Strength of the Pack (28 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Gay, #gay romance, #military

BOOK: Strength of the Pack
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“Have you learned your place, Noah?” he asked, voice rough. “You’re mine. Don’t ever show aggression toward me again.”

Beneath him, Noah relaxed completely. “Thank you, Lucas,” he whispered.


That was the last thing Lucas heard before he slid into sleep.


Lucas’ hands were freezing. He had to take off his gloves to clean his sidearm, and it didn’t take long before he couldn’t feel his fingers. Noah sensed his discomfort—again—and reached for Lucas’ hands. He held them between his own for several moments, letting his greater heat seep into them until Lucas sighed in pleasure.


They sat together on the lowered gate of a truck, their disassembled Berettas on a blanket between them. They’d already cleaned their primary weapons, passing tools back and forth in a comfortable silence.

Lucas had always closed himself off from the link with Noah when they weren’t on duty, thinking he was giving Noah privacy. After his talk with Captain Madison and the events of that morning, he’d left it wide open. To his surprise, and pleasure, Noah was relaxed and happy.


The feel of warm fingertips on his throat made Lucas smile. All morning, Noah had been reaching out to touch the bite marks that decorated Lucas’ skin. He would watch his own fingers trace the patterns left by his teeth. Lucas’ face flamed, partly in embarrassment, partly in arousal.

Noah’s gentle and intimate touches reminded Lucas of that morning. The angry passion they had shared had given way to languorous affection. Lucas had dozed for nearly an hour before he’d finally stirred and found himself still sprawled across Noah’s back. Noah awakened the moment Lucas had moved and reached for him blindly.


They had both been covered in flaky, dried come, so Lucas retrieved baby wipes and begun to clean Noah’s stomach. Noah had stopped him with a gentle hand on Lucas’ wrist, saying he wanted to be able to smell the two of them on his own skin throughout the day. Then it had occurred to him that every werewolf in camp would be able to smell them, too, and he reluctantly let Lucas clean them both.

They’d had breakfast together in the mess before settling down to clean their gear. The smell of Hoppes No. 9 was thick in the air as they both wiped sand and grit from the moving parts of their Berettas. Noah smiled often and laughed frequently. Lucas realized they both benefited from not closing down their silent connection.


He’d told himself he had to shut Noah out for Noah’s own benefit, but Lucas realized he was really just protecting himself. He just had to be careful not to think of Noah as anything other than a werewolf and a Marine as long as the link was active. Lucas buried everything else Noah made him feel, hiding it out of sight and out of thought. He respected Noah too much to take advantage, either through rank or baffling emotional connections.

He’d grown so accustomed to their comfortable silence, Lucas was surprised when Noah spoke. “Do you ever wish we were in this part of the world under better circumstances?”

Lucas knew there was real significance behind Noah’s question, but he still took the opportunity to tease. “Not really. I’ve always found being the target of small weapons fire really gets the blood flowing in the morning,” he deadpanned.

“Well aren’t you the clever one?” Noah asked rhetorically. “Seriously, don’t you wish that you could just explore? Maybe play tourist.”

Lucas studied Noah for several long moments, intrigued by his question as much as it perplexed him. Back in Iraq, he had very much wished for the opportunity to explore what had once been ancient Babylon. A small thrill raced through him at the thought that Noah understood this.

“I would have welcomed a chance to play tourist in Mesopotamia, yes,” he replied carefully.


“Do you know much about Babylonian history?” Noah asked, looking at Lucas askance.

“I know the general history,” answered Lucas. “Is there a story in particular you’re referring to?” Realization struck Lucas like a bolt. “Are there werewolves in Babylonian history?”

Noah smiled, his entire face brightening. “Werewolves are found in all periods of history. Humans have just rewritten a lot of it to downplay our contributions. I won’t hold that against
, though.”

Lucas put a hand to his chest, miming being wounded. “You’re too kind to me.”

Noah chuckled quietly, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. Then, he grew serious. “History has vilified a great king and a strong leader because he conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the first temple. One act of destruction has overshadowed a life of overall good. Do you know the story of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?”

“King Nebuchadnezzar had them built to ease his wife, Amyitus’, homesickness,” Lucas replied. “The gardens were supposed to remind her of her home in Persia.” As he said the words, suspicion crept over him. “So, which of them was the werewolf?” he asked, knowing just where this conversation was going.

“Amyitus. And a powerful one, too,” Noah said with a nod. “With her assistance and that of her werewolves, Nebuchadnezzar conquered Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt and Judea. Once he accomplished that, he built the Ishtar Gate and one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.”

Lucas’ enthusiasm bubbled to the surface. “He built up the city of Babylon for his people. He’s known for his construction of canals, aqueducts, temples and reservoirs. I look at pictures and sketches and read books about that period, and it’s disappointing to not be able to visit it all in person.”

“He did all those things for his Pack.” Noah paused and took a long drink of water before handing the bottle to Lucas. “Amyitus expected her husband to provide for her werewolves. The king loved his wife and wanted to please her, but he also took his responsibilities to the Pack very seriously.”

“Did he stand Sentinel?” Lucas sensed the answer before Noah even spoke. It was the reason Noah was telling Lucas this story.


“Our legends say he did,” Noah confirmed.

Lucas knew Noah had more to say, but they were interrupted.

“Well, you two look well rested and productive this afternoon.”

Lucas looked up to find Tim Madison walking toward them, one corner of his mouth lifted in a knowing smile. Lucas was mortified for a moment, knowing the things that went on between Noah and him were public knowledge.


His embarrassment was swiftly overpowered by pride and elation. Lucas looked over at Noah, the source of those emotions, and saw him smiling wide at Madison. Lucas’ breath caught. Noah’s cheeks were flushed with pleasure, and the sun glinted off of his pale hair. His blue eyes were bright with his inner warmth, and Lucas wanted him to never stop smiling.

“Afternoon, Captain,” Noah greeted.


“The werewolves all seem to be handling yesterday’s events well,” Tim said, coming to stand in front of them.

“They are, sir,” Noah confirmed. “They miss their friends, but they were able to give and receive comfort, so they’ve found acceptance.”

“I wish it was that easy for human Marines,” Tim said sadly, crossing his arms over his chest. Lucas followed his gaze across the compound to where an M16, propped between a set of boots, held up a Kevlar helmet.

Even now, two Marines knelt in front of the traditional makeshift memorial for a fallen warrior. This one stood for the ones they had lost the day before.


Lucas’ chest tightened, and a painful lump formed in his throat. He could still picture the faces of the men who had died the day before. Writing letters to their families had been the most difficult thing he’d ever had to do. Lucas just hoped his words of admiration and respect gave them a small amount of comfort.

Tim sighed. He turned back to Lucas. “Everyone good to return to the rotation for patrols?”

“Yes, sir,” replied Lucas. “Good to go.”

“Excellent. Carry on, gentlemen.” Tim started to clasp Lucas’ shoulder as he passed by. He aborted the movement abruptly. “Don’t worry, Sergeant Hammond. I’ve learned not to encroach on your territory.”

Lucas snorted.

“I appreciate that, Captain.” Noah smiled. “I’d hate to have to hurt you, sir.”

With a shake of his head, Lucas began to reassemble his sidearm. The warmth he felt at Noah’s possessiveness was all his own.

It was several minutes before Lucas realized that their previously comfortable silence had grown tense. Reaching out, he found Noah worrying about something. Lucas looked over at him, frowning in question.


“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly.

Noah drew breath to reply but stopped suddenly. Lucas waited, his own concern growing with each moment of silence.

“About this morning,” Noah finally said, not looking at Lucas. “You know I’d have gotten one of those supply kits for you. You didn’t have to ask the captain.”

Noah’s worry bewildered Lucas. “I didn’t ask for it,” Lucas explained. “He gave it to me as a precaution.” He gave an embarrassed laugh. “I didn’t even know those things existed before this morning.”

“I won’t deny you, Lucas.” Noah finally looked up from the sidearm he was cleaning. His expression entreated Lucas.

“Deny me what?” Lucas’ heart raced as he struggled to understand.

“Anything,” Noah replied simply, a small tendril of fear slipping past his defenses. “I’ve only stated my wishes. If you don’t want to wait until we’re home, we can fuck.”

Rejection. Noah feared Lucas’ rejection. Lucas was stunned at how casually Noah spoke as he tried not to let his feelings bleed into their link. “No, I don’t want to. I mean, I do, but…” he took a deep breath and started over. “If you want to eventually, we can. I don’t want to force you to, before you’re ready.”

Noah smiled. He leaned forward and spoke quietly. “I just don’t want the first time I’m inside of you to be in the middle of a war zone, when neither of us has had a decent shower in months. If you don’t want to wait, though, I’m willing.”

Lucas sat speechless. He caught a fleeting glimpse of Noah picturing Lucas getting from someone else what Noah was denying him. Lucas’ cock twitched as he conjured a picture of Noah’s naked body above his own, imagined the feel of Noah’s cock stretching him as he pushed inside. His own fantasy was abruptly replaced by Noah’s. Lucas felt himself pushed, face down, into a soft bed as Noah’s teeth sank into his neck and his cock sank into Lucas’ ass.


Not to be outdone, Lucas conjured a new fantasy and pushed it at Noah. He smiled at Noah’s stunned expression at the mental image of Lucas biting his throat as he fucked into him hard.

“If that’s what you wanted, you only had to ask,” Noah said, his voice low and rough.


“Not if
want to wait,” Lucas replied firmly.

Noah’s relief was palpable as he sat back and resumed assembling his 9mm. “You’ve got me rethinking my position. No pun intended.”

Lucas wondered what the fuck had gotten into him. He was back to flirting with his team leader again. He reminded himself that seeing to Noah’s needs as a werewolf wasn’t license to seduce an NCO. He’d have to remember to police himself a little better.

After dinner that evening, Lucas headed back to the anteroom with the intention of moving his bedroll back into the room where the officers slept. Madison caught him just before he ducked under the tarp covering the doorway.

“Lucas, why do you and Sergeant Hammond keep moving your gear in and out of different barracks rooms?” he asked, showing genuine confusion. “Isn’t it a hassle to shift everything around every time there’s pack activity?”

The question left Lucas puzzled. “We billeted according to Captain Stanley’s orders, sir.”

Madison sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. Lucas bit his lower lip to keep from laughing.

“You and Sergeant Hammond leave your gear where it is,” Tim said. “We’ll leave the large room the Pack sleeps in unused. They can all pile in there when they need to.”

“Yes, sir.” Lucas had no idea how he was going to survive sharing a rack with Noah and not being able to touch him.

Noah’s reaction to the news, when Lucas delivered it, was a surprise. “Finally! Someone with a fucking brain. Thank fucking Christ.”

Late that night, Lucas found himself surrounded by werewolves, the Pack jostling each other as they made their way through the halls and into their assorted barracks rooms. They called their goodnights as they disappeared behind doors and tarps. Lucas had no time to think as Noah hooked an arm around his shoulders and steered him to their shared anteroom.

Noah unlaced his LPCs, toed them off and set them next to his side of their rack. Lucas followed suit, his mind racing. He didn’t want Noah to think he had to let Lucas touch him tonight.


When Noah stripped off his fleece, he folded it carefully and set it next to his LPCs. Lucas refused to look at his broad shoulders and naked chest.

“Jesus, you’re slow,” Noah said in mock annoyance. He tugged Lucas’ fleece over his head and folded it.

When Noah reached for the fly of his pants, Lucas pushed his hands away. “I can do it myself! What am I? A three-year-old child?”

Noah grasped Lucas’ shoulders and tugged him in close. Lucas gasped when Noah buried his face in his neck and inhaled deeply. “No, you are most definitely not a child, Lucas. Not a child at all.”

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