Strands of Love (17 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

BOOK: Strands of Love
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He started the truck and stared back at the yard where only
moments ago Sam had stood. He’d have to have faith that she was happy and
healthy. If the Hunter brothers had anything to do with it, she would be.

“Goodbye, Sam,” he whispered as he drove away.



Sam looked out over the crowd that had assembled to
celebrate her joining with Jace. Personally, she looked at it as the three of
them getting married. Both men knew that and seemed equally amused and pleased
by her attitude.

The great hall was filled with music, conversation and
laughter. Food and drink flowed freely. Sam couldn’t believe how quickly Edwina
had organized the whole thing. You’d never think they’d had only had a few
weeks to pull together a wedding feast for such a large group.

She was still amazed how quickly she’d found a place here
among the people of Hunter Keep. She loved working in the fields alongside the
men. Though the men had a hard time watching her do hard physical labor—they
were very protective of their women here—they accepted that she was good at it
and it made her happy. Sam was constantly learning more about her new home each
day and loved it.

And Edwina was the best mother-in-law a girl could ever
have. Totally accepting, she encouraged Sam and supported her having a hand in
the farming aspect of the keep. She knew she could go to Edwina for help or
advice any time at all.

Sam rubbed her hand over the fancy dress she currently wore.
The material had been dyed a soft yellow and was embroidered around the
neckline and hem with beautiful flowers. Edwina had made it for her and it was
obvious the other woman had a talent when it came to making clothing. They’d
already put their heads together to plan a new wardrobe for Sam. Lots of pants and
tunics, but a few skirts and dresses as well.

Currently her two men were chatting with some of the guests
who’d come from across the land to help them celebrate. They were both
incredibly handsome in their leather pants and embroidered tunics. They’d replaced
their regular bronze-colored arm- and wristbands with ones made out of silver.
Jace wore a silver torque around his neck, a symbol of his leadership and his
rightful place as lord of Hunter Keep. Beside him, Darian was no less

Jace and Darian had sent word to the families of the other
tapestry brides, inviting them to Hunter Keep. She knew they’d done it for her,
knowing she’d want to talk to the other women who’d left their former lives
behind to live in Javara.

Sam smiled when she saw Christina Garen and her husband.
Jarek was a big man—as most of the men in this world seemed to be—and he doted
on his wife. They’d brought their five children with them, but it was obvious
all the brothers doted on their sister. The little girl—Allina—twirled in
circles, the hem of her dress belling out around her while her two older
brothers Baron and Derrick kept a watchful eye. Her two younger brothers played
at their father’s feet.

Then there was Jane Bakra. The woman had a great sense of
humor and was a font of information about how to deal with two overbearing
warriors. Sam had a feeling she and Jane would be exchanging more than one
letter in the coming months. Her husband Zaren Bakra was more than a little
intimidating and his younger brother Bador wasn’t much different. They hovered
around Jane as though they expected someone to try to steal her any second. Sam
figured anyone dumb enough to try deserved what they got. They had twin boys
who were a whirlwind of energy and seemed to be everywhere at once.

The younger Bakra brothers—Garrik and Jarmon—had shown up
with their bride as well, but Genita was from this world. Sam liked Genny, as
her husbands called her. Sam knew she was married to Jarmon, but she considered
both men Genny’s husbands. She knew how she herself felt about Jace and Darian
and figured the other women felt the same. Genny was pregnant and both men
watched her like a hawk.

Sam smiled as Jarmon plucked Genny right off her feet and
carried her to one of the chairs before the fire, plunking her down in the
seat. She chuckled when Genny popped right back up and out of the chair.

“What are you laughing at?” Strong arms came around her from
behind and she leaned back into Jace’s arms.

“Nothing, really. I’m happy.”

Jace rubbed his chin on the top of her head. “I’m glad.” He
dropped a kiss on her neck and she sucked in a breath. Too much of that and
they’d be deserting their guests early.

“Tell me about Kathryn and Marc Garen.” The two of them kept
mostly to themselves or remained near Marc’s brother.

Jace rocked her lightly from side-to-side. “Kathryn is
related to the original sorceress who created the tapestry.”


“Hmm.” Jace brushed a kiss over her temple. “It is the only
time in the time of the tapestry that two brothers have been allowed two wives.
Some tried to take Kathryn from him and the sorceress appeared, ready to wreak
havoc on us if that happened. We’d forgotten the most basic rule of the
tapestry—it is always the woman’s choice.”

Magic was so accepted here. Sam couldn’t quite wrap her head
around the entire idea of magic and sorceresses even though the tapestry had
brought her here.

“The Craddock brothers don’t seem too friendly.” The men
kept to themselves, but Sam had found their wife, Roxanne, much friendlier.

“They have not had an easy life. Suffice to say their elder
brothers were not good men. They are not like their brothers, but many have a
hard time accepting that. Roxanne’s life was not an easy one before she arrived

Sam had heard bits and pieces about Roxanne running from an
abusive ex-husband. But she seemed happy enough with her two men and her
one-year-old baby boy.

Darian strode over to stand beside them. He leaned down and
kissed Sam and she eagerly returned the caress. “What are you two talking
about? You both look so serious.”

“Sam wanted to know more about our guests.”

“What about Audrey?” she asked. “Your mother told me that
she’s only been here a year.”

“Audrey appeared in the middle of a storm and almost died
before Heroc and Abrah found her.” Jace’s arms tightened around her. “In fact
it was Carn that found her.”

Sam had seen Carn and wasn’t quite sure the creature was
really a dog. The enormous wolfhound was always alert and always by Audrey’s

“We have something for you.” Darian’s eyes twinkled with

“What? I don’t need presents.” She knew the fact that they
weren’t as well off as some of their friends and neighbors rankled her men’s
pride. But according to Edwina, Hunter Keep had been on the verge of total
collapse when her sons had taken over. In a few short years they were well on
their way to being prosperous once again.

Sam knew the feeling well and understood Jace and Darian.
And she was determined to help them rebuild Hunter Keep into the vision they
had. It would be something to pass on to their children.

She placed a hand on her stomach and swallowed hard. Kids.
She’d almost given up hope of ever having any, but that dream was now a
reality. She’d missed her period since she’d been here. Maybe it was the
excitement of planning a wedding. Maybe not. Her breasts were tender and,
though she couldn’t really explain it, she felt pregnant. She hoped to have
good news to share with her men soon.

“What troubles you, Sam?” Jace tilted her head back until
she was looking up at him.

“I don’t need presents.” The concern in his face eased.

“I know you do not, but you will like this one.”

“It’s not just for you,” Darian piped up. “It’s really for
all of us.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Not what, but who.” After making his pronouncement, Darian
disappeared through a doorway and reappeared moments later with a rather large

“Oh, he’s adorable.” Sam immediately reached for him. She
missed Arrow, but knew Tim would take care of the irascible cat.

The puppy wiggled and threw his paws around her shoulders,
licking her face until she laughed. His head and paws were huge and she knew he
would be an enormous animal. His gray coloring looked very familiar.

Sam stared over at Carn who was watching her intently. “He’s
going to be the size of a small horse, isn’t he?”

Darian laughed. “The Dannon brothers rarely part with any of
their pups, but they made an exception this time when we told them we wanted it
as a wedding gift for you. When he’s grown, we hope the pup with sire offspring
with our strongest dogs so we can build our own line of hunting and guard

“But mostly, he is your companion, your protector.” Jace
rubbed the dog’s head and the pup whined in ecstasy.

“Thank you.” Tears pricked her eyes as emotion filled her.
Only two months ago she was alone on her farm with little hope and not much of
a future. Today she’d officially married to Jace—unofficially to both men—and
the future looked bright.

“No, it is we who thank you.” Jace kissed her, claiming her
mouth. Heat and love surrounded her and she accidentally squeezed the pup too
tight. They broke apart when the pup gave a little whine.

“I’m sorry, puppy,” she crooned. The dog immediately forgave
her and started licking her chin again.

“What will you call him?” Darian asked.

Sam thought about it for a moment. “Texas, Tex for short.”
It was a reminder of her old home blended with her new one.

Darian plucked Tex from her arms. Before she could object,
Jace scooped her into his arms. All eyes in the room turned toward them. “Thank
you all for coming to Hunter Keep to join in our happiness. Enjoy the feast and
the music. It is time for us to retire. Sam is tired from the festivities.”

The women laughed at Jace’s obvious lie, while the men
called out encouragement and bedroom advice. Sam buried her face against Jace’s
chest and groaned. “I’ll never live down the humiliation.”

He laughed, the vibration flowing into her body. “You’ll
survive, Sam. You’re strong.”

She sensed the seriousness underlying his words and raised
her head as they left the great hall behind and started up the stairs. “I’ll do
more than simply survive now that I have you two.”

Darian had handed off the pup to his mother on his way out
of the hall and followed them up the stairs. They’d agreed to all spend their
wedding night together. And most nights in the future if she had anything to
say about it.

Darian opened the door to Jace’s room and Jace carried her
over the threshold. Darian stepped in behind them and closed the door with a
heavy thunk.

Sam had a sense of the door to her past closing behind her.
But the future ahead of her was a bright one and she was ready to face any
challenge as long as her two men were beside her.

“I love you, Jace. I love you, Darian.” She wanted them to
know how much they meant to her.

“You are my heart.” Jace set her on her feet and began to
unlace her dress.

“You are my home.” Darian helped his brother remove her

Sam smiled at them, knowing this would be a night to

About N.J. Walters


N.J. Walters worked at a bookstore for several years and one
day had the idea that she would like to quit her job, sell everything she
owned, leave her hometown and write romance novels in a place where no one knew
her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the same bookstore and
settled in for another seven years.

Although she was still fairly young, that was when the
midlife crisis set in. Happily married to the love of her life, with his
encouragement (more like, “For God’s sake, quit the job and just write!”), she
gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a
tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel,
Annabelle Lee
and life would never be the same.

N.J. has always been a voracious reader of romance novels,
and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, dragons,
time-travelers, seductive handymen and next-door neighbors with smoldering good
looks all vie for her attention. And she doesn’t mind a bit. It’s a tough life,
but someone’s got to live it.



N.J. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
bio page





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Also by





Desires 1: Katie’s Art of Seduction

Desires 2: Erin’s Fancy

Desires 3: Capturing Carly

Desires 4: Craving Candy

Desires 5: Jackson’s Jewel

Desires 6: MacNamara’s Lady

Desires 7: Touch of Topaz

Desires 8: Stroke of Sapphire


Passion 1: Harker’s Journey

Passion 2: Lucian’s Delight

Passion 3: Stefan’s Salvation

Passion 4: Eternal Brothers

Passion 5: Endless Chase


Ellora’s Cavemen:
Dreams of the Oasis IV

Ellora’s Cavemen:
Jewels of the Nile IV

Cavemen: Legendary Tails IV

Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction III

of Fire 3: Seeking Charlotte

of Fire 5: Entwined Hearts
with Nicole Austin, TJ Michaels & Ciana

Christmas Gift



of Shadows

Alpha 1: Embracing Silence

Alpha 2: Have Mercy

Alpha 3: Sweet Charity

Secrets 1: Annabelle Lee

Secrets 2: Heat Wave

Secrets 3: Lily Blossoms

Tapestries 1:
Christina’s Tapestry

2: Bakra Bride

3: Woven Dreams

4: Threads of Destiny

Tapestries 5:
Embroidered Fantasies

6: Fabric of Fate


Three Swords, One



Print books by N.J. Walters


Desires 1: Katie’s Art of Seduction

Desires 2: Erin’s Fancy

Desires 3 & 4: Enticements

Desires 5: Jackson’s Jewel


Passion 1 & 2: Dalakis Embrace

Dalakis Passion 3:
Stefan’s Salvation

Passion 4: Eternal Brothers

Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis IV

Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile IV

Cavemen: Legendary Tails IV

Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction III


Secrets 1 & 2: Summersville Heat

1 & 2: Tapestry Dreams

3: Woven Dreams

Tapestries 4:
Threads of Destiny

Three Swords,
One Heart

White Hot
Holidays Volume 3


Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Strands of Love


ISBN 9781419946318


Strands of Love Copyright © 2013 N.J. Walters


Edited by Shannon Combs

Cover design by Syneca

Cover photography by Abdreas Graclin, Muciano


Electronic book publication May 2013


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