Stormy Seas (13 page)

Read Stormy Seas Online

Authors: Evelyn James

Tags: #historical romance, #regency romance, #victorian romance

BOOK: Stormy Seas
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Kira laughed at Maisie's theatrics. “I'm just so
worried I'll stick out like a sore thumb. I've never been to a ball
and a hardly know a thing about dancing.”
Maisie reverently laid the gown on the bed, then
took Kira's hands. “Like this...” She slowly moved through the
steps, demonstrating the minuet. “Ahh...noo, I keep messing it

You'll do just fine, miss. Don't
worry. Just try again.” The two girls danced across the ornate rug
time after time until Kira felt she understood the steps. Some of
her anxiety was beginning to ease. “Where on earth did you learn
this, Maisie?”

Oh, you know. Once I got to
accompany Lady Kensington to Paris for shopping and there was a

You went to a ball?”

Maisie chuckled, “Well, I wasn't supposed to be
there, but Miss Luciana was feeling faint and so I had to be on
hand. She wouldn't hear of missing the ball. I spent the whole
night imagining it was me glidin' across that magnificent

And now I get to go. Oh, Maisie,
I wish you could come! I don't deserve any of this, it's all just a
big accident.”

Maisie smiled. “Well, I'm not sure that's true.
Captain Marcus must think mighty highly of you to make a way for
you here in London.” Kira felt herself blushing.

I shouldn't say this, really,
miss, but I heard Lady Luciana speaking with Lady Regina the other

Oh,” Kira asked, averting her
eyes so Maisie couldn't see her interest.

Yes, miss. I think she hates you
something awful. She said she's only allowing you to stay here
because she doesn't want Marcus to think badly of her.”

Oh,” Kira laughed, “Well, I could
have told you as much as all that.”

Well, that's not the worst of
it.” Maisie paused momentarily, feeling guilt over sharing so much.
“Oh goodness, I really shouldn't say.”

Don't do that to me, Maisie! What
is it?!” Kira's curiousity was piqued and she could feel herself
tensing up with worry.

I think she may be plotting
against you.”

It wouldn't surprise me even a
little bit.”

Kira's nerves started to get to her as she
considered the thought that the events leading to this evening
might all be an elaborate ruse by Luciana.

Surely, she's not so bad as that.
Besides, Maisie, she all but told me she knew Marcus would never
want me. There's no way she'd bother with me now.”

Maisie sat down on the bed next to Kira. “I just
don't want this night to be upsetting for you. I want you to have
what every girl like you or me ever dreams of.” Maisie smiled
sweetly, then gave Kira a sisterly hug.
Kira felt emotion overtake her and she suddenly
wished she'd grown up with a sister just like Maisie. “Ah,” Kira
sighed, wiping away a tear.

I will go and I will have the
best night of my life, Luciana or not. Thank you, dear Maisie, for
being such a sweet friend. I'm so glad I found you.”

Maisie lapped up the affection like a delighted
puppy, smiling with wide eyes and then hugging Kira even tighter.
“Never thought I'd 'ave a friend who went to balls...” Kira laughed
loudly and the two of them fell back in laughter.
Marcus drew a breath as Luciana slid down the
stairs, dazzling in an elegant sea blue gown. She was perfect as

Marcus, darling, you look so

I was just about to tell you how
look. As always.”

Luciana wrapped herself around Marcus with a
tempting smile, then kissed him softly. “I do hope we can put the
argument we had on your return behind us.” She smiled coyly,
leaning into him. “You mean far too much to me to let a silly
misunderstanding get in the way.”

Of course.”

Also, I was hoping we could set a
date for our nuptials. Everyone is dying to know when the most
enviable couple in town will be married.”

Marcus swallowed hard, envisioning his life once he
was married. There would be no more slipping, no more distractions.
There could definitely be no Kira.

Darling?” Luciana's violet eyes
were flashing up at him, annoyance apparent.

Yes, dear...Of course, we can set
a date. The sooner the better,” he said hastily. Luciana
practically purred like a very pleased cat, wrapping her arms even
tighter around him. “Wonderful! You've given me everything I've
ever wanted. But you do know this...
of yours will have to go.
Father was just saying it wouldn't do to have her living in our
home when we're married.”

Marcus highly doubted that, but said nothing about
it. Lord Kensington had a heart of gold and was unlikely to see a
young girl thrown out on the streets.

Yes, of course, when we marry,
we'll find an appropriate place for her to live.”

Luciana looked vexed and her eyes narrowed ever so
slightly. “When we are married?”
Marcus could see it wasn't a question, but a trap.
He felt a moment of anger over her manipulative tactics. As much as
he enjoyed her charm and her irresistible beauty, her need to
control provoked his anger. He was a man, not a child to be led
around by the hand.
Untangling himself from her grasp, he turned and
walked to the door in irritation. “When we are married.”

Luciana let out an outraged sound,
expressing her dismay. She pulled up the hem of her skirt and
jaunted angrily past him to the carriage. Marcus sighed, shaking
his head. If she were going to be his wife, she'd have to
was the
one in charge.

Sir Richard had been dazzled when Kira had slipped
down the stairs in her glorious purple gown. Maisie had curled her
hair into luscious ringlets, then pulled it up into a stunning
updo. Now they were riding to the palace and Kira could feel
butterflies in her stomach.

I've never been to a ball
before,” she admitted shyly.

Sir Richard sat across from her, stunned by her
effervescent beauty. “Well, then it's a first for both of us. I've
never been to a ball with such a captivating beauty.” He smiled
cheekily, his dark eyes full of mystery.

Well!” Kira blushed.

What are your plans for life
after you leave the Kensington home?”

Oh goodness, I don't know. I
spent my whole life on a dusty little dock on the far coast. Being
here in London feels like everything I ever hoped for.”

Everything?” He asked

Kira felt herself blushing even redder. “Really,
Sir Richard. You are such a flirt!” Kira shifted awkwardly in her
seat, aware that his handsome gaze had not left her face.

I honestly just wanted to live
with my father for as long as possible...He was sick, you

Richard's eyes narrowed. “And now?”

And now he's dead.” Kira felt her
throat tighten. Had she even said it aloud?

Oh, I'm very sorry.”

Thank you. It''s just...”
Kira flashed her liquid blues eyes in his direction, while tears
pooled in them. “Sorry,” she fanned herself, trying to overcome the
show of emotion.

Suddenly, Sir Richard had moved over to her side of
the carriage and was holding her hand.

Oh...thank you.” She looked up
shyly, unsure of what she would see when she did. The concerned
look in Richard's eyes startled her.

I know that I am only just
beginning to know you...” he said cautiously. “But I want you to
know...I don't think any woman has ever made a bigger impact on me.
Just know that you will always have at least one friend in

Kira felt her eyes well up again and she tried to
blink the tears away. In an impulsive moment, she leaned over to
kiss Richard's cheek, grateful for his kindness.

If I'm being honest, I might hope
that you'd give me leave to pursue you for more than just
friendship.” Richard's throat tightened and his words came out in a
low growl.

I..I...” Kira glanced up at his
furrowed brow, his eyes fixed on her. “Of course...of course, you
can. I would be...honored, Richard.”

They rode the rest of the way in silence, Sir
Richard resting his hand on hers. Kira felt her body tightening as
they approached the palace. She'd been so sure that confessing her
feelings to Marcus was the right thing. Now, she felt certain it
would only throw her world into more chaos.


Sparkling Halls


Kira felt her breath catch as she stepped into the
huge ball room. Dozens of beautiful women in radiant colors were
twirling around the floor with elegant, distinguished-looking
The room was lavish, boasting intricately designed
ceilings and walls covered in gold, with stunning columns at the
numerous entrances. Kira's wide eyes searched the crowd, in awe of
the beauty and luxury she saw before her.
Her heart jumped when her eyes locked with a pair
of sparkling green ones. Kira could have melted into the floor.
Marcus was standing there, looking as regal as ever with his Naval
uniform on.

His hair was swept back into a
tight ponytail, and his face looked so incredibly masculine. Kira
felt her whole body ache. She had to tell him. She had no choice.
Suddenly, a female figure wrapped in sea blue blocked her view of

Of course, she looked more beautiful than she ever
had. She commandeered him with ease and they swept across the dance
floor. Kira watched them dance the minuet for a few moments when
Sir Richard came up behind her.

M'lady...” he put out a hand with
a boyish smile.

Kira let him guide her onto the floor, watching her
steps carefully as they began to dance. “Are you alright,

, Kira
thought. The truth was she was distracted beyond herself. But she
couldn't say that. Not to him.

I'm just nervous I'll make a fool
of myself.”

No...of course, you won't.” Sir
Richard whispered, leaning closer to her ear. “I won't let

They floated across the dance floor for some time,
then Sir Richard went to get a drink for them both.

You look beautiful,

Kira jumped when she heard Marcus' deep voice. Her
eyes flashed up to see him approaching her from the side. “Thank
you...”she whispered, feeling her throat giving out on her.

Where's, um...Luciana?” Kira
realized she was squeaking and wanted to kick herself.

He smiled tightly. “She's wrapped up in her
socializing duties. So many people to speak to.”

Right..I imagine...” Kira felt
herself growing faint, her insecurities threatening to overcome
her. “Honestly, I don't even know what I'm doing here. All these
gorgeous women, so sophisticated and proper. I've spent my whole
life living on a dock...”

Marcus's eyes trailed down her face, noting the
pained look in her eyes and the way she chewed at her lip
nervously. She didn't realize how glorious she was, what a
breath-taking sight she made.

Don't be silly,” he whispered
lowly. “You've got more class than most of the people here. They
live for the attention, the gossip, the meaningless titles and
recognition...I've seen you...”

Marcus breathed in heavily, “I've seen you make the
best of a terrible situation, without a complaint or a groan. You
are something altogether different from these people, and that's
not something to be ashamed of.”
Kira looked up into his green eyes with surprise,
noting the depth of emotion she saw in them. There was a tenderness
on his face that was breaking her heart. “Oh God...I can't do
this...” Kira fought back a tear and then slipped through one of
the columned entrances.
Kira rushed onto the long veranda that surrounded
the palace. There were columns lining the pathway and a substantial
stone wall that went up to Kira's chest. She leaned against it with
a sigh, staring out at the dim gardens illuminated by
She couldn't do this anymore. However, it had
happened, for whatever reasons, she knew she loved Marcus O'Hare.
She also knew that standing back and watching him marry someone
else would absolutely tear her apart.

Kira...” Marcus slipped onto the
long walkway quietly. He could feel his pulse quicken at the
thought of being alone with her.
wrong with you?
He thought, wishing he
could stop the battle he felt within him.

How are you holding up? I know it
can't be easy, being here. Without your father.”

Kira glanced up at him as he came to stand beside
her. “Nothing about this place is easy. I'm totally alone.”
Marcus felt the deepest pain cut into him and he
tightened his jaw. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he
thought better of it.

My brother...Michael, he was 12
when we decided to go fishing at the docks. It wasn't allowed, but
we snuck out in the early morning...He drowned that

Kira could see unveiled emotion on his face in the
moonlight. “I'm sorry.” He nodded grimly, “I've always
blamed myself. I was older. I should have never taken him.”

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