Strings (12 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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Once the performance section of the show had been wrapped up by Astler Brooks, a recap was given on the big screens, and the crowd were given instructions on the voting process. Then they started heading towards the booths on the outskirts of the arena to cast their votes. The girls weren’t allowed to vote, so they headed to the backstage area where they found the band talking to a member of the female band, Echo. The lead singer had her arm on Luke's shoulder and they were laughing about something. Melissa heard the end of their conversation as she approached.

‘We should get together and play sometime,’ she said, and Luke was nodding enthusiastically. Her black jeans were skin-tight, as was her deep red vest top. Melissa suddenly felt threatened – the girl was very pretty, and she was in a band. She could play the guitar as well as sing, and in that respect she was everything Melissa wasn’t. She obviously shared Luke’s love of music and performing. She walked over to her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing him, to make a point. She threw a look at the girl, who took a step back, knowing exactly what this little performance was about.

‘I take it this is your girlfriend?’ She sounded amused, and Luke smiled smugly as he introduced her, knowing Melissa was more than a little jealous.  

‘I’m Cassie, nice to meet you.’ She held out her hand.

‘Hi,’ Melissa said, then turned away.

Luke looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. She wasn't normally rude to anyone, so this was a little out of character.

‘Liss?’ he whispered.

‘Darling, don’t you worry. I’m not interested in your boyfriend, not in that way,’ she said, laughing now. ‘You’re more my type …’ She winked, making her point as she looked her up and down. ‘I like your shorts, they’re nice and, err, tight.’

‘Oh, thanks,’ Melissa said, feeling like a complete idiot.

Beth couldn’t suppress her laugh for long.

‘I gotta go and find my girls anyway. See you later.’ She was definitely laughing to herself as she walked away. Probably going to have a good joke with her band at my expense, thought Melissa.

‘Oh god, tell me that didn’t just happen,’ she said, hiding her face against Luke's chest.

‘You just got hit on by a chick, and you were totally ready to kick her ass. I like it!’ Luke laughed, but Melissa didn’t see the funny side. She just wanted to find a hole and crawl into it.

‘You gave her your ultimate bitch stare. That was classic!’ Beth cackled.

Melissa had been jealous just for a few seconds, but suddenly felt as though she’d probably come across as a crazy woman. ‘Sorry if I embarrassed you, babe. Oh dear, I’ll have to find her and apologise. I feel awful.’

‘It’s fine, I’m sure she’ll get over it.’ Luke was still trying not to laugh.

But Melissa decided she had to find her. Beth went with her and they searched the crowds for a while, but without luck. They were about to give up when Melissa spotted her sitting on the floor in the middle of a large group of people. They were talking and laughing very loudly. Melissa felt nervous – what if Cassie was annoyed? She wouldn’t blame her if she was.

‘Cassie?’ she said as she approached.             

‘Hi.’ Cassie smiled and stood up. She didn't seem annoyed in the slightest.

‘I'm sorry I was such a bitch before. I don't normally behave like such a moron, honest.’ She was still feeling about two inches tall.

‘It’s fine. How about we start again?’ Cassie held her hand out, and they shook hands.

Melissa was relieved. Cassie seemed nice, and the awkward incident was forgotten. They chatted for a while, then Cassie introduced the rest of her band, who were Jo-Jo and Allie. Beth and Jo-Jo got on instantly, but Allie seemed more interested in arm wrestling a guy called Aiden, a member of Death Wishes. Melissa noticed that he seemed to love himself way too much. He had that cocky look about him, a buzz cut like an extra from a war movie and a strut that gave off an aura of pure arrogance. Anyway, their music was just angry and hurt your ears, she thought, so there wasn’t that much to be arrogant about. The judges’ feedback to their performance hadn’t been all that glowing.

‘That guy is a complete tosser, and his band suck,’ Cassie quietly said to Melissa. She giggled, glad that she wasn’t the only one who thought so. Allie beat him no problem in the arm wrestling and Cassie yelled gleefully, ‘Nice one, babe!’

Allie, Echo’s drummer, was short and boyish looking. She had blue spiky hair and wasn’t in the least bit girly. Although she looked like the stereotype of a butch lesbian, she was in fact straight. Cassie had explained that to Melissa before introducing them, because people always made assumptions about her, and it really pissed her off.

Aiden wasn’t happy about being beaten by a girl, but taking her on again was not on his mind. He got up and made his way over to Melissa and Cassie, smiling smugly. Melissa was his target.

‘Alright, darling?’ he said, in an annoying, smarmy way. Melissa nodded and smiled politely, but didn't start a conversation. ‘You’re with those Eagle guys, aren’t you?’

‘Yeah,’ she said, not wanting to be drawn into a conversation. She disliked him already.

‘How about I show you what real music is? Come on, let’s get a drink.’ He was standing way too close for Melissa's liking, and her skin crawled as he looked her up and down.

‘No thanks,’ she said, and turned her attention back to Cassie to continue their conversation, and thinking that was the end of it. But suddenly he grabbed her chin, turning her face back to look at him.

‘Ouch, get off me!’ she cried, shrugging him off. But he did it again.

‘Aiden, don't be a dick, leave her alone,’ Cassie demanded. She had only known him a few hours, but he had already pissed her off with his behaviour. Aiden thought he was a star already. He thought his band were going to win and bragged about how they already had groupies. True, they did have a few girls who followed them around, but it was hardly rock star status, and Cassie couldn't give a tiny rat’s ass – they all looked like fuckwits anyway.

Beth had appeared, ready to kick off in defence of her friend and the other four members of his band had also gathered round.

He kept hold of her face, his fingers digging into her. ‘Think you’re something special do you, blondie?’ Melissa shook her head and pushed his hand away.

Beth yelled, ‘Oi, douche bag, go play with the electrics, preferably with your tongue.’

He turned towards her, hissing, ‘Who rattled your cage, you her bodyguard or something?’

‘You rattled my fucking cage, and I’ll kick your ass if you touch her again.’ Beth was livid.

‘Look, I said no to a drink. I didn't kill your cat so I don't understand your problem. Just leave me alone.’ Melissa was getting angry.

‘I don't like being told no,’ he said.

Melissa raised her eyebrows – he really did love himself. ‘And I don't like being spoken to by morons, let alone manhandled, so why don’t you just fuck off!’

Cassie told him again to back off, but he wasn't listening. He seemed to be enjoying the attention. ‘Your boy’s band is shit. They’ll never get anywhere,’ he sneered.

‘Fuck you!’ Melissa snapped.

He laughed and grabbed her by the face again. ‘That's what I’m asking for!’ His band laughed with him, but they were the only ones who found him funny.

Melissa pushed his hand away again, disgusted at his behaviour. She’d rather kiss a poisonous snake than entertain that idea – he really was vile.

Aiden was about to say something else, but at that moment he was grabbed round the throat and lifted off his feet. Luke held him up against a pole in a choke hold. He’d just arrived and had heard the last little exchange. ‘If you’ve got some kind of a fucking problem, I’m happy to discuss it.’ Luke was seething, and the look on his face was almost murderous. The two most important things to him in the world were Melissa and his guitars, and you didn’t mess with either. He turned to check Melissa was OK, and she nodded.

‘I'm fine, just having a chat with her,’ Aiden lamely replied, shocked to suddenly have gone from a position of strength (or rather bullying) to being half throttled. He clearly hadn't banked on Luke turning up and he’d been caught off guard. His band members were about to come to his defence, but so were Luke's. There was a stand-off with Luke and Aiden in the middle.

‘Chill, man, I was just messing around.’

‘It didn't look like messing around to me.’ Luke kept hold of Aiden’s throat. People had noticed there was something going on and gathered round. It was soon clear that Death Wishes were not as popular as they thought they were. Like a commentator, Cassie filled the spectators in on the situation, and they laughed when she repeated Aiden’s suggestion that The Black Eagles were shit.

A shout from behind them summed it up, ‘You got your wish on stage tonight – you died a death!’ It got a good laugh, and then the chanting started.

‘Black Eagles.’

‘Black Eagles.’

‘Black Eagles.’



‘Luke, smash his face in!’ someone shouted. ‘That jerk needs to be taught a lesson!’

Melissa moved quickly, taking Luke's arm and gesturing for him to leave it. ‘Let go. The asshole isn't worth it.’

It took several attempts to persuade him, but eventually he let go. ‘Touch her again, and you’ll be eating through a straw – you got that?’ He slammed him against a pole as he let go.

Toby eyed each member of Death Wishes – they’d all noticed his size and wisely backed off. He knew he could take two of them on his own no problem, maybe three. They threw more cheap insults at each other, and one of them called Echo’s bass player an ugly bitch. She hadn’t said a word during the whole incident, and it was totally uncalled for.

Tom squared up to the culprit. ‘I think you need to find a mirror, mate, or look up the meaning of ugly.’ The guy wasn’t prepared to follow up his insult, and Jo-Jo smiled at Tom and he winked as he turned back to look at her.

They’d started to break away, the situation seemingly calming down, when Aiden kicked it all off again, ‘She’s not all that fit anyway – I’ve seen better on the bottom of my shoe.’

Luke gave no warning as he flew at him, landing a crunching left hook on Aiden’s right cheek sending him toppling to the floor. Luke jumped on him and they wrestled with each other until their friends pulled them apart and dragged them away from each other. Dale held Luke, but it took Toby and Tom to really drag him away. Melissa put herself between Luke and Aiden as they glared at each other. She moved closer to Luke, blocking his line of vision. ‘Calm down,’ she said, turning his face away from his target. ‘Look at me, Luke, please stop,’ she begged him. ‘Please, don't get thrown out or arrested. Don’t let him spoil this,’ she pleaded with him, but he was still looking in Aiden’s direction. Security had finally arrived, too late as usual, and he was being dragged away. ‘Look at me … deep breaths. I’m fine, and he isn’t worth it.’ She was relieved when he let out a sigh and seemed to calm, but he was still seething inside. She was right though, he wasn't worth risking this all for. He took a deep breath and counted to ten to calm himself as he checked her face. It had slight pink marks where Aiden’s fingers had dug in and his blood boiled. Melissa assured him she was fine.

‘My turn to be your bodyguard,’ he said with a little laugh, despite his fury.

‘Thanks … but you need to go and stand on that stage with the others. Don't kick off, just ignore him. Please.’


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