Strands of Love (14 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

BOOK: Strands of Love
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The tapestry and the people of Javara asked a lot of the
women who were brought to their world. How strange it must all seem. And how
much must they miss their homes? Such bravery was to be respected and

And what did the women get in return? Love, undying and
complete. Respect. A new home that was strange. Was it easy for them to find a
place in their new home? Jace could easily picture Sam on the back of a horse
riding through the fields. He could just as easily see her working those fields
side-by-side with his people. They would adore Sam as much as he and Darian

Sam returned and sat between them on the padded bench. No,
sofa. She’d called it a sofa. She opened a large bound book to reveal lifelike
images. “This is my father and mother when they were young.”

Jace touched the page. “What magic is this?” There was
powerful magic in the world Sam lived in. The ability to speak to people over
long distances, artificial fire and light, machines that moved without the
power of horses and now this. It was a strange and fascinating world.

“Not magic, photography. Although, I suppose it is a form of
magic.” She turned a page. “This is me when I was a kid.”

Jace studied the image of a younger Sam. He could recognize
her features, see the woman she would become in the child she’d been. He wanted
a child like this, a dark-haired little girl who would fill his arms with love
and his home with laughter. She’d have brothers who would look out for her and
protect her. But her mother would make sure she could take care of herself.

His blood ran cold as the image faded. Neither the child nor
the woman would ever belong to him. But his brother had a chance. Agony ate at
his soul at the thought of never seeing either Darian or Sam again. But he
could survive if he knew they were here in her world, happy and healthy. Darian
had a chance at a family of his own and should take it.

He would talk to his brother tomorrow morning, but it would
have to be early. No telling exactly what time the tapestry would arrive to
whisk them home. Jace wondered how his mother was. Was she grieving? Did she
hold out hope that the tapestry would return them?

Sam turned another page and pointed. “This is John in his
military uniform.”

Jace could hear the love and sorrow in her voice. He
understood what it was to care deeply for a brother. She understood what it
meant to lose one and he was sorely afraid he was about to learn the same
thing. Difference was, his brother would still be alive and happy. Hers would
never have that chance.

For the first time in his entire life, Jace resented Hunter
Keep and everyone who lived there. Almost as soon as he had the negative
feeling, it disappeared. He wouldn’t change his life for anything. He loved the
land, his family and people. He only wished Sam could share it with him, with
all of them.

Jace sat back against the cushions and listened to Sam’s
voice, soaking in the excitement, the emotion as she shared her world, her
family with them. Darian was leaning against her, asking questions and pointing
at things in the book. A lock of his brother’s hair draped over Sam’s darker
tresses. She turned to his brother and smiled and Jace wanted to roar as pain
sliced through him.

Even though he was still with them, Jace felt alone. He
hardened his heart even as it threatened to shatter under the pressure. Morning
would come soon enough. By this time tomorrow evening, he would be back at
Hunter Keep and he was very afraid he would be alone.

Chapter Fourteen


Conversation had flowed easily today but now they were all
silent. It was as though they were all afraid to speak, afraid to destroy the
tentative peace that surrounded them. What went unspoken was the fact the
tapestry would appear tomorrow.

At least she hoped it would. That was another worry. What if
it didn’t come? What if Jace and Darian were stuck here?

Sam studied Jace’s face, but his emotions were blocked off,
closed to her. He’d grown quieter as the night had progressed, but he’d grown
stone-cold silent when she’d shared her family photos and memories.

Was he thinking about his world? His mother? Was he missing
them? Wishing he could stay? Wishing she would go back with them?

Resentment flashed through her and for a brief moment she
wished she’d never met either of them, that the tapestry had never appeared to
them or to her. Almost immediately she regretted her thought and nervously
glanced around, half expecting the tapestry to magically show itself. She had
to be careful of her thoughts or she might accidentally summon the tapestry as
Jace had.

She couldn’t regret meeting them or seeing their world. It
had given her a new perspective on her life, made her appreciate all she had.
It had shown her that loyal, honorable men did exist. And it had certainly
spiced up her sex life.

She knew they would all sleep together tonight. Or at least
she hoped they would. Amazing how quickly she’d gotten used to having two other
bodies in bed with her. She felt safe and secure and, dare she say it,
with Jace and Darian lying on either side of her, their strong arms around her.

Sure, she knew it couldn’t last, but she would enjoy it
while it did. “Umm, I’ll just be a minute.” She hurried into the bathroom and
closed the door behind her. Leaning back against the door, she took a deep
breath. No need to be nervous. It wasn’t as though they hadn’t done this

Last time.

The two words made her breath catch in her throat and her
heart skipped a beat.

Last time.

After tomorrow morning everything would be changed forever.

Last time.

Sam gave a frustrated growl and pushed away from the door.
She braced her hands on the vanity and stared at her reflection. Her eyes
seemed wider and filled with emotions she didn’t want to name. Other than that,
she looked exactly the same as she had yesterday, the day before and the day
before that. The experience hadn’t outwardly changed her, but inwardly she was
a different woman.

She twisted the tap on and splashed some water on her face
hoping to cool her warm cheeks. Didn’t help. Sighing, she brushed her teeth and
hair and used the bathroom.

She wished she’d brought her sleep shorts and tank in with
her so she could change. Not that she expected to be wearing any clothes for

“Stop being silly,” she muttered. She’d slept with both men
before. There was no reason to feel like a nervous filly about to confront two

She snorted at the comparison and opened the door. Both men
were waiting for her. Their borrowed T-shirts were long gone as were their

Darian held out his hand. “Come.”

Jace watched his brother take Sam’s hand and lead her toward
the bed. He wanted to touch her so badly his fingers ached. Instead, he curled
them inward, making them into fists to keep from reaching out.

His ears were still ringing from the short conversation
they’d had while Sam was in the bathing chamber. No,
was the name she used.

Jace had approached his brother with five simple words.
think you should stay.
That had set off a short, but intense argument
between them. Darian still believed Sam could be convinced to return with them.
Jace was more realistic.

He loved his brother and he loved Sam and he wanted them
both to be happy. If that meant they stayed while he returned home, then so be

All the rage, frustration and uncertainty that had filled
him all day slowly drained away, leaving Jace with a sense of peace. He would
accept whatever happened and he would be happy for them.

But he was here now and this would almost certainly be his
last night with Sam. He grabbed her arm and tugged her away from Darian. Her eyes
widened when he pulled her into his arms. He didn’t give her a chance to speak,
to question. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her.

Her lips were soft and supple in spite of the dry heat of
the land. And sweet. They were so very sweet. He licked the thicker bottom lip
before tracing the top. He felt a little puff of air against his mouth when she
moaned and slipped his tongue inside, tasting mint and desire.

Not breaking the kiss, he lifted her and carried her to bed.
It was a tight fit for all of them, but they would manage. Darian had the
sheets turned back and Jace set her down in the middle of the bed.

Darian quickly removed her shoes and socks while he went to
work on the rest of her clothing. He tugged and pulled. Material ripped and
delicate lace tore. He had to get her naked.

A sense of urgency was riding him hard.

When the last piece of clothing was gone, Jace knelt between
her legs and devoured her with his eyes. Her breasts were perfectly shaped,
plump mounds that begged a man to touch them. He leaned inward and cupped both
of them, rubbing his thumbs over her sensitive nipples.

“Jace.” She breathed his name and it felt like a caress. His
spine tingled and his cock swelled.

He kissed the valley between her breasts, tasting the salt
of her skin. Her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him to her. Jace wished
she would hold onto him forever. When she was with him, his burdens seemed to
lighten. They didn’t disappear, but they seemed more manageable, less

No one knew how many sleepless nights he’d had since the
death of his father and uncles. Long, dark nights where he’d wondered if he’d
made the right decisions, if his people would have enough food for the long,
cold season.

He was tired, but she invigorated him.

Darian stripped off his pants and stretched out on the bed
beside Sam. His brother lapped at one pert nipple before taking it into his

Jace almost smiled at the inarticulate sound Sam made, the
way her hips arched upward, seeking relief.

There was a long night ahead and he didn’t plan to sleep. He
could sleep when he was back in Javara. He knew his dreams would forever be
haunted by Sam and this night.

So be it.

Jace stood long enough to shuck his pants and climb back
between Sam’s outspread legs. He circled her ankles with his hands before
sliding them upward, moving inward as he stroked her thighs.

He lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders as he
leaned inward. He smelled her arousal and licked his lips, more than ready to
taste her. Jace glanced at her face and found her watching him. Darian was
teasing her breasts with his hands and mouth, but her eyes were on him.

Jace parted her slick folds with his thumbs and kissed her
sex. Sam’s entire body jerked and he felt the flood of her cream against his mouth
and hands. Determined to bring her pleasure, Jace lapped at her pussy, tasting
and exploring. He dipped his tongue into her channel, wringing a long moan of
pleasure that made his balls clench.

“Come for me,” he commanded. He wanted Sam to come, over and
over and over. Wanted her never to forget this night or him.

Her clit was swollen, the nub of her desire pushed out from
its protective hood. He flicked it with his tongue and she cried out his name.
Her hips pumped wildly now and she gripped Darian’s hair, holding him to her
breasts. Jace wished it was his hair she was clinging to, wanted to feel the
slight sting against his scalp as she tugged.

She was making small, incoherent sounds of delight, her hips
working against his mouth. Jace slid two thick fingers into her sheath and she
came. Her entire body shuddered and his hand grew wet with her cream. He licked
it up, letting it coat his tongue. It was his turn to moan when her pussy
clamped down on his fingers. He wished it was his cock instead, but this was
enough for now.

He changed the intensity of his fingers and mouth, soothing
more than arousing. Darian sat back and Jace got a lovely view of her red,
distended nipples. Her skin was glowing, her eyes half closed and a lock of
hair was stuck to her forehead.

She was absolutely beautiful and he could wait no longer to
claim her.

Jace spread his legs wide for support before lifting her
into his arms. Her breasts were plastered against his chest and her hot, wet
pussy pressed against his throbbing cock. They both moaned at the same time.
Her eyes flew open and met his and she smiled.

Jace lifted her until his cock head nudged against her
pussy. She braced herself against his shoulders, her short nails biting into
his skin as he slowly lowered her onto his thick shaft. His cock stretched her
inner channel, which rippled around it and squeezed, drawing him deeper into
her core.

Jace clenched his teeth and tightened his hold on her waist.
He didn’t want to come yet. He wanted to savor the feel of her slick pussy
gripping his cock, holding him inside her, welcoming him home.

She squirmed and he banded his arm around her waist to keep
her immobile. “Not yet,” he managed to get out. “I want to feel your pussy
squeezing my cock.”

Sam made another one of those inarticulate sounds that
tightened his sac. Her breathing was labored, her breath warm on his neck. “I
have to move.”

Darian moved in behind her and held her hips in his hands.
Both men lifted her and slowly lowered her over Jace’s cock. The ache in his
balls increased and his shaft throbbed. Jace captured her mouth and kissed her.

Sam was floating in a sea of pleasure. She’d already had one
orgasm thanks to Jace’s clever mouth and fingers. He was always intense, but
seemed to be even more so tonight. She knew he felt the ticking of the clock as
much as she did.

Jace kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and
kissed him back with everything she had inside her. His tongue tangled with
hers, dueling and retreating. She couldn’t let him go and followed until it was
her tasting his mouth.

Jace’s cock filled her, stretching her until it hurt, but in
a deliciously good way. His hands grasped her waist as he moved her up and down
his thick shaft. Then Darian was behind her, his cock pressed against her back,
his hands on her hips as he helped lift her up and down his brother’s erection.

Sandwiched between two men, two hard, aroused bodies sent
her libido through the rooftop. Sam couldn’t get enough of them.

She broke off her kiss with Jace and peppered his hard,
stubbled jaw with butterfly kisses. Her nipples ached so she rubbed them
against his taut, smooth chest. Her heart was pounding, but so was his. She
could feel it thunder against her each time she pressed against him.

Darian chose that moment to nip her nape, making her jump.
The motion seated her even harder on Jace’s erection. Pleasure rocked her,
intense and all consuming.

Her skin was slick, her breasts heavy. Between her thighs,
she could feel the pressure building again. “Harder,” she gasped.

Both men quickened their pace, lifting and lowering her
faster and harder, pushing Jace’s cock deeper and deeper. The telltale ripple
rushed through her and then she was coming. Her pussy milked his cock and she
heard Jace yell. His big body jerked against her and warmth flooded her as he
found release.

Darian was breathing heavily against her neck, his cock
pressed hard against her back, rubbing her spine. He yelled her name and a hot
splash hit her skin. Darian wrapped his arms around her, anchoring his hands on
his brother’s shoulders.

Another spasm rocked Sam. A second, smaller orgasm left her
breathless and clinging to Jace. Not that she needed to hold on to anyone. Both
brothers were wrapped so tight around her it was impossible to tell whose
breath she felt on her shoulder.

Jace cupped her face and kissed her. It was an impossibly
sweet embrace that made her feel cherished and cared for. Even loved.

“Thank you.” The low rumble of his voice sent another shiver
down her spine. She shuddered, her pussy automatically clenching his cock. Jace
gave a rough laugh and hugged her.

Darian moved first. He climbed off the bed and she heard him
walking away. Water ran in the distance and then he was back with a wet towel,
washing the evidence of his orgasm from her back.

When he was done, Darian lifted her off Jace, who was still
surprisingly hard. He laid her on the bed and washed between her legs before
tossing the damp towel onto the floor. “How do you feel?” Darian asked.

“Mmm,” was the most she could manage.

He smiled at her. “That good?”


Jace stretched out beside her and she rolled onto her side
to study him. His shoulders were massive, his biceps thick even when he was at
rest. These weren’t muscles built in a gym, but through hard work and training,
which made them all the sexier to her.

There was something about a man who wasn’t afraid of hard
work, of sweating from the exertion of honest labor that really turned her

She flattened her palms against his chest. Muscles rippled
beneath her fingers and his cock flexed against her belly. “You can’t be
serious,” Sam said as she slid one hand down and gripped his thickening shaft.

Jace shrugged his wide shoulders. “You have that effect on

Sam licked her lips, wanting to taste him. Now that the edge
was gone there wasn’t such a sense of urgency. She wanted to play.

She might never have another chance.

The black cloud of the tapestry threatened to push aside her
sensual pleasure, but she hung onto it, not wanting to ruin their final night

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