Strength of the Pack (18 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Gay, #gay romance, #military

BOOK: Strength of the Pack
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“That’s sounds about right,” Madison replied. “They use touch and smell to give and get comfort. They draw strength from it. The entire pack is able to help one member with whatever emotional difficulties they’re experiencing. Noah was most likely teaching him how to calm down, and the rest of the pack used touch and smell to keep him calm.”

Lucas looked across the compound to where Elijah was helping to unload a supply truck with help from Hubbard. Madison followed Lucas’ gaze. “Noah must have assigned Hubbard to stick close to Chandler to help keep him calm.”

“That would be my guess,” Madison replied. “You’re catching on.”

“Not really,” Lucas said, turning to see the captain smiling at him. It was somewhat reassuring that
had confidence in him.


“So, how did you feel with Noah having to touch the Corporal?” asked Madison.

Lucas forced himself not to look away. “I stood back and observed. I didn’t understand what was going on so I just stayed out of the way.”

“I didn’t ask what you did, Lucas,” Madison said with a smirk. “I asked how you felt. And don’t try to tell me ‘nuthin’. You’re Dominant to a True Alpha. You had definite opinions about what went on.”

Lucas swallowed against his tight throat. The captain made it sound like his reaction was normal and not wildly inappropriate. “I knew Noah was doing what he needed to do.”

Madison chuckled. “Not what you knew, what you felt.”

Lucas snorted, realizing he wasn’t going to get out of this. “Captain…”


“Tim.” Lucas capitulated. “I had a very irrational reaction which I followed with some blatantly inappropriate behavior.”

“I sincerely doubt that,” Madison shook his head emphatically. “If you even thought about doing something he didn’t want you to, Noah is more than capable of putting you in your place.”

Lucas had to admit he had a point. He sighed heavily. “I got really pissed off watching Noah touch Eli. It didn’t make sense. Afterward, I pushed him up against a truck and…bit him.”

“Just like a wolf,” Madison mused. “The books all say that’s what would happen. Fascinating to see it actually turn out to be true.”

“So, I’m not losing my mind?” Lucas asked incredulously.

“Fuck Stanley for leaving you hanging like this,” Madison said with disgust. “Noah’s connection to the Pack is through touch and scent. Noah is your connection to the Pack, and it works the same way. When he had to have physical contact with a pack member, you reasserted your dominance in a way that makes sense to a werewolf.”

“You make it sound so simple.” Lucas lifted his hands in frustration.

Madison gave him an indulgent look. “It is. Werewolves are not a complicated bunch.”

Lucas sensed someone watching him. He looked across the compound and found Noah listening to something Eli was saying but looking right at Lucas. Warmth curled up in his belly as the very faintest taste of lust rolled through him.


“Noah does not look like a man who was taken advantage of by someone who outranks him.” Madison’s voice dragged Lucas back into the present.

“No, he doesn’t, does he?” he replied, not looking away from Noah’s intense expression.

Madison nudged Lucas’ arm with his elbow to get his attention. “He was born a werewolf, Lucas. He’s had a lot of practice separating his wolf from his human. You’ll get used to the dual thinking.”

“I hope so.” Lucas pressed his lips into a grim line.

“Anything else I can help you with?” Madison asked,

“No, sir…Tim,” Lucas corrected himself with a roll of his eyes. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” Captain Madison clapped Lucas on the shoulder once more before he stood and sauntered across the compound.

Lucas sought out Captain Stanley and revised the duty roster for the days leading up to the full moon run. Noah had already submitted his plan for the run itself.


By the time the full moon arrived, nerves were frayed and tempers flared. Noah spent a great deal of time breaking up squabbles. The animosity never lingered. Lucas frequently came across the same combatants, minutes later, laughing together as if nothing had happened.

“We’re in a combat zone,” Noah explained when Lucas asked. “Everyone is on alert, testosterone is flowing and tensions are high. It makes the full-moon aggression more intense. It’ll dissipate after the run.”

“We’re not going to have this problem during the entire deployment, are we?” They were crossing the compound after handing out ammunition at the armory.

“We’ll all settle in and find our own routines, and things will get much better,” Noah said confidently.

“Good,” Lucas sighed, relieved. “How do you keep your temper under control? You’re around all the aggression, breaking up all the fights.”

“Aggression isn’t what I’m battling this month,” Noah replied with a smirk.


“What is it you’re struggling with this month?” Even as he asked, Lucas could see the answer in Noah’s expression.

“When I think about the things I want to do with you, fighting is the last thing that comes to mind.” Noah’s voice was low and rough, suggesting very filthy things.


Lucas’ face flushed and only partly from embarrassment. Noah’s words pleased him. It seemed to be fine that the deepest part of him, the part that related to Noah’s wolf, was pleased. But Lucas locked away that human side of himself that needed to stay professional.

“I’ve made arrangements for the werewolves to have a room to themselves to sleep in after the run. They can do what they need to do without the rest of the battalion getting in the way,” Lucas said.


He glanced over Noah’s tall frame. He realized Noah was wearing only his fleece shirt and trousers. Unlike Lucas, he wasn’t wearing his gloves or watch cap. It was then he felt heat coming off of Noah. He’d already figured out the werewolves ran warmer than humans, but it must get more intense closer to the full moon.

“Thank you, sir. That will keep the scuffles to a minimum.” Noah sounded pleased.


“There’s an anteroom I’ve located, as well, so you can have some privacy,” Lucas said in a rush. He bit down on his lower lip to keep himself from saying too much.

Noah’s face became implacable. “Me, sir?”

“Primarily for you,” Lucas replied hastily. “For you to use however you need.”

Lucas’ eyes were drawn to Noah’s hand as it pushed aside his collar so he could rub his fingers over a distinct bite mark on his collarbone. “However I need?”

“Fuck, Noah, did I do that to you?” Lucas stepped closer so he could see the obvious tooth impressions in Noah’s flesh. He hadn’t broken the skin, but only just.

Noah smiled. “Yes. It’s impressive.”

“Christ. I’ll try to be more careful next time.” Lucas flushed when he realized what he’d said. “Of course I’ll try to make sure there isn’t a next time.”

Noah was rubbing the mark again. “I hope there is a next time. I hope there are lots of next times. I’d like there to be a matching one on the other shoulder, after the run.”

Lucas huffed a laugh, that dark part of him rising up and growling with arousal. “Has anyone seen it? Have there been any uncomfortable questions about where it came from?” He had to keep the conversation on track.

“Oh, I display it proudly,” Noah declared. “It’s a badge of honor. And there’s no question where it came from. My Dominant marked me.”

Lucas removed a glove and reached out to touch the indentations made by his own teeth. “Did I hurt you?”

Noah shook his head emphatically. “No.” He lowered his head to Lucas’ neck and breathed deeply. His hands ran up Lucas’ back and the warmth of him pushed some of the chill from Lucas’ bones.

Lucas closed his eyes and leaned into Noah’s heat. “So, tomorrow night?”

Noah pulled back slightly. “Tomorrow night.”

Lucas suppressed the thrill that ran up his spine. “We’d better get some sleep then.”

Noah released Lucas and took a step back. “Aye aye, sir.”

The next day, tensions on the post were so thick, they were palpable. Lucas couldn’t wait for the full moon to pass so that things could return to normal. Noah was holding the pack together admirably, but it was taking its toll on him. Lucas could feel agitation coming off of him along with the excessive heat.

Sunset couldn’t arrive fast enough for Lucas.


The werewolves collected at the front gate of the combat post. Noah paced, clenching and unclenching his fists. With this uncharacteristic behavior, he resembled a real wolf.

Lucas didn’t have a pre-printed roster this time. This Pack was considerably smaller, and he wrote their names in the small notebook he kept in a pocket of his uniform. He was acutely aware of Noah pacing behind him the entire time.

Finally, Lucas tucked away his notebook and turned to Noah. “Are you guys going to be okay? Everyone is so edgy.”

Noah pushed up into Lucas’ space. “We’re in hostile territory. None of us have seen signs or smelled traces of another pack anywhere in the area, but that doesn’t mean our activities won’t draw the attention of one.”

Lucas had been worrying about that, as well. “Are the local civilians likely to be a threat of any kind?”

“Not likely, but we’re going to avoid all contact, in any event,” Noah replied. “I’m glad to have you standing Sentinel, tonight.”

Warmth suffused Lucas’ body. “Try to stay out of trouble.”

“That’s the plan.” Noah shifted his weight from foot to foot.


“What happens if you come across a hostile pack of werewolves?” Lucas finally voiced his greatest concern.

“I’ll protect my Pack,” Noah replied fiercely.


“If anything goes wrong,” Lucas said urgently, twisting his fist in Noah’s fleece and pulling him in close, “anything at all, you call me.” He knew Noah would understand exactly what he meant.

“I will. I promise.” Noah’s warm hand curled around Lucas’ wrist against his chest.


Lucas closed the last of the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around Noah’s chest and pressed his face to his neck. He gave Noah the touch he knew he wanted, listening to his breathing change as he inhaled Lucas’ scent.

Noah’s arms came around him, his hands running up and down Lucas’ back. Lucas closed his eyes when Noah cradled his head. Noah’s lips skimmed up his throat and along his jaw. Noah’s nose pressed against his temple, breathing ragged. He exhaled heavily against Lucas’ ear.


Lucas tightened his grip on Noah’s fleece. He dragged his cheek along Noah’s neck. Noah groaned. Lucas rubbed their cheeks together. He pressed his lips to Noah’s jaw and slid along it toward his ear.

Noah kissed the side of Lucas’ neck. Lucas wished he’d be able to smell Noah’s scent on himself, in the same way he knew Noah smelled him, after they’d parted.


“I have to go,” Noah whispered.

“I know,” Lucas said, opening his eyes and stepping back reluctantly.


“Thank you,” Noah said against Lucas’ temple.

As the pack slipped out the gate, Lucas climbed up into the makeshift guard tower. It was constructed on top of the compound wall with sandbags and cammie nets. Two Marines from Echo Company would spend the night manning a .50-caliber rifle and watching the landscape through night optic scopes.


It was a tighter fit than the guard tower at the FOB. Lucas knew he wouldn’t get much sleep; it was too hard to get comfortable and still stay out of the way of the Marines on guard duty. He decided to try sleeping sitting up, bundling himself as best he could.

Closing his eyes, Lucas reached out to that part of himself where he frequently found Noah’s thoughts and feelings. He smiled at the sense of relief he found there. Noah was loping across open ground, the pack at his heels. It had been a tense several days, but now everything was okay. None of the werewolves could smell human or wolf for miles. They were free to run, release this pent up energy and feel the pull of the moon.


He reassured Noah that he was here. If something went wrong, he’d be here to help. He let Noah know he was happy for him, that Noah was enjoying himself. With a deep sigh, Lucas let himself drift into a light sleep.

His dreams were filled with a sense of freedom, the smell of snow, dirt and wet fur.


“Lieutenant, sir, they’re inbound,” one of the Marines on duty called to Lucas, rousing him from his sleep.

The sky was dark gray with just the faintest hint of pink. Lucas climbed to his feet, rubbing sleep from his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. He pulled his watch cap down lower over his ears and tugged his gloves higher up his wrists to ward against the icy chill of the morning air.

“Thank you, gents,” he said. “Does it look like there’s any problem?”

“No, sir,” replied the one looking through his scope. “They actually look like a bunch of wrestling puppies.” There was humor in his voice.


Lucas chuckled. Hopefully everyone would be in a better mood now. Until next month, anyway. He gathered up his bedroll and carefully navigated the ladder. He was just setting his gear down and taking out his notebook when the first of the pack slid quickly through the gate.

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