Strictly Off Limits (Jade's College Diaries) (2 page)

BOOK: Strictly Off Limits (Jade's College Diaries)
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Nate: I said I’m sorry what else do u want me 2 say?

Me: Fuck off!

Nate: Jesus J! I said I’m sorry u didn’t deserve that

Me: No shit? I should have poisoned the Jade water!!!!

Nate: Jade come on!

Me: Goodbye Nate!


I throw my phone inside my purse. “Okay ready to go when you are,” I gesture towards Sheila. “Who was that? You had the ugliest look on your face Jade,” she says. “It was Nate the campus whore. I told him to fuck off, so let’s go and enjoy this party before that ass puts me in a bad mood,” I grab the door handle.









Chapter Three

Dear College Diary,

Guy I should
’ve poisoned meets Mr. Chiseled and it’s another WTF moment! 




              The lawn to the Omega house is already crowded with drinkers. Sheila and I both walk into the house and the smell of liquor is so strong it burns my nostrils. “Shit, I need to start drinking just to ignore the stench.” I plug my nose. “No shit,” she agrees. The music is popping with some dance music. “I want a couple shots what about you?” Sheila nods in agreement. We make are way to their huge communal frat kitchen spotting some Jack. “Looks like we’re drinking a few of Jack,” I nod towards the bottle. “I have some Hennessey if that’s your preference,” a deep voice rumbles behind me causing me to jump. I slowly turn around to find “walk-er right outta there” Dean Walker standing inches away from me. “Yes please,” I squeak out. I look over at Sheila as she mouths “oh my god” I only shake my head. Dean takes three shot glasses out of the cabinet and grabs a bottle of Hennessey. I can’t help but watch the muscles flex as he twists the top off and pours each shot. “So—Jade what’s your last name,” Dean asks as he hands us our shots. “Jade Lynn Allen,” Sheila pipes in. “Sheila damn he didn’t need to know my middle name,” I shake my head at her. “Well I’m glad you showed up Jade Lynn Allen and my whole name is Dean Alexander Walker so we’re even now,” he laughs. We each take two more shots I throw my head back a little as the liquid burns down my throat. The three of us are laughing and carrying on when I hear my name being called. I tilt my head to the side to see Nate making his way towards us.
He stalks up to me. “Why the fuck have you been avoiding me I’ve been texting you for an hour,” he almost yells. I didn’t hear my phone and I didn’t want to talk to him. “It’s in my purse I didn’t hear it,” he crosses his arms and looks from Dean to me and back to Dean. “J… I didn’t know you knew Dean “Walk-er on outta there” Walker,” I just shrug. “And I didn’t know she knew Nate the easy lay Hamilton,” Dean throws back.
Is this a pissing match?
“So are you guys going to pee on me next?” Dean laughs at me. “Are you with Nate,” he asks. “Nope, he was my best friend for two years, but I let him drink the water which I should have just poisoned it and our friendship went to shit after that,” I spit out. “You two screwed,” Dean asks while eyeing Nate. “You knew what that meant huh,” I say. “Of course, Sheila would be known as fire water because of her red hair,” he shrugs. “And I would be,” I dead pan. “Ah you my gorgeous girl would be holy water,” he whispers sexily. “Holy water, why holy water,” I ask stepping closer to him. “Because, the angels came down and blessed you with those angel kisses on your nose.” He takes his long fingers and taps the tip of my nose and that’s all it takes my panties are soaked.  “Wow,” I say breathless.

“Oh come on, Jade you’re not falling for that shit are you,” Nate whines. I just shrug my shoulders what’s it to him anyways.  “Jade I thought you were smarter than this—,” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence because I whirl around on him so fast. “Yeah maybe, but I should’ve learned that lesson three weeks ago when you fucked me on the card table and ignored me for three fucking weeks. So excuse me if I am looking for a little fun it’s none of your damn business,” I yell. “You have no claim on me, we are nothing you hear me nothing, we’re not even friends anymore. You lost me when you fucked me and dropped me like you do your little whores,” I push him. “I wasn’t looking for commitment, but I didn’t expect to lose one of my best friends in the process either,” I turn around and pour me another shot downing it. “Jade—baby I said I’m sorry and you don’t mean all that,” he whispers. “Ah yeah I do three weeks, three weeks I let my mind wonder about what I did wrong. So yeah I do mean every word. Go! Just fucking leave me alone Nate,” I hiss.

“Nate just go man,” Dean urges. “Of course you want me to go so you can get a piece of her. I’m not a fucking idiot Dean,” he curses.

That’s all I can take. “Nate fucking go—if I fuck Dean that’s on me not you, I’m here for fun and I’m going to have at it,” I turn to Sheila. “Get him out of here please before I go all black belt on his ass,” I spit out. “Come on Nate let’s go find the keg,” Sheila drags him out by the arm.
How embarrassing!

I turn back around to face Dean. “I’m so sorry I don’t know what’s gotten into him, he’s ignored me for weeks I really am sorry,” I whisper. Dean takes his hand and cups my chin forcing me to look into his beautiful green eyes. “He noticed a guy taking an interest in you and realized he screwed up that’s not your fault gorgeous,” he whispers leaning down
Oh shit he’s gonna kiss me!
I try not to hyperventilate. My breathing becomes erratic and from his nearness my legs go weak. His lips lightly brush mine and I feel like the world just fades away. I close my eyes as his lips rest on mine. “Wow,” he breathes against my lips. “Yeah—wow,” I breathe back. “You wanna get outta here and grab some pizza,” he pulls away as he asks. “I would love too,” I say sighing. Dean takes my hand and it immediately clams up. The effect this man has on me is by far worse than Nate’s.

We walk hand in hand talking the entire way to the pizza joint. I learn that he’s twenty two and has two younger brothers who also attend
our college and are also twins. I asked him why I’ve never heard of them and he explains they have a different last name. “So what’s their last name then?” He grins at me. “Brayden and Layden Malcolm,” I gasp “Oh no ugh,” I bite my lip and turn away from him. Brayden and Layden are juniors like me and I dated Layden for six months. “Which one did you screw,” he laughs.
It was more than screw. I bite my lip harder “I dated Layden for half a year,” I mumble. “You what,” he screeches. I turn back to him and let my hand go. “Yeah I dated Layden for six months we broke up over the summer actually,” I throw my head back and groan in frustration. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it and put two and two together, you’re that Jade,” he says simply. “What do you mean I’m that Jade,” I ask. He runs his hands through his brunette hair letting out a growl. “You’re the one who broke Lay’s heart,” I hold my hand up. “Stop right there I didn’t break his heart that fucker, sorry, but that fucker broke my heart by fucking a blonde bimbo at the back from summer break party. I didn’t break his heart!” I know I shouldn’t have yelled but that fucker broke my heart. But there are so many Dean’s on campus I didn’t put it together either.

“Well shit,” I huff. “Yeah no kidding,” Dean laughs. It’s such a light hearted laugh I can’t help but smile. “Well back to getting pizza,” I nudge him.

“Yeah come on gorgeous,” he throws his
arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head.













Chapter Four

Dear College Diary,

riend met current interest who happens to be said ex’s brother? WTF again!




              We have light chit chat after the news of me dating one of his twin brothers. We’re half way through our pizza and beer when I get a tap on my shoulder mid bite and Dean’s eyebrows draw up and he groans.
FUCK this can’t be good.
  Tapper flops down next to me in the booth and I immediately smell his cologne.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I don’t even turn towards him when Brayden flops next to Dean. “Hello Layden,” I drop my slice of pizza and take a sip of my beer. “Well hello to you too babe,” I cringe and so does Dean. Must not look, must not look. “Um,” I sputter. I can’t look at him or I will fall right into those coal black eyes. Layden and Brayden look exactly alike. Coal black eyes with lashes that suck you in. Jet black hair, tanned skinned and toned for days you can only tell them apart because Layden is covered in tattoos on both arms and Brayden only has one sleeve Layden also has a lip and tongue piercing as Brayden only has his eyebrow done. “So—bro guess you met Jade,” he growls as he sits back.
Must not look, must not look!
“Yeah actually while I was visiting Renee earlier today,” he sighs. “Look I had no idea this was your Jade,” Dean starts. “Correction was his Jade your fabulous brother screwed that up all by his cheating self,” I inform. 

I can’t help it my body is aching to turn towards him. Damn that aching pull. I face him slowly and gulp.
  Why does he have to be so hot? Why does he have a hold of my heart still? His sexy mouth grins and his piercing bites his lip. “I told you a million times I was fucked up on Coke and I fucked up plain and simple, Adrianna means nothing and meant nothing. I’m sorry it happened I can’t change that,” he says almost looking apologetic.
Yeah right!

“Woah, wait a minute you fucked blonde Adrianna when you had her all along,” Dean says shocked. “I fucked up Bro as you can tell,” he motions to me. I roll my eyes. “That’s what I said she’s all fake and as you can see the only thing fake on me our these,” I wiggle my finger’s indicating my acrylics. My tan is all natural most of our tans are.
“I do not like this at all Bro, you can’t date my Ex, my Ex I’m still not over,” Layden groans hitting his forehead to the table. I look at Dean pleading with my eyes. I really like him I want to try this. Dean mouths “I’m sorry” and I tilt my head and mouth back “for what”? “Look if Jade will agree to this, this is how it will go. Let’s say she takes you back gives you another shot, but you fuck up again I get her without any qualms,” he grins. “What? You want me to take him back? What the hell is wrong with you?” Layden raises his head from the table and looks at me smiling. I hold up my hand. “Look gorgeous just give my brother another shot and when he fucks up I will be right here to pick up the pieces, but there really won’t be any pieces because I know he will fuck up again and I know you will be more guarded with him this time,” Dean smiles. I raise my hand and wave the waiter over. He comes fumbling over to our table. I smirk. “I need six bomb pops please,” he nods and hurriedly walks away. “Dang what’s that dudes issue,” I ask. “You make him nervous gorgeous,” Dean Smiles at me. “Babe why do you need six bomb pops there is only four of us here,” Layden asks. I look him directly in the eye. “Because, you each need one and I need three,” I stat. Layden chuckles. “You’re going to be plastered babe.” I roll my eyes that’s the plan. Dean kicks my foot and mouths “let’s do it” if he’s talking about drinking I’m already ahead of him. As he senses my question in my head he clarifies it “Jade give the jackass a chance and when he screws up I’ll be right here waiting for you,” he grins at me.
“But—he broke my heart,” I whisper. And he did he really did. “Don’t give him your heart this time,” Dean whispers back.  “I’m fucking right here douchebag,” Layden growls.

I look Dean straight in the eyes. “You’ll wait for me,” I ask seriously. He stands up and walks around the booth and kneels on the side of me taking my hands. “I promise when my brother screws up I’ll be waiting for you,” I search his eyes and I find only truth behind those green eyes. “What if he doesn’t fuck up I mean what then?” I can’t help it I need to know. “I’ll wait until you tell me not too, but I have a feeling I won’t be waiting long,” he smirks. “A little cocky are we,” I giggle back. He holds up his fingers. “Just a little bit gorgeous,” he takes my hands and kisses my knuckles before standing and walking back to his side to sit. I sigh and look over at Layden. “Well—you heard him he’ll be waiting for me,” I smile. Layden doesn’t take his eyes off his brother he’s scowling at. “I can’t believe you two she’s just a girl,” Brayden laughs. Both the brothers turn to him. “She’s the girl,” they say in unison then look at one another.
Right on queue the waiter brings our bomb pops there is no hesitation as I throw them back. “Damn babe you’re not going to be able to walk in those things,” Layden says pointing to my stiletto boots. “Bet me,” I tease him. “Last time we made a bet you ended up with eat me tattooed above that beautiful pussy,” he growls. “What,” Brayden and Dean holler at the same time. I look at them both and laugh. “It’s true,” I throw my hands up and laugh again. “It’s fucking hot my brothers,” Layden goads. “She also has her nipples and hood pierced,”
“Just the nipples I took out my hood ring,” I stat. Layden looks at me with a dark look his coal black eyes scorching me. “You’re putting it back in,” that’s it no questions because he knows I’ll do anything he asks. This is what I was trying to avoid. Layden is like a black hole that sucks you in. “That’s hot,” Brayden pipes up. “I agree gorgeous it really is,” Dean says. I turn an evil glare at him. “Don’t— Dean you just handed me back to my ex you don’t get to say shit like that,” I point my finger at him. “Not for long gorgeous not for long,” he turns to look at Layden “By the way Nate is sniffing around her too,” Layden laughs at him. “Bro he’s just the best friend nothing to worry about with him.”

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