Strings (33 page)

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Authors: Kat Green

BOOK: Strings
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‘I'll make some coffee for you all,’ Megan said, feeling the need to do something and get out of everyone's way. She was so relieved at the news and had been crying again.

But she struggled with her thoughts, wanting to talk to Toby about something else that had been playing on her mind. She wanted to be sure about her suspicions before doing anything, but she w
as worried about how to find out if she was right. As the kettle began to boil, a movement behind her made her jump. It was Beth.

‘You don't have to fuss over us. You’re not at work now,’ she said as she leaned against the fridge, looking both pretty and fierce at the same time as was her trademark.

Megan wished she looked as good as Beth did in those blood-
red skinny jeans.

They talked while Megan lined up the mugs, and messed with coffee and sugar feeling relief and more stress at the same time.

‘Megan May, when will you start to relax around us? You need to start enjoying your new relationship. Toby adores you. And so do we.’

‘I know, thanks. I am enjoying it, or at least trying to,’ she said, blushing.

Beth reminded her that there were millions of women around the world who would kill to be in her position, so she should stop hiding and be proud of it.

‘I’ve never had any proper friends before and Toby is my first proper boyfriend. I suppose I just don't want to get too comfortable, in case it all goes wrong. I’ve no experience at all and I worry about not being good enough.’ Megan blushed again and went quiet. Great, she thought, another secret to be exposed tonight. She hadn’t even told Toby as she was worried he would think she was a loser.

‘Good enough?’ Beth asked.

This was Megan all over, always feeling like they were better than her, and thinking that she was just being accepted because she was with Toby. Beth wished she had more confidence. That prick Aiden hadn't helped. Beth had been alerted to the Aiden situation because Jo-Jo was fuming about it and had texted her. Revenge was already being planned. The saying that the female of the species is deadlier than the male was true – the Eagle girls were definitely not to be messed with. 

Beth sensed that there was more to this than just Megan’s nervousness around them as a group, and she asked what else was bothering her. There were several things, but Megan had already revealed way too much for one day. However, she knew she had no chance of keeping Beth at bay.

‘I’ve never ...’ Megan whispered, then quickly turned away.

Beth moved to stand closer to her new friend so she could whisper to her without the whole place hearing them.

‘Oh, you mean you’ve never

Megan shook her head. She was worried that he would be expecting her to be something she wasn't. Only she had no idea what that was, because she had never done it. It was no secret that Toby had played around a lot, and it didn't bother her. She just wanted to live up to his expectations, and she worried she would be a disappointment.

‘Does he know?’ Beth asked.

Megan shook her head.

‘Talk to him. It’ll be fine, but you need to be honest. Toby won’t expect anything, he just wants you to be you.’ Beth told her that she was there for her if she needed any advice.

Megan smiled, thinking maybe she had finally found a little happiness.

‘Thanks, Beth. Oh, damn.’ Megan had opened the fridge to find
no milk, just plenty of beers and two bottles of Moet. She laughed – this was Melissa and Luke all over.

‘What do we do?’ Dale was asking as Megan went back into the living room.

Tom and Jo-Jo were holding hands. ‘We stick together,’ Tom said. ‘I don't want that head case going for anyone else.’ Jo-Jo told him to stop worrying. She knew
was safe. Amber had done what she wanted, so why would she go for anyone else.

Megan grabbed her coat and said she was going for supplies. It seemed like everyone was setting up for the night. Melissa had her parents and a police guard at the hospital, so she was safe. They all planned to visit her again the next day.

‘I'll come with you,’ Toby said, but she shook her head and promised him she would only be ten minutes, no longer. Megan was the last person Amber would go for. It was doubtful Amber would even know who Megan was, so surely that made her the safest person of them all.

‘No, I’m paying. I’ll use the company credit card. Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know It,’ she said as Toby tried to give her money.




Megan pulled her coat tightly around her as the icy air bit her face. The car park was nearly empty. Luke's Audi had been standing idle for some time, and next to it was Toby's toy – his black Suzuki with talons painted across the front. That was something she would have to deal with – his love of bikes. Trust her to pick a speed freak, she thought. 

Toby wolf whistled from the balcony, and she giggled as she blew him a kiss.

Next to Toby’s bike was Dale’s black Golf GTI. That was more to her taste, and it made her laugh how they had all gone for black. Next to that was Tom’s BMW – black of course. She arrived at her car, a white Mini, and fumbled around for her keys, dropping them because her hands were so cold.

As she stood up
, a reflection in the window made her gasp for breath. The hooded figure grabbed her from behind and held her tightly.

‘Just stay away, and keep your mouth shut,’ whispered the voice.

Megan struggled but the assailant held her tightly while whispering threats in her ear.

‘Toby!’ she screamed as a knife was lifted up, then brought down
heavily, sinking into her stomach. It felt like a punch at first, and it took her breath away. The knife was pulled out and she felt the wetness of her blood soak around her stomach and run down her trousers. Her hands clutched at the wound as the pain seared through her body. Her vision blurred as she was shoved forward, hitting her head on the car door before collapsing, gasping, to the floor.

‘T-To-Toby …’ she tried to shout, but it was more of a gasp. It felt like she’d
been there forever before his voice grew closer, then footsteps and then his arms picking her up.

‘Megs, no!’ she heard him shout as he cradled her, kissing her.

‘Al ... Lu …’ Megan tried to tell him something, but she couldn't do it.

‘Don't try to speak. Stay with me, do you hear me?’ he begged, as her blood pooled around his knees.

‘Shit!’ she heard Tom shout as he held something against her wound. ‘Why?’ she heard him yell into the night air.

Beth screamed her name, but it was further away. Beth was closely followed by Jo-Jo and Dale, both girls hysterical as they watched the two guys, covered in Megan’s blood, trying desperately to keep her alive.

People from the other apartments had heard the shouts and ran out to help. Luckily, a doctor who lived two floors below Luke and Melissa took over and did what he could, while Toby held her head on his lap.

‘Inside, now!’ Dale yelled. They couldn't risk anyone else getting hurt. He scanned the building and car park, his hand resting on Beth's stomach as the fear rose in his stomach.

The doctor’s wife helped Dale get the hysterical girls inside, and some people who were visiting another resident formed a circle around Megan to shield her from the photographers who had been waiting in the shadows for a glimpse of the rock stars. The attacker seemed to have appeared from nowhere and vanished just as quickly.

‘The girl’s been stabbed. Have you no fucking respect?’ One of the guys who formed the circled yelled. Toby hadn't noticed what was happening around them. His focus was on Megan's face, which was now colourless and her eyes showing nothing but fear.

‘Jo-Jo, back inside, now!’ Tom yelled at his girlfriend, relieved to see her not arguing as Dale took her back into the flat. She looked terrified and he wanted to comfort her, but he couldn't leave Toby or Megan until the ambulance arrived.

Toby had witnessed the attack from the balcony, unable to stop it. ‘I’m sorry,’ he sobbed, feeling guilty that he hadn’t gone with her. It was a stupid move and he would never forgive himself if she didn’t make it. Then it hit him, as the blood slowly ran into the gutter that she could die. His Megan was dying in his arms, and her gasping for breath was only making it more real.

She reached up and touched his face, smearing blood on his cheek as she tried again to speak.

‘Sssaa … Luu ... Ro ...’ she made a frustrated sound and tried again. ‘Check ssss...’ Tears rolled down her face. ‘Toby I ...’ was her last attempt before her eyes rolled back
, and she lost consciousness.

‘Megs, please stay with me, stay with me ... please,’ he cried as they finally heard the sirens approach.




‘Mum,’ Melissa gasped as she opened her eyes. She felt awful, like she was in a bubble.

Jean smiled down at her daughter, relieved that she was awake and she could finally tell her the news. Melissa wept with joy when she heard that the body wasn’t Luke’s, even though they still had no idea where he was. But at least she still had hope now.

Jean knew that with good news
often came bad, and she told her about the attack on Megan, sending Melissa back into a depression, and blaming herself again. Melissa was going mad in the hospital room, and wanted out. They were only keeping her there because of the circumstances now - it wasn’t as if she was at death's door.

Melissa called her doctor and asked if she could go home. He wasn't concerned about her injuries now - they would heal just fine. He agreed that she could go later that day.

‘I wish you would come home with us,’ Jean said. She wasn't happy with Melissa going home, when she could just as easily stay with them so they could keep an eye on her more.

‘I know, but I want to be in our home. I want to sleep in our bed and have our things around me.’ She wanted to go straight away, and she felt frustrated at having to wait.

Jean realised
that she wouldn't change her mind, and she understood that Melissa wanted Luke’s things around her.

‘Megan will be OK, won't she?’ she asked her mum.

              Jean assured her she was being taken care of, and it looked like she would be fine thanks to the boys and the doctor. Their quick reactions had saved her life. Jean fussed and told her over and over again that she was to go straight to bed once she got home, and definitely no housework.

‘Housework’s the last thing on my mind. I want a hot shower and a good sleep in my own bed.’

‘Jay-Den’s been around today,’ Jean said. He’d been to see Megan and had also stopped by to check on Melissa. She didn’t say anything. They both felt awkward now, and it was easier to avoid each other.

‘I’m glad he at least showed some support for Megan,’ was all she said after a few minutes silence.

Jean nodded. She knew about their little incident.

Melissa went to see Megan as soon as her mum had stopped nagging her. Toby had been a bit off with her, and she hoped it was just stress and not that he blamed her. But she could see how angry he was.




Later that day, Fox and his team arrived at the flat. They wanted to see everyone who’d been there at the time Megan was stabbed. He was now looking at another attempted murder case, and had more questions for Melissa. He was getting concerned over the wasted time and added complications, but it made him think there was much more to this situation than he first thought.

‘Let’s continue, Miss Webb.’







Until we die

July 2014



              Melissa had been going out more on her own and trying to put her break up with Luke behind her. She’d been to a club the previous week with her cousin. Libby was an air hostess, so getting together was always a bit of a mission to organise but she’d made time to take Melissa out after her mother had called her, worried. Libby was the daughter of Jean’s sister and was worried sick about Melissa’s recent reclusive behaviour. She didn’t think it was healthy. Melissa hadn’t been keen to go out, but Libby wouldn’t take no for an answer. Besides, she reminded her, it had been nearly two years since they’d caught up properly, and there had been quite a lot going on since they last saw each other.

The night wasn’t as horrific as she’d worried it would be
, and she’d been chatted up by a guy called Curtis who seemed nice. At the end of the night he had walked them to their taxi. Libby had got in and told Melissa to go for it - it was time to move on, she suggested.

‘Thanks for the drinks,’ Melissa said as she stood awkwardly in front of Curtis.

He stared at her and nervously messed with his hair. ‘You’re welcome…err, sorry about asking personal questions about...well you know,’ he said awkwardly.

Melissa shrugged. ‘It doesn’t matter.’ She could see the paparazzi clicking away waiting to capture something to confirm that she was moving on from Luke Black. She wanted to feel OK, but she didn’t want to kiss this guy in view of the watching pack, so she asked him back to her house for a coffee.

It surprised her and disappointed her at the same time.
Melissa had never done that before with a guy she had just met, but she was lonely and just wanted to feel something again. Curtis made her feel nothing though. His kisses didn’t make her heart race, nor did his touch spark any kind of emotion. So before she made a huge mistake, she stopped things before they got too far.

‘You prick tease,’ he accused as he left.

‘I’ve been called worse,’ she responded. His insult barely registered.

But Curtis made himself feel better with his story a few days later. Melissa had been waiting for it – nothing surprised her any more.

‘Melissa led me on for drinks to get over split from Luke Black …’

Melissa didn’t read it all. She wasn’t interested in what it said. It was nothing compared to those pictures of Luke, and nothing could hurt her more than they had. Luke saw it too and it pissed him off. It wasn’t completely made up, as she was snapped with this guy in a bar, so he knew she had definitely had contact with him.              

Luke tried to call her but again she ignored him. The result was that he drank too much before appearing on a TV show, and had threatened to punch someone in the crowd who heckled him. The producers shut the show down as the guy accepted Luke’s challenge, and they’d scuffled with each other briefly, until security pulled them apart. Dale gave the guy a dig in the ribs in the melee, for good measure. Luke was labelled a thug, but he pointed out that things the man was shouting about his personal life were out of order.

Luke had gone into meltdown again, and Dale called Melissa, once again begging her to speak to him. But again she refused. She couldn’t pick up the pieces for him when she was still trying to mend her own broken heart.

Beth was still stuck in the middle. She’d been a rock for both Dale and Melissa, but it was hard for her. She had to stay civil with Luke because it had threatened to come between her and Dale. She didn’t want to have anything to do with Luke but that wasn’t practical. She had to see him sometimes, and she couldn't stop Dale from seeing his best friend. Melissa didn't want anyone feeling they had to take sides, and she’d told Beth not to worry about her – she was going to be fine. But deep down she hated being on the outside now, and missed them all so much. Melissa was angry with Luke and hurt, but at the same time she couldn’t help missing him. And as each day passed it got harder to stop herself from picking up the phone and calling him. It didn’t help seeing his face everywhere. It was torture every time she switched on the radio and heard his voice.




‘I wouldn't take him back, if I were you,’ the woman standing behind Melissa in the queue at the newsagents commented. ‘Yeah, the guy’s a cheating scumbag. I’d have cut it off if I were you,’ said the woman's friend. Very helpful, Melissa thought.

She paid for her cigarettes, and without even responding quickly left the shop, ignoring the magazine racks which were still dominated by stories about them both. This week’s big rumour was that Melissa was starving herself and was devastated that Luke had moved on with Ivy Lovette, an American model. It was complete rubbish - he was still single, and Melissa knew that for a fact. She had her best friend on the inside so she knew as usual it was a fabrication.

The sun was shining for a change, so she went home and changed into her running gear. She grabbed her iPod and turned the music up loud so she could drown out the world. It didn't start off well. It had been a while since she had even picked up her iPod and her heart sank as a familiar voice sang into her ears. She flicked to the next album and Cassie’s voice sang to her. She left the house and ran down the street and along the seafront, feeling the stress slowly drain from her body. She had missed running and was determined to go back to her dance class next week. It was time she accepted her decision and began to live again. Ignoring the stares and pointing, she ran for over an hour, enjoying every minute of it, even though she was a bit out of shape.




As Melissa arrived back home, her phone rang. It was Beth, calling to demand that she ‘get her arse up to London asap’ for a few drinks and late lunch. She showered and dressed the way the old Melissa would have done. She hadn't done anything wrong, so she didn’t want to hide any more.

An hour later, she looked and felt ready to rock. She put on her favourite heels, tight denim jeans and grabbed the Chloe bag which Luke had bought her – she deserved that at least. She had put on a very small amount of make-up, wanting the slightly natural look. Luke had always told her she looked better that way. ‘You can do this ... don’t be a loser,’ she told herself as she left the house, doing her best to hold her head high. She headed for London - the old Melissa was back.




‘You had a good night I see,’ Dale commented as he walked into Luke's room and saw the rolled up notes and empty cans on the table.

‘It's too early, come back later,’ Luke said as he stumbled around the room, shaking the girl who was asleep in his bed. He looked like a man who had not had much sleep and the room looked as if there had been at least twenty people partying in it, not two. ‘Hey, darling, you have to go. I think your boyfriend will be sending out a search party soon. Your phone hasn't stopped,’ Luke said to her as she stirred.

The girl sat bolt upright as she looked at her watch. ‘Oh shit, he’ll kill me. Listen, thanks for an awesome night, Luke, but it never happened, right?’ She jumped up and dressed quickly.

Luke called Ray and asked him to get the girl home for him. Ray did as he was told –he wasn't going to be telling anyone about Luke’s night with her.

‘Your secret’s safe with me,’ Luke said.

‘Remember what I said – if you want something, fight for it. I hope you get what you want,’ the girl whispered in his ear. He nodded as she left.

Dale thought she looked very much like Melissa, only she had much shorter hair and was at least a dress size bigger.

Shagging fans is not going to win Melissa back mate.’ Dale was growing concerned about his friend’s behaviour.

‘She isn't going to take me back, so I might as well accept it and have some fun. People seem to think I’m a player, so I might as well act like one. At least I remember this one.’ He smiled at his friend, but it was a fake smile. He wasn’t OK with any of it, but he didn't know what else to do. Melissa had made her decision and made it clear she wouldn't listen to him. She wouldn’t answer his calls and had cut all contact. He missed her more than he would admit and that guy’s story about her had made him feel even more hopeless. He knew he was spiralling out of control but he just didn’t know how to stop it.

‘You’re happy with that, are you?’ Dale asked him.

‘Who wouldn't be...girls on tap and living the dream?’ Luke replied unconvincingly as he threw his stuff in his suitcase ready for their final stop on their tour – LA.

‘If you say so, but you don't fool me. I’ve known you too long.’ Dale could see right through his act. Luke was hurting and was doing everything he shouldn’t be, in an attempt to mask it. 

Luke looked at him and shrugged, knowing his best friend was right. But then he worried him even more by rolling up a note and starting his day the same way he had ended the one before. The girls meant nothing to him but sometimes he just wanted some company.

Ray popped his head round the door and told them they had two hours before they were due to leave. The girl who had just left Luke's room had been put in a cab and sent on her way safely.

also worried about the change in Luke’s behaviour. His cocaine intake had tripled on this tour and he had more or less swapped cigarettes for joints. Once they finished this tour, Ray knew he would have to sort him out before he really did self-destruct. Luke was too much of a talent to end up like so many others before him. He was a nice guy but he had been shown the darker side of fame and was learning hard lessons in the life of a celebrity.

‘I’m going to the gym while we have some time,’ Luke said as he headed out the door. It was mainly to take out his frustrations there – fitness was the last thing on his mind.




‘Are you sure about this?’ Beth asked, for the fourth time that afternoon.

Melissa smiled and sipped at her glass of wine. ‘Yes...go and have fun. I’m fine.’

Beth was flying out to LA to meet Dale and be there for their final show in two days’ time. It irritated Melissa that Ray was softening a little on the whole girlfriend thing, now it made no difference to her.

‘I hate leaving you. I hope Luke’s calmed down now.’ Beth had been worried after the last few phone calls from Dale, getting the impression that things weren’t great.

              ‘Yeah,’ was all Melissa said in reply.

They were having lunch in Covent Garden before she left. Beth hated this part –leaving Melissa behind when she should be at her side. Even though Melissa always pretended she was fine, Beth could see the pain in her eyes when Luke or the band were mentioned. Beth and Luke had spoken so many times about Melissa that she knew, regardless of the situation, that he missed her just as much as she missed him. Beth had even begun to wonder about the scandal and whether it was all it seemed at the time, but if she tried to bring it up with Melissa it would look like she was taking Luke’s side so she knew she couldn’t do it. She was too afraid of losing her friend.

‘Say hi to everyone for me,’ Melissa said, as she finished her wine.

‘Everyone?’ Beth wondered if Luke was included as normally it was just say hi to Toby and Tom for me.

Melissa shrugged, but didn't say no, so Beth took that as a yes but didn't push it. They had another drink and chatted about anything but Luke or the band. It was a lovely afternoon and Melissa felt better than she had done in a while. It helped that so far they had been left alone.

But that was ruined when a group of men sitting at a table
nearby started to look over at them. The men whispered and laughed then one stood up and took off his jacket. He had spiked dark brown hair with blonde highlights, and he turned to walk towards them. Melissa thought he was attractive, in an arrogant way maybe, and she immediately thought of Jay-Den. Beth could see where this was heading, and prepared herself for it. She straightened her back and put on her ‘don’t mess with us’ expression.

‘It's Melissa and Beth, right?’ He had clearly already had a few drinks.

Melissa smiled politely and nodded, then continued her conversation with Beth, hoping he would take the hint and go away. But he didn't. He sat in the empty chair between the two girls.

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