shook him hard.
“Seamus, please,” Yancy pleaded as he humped his hips toward Seamus, an anxious whine falling from his lips. He gritted his teeth when Seamus just chuckled at him.
A moment later Yancy’s needy cry echoed through the shower stall as the man’s lips wrapped around his hard cock. He had never felt anything so fantastic in his life. He could feel every movement, every lick, every sweet caress. Yancy could almost feel the very air around him moving over his sensitive skin.
He felt flushed, hot, and needy. Fire raced through Yancy’s body, melting him from the inside out. He didn’t know what Seamus would to do next, and it drove him crazy. His heartbeat throbbed in his ears as he waited for Seamus’s next move. He just wished the man would hurry the hell up.
Yancy was about to go out of his ever-loving mind.
He groaned and started panting when something brushed against his balls. He spread his legs, giving Seamus more access. He loved having his balls played with, sucked on, tugged, anything.
His body shook. Red-hot need rushed through his body like a tidal wave and crashed together in his cock when Seamus suddenly deepthroated him. Yancy growled as he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of the man’s throat. Using his hand to push his hair back, Yancy watched Seamus as the man moved his head back up and down his cock.
It was an alluring sight, one he hoped to see again and again—for the rest of his life.
“Fuck, Seamus,” Yancy shouted, “don’t stop.”
Yancy’s body stiffened as Seamus’s mouth sank even further down on his cock. Seamus swallowed it until Yancy felt the man’s nose brush against his short, curly hairs right before Seamus began to move his mouth along Yancy’s hard length.
“Oh, fuck,” Yancy whimpered as the man’s slight hum sent small vibrations through his cock. He tangled his hands in Seamus’s hair, holding him in place as he fucked the world’s most perfect mouth.
He could feel his balls drawing up close to his body. He knew he was on the edge of an intense orgasm. Yancy couldn’t believe the hotness he felt, the exquisite pleasure. It just kept going higher and higher.
“Oh, Seamus, gonna…” Yancy cried out as a heavy pressure built in his balls. It moved up to the base of his cock then erupted out the top as Yancy found his release. Yancy shouted as he came, flooding Seamus’s mouth and throat with hot, salty liquid. Seamus sucked down every last drop until Yancy melted into the shower stall.
When Seamus lifted his head, Yancy stared down at him, a little dazzled, uncertain what to think or even how to think. Yancy’s fingers trembled as he reached down and trailed them over the side of Seamus’s face.
“Thank you.”
Seamus’s face flushed bright red. “You’re welcome.”
“Can I return the favor?” Yancy was confused by the sudden embarrassment that he could see in Seamus’s green eyes right before the man dropped them to look at the floor. “Seamus?”
“I kind of…um…well, when you…I…”
Yancy suddenly read through Seamus’s stuttered words, and he felt like shouting to the rooftops. He could feel small pants of Seamus’s breath tickling his abdomen. The man’s breath was coming out raggedly, softly, nervously.
He pulled Seamus to his feet then tugged at his neck until their lips were only an inch apart, and then claimed his lips in a magnificent kiss filled with passion and desire and a need so great that it burned Yancy to his very core.
Yancy moaned. His body tightened involuntarily, every bone and muscle in him reaching for more of Seamus’s sweet taste, the hot draw of his lips. He pushed between Seamus’s lips with his tongue, wanting entrance.
Seamus’s deep needy groan as the man melted in his arms was all Yancy needed to make this moment perfect. Seamus tentatively reached out and grabbed Yancy’s arms, gripping them tightly as he returned the kiss with a passion that made Yancy ache all over again.
When Yancy finally lifted his head, his heart skidded to a halt and then began to pound erratically when he saw Seamus peering intently up at him, his pupils dark pools, mesmerizing and endless.
“Are you okay?”
Seamus’s face flushed again, but he nodded. “I’m fine.”
“Is that invitation to breakfast still open?”
Yancy cupped Seamus’s chin in his hand, tilting his head so that their eyes met. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are?”
“Once or twice.”
“Then let me say it again. You, Seamus Blaecleah, are one of the sexiest men I have ever laid eyes on.”
“Oh yeah.”
Yancy hadn’t thought Seamus’s face could get any redder. He was wrong, and it made him wonder if Seamus actually knew how alluring he was. How it could be possible for a man this gorgeous to not know he was sex on a stick was beyond Yancy.
“I’m just going to go get out of these wet clothes then make sure breakfast is warmed up.”
Yancy wanted to continue to hold Seamus in his arms, preferably naked in bed together, but something in the man’s eyes said Seamus needed a moment to pull himself together. Yancy reluctantly let Seamus go, but he had every intention of having the man back in his arms as soon as possible.
Seamus may have made the first move. But it was up to Yancy to make the next one. Seamus needed to know that this was something he wanted more than anything.
“I’ll be out in just a few minutes.”
Seamus shot him a wobbly smile then left the shower stall. Yancy stayed under the water until it started to go cold, trying to give Seamus the time he needed. When he finally climbed out, he chuckled at the stack of towels he saw sitting on the counter.
Even nervous, Seamus was still thinking of him.
That was what drew Yancy to the man. Seamus was so sweet, so giving. Anyone that couldn’t see that was a damn fool, and Yancy was no fool.
After quickly drying off, he dressed in a pair of lounge pants. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to get completely dressed again if he was going to head off to bed pretty soon. He still needed to get some sleep.

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