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Authors: George Pendle

Strange Angel (48 page)

BOOK: Strange Angel
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Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development,


Aerojet Engineering Corporation,

growth of,

investment by General Tire and Rubber Company,

Agape Lodge

in house on Millionaires' Row/Orange Grove Avenue (Pasadena),

sale of house on Millionaires' Row,

on Winona Boulevard,

See also
Church of Thelema; Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)

Ahlstrom, Sydney,

Aldrich, Meeka,

Aleister Crowley Publication Fund,

Alexander, W.,

Alexander II, Emperor,

Ali, Haider,

Allied Enterprises,

Amazing Stories,

American Chemical Society,

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),

American Communist Party,

American Federation of Labor (AFL),

American Interplanetary Society (AIS),

American Legion,

American Rocket Society (ARS),

American Technion Society,

ammonium nitrate,

analog computers,

Analysis by a Master of the Temple

Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC),

Anderson, Carl,

Anger, Kenneth,



Anti-Saloon League of California,

Argenteum Astrum (Silver Star),


Army Ordnance Association,

Arnold, Henry “Hap,”

Arnold, Weld,

Arroyo Seco (Pasadena)


Devil's Gate Dam,

as test range,

Whiteside family home on,

Asimov, Isaac,

asphalt-based fuel,

Associated Press (AP),

Astounding Science Fiction,



Athenaeum (Caltech faculty club),

Auslander, Joseph,

aviation industry,


Babalon (goddess),

Bainbridge, William,

Bartley, Charles,

Baudrillard, Jean,

Baxter, Francis,

Baxter, John,

Beat generation,


Bell, Eric Temple,

Bergerac, Cyrano de,

Bermite Powder Company,

Better America Federation,

big bang theory,
Black Cat, The

black magic

Aleister Crowley and,

Edward Forman and,

L. Ron Hubbard and,

Candy Cameron Parsons and,

Jack Parsons and,

Black Mask,

black-powder propellant,

Blavatsky, Madame,

Bohr, Niels,

Bolitho, William,

Bollay, William,

Book of the Law, The

Born, Max,

Boucher, Anthony,

Boushey, Homer,

Boyer, Blanche,

Boyle, Robert,

Bradbury, Ray,

Braun, Wernher von,

British Interplanetary Society,

Brown, John,


Bureau of Aeronautics,

Burlingame, Cecil,

Burroughs, Edgar Rice,

Burton, Richard,

Busch, Adolphus,

Busch Gardens,

Bush, Vannevar,



gold rush and,

Great Depression in,

health rush and,

See also
Hollywood; Long Beach; Los Angeles; Pasadena

California Colony of Indiana,

California Institute of Technology (Caltech),

Athenaeum (faculty club),

GALCIT Rocket Research Group,

Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory (GALCIT),

history of,

Parsons-Forman-Malina triumvirate and,

as a scientific Athens,

California Tech
(Caltech student newspaper),

Cameron, Marjorie.
Parsons, Marjorie Cameron (Candy; wife) Campbell, John W.,

Canright, Barbara,

Canright, Richard,

Captain future,

Carradine, John,

Cartmill, Cleve,

castable fuel,


Chandler, Raymond,

Chaplin, Charlie,


Chautauqua Literary and Scientific


Chesterton, G. K.,

Christian Science,

Church of Divine Science,

Church of Light,

Church of Thelema,

Gnostic Mass,

See also
Agape Lodge; Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)

CIVIC (Citizens Independent Vice Investigating Committee),

Clarke, Arthur C.,

Cleator, P. E.,

Clifton's Cafeteria (Los Angeles),

Clinton, Clifford,

Combustion Research Laboratory,

Comet Stories,



Congreve, William,

Constantine Pogonatus,

Coolidge, D. W.,

Cornog, Alice,

Cornog, Robert,

Cowley, Thomas,

BOOK: Strange Angel
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